Photos of Chicas

avatar for NWorth
As I prepare to finally visit TJ and HK, I really waa hoping to see pics of the chicas to know what I’ll be walking into!!

Whoever runs the HK social media pages airbrushes and photoshops the girls photos (to make them look more caucasian apparently!) so those photos are just pure BS. Plus whoever does it is a real amateur as it looks ridiculous.

My question: does anyone know of any website or social media page/handle where you can actually see what TJ girls actually look like???

(Note: Im not talking hidden cameras obviously)


last comment
Every girl uses filters on social media....
avatar for funonthaside
2 days ago
I suspect there is a high churn rate of girls, so having photos wouldn't do much good.

Do you like Latinas? If so, you'll be satisfied.
avatar for justinyoo
a day ago
The variety is amazing. With so many 7s to 10s, your concern will be more about finding based on attitude and service levels not looks. A 10 in looks that just sits there and wants wine fichas is an easy "move on" compared to a solid 8 with great attitude in HK.
avatar for Nixur68
a day ago
There's some social media on telegram but I have to say as much as everyone talks about this place I have yet to see anything interesting. And I don't trust the official ig either.
The girls that you see in the Hong Kong gallery are real girls but they're chosen by their bosses and for what THEY like to see.
Hong Kong Club has a huge turnover of girls. I have seen thousands in the 10 years I've been going there.
So basically you've got to see them in person cuz it's changing all the time.
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