Comments by how (page 48)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club "Injuries"
    I've been kicked in the head when a few LDs were more like a game of Naked Twister. That didn't bother me. I've also been bitten (in a supposedly erotic way, rather than with malice), almost to the point of bloodletting. That bothered me very much.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    Clubber, I don't mind MG believing whatever he chooses, nor the many others who believe as he does. MG, I hope you also don't mind me believing what I choose. In your case, I perceive you are convinced by evidence presented by various learned scientists. In my case, I am convinced by scientific evidence/observation as well, at least in part. Neither of us are wacky for our vastly-different beliefs on climatological patterns and trends. But my guard goes up when anyone suggests to me that we KNOW what we only suspect. And my ire is raised when anyone suggests I pay for a solution to a problem I am convinced does not exist, particularly when the clear motivation for their suggestion is to gain more control over individuals and thus further erode liberty. Yes, I truly see that as the motivation behind certain lawmakers' quest for "climate legislation." Peace.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer's perfume
    Dain said, "But all the girls I know love Vera Wang once they smell it." Cannot pass this opportunity to note: ...they all love my Wang once they taste it... [alright, that's probably a lame joke, but maybe it will generate a few laughs, and that's worth something]
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    Whatever consensus may be touted, I choose to think rather than shut my mind off. Knowledge is not Truth, it is just mindless agreement. And when I say "I know," then I stop thinking. So, I admit I do not know what the climate will do over the next several years. And I absolutely won't willingly pay money for programs devised by those who claim they DO know what the climate will do.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer's perfume
    With scents, clean is essential, "flowery" is tolerable, and "fruity" can be pleasant on a lady. But moderation is advisable.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    Sign me up for that party, T-Bro! My interest keeps rising (along with something else...)
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    15 years ago
    Is U.S. President Barack Obama checking out the foreign assets?
    Even the ultimate goody two-shoes president of the past several decades, Jimmy Carter, told Playboy magazine he had "impure thoughts." But what a waste he was as president, and what a shame he's become lately...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    Once again, JJ proves to be a great sport. Cheers!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    the weekend is almost here and you know what that means
    The original post in this thread by absolutelypositivelydefinitivelytheoneandonlypieceoftrashgreenvegas was actually humorous. But then he's got to attack the lovely and gracious judyjudy again. Punk.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    T-Bro, that's a queue worth standing for; however, we wouldn't want JJ to get carpal tunnel syndrome. Perhaps by the time it is my turn, she'd opt for some other form of stimulation...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    Judy, as much as I would enjoy a conversation with you, may I please be the non-conversation guy with you in that scenario? ;)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which Clubs With Alotta Sexy Asians
    If you want an encounter with an Asian lady, a strip club is a longshot in most areas; however, a massage parlor should provide you with an opportunity.
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    15 years ago
    holly madison, off subject
    If she gets the nod of approval from Jewel, then she's probably a genuinely fine person. Jewel's got it together.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    casualguy asked, "Why throw away good money to try to fix something that is a natural cycle?" Because it is not intended to fix anything. The folks who want to confiscate more of your money via increased taxes are very interested in controlling more of individuals' resources, and thus increasing dependency on the central government. They are statists, liberals, socialists. All leftists are explicitly anti-american, by definition. They are the enemies of liberty. And we've given them total control of our federal government...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    Steve, that was a good ploy on her part. Hope the private time was good. The "direct approach" also has merit. I won't likely forget the dancer who -- upon our very first meeting, while she and I were walking in opposite directions and just about to pass one another -- stopped me, grabbed my crotch, and said, "Wanna fuck?" The fact that she was a 9 or even a 10 did not hurt.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are Texas (DFW) strip clubs all the same?
    There's a club in the Dallas/Fort Worth area called "Chicas Locas." No pretention in there.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is U.S. President Barack Obama checking out the foreign assets?
    It was a funny picture, but I doubt President Obama is another Clinton, in that regard. The problems with this president are his socialist ideals, not his likelihood to cheat on the First Lady...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Park Forest man ripped off by woman he met at strip club
    If you're gonna help someone (beggar on the corner; stripper, etc.), use cash only...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    The "experts" tell us that one of the principal "greenhouse gases" causing "catastrophic global climate change" is carbon dioxide. I therefore propose a solution to this problem: Anyone who believes it should do his or her part to save the planet -- Stop breathing. Meanwhile, feel free to believe whatever expert opinion you like. But anyone trying to take money from me to "fix" this "problem" is going to meet with my staunch resistance... And the liberals are trying to do exactly that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    Casualguy said, "...Obama and the democrats want to enact a huge tax increase which would put people out of work in the worst recession in 100 years. Why? So that we might reduce the global temperature 2 degrees within 50 years?" Your observations are right on target, casualguy, but I think the answer to the "Why?" question is different than to "reduce the global temperature." I believe the reason the liberals have been pursuing heavy taxes on things that might be blamed for climate change is simply to gain more control over more resources for central government. They are liberals/socialists first; environmentalism is just a convenient cloak to drape over their actual intentions.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    Actually, txtittyfan, weather patterns are cyclical. Over the past century, you could trace the cycle of change through published reports and archived data, for example. Every 20-30 years the cycle shifts from predominately warming to predominately cooling. Of course, the same hysterics who have been bleating about "global warming" were also warning about "the next ice age" a few decades ago when the trend was cooling. Those folks should definitely stay out of the stock market... "Oh, look! We'll be millionaires within a year at this rate!" "Oh, no! We'll be broke within a year at this rate!"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    michael jackson music in the strip club
    I had a memorable dance to "Liberian Girl" back in the early 1990s.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Center of attention vs. low profile?
    casualguy noted, "Sometimes to have fun, you have to just forget about all the other people in the club." This is so true, and a great, simple way to express a relevant fact about maximizing SC enjoyment. I do try to convince myself it is just me and her...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pussy juice
    I'm certain my "squirter" didn't pee on me...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Center of attention vs. low profile?
    As with Mr. Zissou and wallanon, I prefer to be under-the-radar (and under a lovely dancer, one-on-one).