Tuscling by smart phone

Just curious if others avoid the perils that frequently get my reviews tagged incoherent due to spelling, and now recently i not being capitalized. I use tuscl exclusively in private mode in my samsung galaxy android phone browser.
Otherwise i get automatic spellcheck and capitalization. Not here. Is this just an android os system? Sure wish the tools i get everywhere else were available.
Otherwise i get automatic spellcheck and capitalization. Not here. Is this just an android os system? Sure wish the tools i get everywhere else were available.
last commentIs English his primary language? After writing a review, reread it before posting. There are sentences that might need changing, as the wording could be better. So, reread it critically once or twice before posting.
^^^punctuation notwithstanding, apparently.
Seriously though, the samsung internet app does have spell check except on tuscl. Anywhere else ot would auto capitalize i and add appostrophes into contractions and pissesives. Thats half the problem.
The other half comes from using a phone screen. The same problem of fat fingering typos also makes editting dofficult because its hard to place the cursor for editting, and easy to accidentally unintentionally hit post your comment.
I guess the third half is because i rush the posting because ny monger identity is a secret life squeezed into small blocks of time stolen from time as an employed married dad.
Ill see if another browser might at least help with the forst part.
If you use the same type of grammar in your reviews, I can see how folks would not understand your posts.
If there is so little effort put into writing the review how could any of the content be worth reading?
It doesn't need to be sterling prose and a few typos aren't a big deal, but it shouldn't look like you type with your face.