
Tuscling by smart phone

Avatar for Lanechange

Just curious if others avoid the perils that frequently get my reviews tagged incoherent due to spelling, and now recently i not being capitalized. I use tuscl exclusively in private mode in my samsung galaxy android phone browser.

Otherwise i get automatic spellcheck and capitalization. Not here. Is this just an android os system? Sure wish the tools i get everywhere else were available.


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Avatar for Dolfan

Firefox Focus and DuckDuckGo browsers I believe both offer spellcheck and stuff, and don't keep history or at least are super easy to erase your history on.

Avatar for ElDuderino_AZ

I've never had a problem with spelling, grammar, or capitalization while typing on my phone like I am now. I may have the occasional thumb fuck up, especially when drunk (like now), but since I've been using the English language since I learned to speak and write way back in the 1980s, I can generally get my point across coherently and without egregious errors.

Avatar for Dolfan

^ good point. Given the number of reviews I see with typos in them, people don't seem to mark a review for being incoherent based on that sort of thing. If you're getting marked incoherent, its probably a larger issue.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I just read the initial post, and it isn’t well written. It is a two paragraph post, and there are incoherent parts.

Is English his primary language? After writing a review, reread it before posting. There are sentences that might need changing, as the wording could be better. So, reread it critically once or twice before posting.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

I use my phone and it works fine

^^^punctuation notwithstanding, apparently.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

I use my android phone mostly. You get used to it, enough to get by, but for sure I make more errors than I do on my laptop.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Don't write your review in the small TUSCL text field on the browser. Download a text editor app (preferably one with spell check) and write your review in that so that you can use more of your screen real estate and read it better as you write. Cut and paste from the app to TUSCL.

Avatar for Lanechange

I dont really see anything about my original post thats incoherent. My word count us higher than icee, you have to give me that. At the risk of triggering sjg, i may be neurodivergent, so maybe my first language is gibberish and i just dont see it.

Seriously though, the samsung internet app does have spell check except on tuscl. Anywhere else ot would auto capitalize i and add appostrophes into contractions and pissesives. Thats half the problem.

The other half comes from using a phone screen. The same problem of fat fingering typos also makes editting dofficult because its hard to place the cursor for editting, and easy to accidentally unintentionally hit post your comment.

I guess the third half is because i rush the posting because ny monger identity is a secret life squeezed into small blocks of time stolen from time as an employed married dad.

Ill see if another browser might at least help with the forst part.

Avatar for Cashman1234

You must be using speech recognition, as your posts include run ons and lack proper punctuation.

If you use the same type of grammar in your reviews, I can see how folks would not understand your posts.

Avatar for Pussylicker2

I re-read your last 2 reviews, one I rejected. I also use a samsung galaxie with android. If I'm writing an article I write it as a text message to myself to use it as an editor, then cut and paste it. The main thing is to proofread. I read reviews 2 or 3 times sometimes while reviewing. A review might be understandable, but still be difficult to read. I call it laziness when people leave out apostrophes.

Avatar for 623

Punctuation and paragraphs are super important to readability. When I see a whole page, on my iPad or PC screen, of run on words with no structure I reject without even reading. It’s just too much work to try and parse.

If there is so little effort put into writing the review how could any of the content be worth reading?

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

While tools / apps help, it really comes down to taking a few minutes to re-read and correct what you've written.

It doesn't need to be sterling prose and a few typos aren't a big deal, but it shouldn't look like you type with your face.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

I type all my reviews in Word on a computer, then paste to tuscl for this very reason. Comments are normally written from a phone however.

Avatar for Lanechange

That about sums up my experience here. For all the acceptance of spelling and grammar deficiencies in the world since texting became a thing, it seems to me like doing it this way should be close enough.

Avatar for wallanon

I agree with whoever said there's probably a bigger issue than typos. The shit I post here has a ton of typos and it's not been a big deal. Most of my reviews are cleaned up from whatever I speak into my phone after a visit I want to review. Last year I did something stupid when I upgraded my phone and all my notes got smashed together into one file without dates. I just chalked it up as a loss and maybe I'll post stuff as articles if I ever decide to unfuck the blob of text lol. Point being this is a titty bar site and it's not that serious.

Avatar for misterorange

Nah bro ur words doing well nobody here care for spell rite or periods n stuff don't really matter so u do u and we got love it or not whatevr man

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Since we’re talking about paragraphs, what’s the deal with people hitting the return button once and starting a new line but not creating a break between paragraphs? It’s such a small thing to hit the return button a second time and makes a huge difference on readability. I’ve not rejected a review for this as it seems a bit dickish, but it’s such an easy thing to fix.

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