
What Type of PL Uses TUSCL?

They never tell you what you need to know.
Friday, May 12, 2023 12:11 AM
Do you ever think about who else is on the board? What their lifestyle is like? How they live? How would you describe them to someone discovering TUSCL for the first time? I think I could break it down into 4 categories - but I’d like to see what other people say first.


  • Muddy
    a year ago
    To be honest, in the back of my head two big groups. Older mostly white guys who have some extra cash on hand and sick of all the nagging at home. And then you got younger mostly black dudes, who like big booties, and strip clubs today be it in music or just lifestyle it's a big part of the culture, it's not something to hide, it's something to be proud of, there's that group. I gotta say everyone I've met in person from here has been cool as fuck be it stripper or customer. Not creeps at all.
  • azdd
    a year ago
    When I look around inside my favorite clubs, I always wonder if the dudes around me are on this site. I’m surprised more dancers are not, or maybe they are here under the radar!
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    This “lifestyle” is expensive. The “founder” of the old Michigan TwoSheds board once wrote one of my favorite quotes of all time. “Money rules in strip clubs. All others can eat shit”. I think most of us are older guys who have carefully accumulated wealth overtime. We are are careful to spend on activities outside of clubs in order to have plenty of capital to enjoy ourselves in this hobby. Not to get political is this thread - but I think that’s why we skew conservative. We worked and fought for what we have and never expected favoritism or handouts. We had a goal of what we wanted out of life and made it happen.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    Motorhead to me there's no bigger motivation for being a self reliant, responsible, get off your ass and get after it type, then if your work hard and make this $ you can actually fuck that girl right over there that looks like Brittney Spears and you look like John Daly. Forget Milton Friedman and John Maynard Keynes, if your not down with capitalism after that I don't what to say.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    I get a good sense of everyone's lives and club habits from how they post. Now with no Icee or SJG I don't think there's anyone here that insists on being seen as something they're not. I've never introduced myself to anyone on this board but confirmed that I've seen OWG at Desire, and he's just about how I pictured him (or maybe a bit younger, lol).
  • doctorevil
    a year ago
    Wow. I had no idea who John Daly was, so I had to Google him. He looks just like a a regular I have seen at several local clubs. My nickname for him is the Perverted Santa Clause. Of course, I've never talked to him myself because I don't go to strip clubs to talk to other customers, but a few dancers mentioned to me that that was their nickname for him, too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    We're all well-hung studs that support the educational-system by helping needy young-women get thru Nursing-School and fullfill their life-dreams - we're like a sexy-version of a Pell-Grant
  • goldmongerATL
    a year ago
    I may very well be chit chatting with a guy in a club that is on this board. I am on an unrelated message board. I know at least a half dozen of my friends are on the same board. We all occasionally post, but mostly just read it. We make it a point not to know each other's handles and do not try to figure it out. When we are texting or talking as friends we will even discuss what we saw on the board. Sometimes I know the discussion is about something I posted and I am sure other times it is about something another one of us posted.
  • goldmongerATL
    a year ago
    I have never seen a dancer that looked like Brittany Spears but have seen way too many that look more like John Daly.
  • Dolfan
    a year ago
    Only the P'est of the L's partake in the exclusive site that is TUSCL. Seriously though, I 'd put them mostly in one category. They're people who enjoy going to strip clubs regularly, and enjoy discussing it with others. There may be a secondary category of wierdo's who enjoy trolling random websites and pretending to be something else. And a small number of actual strippers.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Most members use it for the junior high atmosphere tuscl provides. Where else can you go conveniently to hash out stories of our favorite hobby, strippers? Honestly I don’t know if I have another hobby I’ve consistently participated more in other than strip clubbing over the last 10 years.
  • Warrior15
    a year ago
    OK. Spill it Shailynn. What are your four groups ?
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    Okay. 1. Married or divorced guys. Married: Looking for some action on the side/not enough action at home/too afraid-not interested in having an affair/needs some variety. Divorced: Does not necessarily want to get back into a relationship/marriage for various reasons and strip clubs are one way to scratch the itch. Married & Divorced: Just needs to see some boobies to unwind from everyday life/opportunity to "interact" with younger women/safer-more low key than escorts. I would bet most of the guys in this category have achieved a level of success in their personal life. That doesn't go for everyone though, and measuring success varies depending on where you live in this country. 2. Never Married. I would bet the majority of the guys in this group lean more towards the "weirdo" type but that certainly is not everyone. Many of these guys only opportunity to interact with hot women happen inside a strip club. Many of these guys aren't "marriage material" but several don't even want to be married. Success varies greatly in this group. Guys like Tetradon travel all over the world, where LecherousMonk lives in his moms basement. If you want an example of a weirdo, Dave Anderson. There are lots of less vocal Dave Andersons hiding out here. I think of a very close friend of mine as in this group. Good looking, charming guy, Ivy League educated, author of two books, but only fucks strippers. I've known the guy for 25 years and he's never dated a girl more than a month. Lives with his mom. He could care less about having a relationship with a woman, but he has needs, and those needs are met through strip club visits. 3. Trolls. Whether is be a butt plug forum, video game forum, strip club forum, or a knitting forum, they come in, hang around, and eventually fuck everything up. I'm not talking about the sometimes funny parody ones, I'm talking the crazies. These are the people that try to masturbate on a plane. The people that order a pizza from Dominos, eat half of it and try to return it for a refund 2 days later. Although the Dominos scheme sounds like something Subraman would do, I assure you he is at least not a troll on here. 4. San Jose Guy. He's in his own category because nobody else has ever been that loony on this site. From circle jerk cults to lusting after obese women in lingerie to suing car manufacturers to not having internet access to adult sites to believing trolls on here named Mamisan and Tijuana Tim were real people, he was the train that kept on wrecking, all the while running Founders internet bill up each month. * for you sensitive fucks remember a lot of this is satire.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    Some types that occur to me... 1. Lurkers. Guys that read but don't post. Thats the majority of tusclers. 2. Trolls. Sjg, icey, mamisan, etc. They could be on any board bc they're just here to wind people up. 3. Retirees. People who used to sc, don't as much anymore, but stick around for the conversations. 4. Ranters. People who can't find a satisfying audience in their normal lives, and come here to postulate on finance, politics, philosophy, etc. 5. Penitents. People who can't talk about this stuff anywhere else. 6. Seekers. People who want to know how to handle this or that situation. Short lived usually bc there's really only so much to know. 7. Misfit toys. Scrub, god bless him, I have no idea what the fuck he was. There is also a guy who thinks he is a truck. That is weird. 8. Dancers. A few with very thick skin. ...I'll add that nearly everyone on here likes to talk about tits and ass, strippers, hookers, and the hobby. I started as a 6, then moved to a 5 with occasional 4 tendencies. I'm probably on my way to a 3.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    @shailynn - LOL, I had forgotten about SJG's "circle jerk" comments.
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    Most of the people who use TUSCL aren't actively posting on the boards. If the thread is just about the boards, then I suppose the suggestions here cover things pretty well. I'd maybe add "Helpers". As the name implies, these are people that don't mind passing on what they've learned (for whatever it's worth lol).
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    I started looking for sites like TUSCL when I began travelling more extensively. In Louisiana, I would see a lot of clubs that had been closed. Outside of Bourbon Street and a couple of other clubs, there seemed to be a lot of turnover (clubs, not dancers). Probably because it was so hard to compete with the money that could be made in the French Quarter. I wanted to see what was there before it closed, LOL, or find something new that was not tourist trap. If I had actually found TUSCL while living there, I would have likely checked out Visions. Instead, I would tend to ignore the 9th ward because, you know, I didn't want to get shot for being white. (It's true , look it up.) After I moved to Florida and began travelling more and throughout several different states, I really wanted to not waste time at bad clubs. That's when I found and joined TUSCL. The rest is history. I think a lot of our middle-younger members, especially those not participating in the discussions, are people who travel extensively and want to see strip clubs without wasting time in duds.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    ^ great point. When I joined TUSCL, I discovered many strip clubs when I was traveling extensively for work. If it weren’t for TUSCL I would have never even found over half the clubs I went into over the years. As for the discussion board I was on here for years before I even knew the discussion board even existed.
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    A PL who is so addicted to clubs that he needs to engage in chatter about clubs when not sitting at a club.
  • chugwa
    a year ago
    I like clubbing because it's a little adventure in my mostly dull life. You just don't know what's going to happen when you walk into a club. Experienced vary from awesome to dreadful. For me it's just good enough to keep me going. I've learned a lot about women in particular and people in general. I didn't really get women till I started clubbing. Having fellow hobbyists to reflect with is good times.
  • gSteph
    a year ago
    PLs with phones 📱
  • georgmicrodong
    a year ago
    Old, ugly, fat guys with little dicks.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    ^^^ hey I am only 2 of those things!!!!
  • DeclineToState
    a year ago
    ->: "2. Trolls. Sjg, icey, mamisan, etc. They could be on any board bc they're just here to wind people up. mamisan no troll. mamisan fucking hilarious,
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    Now that a few of the worst trolls are gone, we might start to see a new TUSCL user variant in the form of the "younger strip club newb". A lot of those guys have either avoided or not lasted long here given the welcome they'd traditionally get from Icee, desertscrub, SJG, and a few others. There's still the hurdle of figuring out 20+ years of inside jokes and lingo, but that's less of a deterrence. That type of customer/PL shows up on Reddit relatively often (and are frequently told to sign up here as well). I suspect that some of them are already here but fall into that larger group of TUSCL users who only post and read reviews because the discussion boards have been (in the past) a slog for new guys. Who knows? Maybe more of those guys will de-cloak now that they're not being scolded for buying lapdances or being accused of being cops or club shills.
  • Jdo11
    a year ago
    Resident, single, pushing 40, own my home, own a few shitty Toyotas. What kind of PL am I?
  • rickthelion
    a year ago
    Well, let’s all start with the simple fact that we ricks aren’t pathetic losers. We’re the most badass, hyper-intelligent, suit-wearin’ dudes that you’ll ever meet. Would a loser be able to reprogram his Tesla autopilot to emulate a drunk driver? I think not! However, this rick would also like say that current state of TUSCL is too depauperate of rick action. I mean really…there is me and the dugan still keeping you losers in your place. But the recent changes here have eliminated much of the rich rickness that populated the board. Did you people know that our rickness imbued a frickin’ cheesestick with consciousness? Yes indeed. I never met that cheesestick but I suspect it became alive after a night of council of ricks partying at a club that offered fried cheese and it picked up the rickness in the air. Anyhoo, all I have to say is y’all need more rickness. ROAR!!!
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ Are you sure it wasn't a cheese dick ? Grown men don't say anyhoo unless they have issues LOL
  • nicespice
    a year ago
    ^ But he’s not a grown man, he’s a lion 🦁
  • dha
    a year ago
    #1. Someone that loves pussy and wants it immediately without the chase and the other bullshit that could go with it. #2. Someone willing to spend their money and walk away with a memory that may only last an hour. A love for immediate gratification. #3. Some one that likes to have a good time. #4. Any age, nationality, or race. The only prerequisite is that naked ladies get you horny.
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