your first encounter with TUSCL...
Mr Wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
I joined TUSCL in May 2014 but I do remember having visited numerous times just lurking around in the years prior after I first stumbled across it... probably in late 2011. Even when I did join I did not participate much at all for about a year. In retrospect I should have taken advantage of Founders
last comment(Opps) founder's screamin deal on VIP membership... At that time I think he was offering... pay once and you got VIP for life. (if i remember correctly.) If he were to offer that again I definitely would consider it.
And maybe I was surfing the web and stumbled across TUSCL maybe years before late 2011. I remember an ad or two for something that was on the homepage.
I joined TUSCL in early 2019 (under my old account @RonJax, which I lost access to.)
I think I had been lurking for quite a while before that. If I remember right, it used to be possible to view maybe 1 review per week or something like that without having VIP. So I've probably been lurking since mid to early 2010s.
In hindsight, I wish I had joined and lurked much earlier. I would have saved a lot of money not clubbing at my shitty local clubs and also the popular tourist traps like Vegas and Nawlins.
I was doing anonymous reviews prior to 2000. No name required back then. A real editor rejected my first review for not enough information. I resubmitted it and got approved.
I thought it was a forum for men who love clubs and strippers. Turned out tye most vocal types were mysoginists hating on the hookers they were fucking. Then came the types who claimed p4p isnt prostitution. Then yhe Right wing extremist weirdos... A lot of what's posted here is delusional. But its interesting to know how certain types think
^ yet you’re still here, what does that say about you?
I find it all interesting. All the different attitudes and beliefs... (Even San Jose guy and Desert Scrub and of course... Juice.)
Joined in 2017 after lurking a long while. Originally found tuscl doing SC research on Google. Definitely discovered a lot of fun clubs around the country I'd otherwise never have known about. For better or worse haha.
20fag has beeen threatening to ro leave tuscl for a decade. But he's too senile to remember to do it 🤡💩 😂 😭
I first discovered TUSCL in 1998 in, if you can believe it, a book of Internet sites. Imagine someone trying to compile a book of Internet sites now, lmao. It was awful to load using AOL dial-up, but it was the first time I found a comprehensive source of strip club locations and reviews in one place.
For many years I popped on for intel from time to time. But since most of my clubbing was local for a lot of those years, I really didn't need VIP. Founder also played around with countless different iterations over those early years, so there was often some intel viewable even without access in those rare moments that I found myself traveling.
Then finally, in 2009, I found myself hitting the road a lot more and needing heavy duty travel intel. So I bit the bullet and created an account. The rest is history.
Found it in 2009 when I was traveling to Detroit for first time for work and was googling reviews. The site led me to PHC Detroit and I’ve never looked back. I thought I had a handle on my local scene, but even learned a few things about bmore. I originally used a different screen name (prior to when I was Jimmy McNulty) that would’ve been recognizable to my buddies. I eventually asked founder to change it to McNulty as my reviews and forum posts disclosed some things I didn’t want broadcasted. Thanks tuscl!
I think I was looking for club reviews and StripClubList was getting overrun with trolls.
My main websites for the hobby for a few years was Z bone, Bonedin, and tuscl. TJ amigos and chicabow later became other favorites... now only tuscl has survived of those five.
I was on looking for a set of shocks for a Subaru back in 1991 and wound up here.
I joined in 2007, but I did not start reading the discussions for a year or two. I thought participants in a strip club discussion group would be disgusting perverts. But not all were disgusting. Most of the real characters from those early years are gone, but Shadowcat is still here. And always will be, I think.
I joined TUSCL to find the cities with the best strip clubs. I was surprised to learn that a lot of them were in my backyard of Detroit and its suburbs. I became a strip club regular and for many years I visited the Flight Club, the Penthouse, and similar clubs several times a week. Most of my discretionary income went into strippers' thongs.
Today I spend most of my money on international travel. But when I can, I check out the adult entertainment options in Germany, Austria, Thailand, and other countries.
Thanks for being part of the community
I was in the wilderness for a while. I don't know why it took me so long to find this site after stripclublist crapped out with porn ads and letting clubs pay 50 bucks to delete bad reviews.
@HankMoody I had no idea you were also Jimmy McNulty! 🤯
I joined TUSCL in August ‘2013. The site is quite entertaining and provides members with real-time valuable information on SC’s. Also, the articles and discussions are a fun read👍🏻
I was going through life wandering blindly from strip club to strip club I knew I had to find help. I found tuscl in 2018 where I learned to accepted the truth about myself
My name is Elmer and I am a pathetic loser
First went to a club in January 2017. Decided I liked it and went looking for info on the internet. Even without VIP saw enough on tuscl to find some decent clubs. After writing a review got VIP. Since then always have gone to enough clubs and wrote enough reviews to keep VIP without having to pay anything.
I recall occasionally lurking in the very early days of the site back in the mid-1990s. I didn't have an account way back then. I recall a friend at work showing it me. On a work computer no less! Like rickdugan mentioned, I think my friend also found the site via a book of interest sites. A book of Internet sites! Imagine that...
By 2002 I was posting occasionally. I recall being Steve2000 and also Carlos999 during that decade. I've been Steve3000 for about 17 years. Mostly still a lurker, with occasional reviews. I do hit clubs when I travel but kept all my reviews to the Baltimore area, which ain't what it used to be.
Got into strip clubs and wanted to learn more info on this world. Google info about strip clubs and you really can’t miss this website. I just did it, it’s the second hit right after yelp.
At one time, founder had a post (or article) on how TUSCL came to be. Would be nice to resurrect that. Like Shadowcat, I stumbled across TUSCL prior to 2000. I wanna say 1998. That’s why I’d like to see a history of when the site started. I had been a veteran of strip clubs in both Indianapolis where I once lived and Michigan since the early 80’s. I started doing a little research on Florida clubs and found the Mons Venus was a popular tourist destination. I joined in 2006 I believe. I was a more active poster on TwoSheds - a local Michigan board. But it went away.
My mind is also blown that @HankMoody is @JimmyMcNulty (what the fuck did I do?!) I was kind of wondering why that guy stopped posting (and I guess he didn't.)
@ronjax2 and @PAWG_patrol. Sorry for the confusion. I changed it a couple years ago. No real reason, just was feeling a little more Californication than The Wire at the time I guess. For a while after the change, I had “fka JimmyMcNulty” as my tagline to not confuse all my fans lol.
My first time in TUSCL was in 2013. I was working in Baltimore and was very near Fantasies Nightclub and McDoogal's. Looking for reviews is what resulted in me stumbling across TUSCL. Over the years, I have met JS69, narrowly missed wallanon, messaged back and forth with JimmyMcNulty/HankMoody, and developed a very hot relationship with EndlessSummer, definitely my ATF. I am currently contemplating semi-retirement from clubbing but I don't plan to leave the board regardless.
Wow, wild. @HankMoody you wrote a review of Ebony Inn as Jimmy that first compelled me to go there, maybe like close to a decade ago.
I can't remember exactly when I joined, but probably 20 years ago. I found out about the site from a friend. After posting some reviews I took advantage of Founder's lifetime membership fee of $100. What a bargain that turned out to be. I feel like I owe Founder a renewal fee for all the great information this site provided. Will definitely buy him dinner if I ever get to meet him in person. Although I seldom go to clubs anymore ( don't travel much and 74 ), I look at TUSCL almost every day to keep up with the scene. Founder has done a terrific job starting this valuable site and continually making improvements to it. Founder, thanks for all the time and effort you have put into this so the rest of us can enjoy it.
I used to travel for work, so T
And I would add that shortly after joining I got to meet Shadowcat because of Tuscl. He was the ringleader at the old Platinum Plus in Columbia,SC and I made it a point to see him there. He knew everyone in the club and was helpful in finding the best dancers. He is still the club ringleader, now at Vivide after many years at the legendary Follies.
I was bored and google searching the name of a stripper I used to fuck outside the club in Chandler. This dancer for me hooked onto the club scene as it was porn star sex for free, and being young my dick was always hard so I went looking for her. Amazingly enough one of the reviews about the Hiliter had her name written in the first sentence, for which you can read if you don’t have vip. I started visiting Hiliter 20 years ago hoping to run into her and found the mother load of slutty hot chics who play for fun. It was another 4 years before my old flame that I used to fuck came up to me at the Hiliter and said “hi, do you remember me?” Yep it was her with more tattoos all over and new fake tits! She really ratcheted up her whore side and i got sick thinking how I used to sexually abuse her. Anyway, I lurked for n this site a few years before getting this account going once I started traveling more and learned about the local scene.
Lurked for a few months before I created my account, which I created trying to use a different name and getting it rejected many times after trying different spelling and variations on the same name, finally got frustrated by the message telling me that the name I wanted to use was owned by someone else, I typed in twentyfive rejections and it cut off rejection and made me Twentyfive.
I was a frequent reader of the StripClubList in the early 2000's until the site got shut down and found TUSCL. Was never a reviewer of SC Clubs in the MA & RI area but frequented many in the late 90's of Fantasies, Desire, Cadillac, Foxy Lady & Mario's. Only recently started going to RI Dolls through good info & reviews since some of the clubs were getting stale with no new girls.
One of my old friends was going to college in the late 90's when I went to visit him. He wanted to see the closest strip club, so we went to his dorm's computer lab and went searching for a list of strip clubs and found TUSCL. FWIW, the strip club we found wasn't worth it.
I googled around in 2016 when I was a newbie dancer and realized that just because a club chain has the same name in two different locations, they can be way different than each other. I impulse bought the lifetime vip back when that was still being offered and that was that.
Was active on strip club list and left when I found this place because stripclublist lost its' luster and became nothing more to pick on the dancers.
dandy dan… is that club still open?
_🤠 I Was Surfin' Da' Internet
Back In Da' Day & Saw Tuscl. I Decided For Publishing Mi SC Review Coz I Had Visited Mi Strip Club & Got Well Known With It. I Became VIP Member. There Were Some Individule Months Of Membership Before Mi Full VIP. If Mi New SC Keeps Workin' Good For Me, I'll Give Some Feedback!
🚬👽 Cheersss ~~~~ Tuscl
^ We assume that was before your traumatic brain injury