mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
discussion started
7 months ago
tj -n- hk...
after ten years... and hundreds of delightful nites and days... i’m greatly backing off tj. i suffered a one two punch last october... robbed by the tj policía and disappointed with the hk managers...
mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
discussion started
a year ago
Hong Kong management doesn't seem to get it.
all these new rules and price increases... is like Hong Kong is trying to commit suicide of its place in the monger world. I keep going back though because of the girl selection that's...
New York
discussion started
a year ago
Does everyone use US currency here?...
Atlanta suburb
discussion started
a year ago
Cartels try to assassinate Hong Kong club owner
SAN DIEGO — Cartels operating in Tijuana have shifted their focus recently, aiming to take control of new operations.
In recent years, cartels in Mexico have fought over the drug trade, the avocado industry and...
mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
discussion started
2 years ago
hk management…
unfortunately it’s changing a little bit in tijuana… especially at hong kong club with the change of attitudes of management and probably the owners… taking away some of the fun and expectations of the...
discussion started
3 years ago
Recommended Mesero
I'm going to HK from 6/14-6/16. Can anyone recommend a Mesero?...
mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
discussion started
3 years ago
walking into mexico.
the Mexican border is open. i’ve already crossed it probably 40 times or more since this Covid shit.
1. have passport.
2. get the FMM filled out. do this before crossing and print it out....
mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
discussion started
4 years ago
tj border crossing
crossing into Mexico is very little problem.
Crossing back into the United States IS a problem. The border patrol is not staffing the facilities as they should.
unless you’re walking across with global entry/sentri you...
4 months agoby