
Getting a stripper's E-MAIL address is NO BIG DEAL

Saturday, March 26, 2005 10:59 PM
Let's get real about this - if a stripper gave you her E-MAIL address but REFUSED to give you her PHONE NUMBER or ADDRESS, would you really think that it means that she LIKES YOU? If you are looking for AFFECTION and/or a FRIENDSHIP/RELATIONSHIP with a stripper, and she gives you only an E-MAIL address, that may actually INCREASE the chance that she is ONLY INTERESTED IN YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!


  • davids
    19 years ago
    MONEY can't buy REAL friendship
  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    Maybe she wants MONEY
  • davids
    19 years ago
    RL: Then she is not really your friend.
  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    What if a stripper gives you her E-MAIL address but REFUSES to give you her PHONE NUMBER
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I have a couple of favorites e-mails and they have mine (or one of mine). Two favorites usually work nights. I like to go days. If they get a rare day shift, they know to drop me an e-mail so we can enjoy. Other than that we rarely e-mail anything other than the occasional funny stripper related story. I have one retired ATF that e-mails a few times a year just to stay in touch. I like it a lot better than giving out a phone number.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    hehe, I was wondering if you would say that. Most of the strippers I meet don't have a computer so email would definitely be out of the question. I have met a few strippers who were into computers. One even had a free web cam and another had her own web site. Of course that doesn't impress me as much as someone's kid who looks only like 4 or 5 years old designing her own web site.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    I doubt it: I've got plenty of phone numbers. Maybe they aren't computer literate? (Not as smart as YOU think.) Hehe. Nice try.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Chinese proverb says to davids: Strippers may be smarter than you think.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Hey, I never got a single e-mail address from a stripper, even though it's supposedly no big deal, what gives?
  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    The use of the word "FRIEND"........
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat: I'll agree it's no big deal for ordinary people. However when someone potentially dangerous (RL??) gets ahold of personal information, it can become a big deal and dangerous to give out info.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    If a dancer gave you an email that is untraceable back to her then it is no big deal. If in fact RL was a dangerous criminally insane person trying to get stripper's personal information, it would be a BIG DEAL if a stripper accidently gave out the wrong information. There are anonymous email accounts and then there are email accounts where a person's name, address, and telephone number can be easily looked up online. If a dancer doesn't know the difference, then they should just assume any guy could be RL. It's dangerous not to know and to give away personal information.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    What if a dancer gives you her personal cell phone number with her real name on it? I guess at a minimum it may mean she trusts you. I can see email addresses on here for other people and that doesn't mean too much. Of course if you think a dancer really likes you, you may have other things to think about. I've had a number of dancers start liking me a lot after they got to know me better so it seems almost natural to me. Then you're left wondering how far do you want to take things after that.
  • alabamascott
    17 years ago
    try a business card. they seem to be less intrusive and the dancer can throw it away if she isn't interested. this works well for me. i've received several emails from a dancer i met a few weeks ago. but only because she's interested in moving to another area (where i am) to work another club area. so, in a way, she's just using it to make more money. if you give out things like that, even phone numbers, remember: dancers do what they do to make money. money is the operative word here folks. i'm sure there's a few exceptions, but i wouldn't go into a strip club looking for the next mrs. scott...
  • RomanticLover
    17 years ago
    Who has done this?
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