
Tipping Etiquette

New York
I was seated at the tipping rail. The dancer would go around to each PL flash her pussy and collect a couple of dollars. I noticed the PL sitting next to me had a $10 bill. He asked the dancer to break the $10 bill and give him ten singles, which she did. He then gave her the customary tip.

Has anyone seen something similar?


  • shailynn
    7 months ago
    I flashed my wang to a couple of women at the bingo hall expecting to get a few tips and all I got was my name in the newspaper!
  • elmer
    7 months ago
    Wow shaiynn is a celebrity
  • ArtCollege
    7 months ago
    I've run out of ones at the rack. Haven't asked the dancer for change, but heck, she's got a load of ones and an incentive to facilitate tipping.
  • Huntsman
    7 months ago
    I’ve never seen anyone do that but I suppose a guy can ask.
  • nj_pete
    7 months ago
    I’ve asked a few to break my larger bills, I usually prep before a club visit with some singles or most times the bartender will give change in singles, typical for most clubs.
  • mogul1985
    7 months ago
    Bingo Hall flashing - MOST EXCELLENT!
  • ancientlurker
    7 months ago
    I wouldn't want any possibility of a misunderstanding so I'd ask the bartender to break it.
  • ATACdawg
    7 months ago
    I've asked several if they could trade 1s for my 20s and all have been happy to. Several have offered to change them when they realized that I was going to get some change.

    In any event, I also tip a buck or two per twenty
  • Dolfan
    7 months ago
    I've never asked a stripper for change of any sort. It just feels weird. Doing it at the tip rail just seems bananas. The girl is doing a stage show, she's supposed to stop & make change? I guess at some clubs maybe no big deal, but at other clubs that seems weird as fuck.

    A few strippers have asked me to trade singles for twenties or twenties for hundreds & I've done it. A while back some sketchy dancer asked me to do it and for whatever reason I got a bad feeling and declined. It got me thinking about it, and I've declined every request since.
  • motorhead
    7 months ago
    I was in a club that didn’t offer lap dances, just stage dancing so they had one or two girls that circulated the room with singles for exchange. I think it’s customary to always tip a dollar or two to a waitress or bartender. But asking a dancer for change is weird unless you know her well
  • shadowcat
    7 months ago
    My usual bankroll consists of plenty on 1.s, 5,s, 10,s & 20,s. Nothing larger. I can't remember the last time I received change.
  • Dolfan
    7 months ago
    ^ I usually go in with maybe 30-50 in 1's, 5's and 10's, I have a little pile of "strip club money" I leave in the console of my tuck. Then I hit the ATM on the way to grab 20's for drinks and dances and maybe 2-3 100's in case I want to do a room. When I buy drinks, I get change back from 20's and use that for tips. Every now and again I'll have to ask the bartender or waitress to change an extra 20, but for the most part I don't even think about it. When I leave, I have usually have roughly the same amount of small bills I came with. I put them back in the console for next time.

    I keep picturing some dude standing outside the little ring around the stage at Tootsies trying to convince some Cuban chick to give him $17 dollars back from his $20. 89% chance the chick takes the $20, shows him her pussy for 20 seconds, then either asks for more money or moves on to the next guy, regardless of if she understands the request or not. 10% chance she stands there genuinely confused for a bit, then just walks away after realizing she doesn't care what he's saying and already has the tip. Less than 1% chance she actually does it. Then I picture the guy going to complain the manager, while they're not generally crooks or dickheads there, I'm still pretty sure they'd fucking laugh and offer no assistance or guidance other than saying something like "Once you give a stripper money, its hers. No refunds." Maybe they'll throw in a goodbye, or have a nice day.
  • RonJax2
    7 months ago
    Yeah, to @Dolfan's point, I'd never ask a stripper for change, because 9 times out of 10 she's going to just keep the whole bill, lol.
  • Hank Moody
    7 months ago
    It’s a common occurrence here in Maryland. Maybe because of our tip walk practice? The girls wind up with a lot of singles and while making change would interfere with a stage show, not so during a tip walk. The girls walk around and engage with each customer and are glad to change out their stacks of singles for larger bills. Sometimes they’ll offer to do it just to get rid of them. If I don’t get it from them, I’ll have to get them at the bar anyway as I’ll usually go through $30-100 (rarely that high) depending how long I’m there. Just as easy to sit with a dancer and change them out with her.
  • Dolfan
    7 months ago
    hah, here the tip parade only slows down to give bitchy attitude towards customers who don't tip. I can't see those girls slowing down to give change, but I could see them snatching the bigger bill out of the customers hand and disappearing back into the crowd.
  • Hank Moody
    7 months ago
    That sounds awful, but I’d take your SoFla clubs over ours any day of the week and twice on Sundays for the extra benefits.
  • SquareCastle
    7 months ago
    I’m confused, how come he didn’t just let her keep the 10 dollar bill??
  • stainglass
    7 months ago
    @dolfan: Over a period of time, we all come across dancers who are both good and bad, and everything in between.

    Some of them are extremely great people as well (but they do not stay with SCs for a long time). It also varies with the group. If Subram goes into a club and asks a dancer to break the bills, every dancer who knows him as a regular would obviously give them the bills, but when you or I do it to the same dancer, the response may be different... Moral of the story: There is so much happening for us to look at one instance and draw conclusions.

    Stay safe, enjoy and don't compare yourselves or worry about what others do / have. Do what makes u happy.
  • IfIGottaBeDamned
    7 months ago
    If I’m sitting with one of my favs, there’s no issue asking her to break a $20. Especially if the bar tender is busy. She’ll going to rubber band the singles into a $20 stack and exchange with the bartender anyway. And I tip her a dollar or two that I would have given her in some manner anyway. It’s all good; works out for everyone.
  • stripperlover777
    2 months ago
    I Would 💲3---50. It Depends On How Good Her Performance Is @ Stripper Pole Work & How Good Her Body Is. Now, Sittin' & Being Luveee Duveee On The Side, Really Good Table & Pvt Dances Is Where Da' Stripper Can Make Da' Real Good $$$Money!

    👽 👽 👽********TUSCL CHEERS
  • ClubFan81077
    2 months ago
    I've never personally asked a dancer to make change at the stage, however...

    I don't really have an issue with another customer at the stage respectfully asking a dancer to make change, assuming that they're tipping enough to make it worth her while, and that they aren't hindering her ability to make additional tips from other customers at the stage. So, for example, if only one guy is even sitting at the stage, he kindly asks the dancer to break a $20, and then tips her maybe $5 or $6, I don't really see the harm in that. That would be even more true if the customer asks about change for a $100 bill, and then proceeds to tip $15, $20, or whatever...

    To me, whether something like this is a good idea or a bad idea is very heavily dependent on the particular situation. In the right situation, it might work out great. In the wrong situation, it might go over like a fart in an elevator.

    Generally speaking, I like to be prepared...prepared going into the club, prepared heading up to the stage, prepared heading back to the dance area, even prepared if I have to tip a bathroom attendant... :)
  • Manuellabore
    2 months ago
    1. It's not the dancer's job to make change. Ask the bartender for change, and tip her/him a buck or two for doing so, before stepping to the stage
    2. It can disrupt the dancer's performance, although probably not much if she's just moving along the stage serially flashing her pussy. Still, it's unfair to her and to other customers;
    3. Clear communication can be hard stage side. Her natural reaction when somebody hands a bill of any denomination to her is that it's hers to keep. Management is likely to side with her.
    I don't even like asking for change when I settle up in the LD/VIP room. It's like you are overtly telling her her dance wasn't worth the 5 or 10 dollars you want her to hand back to you. Best to keep a variety of denominations and a decent number of singles handy
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    2 months ago
    Its tacky to ask her for change at the stage. He should have asked the waitress to bring him change.

    The problem with changing money with dancers is there are always fake bills going around in clubs.
  • skibum609
    2 months ago
    Dancers don't mind and I have done it.
  • misterorange
    2 months ago
    I usually try to stock up on singles and 5's before I go. (Tell the girls at the bank I'm having a garage sale. Lol) Otherwise I might pay for my first beer with a $50 and ask for all singles back. Danger in that is they might short you a couple bucks, and you kind of look like a miser if you count them all. Some bartenders are professional and count them out right in front of you. If they don't do that, you should assume you're getting ripped off.
  • ClubFan81077
    2 months ago
    @misterorange If I tried the garage sale comment, I'd probably look like I'm trying to cover up a visit to the club. After I left, they'd be like "yeah, that dude's gonna make it rain"...lol
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