TUSCL Ultimate Strip Club City Tournament Finals: Detroit vs. Miami

avatar for Muddy
Rules real quick, we count the cities suburbs in this contest (substitute city for metro) If you don't have first hand experience in one, go off what you read on here or what one would you would rather hit next. Takes some vicarious imagination through reviews/hearsay on here to get everyone involved but maybe sometimes perception really is reality anyway. And dancers feel free to chime in with your vote.

Well we can't too surprised with this one. Greater Detroit vs. Miami/South Florida. The two top seeds made it to the finals, both very decisively. You might say they were heavily favored against every other place but against each other? I have no clue how this one is gonna go. Two very different places, one with sunshine, heavy tourism, warm weather, beaches, palm trees and the other...well...does not. One thing in common; great strip clubs, but who's number #1? Without further ado...https://www.youtube.com/watch?…


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
I haven't clubbed at either. But I think I'd rather visit Miami over Detroit So, Miami.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Miami. It's no contest
avatar for NinaBambina
2 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
The sexiest city on the Planet. Miami.

avatar for Electronman
2 years ago
Detroit for the clubs. Miami for the weather (but that was not the focus of this contest).
avatar for TheElmerFudd
2 years ago
avatar for SunRun
2 years ago
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
avatar for Htxx
2 years ago
While Detroit is and always will be home; I’ve clubbed in both. Hands down Detroit wins on every strip club criteria. Pricing, extras and ease of accessibility. Miami is awesome don’t get me wrong but the strippers are inundated with big money big heavy weights all the time every time. I think this leads to a level of laziness and condescension you don’t find from Detroit strippers. But that’s my opinion and maybe I’m just a homer
avatar for RockAllNight
2 years ago
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I’m goin Detroit. South Florida has more options but also a lot of plastic barbie doll bullshit you got to wade through. Girls are going OD on that stuff and Miami is ground zero for it.
avatar for ATACdawg
2 years ago
Detroit. I was born there, I am a homer!!

avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
I'm voting Detroit, but will put Miami on my list of places to see for 2023.
avatar for newmark
2 years ago
I’ll take Miami.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
I’ve been to tampa and Miami some years ago but I haven’t been to Detroit yet.
avatar for Longball300
2 years ago
The D.....nuff said.
avatar for lurker21
2 years ago
Detroit, hands down
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
Detroit. 'She loves "the D"' is an actual saying and double entendre amongst the warehouse party people here.
avatar for Evasparkling
2 years ago
avatar for PepsiMan
2 years ago
The "D"
avatar for datinman
2 years ago
Been to both multiple times. I prefer Miami.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Detroit: a shitty city, in a shitty state, with shitty government. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who used state police to enforce draconian lockdown and quarantine, arresting citizens for exercising their constitutional right to travel. Detroit is famous for unemployment, crime, corruption, $1 houses, and urban blight. I do read good things about the strip clubs, and believe it likely those clubs have a more diverse roster of dancers.

Miami: world famous destination for beaches, food, culture, and strip clubs. One of the in the first state to open street the lockdowns. Easy travel to the theme parks in Orlando or Salt Life innthe keys. You cab wake up to mimosas onnthe beach, go kayaking, snorkeling, and deep sea fishing during the day, and cost out any number of top-tier strip clubs. The clubs are less diverse, with a moderate level of Spanish language ability almost a prerequisite for having a great time.

It really is no contest: Miami wins.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
I’ll pay the higher prices in Miami because the Sun, sand and ocean just add to the hot girls and club options. Miami FTW
avatar for Huntsman
2 years ago
Tough call in favor of Detroit.
avatar for crosscheck
2 years ago
Never been to Detroit, though from reviews and discussions on here it seems the clubbing scene is a lot of fun. I've had multiple great times in South Florida, so based on personal experience I'm going to have to vote Miami.
avatar for jackslash
2 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
This round is by far the closest vote. Interesting that both dancers that voted went for Detroit. Also, have you noticed that the City that Muddy votes for almost always loses ?
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
If nothing else it's been interesting to see why some people voted the way they did. Good times. But it's also a nice explainer for why I don't hang out in the political forum.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
If we're talking strictly for the SC scene; I'd give the edge to Detroit bc:

1) better dancer variety - there are mixed clubs where there are both black and white dancers which one does not find much of in Miami - Detroit also seems to have a good mix of dives to midtier to upscale SCs where the same service (read extras) is available at different price-point$

2) although it's easy to find extras in both cities; it seems getting BBBJ is much less common/available in Miami SCs

Miami clubs do seem to have better energy and a more fun vibe where Detroit clubs seem more business.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
@Warrior as a Kid I had a choice between the Mets or Yankees and I went Mets. So you could say I have a history of not picking winners. I’m also a Jets, Islanders and Knicks fan yeah it’s rough out here, anybody like me to pick their powerball numbers? Anybody at all? Hello? Anybody there? Hello?…hello?
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ you buy the ticket if it wins we split and I’ll give you a dollar more for my half
avatar for datinman
2 years ago
Am I the only one gobsmacked by Papi picking Detroit? Maybe I have been doing D all wrong. Is there a Body Club equivalent with big booty Black girls giving $5 nude full grind dances?
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Well Mud. Are you going to declare it a tie ? Actually if you JUST look and compare strip clubs, it might be a tie. I haven't been to Detroit enough to know if it has the depth of the Miami area. But when you are taking into the account of going TO that city and spending time IN that city, I don't think it's even close. People are sunbathing on Miami Beach today. What are people doing in Detroit today ?
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
No this is a match to THE DEATH. I ain't in no rush to declare anything might aswell let it rock through the weekend and see what happens especially being this close and you know what this is it, we have to find out who to crown the champ. Not everyone checks in everyday so lets see what we can pick up.
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 years ago
As I have no desire to ever visit Florida...and Michigan will play in the Fiesta Bowl five minutes from my place, go Detroit!
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
I haven't been to Detroit clubs in years. But from what I gather from reviews and vaguely recall, I'll take Miami. Again, mostly on the strength of the areas outside Miami.
avatar for captainfun
2 years ago
Detroit, it’s direct and to the point. So much BS to wade through in So Florida.
avatar for rl27
2 years ago
Detroit. Been to Florida clubs, and Miami is overrated. Now if it was Tampa vs Detroit it would be closer, but even then the Detroit area wins due to more and better dancers.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
Having to make dancers get a license is blah, and also that practice of having to find an agent to work at a club sounds super weird. Miami has the whole full nude+full liquor+extra late night hours, which makes for a fun combo. I vote Miami.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Haven't tried either. I guess if I had to pick one to try, Detroit. Surprised these two are in the finals.

Florida clubs from Orlando south sounds like they're scammy like Vegas clubs, only for nubes and rubes.

Is the main attraction of Detroit cheap extras? I'd be shocked if a dancer I'd actually want FS from asked for less than $300. If I wanted FS from a dancer, I'd feel uncomfortable giving her less than $400. Few if any services are harder for one person to give to another. Since I don't need bargains, feels cruel to get one even if I can.

Is FC the best club in Detroit Metro? I hate valet. At best, a hassle. At worst, damage to your car, items stolen from your car, becoming 2AMer collateral damage cause you're waiting out in front of the club. And, I saw the post about the valet not letting someone in the club because they arrived on foot. The one thing worse than valets: thuggy asshole valets. If a club already sucks before you even get out of the parking lot, not a good sign.

Of the places I've clubbed in, Atlanta Metro is my fav so far. Toronto Metro might be better, not sure because I've only "lightly" clubbed there.
avatar for Heaven-sent
2 years ago
avatar for jackslash
2 years ago
I already voted for Detroit, but I'll say a couple things about the strip club scene. When I first started visiting strip clubs on a regular basis, I believed that the best clubs were in Vegas. TUSCL disabused me of this notion. I learned that in my own backyard there were some of the best clubs in the country. Detroit at this time was still wide-open and had a lot of great clubs like the Penthouse. All along 8 Mile Road you could find clubs with anything you wanted. Now that the City of Detroit has cracked down, the Detroit area still has great clubs along Michigan Avenue and near the airport. These clubs are especially appealing to extras hounds like me. You can also have a lot of fun just hanging out in the clubs.

I would agree that Miami has better weather and beaches. Chicago, where I lived for many years, is another city that beats Detroit in almost every way, but its strip clubs suck. I have not been to any city in North America that has better strip clubs.

@Nicespice, you don't have to have an agent to work in every club. And licenses to dance are required only in the City of Detroit, not the suburbs.

@ilbbaicnl, the extras are not that cheap, especially in the better clubs. I feel Flight Club and Landing Strip are now the 2 best clubs. I used their valet parking for my BMW for years and never had a problem. But you can do what I do now and come by Uber.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
avatar for Htxx
2 years ago
Jack, they need to have a license in Romulus
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Ya know. We may not be able to determine who the best is. Maybe we need to do more research on this topic. I am on my way to Miami now to do some of the research on that city. As soon as Detroit thaws out, I will have to go up there to do the research on that end. We may end up saying you can have a really good time in both places .
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Interesting that Chicago https://tryst.link/search?loc=… seems better than Detroit https://tryst.link/search?loc=… for escorts, but worse for strip club extras.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Alright let’s call it at 8pm tonight. Whatever it is, is what it is.
avatar for RandomName111
2 years ago
As someone that's hit most of the clubs in both regions (not just the city) it's about as tight as a baby dancer on her first night at Follies a few years ago (pour one out for ATL).

This is for in-club general fun and extras ONLY, otherwise, Miami would scorch Detroit in every other category.

This is my logic:
- Detroit is more affordable, has a lower risk of drama, is extremely reliable, and has a good variety of dancers. However, the customers and overall ambiance of the clubs take a hit.
- Miami can be more expensive and less reliable, plus clubs can definitely erupt into drama with no notice... but the top-tier dancers are practically goddesses with insane skills and are quite literally porn stars in some situations and the clubs can actually be a blast due to special events (adult cons, fetish cons, etc).

We're really scraping 9.8 vs 9.81 territories here but I'm giving the nod to Florida.

Clubbing in both is excellent. Dancers are excellent. Extras are excellent and plentiful. Detroit is a little more like the girl next door, she's always going to be there for you... but Miami is the hot drunk chick at the bar you hook up with occasionally. You don't know if you're barebacking her in the alley or if she's going to steal your wallet, but the sex is worth the risk.

Vote goes for Miami.

avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
'scrub. I would be really worried about you making such comments. But when I think about the fact that the entire board has you on Ignore, I'm not too worried anymore. :-)

And oh by the way dumbass. It's a marketing slogan that the city uses. See who is the person that hasn't traveled much. Dumbass.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Alright we gave it plenty of time. I don't see too many more votes rolling in. We'll call it here. Detroit takes it by the nose. Winner, and truly is the ultimate strip club city.
avatar for NinaBambina
2 years ago
avatar for dha
2 years ago
I'm going to say Detroit too because I want everyone to go there and stay out of South Florida.
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