If you don’t reinstate the two way block you are just rewarding the biggest trolls on this site. If you feel that prick gives you more value than I do let me know I will terminate my participation here I’m sick and tired of your attitude towards the folks here that contribute, if you value your contributors, act like it or watch us leave
Here's what I don't understand: 25 is one of the most prolific troll feeders. He consistently and without hesitation takes every piece of bait dangled in front of him, yet few cry as loud and as long as he does about how trolls sre going to drive him off this site. Talk about aging back into infancy.
I think other trolls - because 25 himself is a troll- should counterbid any offers from 25 to bring back 2-way blocks. 25 offers $20, 2icee offers $30. That's a tidy little profit for founder.
While I would prefer the two way block, like founder said that costs him time and money to update the software. While it would be nice to have it back, the value I get from the site outweighs the minor annoyance.
Maybe founder could introduce a "vip extra" membership level where for $199.99/year (or $19.99/month) you can add two way blocking to your profile. That way the people who really want it can make it worth founder's time and cost.
That feature was available, then you removed it, I don't recall you removing it because of cost, if memory serves me your claim was it smacks of censorship, which I and many others disagree,
I have written reviews, I believe 65 of them, I have paid for VIP membership, what value do you feel that is worth to your business ?
Your trolls have few if any reviews, and the most prolific troll right now, of the 3 reviews he is credited with 2 of them are plagiarized, you've banned him in the past for ignoring your rules, yet he still ignores the few rules you do have and continues to obfuscate, make up lies about long term members, he has chased away people, to whom I have recommended your site.
I feel that you should do better, but as others have stated it's your site, so your rules. You should note I haven't ever stated he should be banned, I would but that is solely your decision, all I asked for was reasonable consideration, and protection from being harasser, which should be available to anyone that feels the same way.
I did try using ignore but it didn't even slow down the number of remarks this troll has made about me, at this point you can make a decision if you prefer I will leave and if that is your wish, so be it. I still have a full life, so my posting here will be taken up by other pastimes.
Cim quit whining snd use the blocking feature in place. But again uou won't because then you won't be able to troll the people you pretend to want to block
I was going to leave it there, but I feel compelled to remind everyone here that the reason Icee was originally banned, was when you created the Vip and Verified forums, that troll promptly found a way to cut and paste the posts that you had promised would be private and not searchable, on the regular forum, so as to circumvent the privacy you promised in return for Verification, that is a harm that you should remedy, I believe a fair remedy would be the two way block.
Most of us have other members with whom we won’t engage for whatever reason. I engage with both of you and don’t block you, but I’m using the one way ignore on about 25 accounts that I consider a waste of my time (I say I ironically while posting on a strip club website in the middle of my workday). Just ignore each other. Or don’t, but embrace your choice and stop calling each other trolls. We get it.
Ah Jimmy you know better I don’t gratuitously attack anyone you have the luxury of not having anyone aggressively making remarks about your family or calling you names incessantly, bet you if the same thing was being done to you you’d engage similarly
If a troll posts threats against you in the ignore-forest, does it make a sound? I don’t react to threats I don’t see. If I choose to see them and react, then I can’t really call it trolling. In any event, this site is proudly troll-woke. Trolls are allowed and even encouraged here as part of the unmoderated culture. I’m not telling anyone to leave, but if I ever have a problem with Joe founder runs the site and I requested a change won’t make, I’ll either live with it or disappear. That’s the choice.
No, YOU ended it on September 23, 2022 here: https://tuscl.net/discussion.p…. Even the word "détente" was first used to describe our coexistence by me when YOU ended it on the linked discussion. Seriously, how fucking stupid are you? Do you actually believe your own bullshit? You suffer from a crippling combination of psychosis, dementia, and pathological lying. Any time you tell a truth it is as random as 1,000 monkeys taking 1,000 years to randomly type the complete works of Shakespeare. A person is more likely to win tonight's Mega Millions than to hear a truthful utterance from you.
At least Icee knows what he is. You are just a useless old fool who has no clue what's true anymore.
Founder isn't a problem. The right wing bigots and trolls like 25 and skibum who threaten and harass people are. And of course they won't do it in person
' If you post something on a public forum then the public should be able to read it.'
Isn't it true that the block would only work when someone is signed in which means that anyone, the public, not signed in would be able to read everything that they can now?
Personally I don't have a dog in this fight, I never officially ignored anyone here although I don't read many things from certain posters or just skim past their posts but the idea of blocking certain asses does seem to have some benefits.
So … just wanna say 25 is a really good dude in real life. Met him when I was down in his neck of the woods and he’s super cool and super generous. Board shit talk is just that. Shit talk. Throw some tits in our faces and a few drinks and I think even the most hated of board enemies would find common ground. As it should be.
I have no clue what the two way block is. But a couple months ago I tried the "Ignore" function for the first time and it's worked wonderfully. It cut the crap from this poster Ice* by 99% and I now barely know he exists, except for the occasional mention by others.
Trolls can definitely be an annoyance in the discussion threads. In addition there are a few guys who excel at bullshit and nastiness, two of whom have ironically popped up in this thread in seeming encouragement of 25's departure.
25 I've always found you to be one of the most level-headed and reasonable posters here. I do though have to agree with the comment that you sometimes get pulled into unproductive exchanges with trolls and other negative actors.
Founder put it quite well: Enjoy life, avoid the noise. Try to avoid the fruitless discussion threads more, and put the worst offenders on Ignore. I've done both in the last 2 months and noticed improvement in my experience of the site. On sites with minimal moderation, it seems participants have to be more proactive in setting their experience.
"There will never be a blocking option. If you post something on a public forum then the public should be able to read it."
@founder thanks for this and keeping TUSCL an unmoderated and free forum. I agree with everything 100% and that ignore is all anyone needs to shut out a troll.
Adios joe founder, there's a bunch of good guys here, but a few bad apples ruined it for me, just a quick question founder it has to do with your inconsistency, in your version of public forum is VIP a public or private if it's public then why isn't it searchable, and further why did you promise that it would be private.
To those of you who disagree with my point of view, fine you really haven't won anything except for the right to insult anyone who's on this site anonymously. This isn't yet storm front, but if you leave it like this it's not far off.
I will agree with Jimmy that 25 is a good guy but go further and say that he is actually a man unlike a lot here. He and I can beef viciously and when it's over pound a beer and fondle some titties, the way men used to be. Put Icee on ignore and he is gone. If someone doesn't review clubs at all, but posts 100s of comments, they should be banned, assuming that this site is really meant to help others. If it is, there is no need for those who review nothing and post stupidity constantly. Lastly, every time you look in the mirror you need to thank God that you're not Icee. That would be worse than dying in a fire. Imagine waking up knowing you are a useless blight on humanity.
25 - Just put IceyShitHead on Ignore. Yes, he can still read your Posts and respond to them. But absolutely no one pays attention to what he says. Well, only to argue with him.
Everyone gets to choose how they invest their time and energy. If this is no longer worthwhile for for 25, then fair winds and following seas. I figured that Heaving made the same decision at some point, and there have been others as well.
I think that this site would benefit from some form of light moderation and/or giving the users more control over their experience and contacts. I suspect that this would be especially popular with dancers. The 'ignore' tool, as it exists currently, is broken in my opinion.
Regardless of how anyone may have felt about him personally, 25 was one of the worst trolls, most argumentative, disruptive, and unproductive members of this board. Icee will have so little left to do with him gone, which benefits us all. We are all also more free to express our thoughts and opinions without being attacked by someone who refuses tolerate differences in opinion. The quality of discourse on this board will improve 100-fold (until he comes back).
Founder's suggestion that the ignore function is all we need reminds me of the quote "not thought enters my mind unbidden." I cannot remember who first said that, but the context I read it was in dealing with intrusive thoughts. It is true, you can ignore a thought or you can pay mind to it and allow it to intrude. Internet trolls are the same way. Even talking about them rewards them and encourages them. Allowing them to run you off a board really rewards them and proves you to be a cowardly weakling. (Coming back on the board makes you a feckless, cowardly weakling - so don't.) Ignoring a thought and ignoring a troll are pretty similar. Some posters don't use the ignore function, they just skim past all the pointless discussions and comments. I haven't that patience, but the ignore feature from Founder allows you to ignore them the same and get to the good parts faster. Ignore them or ignore them, but don't blame Founder because you refuse to control where you put your time and attention.
^ LOL a totally ridiculous characterization of 25, no doubt driven by some axe you have to grind with him, perhaps largely because of your political differences.
25 is a decent guy. I liked gamma’s post for the last paragraph. Ignore or ignore. If anyone chooses to engage with people they don’t like, don’t ask someone else to come to your rescue. That shit is on you.
Can't we just accept the fact that God was having a shitty day, began hating on humanity, and punished us by creating Icee? He is the cum stain so fucking inept he couldn't even kill himself successfully when his streetwalker girlfriend dumped him. She found that fucking some stank assed homeless guy without a cent was preferable to fucking the gentleman of leisure, Icee, for thousands.
25 seems like a good dude, and is a contributor of meaningful content. Its disappointing that he's leaving, nobody sane wants to trade 25 for icey. But, he refused to ignore things he couldn't stand and let the resentment built up, mistakes in my opinion.
Maybe we'll be lucky enough to see him return after a cooling off period.
Gamma, your characterization of 25 is completely off base.
Drew, read the unprovoked comments and attacks 25 made in the threads I posted. Any objective, rational analysis would conclude that he is the asshole. Look at any of the extended tit-for-tat exchanges he has with Icee, compeletely derailing threads, and the same objective, rational analysis would conclude that he was one of several assholes in those exchanges. Look at all the factually false statements he has made about Trump, Ukraine, Russia, DeSantis, COVID, etc., and it can be undeniably demonstrated that he is one of the most ignorant, misinformed people on this board. We are better off without his participation.
Gamma we get it out of 55 posts you’ve made 11 attacking me, we all know you don’t like me and it gos back about 4-5 years, you made a post where you called me and Nina porch monkeys and we’ve had a mutual dislike since, if you were being honest you’d admit to corrupting my reviews with false statements, back when we had props you posted derogatory comments on my page, and pulled a whole bunch of shenanigans big fucking deal I’ve pretty much ignored you and left you alone. Now you really don’t want to have me responding to your toxic remarks because there are two sides to every statement you’ve made How about leaving sleeping dogs l alone and quit, I’m tired of all the shit and not looking to bother with you how about you put me back on ignore like I did with you and me a man honor the agreement you made to founder as I made the same one and I’ve honored it despite several breaches on your part.
25, there's nothing you can accuse my of that you didn't start: You started by attacking me because I railed against Obama, Hillary and supported Blue Lives Matter. You called me a Nazi because I want rule of law, equal treatment before the law, and people judged on merit (as opposed to your silly little social justice liberal knee-jerk reactions). You corrupted my reviewsFIRST with false statements. All I did was give you a taste of your own medicine. You went crying to Founder, trying to kick me off the board until I pointed out to him that you had done it first. You claim to have ignored me a million times, but always went back on your word, just as you have gone back on your word about leaving. Our break began when I schooled your ignorant old ass on Ukraine and Russia history after you made up something about the Ukraine accords which never existed, remember? But you could not leave it alone. I had started a thread about tolerance and civility, and you broke the peace and attacked me for being rational and level headed. So you have not left me alone, no more than you cannot just ignore anyone you diagree with. You feel you have to be loudest and most ignorant ass on this board. You never had me on ignore for longer than a day because you respond to everything I say. I tried putting you on ignore, but you would not stop attacking me and I had to defend myself. I never made any agreement to Founder, he has asked that I ignore the annoying old dick, but whenever I try to you dredge it all up. If you made an agreement to Founder, then you break it on your own. So no, you lying, demented, arrogant, impotent, feckless, cowardly, weakling, no. You have breached the peace too many times to be forgiven or let go without correction. You have sown the wind, do prepare to reap the whirlwind. You promised us all you would leave. You were like a baby having a temper tantrum. "Play by my rules or I quit." "I'm going to hold my breath until I get my way." "It's me or the dog!" "Give me two-way ignore or I quit." Your bluff is called (again). We don't care what you want, and you will not get it. But you just can't abide by your word. You have no morals, you have no shame. Worthless.
Reviewing the posts that you shared, I see 25 making fun of you for being "the slow kid", suggesting that "You have become Txttyfag", and meanest of all a "Trumpublican".
If such "attacks" hurt your feelings, I can see why you hate him so much: you're oversensitive and unable to take a jab. Would you like to know where you lost credibility with ME? It was the following (poorly spelled) post:
"Never forget that grit, self-reliance, and inventive problem solving are all traits if whiteness and masculinity (and true conservative Republicans)."
I don't like white supremacists, I think they are delusional and lousy people. I can’t find the post where you called Nina and 25 porch monkeys, but your other posts do little to suggest that you’re above this kind of remark. So, if you're looking for an anti-25 supporter in your silly little war, look elsewhere. Maybe you can team up with Icey.
By the way, I LOVE it when a white supremacist confirms my bias with poor spelling and grammar. Please continue. May I suggest a rebuttal about how dumb I am? Of you don’t mind?
Yeah it's somewhat gone off the rails but actually that's also somewhat normal here. Back on topic by adding topical breadth and depth, does anyone know how to maintain a secret sex cult while simultaneously starting a Fiat?
25 was nice enough, but did seem to have some issues I noticed. Anyway I am not a psychologist and not qualified to really throw out opinions so I'll just shut it.
20fag will continue to troll every fucking day while begging founder to ban anyone who calls him our for it. He'll keep threatening to leave like anyone cares but of course won't. He lives for trolling this site.
Cold is 125% nasty and other is just 25% nasty. Bottomline is both are nasty. Thats it. So, leave it to them to sort it out. If both post parties here repeatedly about their disliking here, just ignore.
Lots of drama in here, lol. I'm a new guy but I get the feeling 25 will tell us he's taking his ball and going home a few more times before he actually does it. BTW, saw another post that the trolls are "right-wingers". Warning in advance, I guess I'm also one of those rightees. That said, I'm here to learn and share and focus on having a hedonistic blast! Maga my dudes!
@Smilinjack: don't believe the hype. There are right, left, and non-denominational trolls here. You'll see the patterns, but if you want a crib sheet of who has annoyed people the most, take a look at TUSCL's Most Ignored Members list: https://tuscl.net/top40.php?id…
Welcome to TUSCL and I'll return your Maga salute with a Socialized Medicine and Avocado Toast for all!
At this point, this and the other thread seem to be more about baiting 25 into posting. If you dislike him so much, then one would think you'd be more content with his absence than coaxing him into returning.
Baiting 25 makes one as manly as any other assigned male at birth person. By baiting 25, one shows support for the animal excrement known as 2Icee the pedophile rapist.
No, Mate27, he threatened me and I had to put him in his place. Dementia, sundowning, no short term memory, he won't learn his lessons but the exercise in power dynamics is still important.
I’ve noticed an uppity attitude that many from the Burroughs of NY have, like an “I’m better than you” so just take my point of view as the right one. 2 bits has that, and he literally can’t shut up when someone has a differing view than he does. Just can’t let it go, but that’s his thing. Glad to see someone else bitch slap an old geezer that truly deserves it.
Nice reminder of the kind of juvenile cry baby entitled pussy the OP is. I mean stable minded and well adjusted people simply ignore something that doesn’t agree with them, but this fat ass waddling penguin fucker has to announce his view point to everyone in hopes somebody, even one person, agrees with him. The penguin fucker is on an endless request for affirmation no matter how insignificant it is. I know Shadowcat shakes his head in disbelief at how childish the fat ass waddling penguin fucker who’s on Ozempic can be. We all do… we all do, too.
The one thing everyone on here agrees upon is the fat ass Ozempic consuming waddling penguin fucker, aka 2 bits, deserves everything thrown at him and just because he La els it as trolling doesn’t mean it’s so. If anything this fat ass penguin fucker trolls more than anyone with obnoxious uppity dialogue that contributes zero to the community. He needs to open a stripperweb account where he (or she) belongs, which is “defunct”.
Penguin fucker or Jenny Craig? Not sure which name suits this fat ass waddling OP.
last commentI'm sick and tired of your attitude. You're now trying to weasel out of being legally accountable for your 8ncessant harassment
You're like Dougster v2.0, only fewer people care.
I think other trolls - because 25 himself is a troll- should counterbid any offers from 25 to bring back 2-way blocks. 25 offers $20, 2icee offers $30. That's a tidy little profit for founder.
Maybe founder could introduce a "vip extra" membership level where for $199.99/year (or $19.99/month) you can add two way blocking to your profile. That way the people who really want it can make it worth founder's time and cost.
I have written reviews, I believe 65 of them, I have paid for VIP membership, what value do you feel that is worth to your business ?
Your trolls have few if any reviews, and the most prolific troll right now, of the 3 reviews he is credited with 2 of them are plagiarized, you've banned him in the past for ignoring your rules, yet he still ignores the few rules you do have and continues to obfuscate, make up lies about long term members, he has chased away people, to whom I have recommended your site.
I feel that you should do better, but as others have stated it's your site, so your rules. You should note I haven't ever stated he should be banned, I would but that is solely your decision, all I asked for was reasonable consideration, and protection from being harasser, which should be available to anyone that feels the same way.
I did try using ignore but it didn't even slow down the number of remarks this troll has made about me, at this point you can make a decision if you prefer I will leave and if that is your wish, so be it. I still have a full life, so my posting here will be taken up by other pastimes.
(It’d be pretty funny if founder’s real name was Joe, though.)
At least Icee knows what he is. You are just a useless old fool who has no clue what's true anymore.
Proof positive that the most hateful and intolerant person on the board is threatening to leave. I've got the champagne chilled.
There will never be a blocking option. If you post something on a public forum then the public should be able to read it.
Enjoy life, avoid the noise.
Isn't it true that the block would only work when someone is signed in which means that anyone, the public, not signed in would be able to read everything that they can now?
Personally I don't have a dog in this fight, I never officially ignored anyone here although I don't read many things from certain posters or just skim past their posts but the idea of blocking certain asses does seem to have some benefits.
Trolls can definitely be an annoyance in the discussion threads. In addition there are a few guys who excel at bullshit and nastiness, two of whom have ironically popped up in this thread in seeming encouragement of 25's departure.
25 I've always found you to be one of the most level-headed and reasonable posters here. I do though have to agree with the comment that you sometimes get pulled into unproductive exchanges with trolls and other negative actors.
Founder put it quite well: Enjoy life, avoid the noise. Try to avoid the fruitless discussion threads more, and put the worst offenders on Ignore. I've done both in the last 2 months and noticed improvement in my experience of the site. On sites with minimal moderation, it seems participants have to be more proactive in setting their experience.
@founder thanks for this and keeping TUSCL an unmoderated and free forum. I agree with everything 100% and that ignore is all anyone needs to shut out a troll.
To those of you who disagree with my point of view, fine you really haven't won anything except for the right to insult anyone who's on this site anonymously. This isn't yet storm front, but if you leave it like this it's not far off.
Good Luck to all
Sha-na na-na
Hey hey hey
Bah bah bah
Another one bites the dust
I think that this site would benefit from some form of light moderation and/or giving the users more control over their experience and contacts. I suspect that this would be especially popular with dancers. The 'ignore' tool, as it exists currently, is broken in my opinion.
But, it's not my sandbox. So, it is what it is.
Founder's suggestion that the ignore function is all we need reminds me of the quote "not thought enters my mind unbidden." I cannot remember who first said that, but the context I read it was in dealing with intrusive thoughts. It is true, you can ignore a thought or you can pay mind to it and allow it to intrude. Internet trolls are the same way. Even talking about them rewards them and encourages them. Allowing them to run you off a board really rewards them and proves you to be a cowardly weakling. (Coming back on the board makes you a feckless, cowardly weakling - so don't.) Ignoring a thought and ignoring a troll are pretty similar. Some posters don't use the ignore function, they just skim past all the pointless discussions and comments. I haven't that patience, but the ignore feature from Founder allows you to ignore them the same and get to the good parts faster. Ignore them or ignore them, but don't blame Founder because you refuse to control where you put your time and attention.
Maybe we'll be lucky enough to see him return after a cooling off period.
Gamma, your characterization of 25 is completely off base.
How about leaving sleeping dogs l alone and quit, I’m tired of all the shit and not looking to bother with you how about you put me back on ignore like I did with you and me a man honor the agreement you made to founder as I made the same one and I’ve honored it despite several breaches on your part.
You started by attacking me because I railed against Obama, Hillary and supported Blue Lives Matter. You called me a Nazi because I want rule of law, equal treatment before the law, and people judged on merit (as opposed to your silly little social justice liberal knee-jerk reactions). You corrupted my reviewsFIRST with false statements. All I did was give you a taste of your own medicine. You went crying to Founder, trying to kick me off the board until I pointed out to him that you had done it first. You claim to have ignored me a million times, but always went back on your word, just as you have gone back on your word about leaving. Our break began when I schooled your ignorant old ass on Ukraine and Russia history after you made up something about the Ukraine accords which never existed, remember? But you could not leave it alone. I had started a thread about tolerance and civility, and you broke the peace and attacked me for being rational and level headed. So you have not left me alone, no more than you cannot just ignore anyone you diagree with. You feel you have to be loudest and most ignorant ass on this board. You never had me on ignore for longer than a day because you respond to everything I say. I tried putting you on ignore, but you would not stop attacking me and I had to defend myself. I never made any agreement to Founder, he has asked that I ignore the annoying old dick, but whenever I try to you dredge it all up. If you made an agreement to Founder, then you break it on your own. So no, you lying, demented, arrogant, impotent, feckless, cowardly, weakling, no. You have breached the peace too many times to be forgiven or let go without correction. You have sown the wind, do prepare to reap the whirlwind. You promised us all you would leave. You were like a baby having a temper tantrum. "Play by my rules or I quit." "I'm going to hold my breath until I get my way." "It's me or the dog!" "Give me two-way ignore or I quit." Your bluff is called (again). We don't care what you want, and you will not get it. But you just can't abide by your word. You have no morals, you have no shame. Worthless.
Reviewing the posts that you shared, I see 25 making fun of you for being "the slow kid", suggesting that "You have become Txttyfag", and meanest of all a "Trumpublican".
If such "attacks" hurt your feelings, I can see why you hate him so much: you're oversensitive and unable to take a jab. Would you like to know where you lost credibility with ME? It was the following (poorly spelled) post:
"Never forget that grit, self-reliance, and inventive problem solving are all traits if whiteness and masculinity (and true conservative Republicans)."
I don't like white supremacists, I think they are delusional and lousy people. I can’t find the post where you called Nina and 25 porch monkeys, but your other posts do little to suggest that you’re above this kind of remark. So, if you're looking for an anti-25 supporter in your silly little war, look elsewhere. Maybe you can team up with Icey.
By the way, I LOVE it when a white supremacist confirms my bias with poor spelling and grammar. Please continue. May I suggest a rebuttal about how dumb I am? Of you don’t mind?
Back on topic by adding topical breadth and depth, does anyone know how to maintain a secret sex cult while simultaneously starting a Fiat?
A Vegas meetup? Unlikely.
A legal claim? Hell no.
A fistfight? ROFL you gotta be fucking kidding me.
Just more 25 and Icee jawing here and everyone getting a headache.
Welcome to TUSCL and I'll return your Maga salute with a Socialized Medicine and Avocado Toast for all!
Enjoy, brother...
At this point, this and the other thread seem to be more about baiting 25 into posting. If you dislike him so much, then one would think you'd be more content with his absence than coaxing him into returning.
Unless of course you have a compulsion to read and reply to trolling coz you like it and need it. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
i don't think he's banned.
but maybe someone tracked him down and taught him a deserving lesson. lulz
Penguin fucker or Jenny Craig? Not sure which name suits this fat ass waddling OP.