No Offense Intended, But I’m Not Outing Extras Girls

avatar for doctorevil
Evil Lair

Every time I write a review in which I mention a particularly accommodating dancer, I get PMs asking for her name or a detailed description. I don’t provide a name or a detailed description in the review for a reason, and it’s not because I like responding to PMs requesting the information I intentionally left out of the review. Sorry, but if I haven’t met you in person, I’m not outing any dancers to you. And even then, maybe not.


last comment
avatar for rattdog
1 yr ago

i approve of the above message.

outing our your fave/reliable one to others, whether you know them or not, would be flat out stupid. doing so serves no benefit for me whatsover. and if anyone disagrees with that well then tough shit.

avatar for rickdugan
1 yr ago

Couldn't agree more. I don't care if I've met the person or not, or whether it's a customer or even another dancer. I don't talk about what I do with a girl with anybody else, period.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

I will answer, just very vaguely and without useable details. I won't even trade details with my cousin, not that we have the same tastes in women

avatar for ArtCollege
1 yr ago

I'm OK with sharing names to long-time members who have many reviews on this board. No system is perfect, but seems unlikely that a vice cop will spend years on this board to build credibility. Easier (and more fun) for him to go to the club and wait for some stupid stripper to incriminate herself.

avatar for groundball
1 yr ago

I've shared info on this fine website, but only in private messages and only with mongers that I can tell are real live people. Part of the problem is "your mileage may vary"... I'm sure there are dancers that won't do stuff with me like they will for other guys, and vice versa.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

I have never and never will shared nor asked for someone else to share with me any names or deeds that might or might not have occurred. As far as I’m concerned anyone who can’t get this on their own doesn’t need to have this information In this instance not sharing is caring.

avatar for shadowcat
1 yr ago

My response to those requests is usually " I don't give out that information to people that I don't personally know. It protects the dancer and me."

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

I just don’t respond to them.

avatar for gSteph
1 yr ago

I don't even name dancers that let me kiss their nipples. I used to, but then I got wiser. Now I just use made up names to describe the mileage I get. YMMV

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

I have I have no credible credentials. . besides, unless you're in the southwest iunderstand i understand your concerns.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago


I have no idea what kind of creepshow lunatic is on the other side of that PM. And, yeah, I know that she might still encounter that guy by chance, but I'm going to be responsible for turning a gamble into a guarantee.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

I think it's situational. If it's a girl who is not about that life just making an exception more low volume type girl, then nothing happened. Nobodies business. She is not out there like that.

I mean if it's tuscl icon especially if I know them from the board, and they want to ask what girls you might recommend at an well known extras type club. I'd be willing to give some recs, sure. These are my homies it's all good. That would only be like what maybe 100 people? It's not that many if you think about it but they've established credibility. Anybody that posted above would qualify in my eyes btw. I don't know if I'd get crazy about the menu but I mean if I get do what I can to make sure I can point a well known fellow monger in the right direction I'll do it.

But just being totally nobody has ever asked me that specific a question in pm's. I'm sort of in a different situation, more of road warrior I'm not in deep on these clubs or any girl. Might change how I think about the whole thing.

I'll sometimes ask the women if they'd like me to advertise for them. Almost always that's a no. They don't need PLs coming with expectations they don't want to deliver. Makes sense. Finding those diamonds in the mine might take a little work, a little luck, and a little skill...but it's part of what makes the game fun.

(Well, except for maybe the Playhouse, Purple Orchid, or Tijuana clubs where the expectations and high volume throughput make it all fair game.)

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

*being totally honest

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

Juanita in HK. she's been known to go upstairs.

actually I like reviews that name names and actions. but I understand the problem with management and legally in the USA and maybe some other places.

avatar for SteveO696969
1 yr ago

On this site's home page, there is a disclaimer stating "all contents should be considered a work of fiction."

I assume that's intended to embolden reviewers to reveal mileage details including names.

But still, it's weird sharing explicit stories like "I got a $40 HJ from Cinnamon."

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

On this site's home page, there is a disclaimer stating "all contents should be considered a work of fiction."

Yeah, I really wish Founder would take this down. I’d be willing to bet it provides no legal protection whatsoever, but it gives the laptop lawyers a reason to crow about posting details because “it’s all a work of fiction anyway.” Apparently they can’t see the irony of asking for detailed facts on a public message board while at the same saying “but it’s fiction.”

avatar for 5footguy
1 yr ago

I ignore such requests. I do not ask details like this either, unless the review specifically states "DM me for details" in which case I've sent a DM a time or two.

avatar for Alfredo_Darke
1 yr ago

Since it seems I may be the one that sparked this, some thoughts from my side. This is a review site, where strip clubs are reviewed. Given that, it's not a stretch that someone would like to know who the best dancers are for their visits, especially if they're coming from out of town and can't spend days trying to find the best talent.

I understand not wanting to broadcast specifics to the whole world, which is why I PM people for info. I've been PMed info from others, sometimes general, sometimes more detailed, and it's helped make for good club experiences. Last thing I want to do is get somebody busted, that doesn't help anyone.

Maybe it's because I see escorts too, and use another site, the Erotic Review. For those unfamiliar, you can see everything a particular girl will do, and there haven't been mass arrests shutting down that business. Frankly, after using that site for years, the lack of real info here is frustrating. You don't want to share info, fine, but reviews usefulness is then very limited.

avatar for rickmacrodong
1 yr ago

To a random person on the internet, there isnt much sense in doing it, unless they’re planning to come to the club at some point or living near it. It’s possible the club could have a lot of dancers and it would be useful to know which to go for. At the same time, its hard to trust someone online and know their intentions.

If you know the person IRL, then the question becomes why doesn’t he already know which dancers at the local club are offering what. Is it because hes never been to the club? So then it becomes the same situation of trust.

I have had dancers who certainly did want me to tell my friends about them so they could get more business. Their name is just their club name so it doesn’t affect their reputation if someone knows their club name. They did do extras, but im not sure they would be considered significant. The extras they did included things like breast milk, touching the pussy, or playing with the D outside the pants. Its all stuff that I assume they were willing to do with any customer, since they were all excited for me to tell my friends about them and hopefully get them more business.

Now ignoring all that stuff, some peoples reason for not wanting to divulge this sort of information has nothing to do with the dancer’s privacy or their own privacy, but instead just purely because they dont want the dancer getting more business because they want her to remain as low volume as possible when it comes to OTC. I can understand that some or maybe many guys want the girls they bang to be exclusive to them, but that isnt reasonable or noble and in an industry like this it actually hurts the girl more than helps her.
The way I approach these things is if im not willing to be exclusive to a girl i see no reason why she should be exclusive to me. So i dont even bother asking a dancer or escort how many clients she has, how many guys shes fucking, so on so forth. And I definitely dont go out of my way to try to sabotage her earnings potential or not recommend her to someone when shes open to being recommended. No doubt a dancer or escort isnt going to want you to tell the whole world about what shes doing but im sure many would want you to tell your trusted friends about them to get them more business.

avatar for georgmicrodong
1 yr ago

No offense taken.

avatar for doctorevil
1 yr ago

My position on this has nothing to do with the possibility of law enforcement prowling this site looking to bust girls. I think that the possibility of that is very remote. It's based on respecting her privacy.

I don't think the review usefulness is limited without identifying information on the girls. The reviews give you a sense of what is available in a club. You don't need to have everything handed to you on a platter. If you're looking for extras, go to a club where the reviews indicate extras are available, and ask the girl about extras.

And you don't need to become a regular and spend thousands of dollars. I do a lot of short 1-2 day trips for business. Virtually all of my ITC or OTC activities are with girls I meet for the first time.

Yes, my Oz review is what generated this post. I have been there maybe 6 time in the last 5 years. I walked in last Monday. I didn't know anyone, and no one knew me. In less than 30 minutes I was in VIP banging one of the hottest girls there. Which was similar to most of my past trips to Oz, except for how quick everything was. It usually takes an hour or so.

It's not like Atlantis a couple of miles away where all the girls are pretty much straight up whores, but like most places, if you are not a total weirdo and have a little money to spend, you can have a very nice time.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

^ This.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

I got to say though nobody in this situation is doing that crazy stuff. You know at least Alfredo is keeping it to pm. And you know what you gotta respect Dr. Evil decision that he ain't giving it up. I was looking at those Desire reviews damn they just talk about all these girls menus right in the comments, zero filters. Just all out there.

Btw me personally my tastes are so particular it's just useless for me to even ask these questions. To be hot enough not to admire or get lapdances but take to VIP and spend hundreds on, rare bird that. Even though Dr. Evil saying she was one of the hottest girls in there, I'm sure half the board would be all hell no. Our tastes vary so wildly on here. If studme goes and posts another favorite pic I'm gonna vomit, just sayin.

avatar for mjx01
1 yr ago

What she might offer you isn't what she will offer someone else. All you are doing is shooting yourself and hurting your chances the next time you at at that club with her and every other dander she warned about you.

avatar for Alfredo_Darke
1 yr ago

Doctor Evil - Some useful info there. But - "respecting her privacy"? Privacy doesn't seem to be a big issue for someone that strips naked for total strangers and lets them fondle them, and more, in a public club. If anything, I would think that the publicity would be good for getting them more dances in a competitive environment. And again, keeping it to PMs should take care of "privacy" concerns.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

Ugh, not this again. The board has already decided this issue. The arguments aren’t changing. Give it a rest.

avatar for BubbleYum
1 yr ago

"Privacy doesn't seem to be a big issue for someone that strips naked for total strangers and lets them fondle them, and more, in a public club."

Are you retarded? Some of us are public figures, whether it's social media, mainstream porn, etc., and don't want or need everyone knowing our business in VIP. I don't mind if people know I dance, but what I do have a problem with is customers sharing their encounters with me in VIP.

Furthermore, I don't want somebody following me home or hunting me down because they may not have gotten the same encounter someone else received. It has happened to many girls. And some of those girls end up dead.

Third, it happens rarely, but some girls actually do use their real names as their dancer names.

I have also seen girls get jumped by customers, significant others, and other dancers for things that may or may not have happened in VIP.

Privacy IS an issue for us. And you're a dumb duck if you can't see that.

avatar for BubbleYum
1 yr ago

Also, outing girls can actually hurt them more than it could ever help them. Let's say you have a dancer who works at a non-extras club and is low key getting away with stuff in VIP. And now she's outed. And then suddenly one of the other girls from the club discovers this website and sees that review. Shows it to the manager. Then the girl gets fired. Now you're fucking with her money because she's unemployed.

Or let's say she has a pimp. She supposed to sell services for $$$, but one of the girls from the group or he reads a review saying she sold for $$. Now he's pissed off and he's going to let her know it.

Or she has a boyfriend or husband at home. And he thinks it's just a normal ass strip club. But then one of her jealous friends or something reads a review about her and shares it with her significant other. Now she is getting a divorce or broken up with. What if it was his residence She was living at? Now she's going to be homeless, too.

These are scenarios that HAVE happened. Obviously not all the time, but I have read about girls dealing with these different types of scenarios just from being outed online. Just don't link dancer names to extras. It's not that difficult.

avatar for BubbleYum
1 yr ago

A customer wrote about me on USASexGuide with my permission. He told me he received over 50 private messages from others wanting to know my stage name. I asked him to only give out my Instagram, and only to forum contributors. I was told most of the guys who wrote to him had no posts or comments on the site and/or were recent made accounts.

I received one private message from that review. What a huge waste of time for my customer to write that review and for me to show up to work after posting I'd be working.

avatar for crosscheck
1 yr ago

^^ as the old saying goes, common sense is not that common.

avatar for Estafador
1 yr ago

I used to believe I was contributing to the community by trying to offer names or descriptions. But the way you guys put it, man that really makes me rethink this whole thing. Thanks for the perspective boys

avatar for doctorevil
1 yr ago

In honor of BubbleYum, I’m going to call my rule the “don’t be a dumb fuck” rule.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ You mean Dumb Duck Rule

avatar for rickmacrodong
7 mos ago

I agree with most stuff posted, but this

“Or let's say she has a pimp. She supposed to sell services for $$$, but one of the girls from the group or he reads a review saying she sold for $$. Now he's pissed off and he's going to let her know it.

Or she has a boyfriend or husband at home. And he thinks it's just a normal ass strip club. But then one of her jealous friends or something reads a review about her and shares it with her significant other. Now she is getting a divorce or broken up with. What if it was his residence She was living at? Now she's going to be homeless, too.”

If shes cheating on her BF/husband, obviously she deserves to get kicked out the house. I dont see the justification behind arguing someone who cheats on their partner, also deserves to be provided a home by that partner. So it’s actually a good thing if cheating is discovered.

Regarding the pimp, she can leave the pimp if she wants. Pimping is a felony, whereas providing extras is at most, a misdemeanor. Moreover, you dont have to tell the cops what you do for a living, just to get a pimp off your tail. Most pimps are probably boyfriend or husband pimps. The girl is free to leave the pimp anytime. If shes not leaving the pimp, and isnt in love with the pimp, there must be some benefit to sticking with the pimp.

avatar for funonthaside
7 mos ago

Do you really think leaving a pimp is easy / without dire consequences?

avatar for rickmacrodong
7 mos ago

Absolutely, unless youre one of the street walking hookers. If youre working as an internet escort or at a strip club, you can easily leave a pimp. The street walking hookers are an extreme example, and cant easily leave their pimps because they need to continue working the same streets.
A girl working at a club, or escorting online is a different scenario. Working a club is a legal job, so there’s no risk for a stripper to get cops involved to keep a potential pimp away

avatar for Manuellabore
7 mos ago

I'd estimate that about 60% of TUSCLERs take this to heart, and 40% have no compunction about naming names, acts, and prices. I base this on the number or reviews that get published with such details, with adjudicator approval. I'll reject any I see with that info

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