Comments by wallanon (page 51)

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    2 years ago
    Going to the club secretly
    Late at night is a tough one close to home. The idea is to find girls who'll work around your schedule.
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    2 years ago
    What should I be for SC Halloween!!!!!?????
    PSD has the bod for a she-hulk look based on her photos...but would she do bodypaint?
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    2 years ago
    What should I be for SC Halloween!!!!!?????
    I saw a dancer in a tied-off button down shirt and jean shorts the other night. Who isn't down for a little Daisy Duke from time to time?
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    2 years ago
    How long do you stick around a bad club before bailing and walking out
    "I'm going to find out in about an hour lol." This was on a Wednesday afternoon and the answer was 10 minutes. One dancer on the floor, who wasn't helped by the former dancer turned bartender who almost got offered some bennies to go upstairs. The dancer put herself on stage and I got all my questions answered while tipping her a decent amount of dollar bills. Friendly stripper and game for anything, but no. Went back that night and the talent was much better, but still in 6 territory. There was one dancer who was an 8 so long as she didn't smile. But she was one of those chicks with thin lips so those rotting chompers were all I could see whenever she spoke. Another dancer had potential and a hot body, but her face reminded me of an old roommate (who was a dude) and her wig was like a Halloween costume ate a mop. That was 30 excruciating minutes before I cut bait and went to another club.
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    2 years ago
    Seen too many ROBS
    "Are you guys too jaded by past ROBS or assume the worst in a dancer but then it works out?" No. Each girl's her own riddle.
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    2 years ago
    Managing expectations and grading on the curve
    "For you guys that club hop a little bit do you grade on the curve or just calling like you see it?" No curve. Eventually I'm going to write the Corpus Christi club reviews and they'll be suitably drug through the gutter (except the one decent club that's left). It's better if the locals who don't travel know their clubs are trash.
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "you have to wonder if he has a problem." If he didn't before he surely has one now.
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    2 years ago
    Turning a civilian into a suger baby or OTC date
    Here's what this thread reminds me of... Jules: So, tell me again about the hash bars. Vincent: Okay, what you wanna know? Jules: Hash is legal there, right? Vincent: Yeah, it's legal, but it ain't a hundred percent legal. I mean, you can't walk into a restaurant, roll a joint and start puffing away. You're only supposed to smoke in your home or certain designated places. Jules: And those are hash bars? Vincent: It breaks down like this: it's legal to buy it, it's legal to own it, and if you're the proprietor of a hash bar, it's legal to sell it. It's legal to carry it, but that doesn't really matter 'cause get a load of this, all right? If you get stopped by the cops in Amsterdam, it's illegal for them to search you. I mean, that's a right the cops in Amsterdam don't have. Jules: Oh, man! I'm going, that's all there is to it. I'm fucking going. Vincent: Yeah baby, you'd dig it the most.
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    2 years ago
    Turning a civilian into a suger baby or OTC date
    I think I actually get what dugan is digging in about, but it's better if we treat this as a broader topic and not fixate on one person's personal hot buttons. So basically the way the thread is shaking out is it's okay to throw money at girls who are age of consent and up so long as they're officially "sex workers". Like being scantily clad in a strip club or bikini bar is fair game but being scantily clad in stripper heels at a Twin Peaks is a no go. That's it? That's the line?
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    2 years ago
    How long do you stick around a bad club before bailing and walking out
    "There was a time a couple months ago where wallanon and I were meeting up. When I got there and paid my cover, he came over to say he’d just used me as an excuse to bail on a dancer so we 180’ed and walked out the door." This is 1000% true. McNulty picked up the save in crunch time on that one lol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    And people keep asking why dudes go looking for hookups at da club.
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Having to work around her SOs schedule
    "Wallanon is your f2f firewall as impenetrable as sjgs?"
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Having to work around her SOs schedule
    See now rick dugan is going to get all mean about it. Obviously trying to explain things like an adult wasn't working, so have fun. 2icee is writing thinking he's getting a reaction, which is kinda true but not like he thinks. I'm writing so that this'll have some context years from now if TUSCL is still around. Eventually the trolls always go and people forget what the fuss was about.
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    2 years ago
    Things You Actually Typed Because TUSCL
    Not enough lol
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    2 years ago
    Turning a civilian into a suger baby or OTC date
    "If anyone in Phoenix is going to walk up to random women behind a cash register and ask them to fuck for $200, please let me know in advance." Make it a double dog dare and you might be onto something.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL in the Club - Do You Out Yourself?
    So I'm at the club the other night, and this dancer who literally would not leave my side was talking about everything under the sun. In my head it sounds like bwa bwuh...bwah wah wah like the Charlie Brown grownups until she says "I like reading club reviews to decide where to go work". So I bring myself back from my happy place to look over and see her focusing on something but trying to play it off, then casually glance over to see TUSCL on somebody's phone. Bright as hell in a dark ass club lol. More on this later...
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Having to work around her SOs schedule
    A funny thing happened to the words posted "here" on TUSCL. They connected to this thing called the Internet and the whole world could read them...
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Having to work around her SOs schedule
    "Wallanon. Words only matter here if you're lying to yourself." I'm going to bring this back around to two things which I've already written. Whether or not you comprehend them I'll leave to you, but these'll be my final words on the matter. 1. "2icee, you would do well to stop telling people about what they think. Try and figure out what you think and go from there." 2. "There's levels to this, and it's silly to think I'd change anything about how I post because you decided you wanted attention. There's something called discretion, which many people devalue because they're trying to win at things that literally mean nothing." I'll post something in the moment for the rest of the community to consider. Including you, 2icee. My words stand on their own, and I'm not obligated to offer time to whatever it is you've read into them. None of us owe you anything. No admissions. No denials. Nothing.
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    2 years ago
    Normal SC uniform??
    You gonna let doc evil shank you like that and walk away? C'mon new guy, don't just bleed out...
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    2 years ago
    Rant/ question
    "The fact that I fucked the girl was part of what happened not the central point of the whole post although I admit I would never have gotten involved with her if she wasn't attractive." Lol. I was wondering when you'd see that.
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Having to work around her SOs schedule
    "People use euphemisms like scheduling fun for meeting up with a hoe coz they feel what they're doing js wrong." People use euphemisms because words matter and some recognize that more slowly than others.
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Having to work around her SOs schedule
    There you go again. We're talking about schedules and you're trying to make it about something else. Let's play: "Tling yourself you're special coz a hooker takes your money and hustles you into thinking you're different from other tricks." Point out where I said I was special. I try not to go around tling myself things that aren't true. It's how people who can handle the hobby keep it manageable. "Is exactly the same as sjg talking about how he just gives them money but they fuck him coz he's nice to them not coz of the money." I may have written from time to time about how I sometimes date strippers, because I do. I'm trying to cut back on life drama so I let that go for a while. Whatever you've written there is just rehash of something that has nothing to do with anything I've ever said but is part of your shtick. You see yourself as trying to disillusion people who you've never met and don't really know anything about. People who took the high road when you supposedly had a personal meltdown and blew up your own online persona. I don't contradict myself online, then post a bunch of cleanup pretending that shit I've posted years and years isn't there. To make it simple for you, I'm not sloppy. There's levels to this, and it's silly to think I'd change anything about how I post because you decided you wanted attention. There's something called discretion, which many people devalue because they're trying to win at things that literally mean nothing. What changes in my life if 2icee gives wallanon a stamp of approval? I literally didn't even know if your darts were meant for me, but it's better if you don't follow wallanon around trying to correct "me" like you do the others. You ruin enough threads already on TUSCL picking pointless fights. But out of boredom with a bit of procrastination, you actually got your attention and wasted it repeating yourself. I even posted this openly and not in a pm so you could have your chance to make your point.
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Having to work around her SOs schedule
    "You're sugar coating fucking hookers just like sjg does" I'm not sure who this was for, but please settle down. Nevermind trying to associate anything the rest of us post with someone who talks about turning women into sex slaves, but this is a thread about whether or not people had trouble scheduling some fun. It's a yes or no question. Not a referendum on how people perceive sex workers. 2icee, you would do well to stop telling people about what they think. Try and figure out what you think and go from there.
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Having to work around her SOs schedule
    "She's hot and a great lay to boot, but she just isn't available that often and when she is, I'm often not." I knew a girl like this. She became my ATF. We worked it out after many missteps and a string of spurned runner ups lol. I know I just wrote on a different thread that there's always another stripper, and there is. But that doesn't mean they're all replaceable. Some of these girls are worth the extra effort...but if we just met and you're trying to pull some I'm Special Shit then it's the blank look or the please go away brush off if I'm feeling less polite.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hiding in the bathroom
    I've gone to the head to ditch a dancer in the past, but these days will just ask her to go away. Usually I'll only do this if I'm trying to carry on a conversation that doesn't need an extra set of ears, but also if I need to clear the seat for another dancer. I'll always mention if I'm waiting for someone, but not every dancer is willing to flex and claim her space. Muddy is just having a little fun, but he knows that customers always have the advantage. There's always another stripper.