
Random questionnaire, thanksgiving edition!

Avatar for ClubFan81077

A) What are your favorite thanksgiving side dishes?
B) What is your favorite duet?
C) The restaurant I’ve taken a dancer to the most times is _________________.
D) I’ve made a special trip just to bring my favorite dancer ________________.

My answers:
A) Mashed potatoes & gravy, corn pudding, broccoli casserole, and green beans.
B) Gotta go with “Endless Love”.
C) IHOP - limited choices at 3:00am…lol
D) An emergency box of tampons.


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Avatar for rickthelion

A) Wildebeest hash to go with the turkey. This rick is a frickin’ carnivore after all!
B) “The best is yet to come” by Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga. If only she could’ve convinced Tony to do “Poker Face”
C) This rick doesn’t take dancers to restaurants. Just motels.
D) Why would this rick make a special trip. I mean maybe I’d get on a stripper’s phone and text her boyfriend about how I’m fucking her because his dick doesn’t work right. But that’s just good clean fun.


Avatar for GoVikings
  • mac and cheese and sweet potato casserole
  • "everything has changed" by taylor swift and ed sheeran
  • N/A
  • i've never done this either. i've bought a few of my favorite drinks while in the club with them but that's about it

great questions, though i have a feeling the last 2 might not apply to some people here

Avatar for motorhead

A. Mashed potatoes with homemade noodles over the top. It’s a Midwest double starch thing.

B. “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” — Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell

C. Olive Garden, of course

D. One of my favorites sent me out on a late night Taco Bell run

Avatar for georgmicrodong

A. Green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, mashed taters and gravy.
B. Under Pressure, Queen and Bowie
C. Texas Roadhouse; they all seem to love those rolls.
D. Myself. Food for her kids.

Avatar for shailynn

A) sweet potato casserole, mashed taters and gravy, corn.

B) It’s Only Love - Tina Turner and Bryan Adams

C) Benihana

D) went to a gas station to purchase a money order and overnight it so a stripper could pay her health insurance monthly premium.

Avatar for PAWG_Patrol

A) Sweet potato casserole. But it's all about the Thanksgiving leftover sandwich.

B) Dr. Dre & Eminem - Forgot About Dre

C) Down south, you take dancers to Waffle House when the club closes. Then they get smothered and covered afterward 😂

D) I bring them nothing but money and mouthfuls.

Avatar for shadowcat

A} pearl onions in cheese sauce, cranberry sauce
C} used to take a favorite to where ever she had a buy one, get one free coupon.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

A) Stuffing or mac and cheese. But give me steak over turkey
B) Beavis and Butthead
C) The club buffet
D) the VIP for money and D. Never more.

Avatar for Beantowner

A) Any type of potato
B) Mamas and the Papas
C) My johnson
D) See answer C

Avatar for ClubFan81077

@rick I will give that duet a listen! Is it true that wildebeest tastes like chicken? :)

@GoVikings How could I forget about sweet potato casserole! Yeah, I was curious about what responses I might get to those last 2 questions… :)

@motorhead mashed potatoes with noodles sounds quite good! I’ve taken a dancer to Carrabba’s…

@george I’ve taken a dancer to Texas Roadhouse also…

@shailynn Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve eaten at a Benihana. Great place! That was very kind of you on that money order…

@PAWG_Patrol I’ll never be able to order Waffle House hash browns again without thinking of that! lol

@Puddy Is that a duet or a duo? Oh well, we’ll accept any answer here! :)

@Beantowner no thanksgiving dinner is complete without some variety of potatoes on the plate!

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

A) Stuffing, pie
B) Keith Richards and Ron Wood
C) Long Horn
D) Wendy's and Red Bull

Avatar for twentyfive

A) Cheddar scalloped potatoes
B) Willie Nelson and Julio Iglasias "To all the girls I've loved before"
C) Denny's breakfast, late at nite or early AM, when I'm taking her home after
a great night together.
D) Only once to get a favorite bartender a spare key to her car after her keys
fell down an open vent that couldn't be accessed.

Avatar for DandyDan

A. The green bean, cream of mushroom soup and sprinkled onion dish Mom always makes
B. "Love Will Keep Us Together" by Captain and Tenille
C. Perkins
D. ?

Avatar for crosscheck

A. Stuffing

B. "Close My Eyes Forever" - Lita Ford & Ozzy Osbourne

C. N/A

D. N/A

Avatar for motorhead

I forgot about that song by Lita Ford. One of my favorites. Great choice

Avatar for ClubFan81077

@ilbbaicnl @blahblahblahs steakhouses seem to be a popular choice…👍

@25 scalloped potatoes…👍 I haven’t heard that song in years! At odd hours, Denny’s, IHOP, Waffle House, or sometimes even a Whataburger can provide much needed food options. 😃

@DandyDan I haven’t eaten at a Perkins in years…do they have 24hr restaurants? Mom’s cooking is always hard to beat…

@crosscheck I need to give that duet a listen, since I’m unfamiliar with that one!

Avatar for DandyDan

@ClubFan- I know some Perkins are open on weekends, possibly all, but not in midweek.

To be honest, I forgot all about the restaurant that is at the one truck stop I would stop at after going to one of my old favorite clubs, except I don't remember it's name.

Avatar for Icey

A) Cornbread stuffing
B) pimpinela el amore no se puede olvidar youtu.be
C) king taco. TGIF
D) weed. Coke. Tacos. Hot cheetos...takis and a lemon

Avatar for ClubFan81077

^ cornbread stuffing sounds GREAT…

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