
Comments by lopaw (page 110)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I've been guilty in my noob days of blindly following behind 10+ strippers, allowing them to walk all over me just because they were so freakin' hot. But it got old pretty fast with their terrible dances and her knowing that she could call the shots with me & everybody else. Now I look upon them as great eye candy and I'll tip 'em onstage, but no more lapdances.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    *sigh* @Pole_Doc- I'm sure in your own way you mean well and are just trying to explain your thoughts on this very complicated subject, but sclvr has you on several accounts. Sexual orientation and gender identity are very complex issues that befuddles even us gay folk. Alot of your presumptions are a stretch at best. Yes your ex seems to be bi rather than gay - she has alot of nerve claiming that lez title! Simple enough. But because a lesbian likes penetration (anywhere) does not mean that she secretly likes men or she should "just be with a man". If it were that simple I'm sure that she would be with a man. But then she'd be a terrible lesbian, right? Don't forget that when her partner's strap-on comes off, that partner is now brandishing a pussy, so our girl is getting the best of both worlds, along with all of the other fem qualities that her butchie may possess. So yes - even if she wants a butch she may still be very very gay. It may sound convoluted to you and me, but it makes sense to her. And that's all that really matters to her & her partner. Often logic is out the window when the heart (and genitals) want what they want. Thank you for realizing that using the phrasing "not normal" was insensitive. But changing that to "unnatural" wasn't much better. You seem like a nice enough guy so I don't think that you meant to offend. Please be cognizant of how you phrase things because you never know who is reading. To me my sexual world is very natural - it's all I know and all that I want, just as your sexual world is natural to you. Ours is not to judge, but to ask questions and learn about others so that our fear & ignorance do not breed hate and intolerance. lol that last sentence would have made a great public service announcement ;)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: Favorite Food Network Hottie
    This thread is making me hungry for some soft pink tacos......
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: Favorite Food Network Hottie
    I'd happily take either Cat or Giada. But I'm leaning towards Cat since I'd have a much better shot there ;)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    "😔😔😔😔 your one of my favorites here" lol Capri you tell everybody that!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    I wish that I had a simple answer for your questions, jerikson, but I don't. It stumps me sometimes too. There are so many different flavors of lesbians (and gay men) roaming around out there - from ultra butch to ultra femme, and everything in between. And what everyone finds attractive is all over the place as well. For me, I am not at all attracted to butch women that look or act like men. I like very feminine ladies. But the very feminine ladies sometimes tell me that I am not butch enough and that they like the "manly" ones. Meh. But sometimes a very femme lesbian (lipstick lez) will find other femme's attractive, and same with some butches finding other butches attractive. So yeah it's confusing as hell, even to us gay people. So don't feel bad about not being able to understand it coz we don't either.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Personal Trainer
    Pics or it didn't happen
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I came up with two great inventions.....
    Do they make steroid drug tests for hamsters?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I came up with two great inventions.....
    Lol thats gotta be some studly hampster coz he's gonna be on that wheel for a very long time!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    lmfao! Dammit, ilbbaicnl - that almost made me shoot horchata out of my nose
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    Sorry Capri - it would take a miracle
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Slow news day.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    @rockstar666 - I understand the nature of the stripclub beast, and male managers will always try and take liberties with dancers - especially new naive ones. I have no particular problem with it - the dancers are grown up women and can decide for themselves if the job is worth it. Hell if I was a manager I'd try to take my liberties too! @ sjg - yes there might be some regular clubs that offer ladies night with stripclub-like entertainment and there are some after-hours clubs, but they are few and far between. Hardly an option for a regular club goer who would like options as to when she would like to club - not to be limited to just one Tuesday night every third week of the month. Feel free to read whatever reviews here that floats your boat. It's a free country. Personally my reviews are no different than anyone else's here since I am looking for the same things in the clubs that they are. But I take everything written with a grain of salt anyway, since everyone's experience will no doubt be different. @jerikson - perhaps I am very unique in my love of stripclubs....I dunno. The only other lesbian that I occasionally see clubbing is just as big a puss hound as I am, so I assumed that we all were horny women always on the make. I agree that many lesbians (as well as the general populace) probably have a bad image of stripclubs and consider them seedy dens of iniquity, so they would not want to venture in. But what I don't get is what lesbian goes into a stripclub to unjustly bash it in a review? I can see straight chicks pulling that crap....but not a woman-loving dyke. Even an ultra- militant anti-sex feminist would never venture inside long enough to write a blistering and unfair review. I guess what I'm saying is that the very few reviews that I have read from women have been from either straight or bi-curious ones that visited either with a BF or a group of other women. They don't take stripclubs seriously anyway and certainly aren't regulars, so they go ahead and bash a club and it's dancers just for the fuck of it. I have only read a handful of reviews from fellow gay gals, and they were solid reviews written just as I would have - the poster curiouscat is one example. I guess it is what it is. So let's just all do our own thing and give each other space to enjoy the beautiful women, the watered-down sodas and the overpriced cover charge......in peace :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    @gmd- lol no actually I wouldn't because then I would be no better than the people who do try that. @rockstar666 First off basing anything on "san jose guy"'s post was a mistake. The guy sounds like a long winded idiot. Most of his "examples" sounded like either straight women out with their SO's or a group of straight girls - none of them probably lesbian. As for not being set up for lesbians as far as bathrooms are concerned - Out of the more than 50 clubs that I have visited I would guess that maybe 4 or 5 have their ladies room in the DR. While I don't prefer that arrangement, I have yet to run into any problems while using a ladies room there. In fact I have often stayed longer there than I should have partying with the ladies in the DR - as a general rule there is usually more booze in the non-alcohol club dressing room than in a liquor store! In those clubs the dancers are aware that any lady custies might have to use the restroom and are very accommodating. I have also used that opportunity to tell dancers that I could not catch out on the floor that I was interested in getting some dances with them, so it is sometimes a win situation for me. I can't imagine a lesbian being offended by what guys like.....isn't that what we are all in the club for? And why would a lesbian go to a stripclub if she weren't interested in getting dances and making on the dancers? That makes no sense to me. It's too bad that the lesbians that you know don't enjoy the club the way that I do. I can only recommend to them that perhaps they find a different hobby more to their liking and leave the clubs for us serious mongers. And as far as me running a stripclub? In all seriousness it would be run very much like clubs are today - same layouts, same styles, the same pricing and specials that I see at my favorite clubs now. The only difference would be I would be sure to hire girl-friendly dancers, of course. But I would never run a strictly lesbian only club, because that would be discriminatory. All would be welcome as long as they followed the rules as they would in any other stripclub. And of course I get final say on who is hired.....and I get to take them on a test drive to ensure that they meet my high standards ;)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    @rockstar666- It appears that you and some others here have no idea what lesbians are and what we like. "Strip clubs are not set up for lesbians" Are you kidding with this? Where are you getting your intel from? As long as lesbians desire other women how could a strip club NOT entice us? Have you ever actually met a lesbian? "women consider showing/fingering, playing with the pussy on stage as vulgar, while men love to watch dancers touch themselves" Again- what are you basing this on? Seeing straight women at clubs who dont really want to be there bitching about the dancers? I love seeing everything that a club and a dancer has to offer. Again I don't know where you are getting this nonsense from. Your assumptions about lesbians aren't even close. Lastly- Believe me I wish there were strip clubs that catered to lesbians but there really aren't, at least not in the U.S. So I have no choice but to have to share that space with guys who for the most part couldn't care less if I was there or not. All I can tell you is that if you have a problem with that it is YOUR problem and it doesn't impact my clubbing habits one bit. And we aren't going anywhere so you'd better get used to it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strippers by Delivery
    A deliver-to-your-door-stripper is just an escort who will give you a lap dance before the main event.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    jerikson- To be fair to you you really don't have all of the background of that lawsuit and I am not at liberty to discuss it. But just know that my being a lesbian was secondary to the issue. The wonderful media vultures played up the gay angle for their own sensationalism purposes. You obviously have your opinion based on the very limited data on this case that you have. Perhaps when this is all over and the dust clears I might be able to elaborate further on what exactly transpired and why it wound up going in the direction that it did. Its actually quite a fascinating development.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    @SS-lol @jerikson, I don't know why you thought anyone would light you up for asking about this. It's a legit observation. Now had you said that lesbian customers don't exist, well then you would have heard some major shit from me. But I have to ask why you would even be thinking about this type of thing? Yes lesbian customers like me are very rare - there is no question about that. In all of my mongering I have only met up with one other lone female lesbian custy. On the rare times that we meet (she likes topless joints and I prefer nude) we'll kick back and compare notes. But neither one of us has any interest in clubbing with the other. I also club during the late day/early night shift, when it is very rare for solo women to club. I have had quite a few male PL's try to find me to meet me and hang out but unless I set up something in advance with them it would be virtually impossible to randomly come across me in a club since there are so many clubs here in LA and I frequent many of them in a rotation basis on random days. So yeah spotting me or any other lesbian in a club would be like spotting a white tiger. Once in a great while I'll get an email or PM from someone from zbone or TUSCL that says he thought that he spotted me in a club but was too shy or thought it would be too weird to approach me. Or I'll get requests to meet up. I have no problem meeting other PL's from time to time but I very much prefer clubbing alone so that I can concentrate on the girls. So if you ever see me in a club go buy a lottery ticket coz you've seen a rare sight indeed.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    my stripper nightmare
    You've maxed out. She won't change, so you'll have to.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Gallstones ?
    The only negative thing that I have heard from a couple of folks who had their gall bladders removed was they were no longer unable to enjoy the greasy fatty foods that they liked so much. Something about not being able to break down or digest it properly w/o the gall bladder. Maybe Dr sailmd can elaborate. Or refute it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Car Washes
    The last thing that I would care about at a stripclub sponsored car wash is actually getting my car washed properly. I'd be too busy sticking dollar bills into the dancer's wash cloths.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Could it? Has it? Will it?
    @P_D- I see your point, but if I'm not upfront about my club visits and she isnt upfront about where she's working, arent we both guilty of deception? Aren't we both essentially doing the same thing?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Could it? Has it? Will it?
    As long as she comes home to me & doesn't bring home any diseases I don't give a fuck. Who am I to judge her if I'm also secretly visiting the clubs?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Elle MacPherson is 50
    They are both still gorgeous and I would be honored to have them both at the same time.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Down And Dirty Of Vagina Smuggling
    I think that Slick fainted at the very thought of vajayjays on ice in an Igloo.