Turning a civilian into a suger baby or OTC date

Is it possible? Would you ever try?
Never tried myself but was thinking a hot waitress or retail worker making minimum wage or a little over might be receptive to this. They could make in an hour what they make in a day or even a week. Thoughts?
last commentAny girl will be down for the right price. Just make sure you state the terms so everyone is on board before you begin.
I would think waitresses get hit on all the time (especially at an Applebees type of place if working nights).
Retail workers I never even thought about that. Not sure how old you have to be to work in some of the places (record stores etc) either so it could get real awkward with an attempt (unless you were 25-30 years or so younger than me- but then it would be asking out more for a real date kind of thing).
"Is it possible?"
Yes. I know guys who've done it.
"Would you ever try?"
That's a little less clear. "Ever" is a long time lol. But right now, no.
Wallanon where and how did the guys you know get this done? Did they find it more cost effective / easier then finding people at strip clubs or online?
So, when you are a customer (at a store, restaurant, strip club, etc.), the risk is great that you will shit on someone's day, when you start asking them to do stuff other than their job. They have every reason to feel like you're being obnoxious/demeaning. Taking advantage that their job requires them to be nice to you. You could detect the oddball case when someone would welcome some such suggestion if you're very high empathy. Haven't noticed much high empathy on TUSCL. If feel like women lead you on, you're not high empathy.
Long ago I was checking out at Walmart. The cashier was a very attractive young woman, about 5 months pregnant, whom I'd seen there a number of times over the last year. She'd checked me out maybe half a dozen times, and we'd exchanged minor pleasantries. We struck up a conversation again, and the conversation turned to how she was going to deal, since baby daddy had left. I remember expressing that at least she had a job, and she lamented that it was one with insurance. So I said, "it sounds like you need a winning lottery ticket." I swear to the gods, she replied, "or a sugar daddy."
She must have not intended to say it out loud, because she turned beet red.
She must have quit right after that because I never saw her again there, except for at the farmer's market a few years ago with a kid and a man trailing along. Too bad; it would have been mighty tempting to try to follow up on that.
"...where and how did the guys you know get this done?"
Wherever they felt like it whenever they were bored. These are not cost conscious people, so you can ask those sorts of questions but they'll just look at you like wtf.
But don't try it near home and not if you're paying with a card. This is a cash only hobby once you're out of the minor leagues now. All that #metoo shit has made paper trails a huge negative. Some guys shit where they eat and don't care, but that's hire wire stunts on a windy day. Strippers have baggage, so they're a lot less likely to try and put your stuff on blast than a civvie shilling drink specials at the local hooters.
I’m not that interested in any bartender or retail hottie - that I would attempt to try and turn them into a stripper or OTC type of sugar baby.
I prefer the strippers to have already been corrupted. I would find it difficult to be ok with myself - if I knew I was the guy who took a cute Macy’s checkout girl and turned her into a stripper.
I tend to discount 90% of the friendliness of folks in retail and restaurants - as I know they need the money they earn. With restaurant staff - who rely on tips - I know they are smiling and acting friendly to get a good tip.
Would a hot girl bartending at an Applebee’s do better as a stripper? I don’t know. That’s a big jump. It’s different smiling and asking what team you like - for a few $$’s - than walking up to a horny old pervert and asking if he wants a tug and a rub (and the providing the tug and rub).
Encountering some random woman out and about in the "real" world and offering money for sex? Can't imagine how that could ever possibly go wrong...
Nothing wrong with choosing sex work, if you can truly handle/tolerate it. Only assclowns, unable to see their own corruption, categorize sex workers as corrupt or corrupted. They are best avoided, whether or not you choose to do sex work. Just have to be aware of the sad reality that there's a lot of them. Even cows can trample you when there's a herd.
It's very possible. And easy if she's attracted to you but borderline debating it. But in those cases you can get it for free anyways.
You can take rickdugans alpha trick route and coerce desperate women into p4p
There are actually “civilians “ who would pick up some extra change in the right situation. Some wouldn’t strip because of the stigma or too close to home. Some just would rather keep it anonymous. I’ve met a few who would do massages and some who would do “OTC” but doesn’t go as far as saying it’s sex work. Either way they want to classify it is fine with me. I appreciate their participation and what happens between us stays there. As far as what entices them to cross over and get some extra change varies but it normally boils down to the dollar amount and who will know about it.
You also get a lot of girls openly saying they don't fuck for free. It's not a taboo really
Of course. There's a time and a place for everything, so pick your spots well.
There is a local restaurant here that hires cute girls in tight outfits to bartend and waitress. A Hooters knock-off. I go there quite a bit to eat lunch. The girls are coached to flirt and talk to customers a lot as it adds to the atmosphere . I have gotten into a conversations with some about making enough money. Many girls will complain about the cost of things. If I can say it without coming across as creepy, I'll half jokingly say something like. " you need a sugar daddy ". Then wait for their reaction. I have had a couple of them stop for a second and think about what I just said.
I didn't really pursue any of them as I haven't had any trouble getting girls from Seeking. But one of those girls did leave the restaurant. A few months after she quit, I saw her profile on Seeking. So she didn't become my sugar baby, but she got the idea from me. Funny thing though. I sent her a message after I saw the profile. She immediately Blocked me. I'm sure she didn't want me to go back and tell the other girls at the restaurant.
Honestly it sounds creepy as hell to me. Unlike a stripper or some other adult entertainer, these girls go to work not remotely expecting to be solicited by random old dudes. They shouldn't have to add this type of behavior from male customers to their list of worries. For all you know, you could end up soliciting an underage girl just trying to make a few extra bucks after school.
No thanks. I leave my degenerate behavior behind in the places designed for it, or at the very least where it should be reasonably expected. Any girl who is interested in exploring this stuff of her own accord can very easily find proper outlets for it, like SA.
I made a thread about this a while ago.
There have been several older guys doing this. I cant remember which forum, but they mentioned college bars and waitresses worked especially well. College students as well.
Rick there’s certain girls who cant or dont want to be strippers, and dont want to post as escorts online or post on seeking arrangement.
Plus if these girls look attractive, they’re getting hit on all the time anyway, by young or old dudes. Logically speaking, getting hit on + being offered money isn’t as disrespectful as someone wanting to hook up for free.
Additionally if/when prostitution is fully legalized this kind of stuff is going to be happening everywhere you go. It already happens everywhere you go even now. Shopping malls, restaurants bars etc.
Some people for a variety of reasons cant strip, and cant advertise themselves online but are still open to sugaring or Otc.
Icee when did rick or anyone here coerce anyone? Coercion involves force and theeats. Its basically illegal. Coercing someone into sex is basically rape. I haven’t seen anyone here admit to that
A lot of married women or taken women in these retail jobs and office workers may be open to this sort of thing but wouldn’t be able to post online or strip.
Dogchain I would bet the rates are $200-$300 just like strippers.
Here there are much hotter women, in much larger numbers at gyms, shopping malls, grocery stores than the strip clubs. There’s a lot of college students who love money.
The problem isn’t whether civvies would do this its how would you approach them properly, in a safe way? You cant straight up offer money for sex due to legal reasons and social reasons, people find it more offensive than asking for sex for free.
Bigthirdeye what is the correct way to approach them?
I dont know exactly how, but some of these guys were framing it as a paid date. Someone on here mentioned telling a waitress about strip clubs and she admitted she would do it but didnt want to work at a strip club or something
I wouldn't offer a female working in a retail store or restaurant money in exchange for sex mainly for the same reason I wouldn't offer them money to clean my apartment, wash my car, cut my hair or do anything else. They picked their place of unemployment because that is the service they wanted to provide in exchange for money.
I have sympathy for women who get unwanted sexual advances from customers at their place of employment. At the same time, you could reduce this sort of thing somewhat if commercial sex and advertising for it was legalized. Many women who don't want to offer sex for money want the government to try to stop women who do want to offer sex for money.
If anyone in Phoenix is going to walk up to random women behind a cash register and ask them to fuck for $200, please let me know in advance. I'd pay to see that...gotta be funnier than most comedy movies lately.
Doc very few work in retail or resturants because they have other options. But maybe presenting another option might actually help them.
"If anyone in Phoenix is going to walk up to random women behind a cash register and ask them to fuck for $200, please let me know in advance."
Make it a double dog dare and you might be onto something.
I can't see my 60 year old ass hitting on 20 somethings anywhere other than the bizarro world that is strip clubs. However, I guess if you wore this T shirt (sweetvintagetees.com) and vastly over-tipped everywhere you went, you might eventually get a nibble.
link didn't work. try again
BTE, try to rationalize it however you want, but a young girl doesn't expect to go to work and get hit on by a creepy old man - whether he is offering money or not. If that were not the case, no Dad would be OK with his daughter working a part-time job in High School. There are certain things that are simply unacceptable behavior in decent society.
It would be illegal to straight up ask them. Theres no doubt some will be willing to. Being a stripper involves doing it as a career and going up in stage. Being an escort or sugarbaby involves posting yourself online. That means anyone in a monogamous relationship, or who’s in college or planning to work a professional job, won’t be willing to post themselves online.
Everyone has a price, even doctors would be willing to do it especially if it was legal.
Doc it would be reduced somewhat if it was legalized but at the same time people would feel more comfortable and straightforward soliciting if prostitution was legalized.
Tons of men and women are being asked out or solicited on a daily basis anyway. Not just grocery store employees, but also mall customers, people in gyms, grocery store customers etc. it’s a reality of living in a mixed, non segregated society. Any man or woman who is reasonably attractive, rich, famous, etc could be propositioned anywhere.
^ No BTE, young attractive girls are not being propositioned by old men almost anywhere ever in normal society, usually because these men know better. Sure age appropriate guys might try to hit on them, but that's an entirely different thing. Don't try to come up with BS excuses which make it OK for creepy old fucks to try to offer young vanilla girls money for xyz. There is no world where it is not creepy and frankly the same could be said for you for even trying to justify it.
I live in a middle-class area and normally have no women approach me with money for sex offers. Early in the Covid lockdowns, though, I had two different suddenly unemployed women approach me in public. One came up to me in a parking lot of a restaurant and the other in a retail store. Both times no one else was close enough to hear her. I wondered why they didn't go to the government for assistance but then my niece told me it took her almost two months to get any because the state welfare system was overwhelmed by all the sudden applicants.
I think women who are really interested could just discreetly approach guys. Some of the guys might be dangerous, there might be police around or various other issues but those same issues would also apply in an at work situation. Normally women who are interested don't approach men because most men are not interested and men who are interested don't approach women because most women are not interested. Guys try to guess where there are a lot of women who might be interested, like a strip club or massage parlor or sugar daddy website or poor area of town, and then go there.
Rick it happens either way, young guys or old guys hitting on younger or older men or women, vice versa etc. it falls under freedom of speech in most places anyway. Anyone reasonably attractive or rich ir famous is going to be hit on. If i had an attractive SO or sister or daughter i would assume theyll get hit on af some point, even often. There isn’t anything you can do legally either unless theres some sort of harassment, stalking etc involved. But flirty comments in the drive thru or grocery store won’t fall under that usually
Plenty of people are being propositioned daily, as far as propositioning specifically offering sex for money, that doesnt happen as often due to legal reasons. Theres tons of richer older men with younger girls they didnt always meet them at the strip club or seeking websites.
Girls who WANT to do this kind of work will be motivated enough to find avenues to connect with those who can provide it.
Before I was a dancer I would have never wanted a thing to do with men at my job, or in public, the gym, whatever. Even when I am at my non dancer job now, it makes me extremely uncomfortable and mad when men are disrespectful. A guy stopped me about a month ago when I was running to ask if I used to work at Hooters. I don’t run on that street anymore, fucking gross.
Do not do this, leave women and girls alone. Those that want to connect to money will plug into the pipeline. Otherwise I hope you are prepared for a manager to tell you not to come in that place again. Leave them alone.
Rick you live in a dream world if you think hot women are not getting hit on by men from the age they hit puberty till the age they die at all locations.
Also hot chicks complaining about getting hit on need to just say no and grow up. They should just be thankful they arnt ugly and see how life is for them then.
Also,I agree you shouldn't just go out and ask any random person but someone you have gotten to know that you feel may be receptive to the idea.
I had a fav who had been an auto mechanic. She had to leave the field due to unbearable sexual harassment. The problem isn't attractive women not being aware they can use sex to make money. The problem is with them being able to have the option to not do sex work.
It is one thing for hot young women to get hit on by age appropriate men, but quite another for old fucks to be flirting with them and hinting at cash inducements. In decent society we are expected to act our age and not put girls young enough to be our daughters and granddaughters in extremely uncomfortable situations.
Rick i dont know how often these old guys are hitting on underage girls. But I would bet a significant number of men ages 18 - 60+ are hitting on girls who look 18-35+. The money specific offers are limited and subtle across society due to the illegality of it. But that shouldn’t be illegal. Socially unacceptable is different than illegal. If it’s an older man flashing cash or looking wealthy there’s probably younger girls chasing after him.
Also this is already going on with instagram chicks, look at for instance dan bilzerian and joe budden. Budden is literally flying chicks 20-35 years younger off Instagram all across the country to his place. Bilzerian used instagram as a recruiting tool to get a bunch of girls 20+ years younger than him.
You are on a pretty high horse there Rick. The question was posed without age. So is it okay for a 20 something guy to do this with a 20 something girl. Should old guys only stick to asking at the senior citizen home?
PSD, is there some kind of innuendo with asking if you worked at hooters? Why would he mention specifically working there?
How do you explain waitresses, girls at college bars or regular bars, or retail workers engaging in this? We dont have the data to say how often it happens, but theres been instances of older or middle aged men getting otc from these types of people. Some of them specifically said they had the best luck at college bars and with waitresses.
Any girl who’s planning on a professional career path would never post and advertise herself online as an escort or sugar baby.
Also everyone is assuming that the OP and discussion is referring only to hot younger women working these civvie jobs. What about average women working these jobs, or older hot/average women in their 30s or 40s working these jobs? Once you throw those categories into the mix it becomes even more common
I met a bartender at a twin peaks in SW FL and had a brief albeit expensive few meetings with her last winter. Worth every dollar
Because of the OPs posting history about having problems with strip club ROBs
And also seeking and whatsyourprice scams
…I kinda sense that maybe it would be easier to stick with the “the industry”. Figure out how to make those avenues not a problem before even thinking of going out into “mainstream society” where the consequences for soliciting the wrong person could be even worse. 🧐
What kind of consequences are there nice? I think its usually a misdemeanor? That might be the act of prostitution itself, it’s possible soliciting is lower.
But this should all be legalized anyway. Its odd to base secular law off religious conservative rulings. Older men might feel more comfortable asking younger women out if its legal, but its worth all the lives saved and the overall value to society. If someone wants to be conservative they can still refuse offers p4p or hookups just like they can refuse them now.
I've certainly seen some that I would have liked to have had sex with but never was tempted to ask. With all the woke shit going around now, I wouldn't want to try. I am reminded of an event that happened 40+ years ago involving my best friend.
He owned his own business. A movie theatre. He had a barely legal girl working at the ticket window that he was so obsessed with that he offered her money to sleep with him. I was there when he even spread $500 out on his desk and offered it to her in return for sexual favors. She still turned him down. He admitted to me later that he was ashamed of the way he acted.
I guess being anti-woke is as good an excuse as any for being a scumbag.
@Htxx only a few? I guess it wasn't worth it to her.
===> "You are on a pretty high horse there Rick. The question was posed without age. So is it okay for a 20 something guy to do this with a 20 something girl. Should old guys only stick to asking at the senior citizen home?"
What looks like a "high horse" to you is basic human decency for others. Young girls should be able to work a regular job without fear of bad behavior from old men. There are places where these guys can go (besides to senior center) to find girls willing to accept money for attention - they shouldn't be looking for it at the local mall.
And it's almost always going to be old men doing this stuff as younger ones often have both less money and less "need" to pay to get laid. If trying to turn out the girl working the swing shift at the local Whataburger seems like a good option to a 20-something y.o. guy who makes good money, then his better option is probably avoiding fast food joints for a while and instead focusing on making himself more attractive to the opposite sex.
I think I actually get what dugan is digging in about, but it's better if we treat this as a broader topic and not fixate on one person's personal hot buttons.
So basically the way the thread is shaking out is it's okay to throw money at girls who are age of consent and up so long as they're officially "sex workers". Like being scantily clad in a strip club or bikini bar is fair game but being scantily clad in stripper heels at a Twin Peaks is a no go. That's it? That's the line?
Here's what this thread reminds me of...
Jules: So, tell me again about the hash bars.
Vincent: Okay, what you wanna know?
Jules: Hash is legal there, right?
Vincent: Yeah, it's legal, but it ain't a hundred percent legal. I mean, you can't walk into a restaurant, roll a joint and start puffing away. You're only supposed to smoke in your home or certain designated places.
Jules: And those are hash bars?
Vincent: It breaks down like this: it's legal to buy it, it's legal to own it, and if you're the proprietor of a hash bar, it's legal to sell it. It's legal to carry it, but that doesn't really matter 'cause get a load of this, all right? If you get stopped by the cops in Amsterdam, it's illegal for them to search you. I mean, that's a right the cops in Amsterdam don't have.
Jules: Oh, man! I'm going, that's all there is to it. I'm fucking going.
Vincent: Yeah baby, you'd dig it the most.
===> "So basically the way the thread is shaking out is it's okay to throw money at girls who are age of consent and up so long as they're officially "sex workers". Like being scantily clad in a strip club or bikini bar is fair game but being scantily clad in stripper heels at a Twin Peaks is a no go. That's it? That's the line?"
If that was the boundary we were actually debating then I'd be much less put off. A girl who gets half naked in a theme bar should expect a certain amount of sexualized attention. Where exactly the line gets drawn could be open for debate.
The OP OTOH generically quoted "hot waitresses and retail workers" as potential targets. A young girl should be able to work a job at a Chick-fil-a or a CVS (among other places) without fear of bad behavior from old men.
The fact that we could even be seriously debating this shows how emotionally disconnected many on here are from the normal world. I suppose if the bulk of one's social interactions with women occur in strip clubs and maybe from a site like SA, eventually one might start looking at all women through a certain lens. But IME and IMHO the actual gulf between the thinking of girls working regular jobs vs. those who choose to participate in adult entertainment is vast.
A girl who strips or becomes a sugar baby has made an active choice to participate in the degeneracy of men willing to pay them. THIS is the line, one that only a small % of women ever choose to cross. Most ordinary girls are just trying to finish their shifts and get back to whatever else they have going on. For most women in the real world, being propositioned for paid sex by old men would be both mind boggling and exceedingly unwelcome.
@ilb possibly not, the world may never know. Only a few as I am a snowbird and the time had come for me to fly north. I’ll be headed south again this November so I’ll let you know lol
i've posted this one before.
One of the hotels i use for otc sessions has a bar. The bartender saw me with different young women, all dancers meeting me otc. Sometimes one, sometimes two. she started conversations with a couple of them. one night she asked my companion if she could join in. it sounded like fun. she was college student, and the extra money would be good. She wanted to go out on dates without the hassle of dating.
she came up to our room after work. that was a great night. not long after that she started dancing. More money, less time away from her studies.
Rick all you do is complain and make bad assumptions.
K that is the kind of thing I'm talking about.
Rick what about retail workers and waitresses who arent hot, but are younger and average? Or what about hot or average waitresses or retail workers who are in their 20s and 30s and 40s?
Its not true that “regular women” would be mind boggled or refuse money offers for sex. Theres tons of famous instagram women, who aren’t strippers or escorts but who are doing sex stuff for $1000+ an hour. For some of these women, the money is just too good to turn down. Both celebrities like nba players, and wealthier older men, former celebrities etc are paying for these Instagram chicks. Instagram is something everyone in everu social class uses.
Its also not true that just because someone is working a retail job or office job, that they aren’t open to dating or to sex for money. There’s a whole stereotype of the secretary who’s sleeping with her boss (20+ years older usually). Theres known instances of girls or guys who are sleeping with their bosses or did sexual stuff to get the job or to get the grade in college.
There is a big social stigma and legal stigma to being an escort or sugarbaby. That in itself is going to create a massive category of people who would be willing to engage in sex work but don’t do it out of fear of consequences. There’s also a professional stigma to it; meaning even if prostitution were fully legalized, the professional employers probably aren’t going to like it, so people pursuing professional career paths are still going to be unwillig to publicly advertise themselves as escorts.
There is also the social stigma, maybe they dont want their friends or family or SO to know.
I doubt girls go to bars planning on meeting older men yet this is happening all the time in college and regular bars. Also in some ways it’s arguably easier to get p4p with a waitress or retail worker than a stripper. A retail worker or waitress making 20k - 40k is going to value $300 a lot more than a stripper making 70k - 100k.
This is all already happening on instagram anyway, which isn’t a dating or sugaring app.
SB/SD relationships (and those terms) existed before the websites popped up and applied the Uber business model to sex work.
Decades ago, when I lived in Los Angeles, I knew wealthy older guys who would lightly flirt with hot young bartenders, waitresses, whatever, just to gauge interest. If the girl responded positively, they would escalate the flirting, and (if she kept responding positively) then finally asking her if she'd like to go back to his place "for a drink". Typically, this flirting and banter would include the older guy throwing down some subtle or obvious flags regarding his wealth, be it the clothes he wore, the price of the stuff he bought or ordered, or talking about his home in Malibu, etc.
In this scenario, the older guy is giving the woman the option to politely shut him down at any point if she's not into it (and that often happened). It also made obvious (without saying it out loud) his agenda and that she'd get some sort of reward in exchange. It was not directly confronting a random hot woman with a proposition of fucking for cash (though I saw that as well a few times and it never went well).
Did it work? Usually, no but sometimes it did. I'm pretty sure the old guy's motivation to try had as much to do with the challenge as it did the sex. All hot women know that they can make easy money in some form of sex work. If they're helping you find something in aisle five, then they've made the decision to not make money that way. That said, every so often you might find a woman working a regular job who might be more open to it.
I'll note that the one old guy I knew who could regularly get hot "civilian" women to go home with him was very wealthy, naturally charismatic, and had a serious fit "silver fox" thing going on. I'll suggest that the further away you are from being that guy, the less likely it will be that you convert a hot waitress into a SB or paid one-night stand. And, if that's the case, then stick to strip clubs and sex work websites.
And if you're on here asking for advice on how to proposition women at their jobs for sex, then you may be many things... but you're not that guy.
You're basically giving each other bad advice on how to turn a hoe out lulz
Call.me I'm asking for a friend and as a hypothetical. Calm down.
If you do it needs to be the opposite of how you’d do it in a club. Directness could get you in trouble.I once mentioned a strip club and the waitress says there weren’t any nearby and she couldn’t travel. That conversation turned productive but it was a Hooters type place so a little bit of flirting was socially acceptable.
I wasn’t trying to do that and if you do be subtle and make sure you can read the room so to speak. Be prepared to play it off as a joke and move on.
From above: I said, "it sounds like you need a winning lottery ticket." I swear to the gods, she replied, "or a sugar daddy."
This would be the rare situation where you could get away with a comment like "I've always wanted to be a sugar daddy."
It can be brushed of as a joke, but in the 1% chance she was actually open to it, she would let you know.
Last year a neighborhood kid came home for her first break from college. She told me her sorority friends threw money around and she could not keep up with their partying. I commented they must all be rich and she said with a somewhat disgusted face, "Some of them aren't rich but they have sugar daddies"
Ishmael thats kind of what i was getting at. Even with strippers and even escorts youre never supposed to directly offer cash for sex work. It’s illegal and its also considered socially offensive.
Some kf these older guys have had success doing it in college bars and also restaurant waitresses. College girls especially fit into the category of someone who wouldn’t want to strip/escort online due to the legal issues and social stigma and professional stigma.
The legal issues alone means you’ll never be able to straight up offer cash for sex you’d have to get to know the person and see them often at their workplace or bar.
It’s possible hooters waitresses are more open to p4p than other waitresses. Stripping has a social and professional stigma to it. Escorting and sugaring have those stigmas plus the legal stigma as well. If you do want to do it with waitresses it might be better to do it after you’ve paid for the meal.
The “silver fox” men who have gray silver hair and are super attractive and ripped, those guys can probably get lots of younger women without paying. But paying can still help them to get even more. It could be someone is on the fence about someone but the money turns it into an easy yes
You find ways to give her money. Turning her into your mistress. Take her shopping, look for things she needs money for, eventually paying her bills, and eventually you can just hand her cash.
HEART - Straight On (1978)
^ where are you getting all this cash you’re advocating to hand out ?
Sjg. When you talked about giving civvies money I tried that experiment. If a girl is attracted to you and on the border of whether she wants to see younor not. Offering money gets her to say yes. I tried it on girls at the store but didn't go through with it. Also a lot of instathots are pretty open about dating for money
It's getting more common coz of the economy I think
25, I used to let people track me into "jobs". Now I run my own affairs.
Icey, if you want to get her on the payroll, you start by spending money on her, such as taking her shopping. Expert womanizers do this. You don't want to push that when she is not looking for that and not yet ready for that.
That's not womanizing. That's tricking. But uts easy to do. Especially now. The economy makes a lot of girls open to it out of desperation.
But uts never been easier to hook up for wex for free. I think everyone is making up for lost time coz of covid
Most experienced womanizers are being very generous with their women. It isn't direct cash for sex, but they "taking care of them", or as was said by Christine Keeler at trial, "He looked after us."
Usually if the girl does not want this then either she is being supported by her parents, or she has got her sights on a bigger prize.
Free Wishing Well
SJG arent you taking a risk by handing her the money first? How much money are you handing over at one time? Wouldnt jt be better to just spend some money on lapdances while also asking if she does otc. That way you still got something for your money and its not like you just gave it for free before she did anything
Icee how much money did you offer to those girls who were on the fence? Why didnt you go through with it?
I would not hand a woman money right off, except in a strip club or an amp.
You don't ever ask if she does OTC. It is not your business to ask what she does with other people. And you don't really want her to do OTC, you want to be bedding her regularly. This is why you picked her, because you'd be just kicking yourself if you passively let her slip through your fingers.
Getting a lapdance is not getting something for your money. It just demonstrates that you don't have women to pump loads into. Just being able to talk to her can be much more because you are starting to get under her skin with just words.
And you never offer a woman money to get her off of any fence. You hold tight and without any mention of money try and get her to do what you want. You never act like money motivates her or that she sells sex or sexual services.
I don't need to pay for sex
What kind of price do you think a doctor or lawyer would want for p4p? Or anyone making 200k to 500k without already being a pornstar, escort or stripper. Right now there’s all kinds of rules for doctors to not date or do anything witn their patients. I think the rule was something like if someone’s not your patient for 2 years you can date them as you would anyone else as long as they don’t become your patient. Then there’s the obvious legal issue of p4p.
Check into a mental ward and ask a psychiatrist
Sjg that's a gfe
Icee what dollar amount did you offer those on the fence girls? I dont know if youll answer honestly. But the higher the dollar amount the harder it is to say no
Sjg what if you dont want to bed her regularly, just once or twice?
^ I would never do that, never try to use money to get them to do something.
Sjg you pay them. That's what you mean when you say give them generosity. Then they fuck you. Its your intent. Your paranoid word games are irrelevant
Icey, most of the time woman who are no longer being supported by their parents are getting money, material, or social advantage from the guys they fuck.
Heaving, no most people, especially men, would not fuck under such conditions.
Most women though are getting something out of it.
Most experienced womanizers are taking care of their women.
For me it will be The Organization which takes care of our women. But for that to work, a woman has to understand it and see first hand how it operates, and make an informed decision that she wants that.
Free - Wishing Well
Sounds like you're speaking in full retard, I asked you a simple question where does this cash come from?
I wouldn't compare it to a gay guy asking me for the same. The better metaphor would be an ugly girl that I had no interest in? Perhaps not though maybe there is a little attraction and the money is what makes it happen. With the gay guy comparison everyone has their price for anything.
25, I have a privacy wall, whether you choose to see it or not. Now I have to come out with Clorox and a wire scrub brush to clean your blood and lymph fluid off.
What does my question have to do with a privacy wall, you moron, where does you're cash come from? simple question, a simple answer from work, steal it, inheritance, where the fuck does this cash come from yet you are unable to answer a simple fucking question, are you a criminal trying to hide out from the law. What a stupid fuck you are.
This time it looks real bad. You've almost certainly got a concussion. You are vulnerable to sudden death for the next 24 hours.
I talk about my past and personal life in more detail than anyone here wants to know about. But the moment anyone asks me to justify any small detail of any portion of the creepy, crazy-pants horseshit I post here ... I weirdly go off about my 'privacy wall', which is more of a deflection than a wall."
You're welcome.
My F2f life is private an protected. I only make disclosures after careful consideration, and no, I do not take questions about my personal life.
Free - Wishing Well
Whack the true translation is :
You’re a whack job, I’m fine you’re batshit crazy, you need both help and meds you simpleminded motherfucker.
A second concussion on top of a first concussion. There is a very high risk of immediate death in that.
I maintain a privacy wall so that I don't have to be shot gunning trolls every hour. Most people learn that they need to respect my privacy wall.
Heaving the majority of people are still hetero i think so the man and woman p4p would be much more commonly accepted with both genders. A lot of younger guys would likely be open to doing stuff with much older women for money. It all depends on different factors like how badly the money is needed, the level of attraction, how much money theyre able to make from their regular jobs or from finessing, how much money is being offered. Most people would probably do almost anything for a million bucks.
Even SJGs ex wife comes on here and talks shit on him, if that tells you anything…
Shailynn you're behind many of the troll profiles made just to harass members. You and theosu.
^ I am not the OSU
^Oh shit wrong account 🥺
Icey posted above:
"I don't need to pay for sex"
Icey, generally unattached women are open to sex. But in some situations they expect to be paid. Trying to refuse them that and asking them to fuck for free is disrespectful. If she looks like she earns her living via P4P sex, then having any consideration for her, you will pay her. To refuse makes it like you think you are better than she or better than her paying clientele. Both positions are highly disrespectful.
If you don't like it when women want money for sex, then just stay away from the venues where that is done.
If in the supermarket check out line you meet an upscale club stripper or a high end escort, you might well be able to end up in bed with her without paying.
But if the woman is clearly working in that capacity then she will want to be paid.
I like it when women are all dolled up and in heels, the full stripper regalia. And this goes beyond what the girls do in civvie night clubs. You might be able to get a girl to do this in private, but it is easier if when you first spotted her she was done up that way and so she knows that you like it.
Now I agree, most of the time when men pay women for sex, they are paying them to go away. But as I am no longer married, it is no longer like that for me.
Women have different motive in what they do. One guy on this board has posted a lot of SG stores. One sounded very nice looking, and she only charged him like $20. I suggested that she is not really a pro.
Often the more you look like you can pay, the less you will actually be expected to pay, and this applies in many life venues.