How Much of Yourself do You Take to the Club?

As you step onto the main floor in any strip club, how much would you say of your club persona is the actual you? When you have your game face on, is there 50% of your true self showing through? 100%? None?
Do you have a different approach in clubs where you're a known player versus being a stranger?
Do you have a different approach in clubs where you're a known player versus being a stranger?
last commentBut it's probably my personality that changes. I am naturally an introvert. I would much rather stay to myself and I don't normally approach others. If I fly on a plane, I might not say a single word to anyone for the entire flight. But in a strip club, I become the most socializing person in the world. I'm starting conversations with every pretty girl there. Outside of a club, I am very conservative. Inside a club, I'm very much a deviant.
If anything, I'm _more_ authentic in the strip club. There's no one to impress except with my wallet.
One way I act different with strippers, and women in general, is I'm less serious. When I was married, my wife told me she didn't worry about me cheating on her because when I like women I just joke around with them instead of making passes at them. The one change in my personality that is unique to strip clubs is that I compliment strippers about their physical appearance and the way they are dressed. I know they put a lot of work into that and I try to show I appreciate it.
I don't think I have the need or will to adopt a strip club "game face". I also suspect that a lot of dancers can see right through that sort of pretense. I'm essentially me, but perhaps a bit more straightforward about what I want.
This 100%. Our behavior is always situational. We don't behave the same way in work settings as we do with our kids, or in strip clubs the way we would when visiting family, etc.
But with that said, one of the very reasons I enjoy clubs so much is I can relax and just revert to my more natural state. I was raised in a northeast blue collar household by parents who didn't believe in raising boys as lazy sissies. So in my natural state I tend to be a little rough around the edges with an accent that is easy to pickup here in NE FL. I can also appreciate a girl's tits and ass without having to worry about disguising or controlling it. Almost anyplace else I am, whether work or personal life, I have to shave off the rough edges and/or control one or more other elements.
So I'd say 95%. That last 5% is just the normal courtesy I would show to any woman by not using certain language with her and otherwise treating her with dignity, whether I like her or not.
No difference for me between being in a club for the first time and the hundredth.
I think the vlub is my element
I will play along and answer your questions.
Q: How Much of Yourself do You Take to the Club?
A: 💯 % of myself
Q: As you step onto the main floor in any strip club, how much would you say of your club persona is the actual you?
A: 💯 % the actual me
Q: When you have your game face on, is there 50% of your true self showing through? 100%? None?
A: No game face required; 💯 % me
I am who I am
and say what I mean,
because those
who mind don't matter
and those who matter
don't mind.
Q: Do you have a different approach in clubs where you're a known player versus being a stranger?
A: NO different approach, I always behave like a mature, professional gentleman who can take care of business, and get treated like a gentleman.
I treat the dancers nicely. I am friendly with everyone I meet.
I use my actual name. I’ve got little to hide.
My money is green, and I’m there to spend it appropriately.
Outside the club, the people I interact with will claim they believe a good man will be happy in a committed relationship with an age-appropriate woman, and will be sexual attracted to her for her beautiful soul. They'll be condescending to anyone (like me) who thinks that's a nice dream, but rarely realistic. Pathetic or not, getting lap dances is the number one source of happiness for me at this point in my life. So my fav strippers may well be the people who see the real me more than anyone else.
I give out an alias I usually use, and a different location than where I’m from usually. If I connect with the dancer/stripper and actually like to know them, then I’ll actually give them real name etc.
It's one aspect of my personality.
If your name is ThatXguy85, apparently ALL of it! Every little detail. Lol
Like girls blond w big tits who play. Like doing just one as SB keep it simple and safe. Current one models for me nude and can ride me like a champ. I don’t care if they have bf or mx. Just don’t tell the cuck.