Making out with a stripper…extra?
I really like kissing preferably OTC or earlier on/ low volume girls for some maybe more obvious reasons but as long as it’s clean it makes sex so much hotter. It hit me though. Girls that do it go right up on my list on people I wanna see again and the ones that don’t, it just feels kinda hookery and we get you hate this and wanna get this over with asap. (Although again high volume, extras club she’s probably just looking out for you)
But it hit me, is making out something I would pay extra for? I can’t see it for me personally, it’s like buying a car and them having to make you pay for air conditioning I just feel like it should be included. Hydrolics, alright I’ll pay extra for that. What about you? And has a girl ever tried to charge your for it.…
But it hit me, is making out something I would pay extra for? I can’t see it for me personally, it’s like buying a car and them having to make you pay for air conditioning I just feel like it should be included. Hydrolics, alright I’ll pay extra for that. What about you? And has a girl ever tried to charge your for it.…
But really you can't get girls to kiss by getting them to agree to it. What they do will not be good.
So to kiss them there is charm and generosity, but then you just have to kiss them.
So don't listen to a girl who promises to kiss in the back room. If she really wants to kiss you she will be doing it, and right there, not talking about it.
I'll bet Muddy's comment comparing it to buying a car really threw you off eh creep.
Ok, let's compare it to buying a bicycle from the salvation army thrift store. Better now?…
Getting a girl to agree to kiss does not yield anything good.
the only common denominator i've found that lowers this inhibition is good ol fashioned catching them shitfaced drunk.
conversely, i been approached by fuglies offering dfk straight up.
could only shake my head no to keep from barfing on them.
In an assembly line extras club, hell no. I know where that mouth has been over and over again.
I imagine the pendulum will swing back toward people being less uptight about it in general. It didn't used to be the big deal it is these days.
Of course I've been wrong about other pendulum swings I've predicted.
I generally don't kiss girls ITC. If she's kissing me so readily then she's likely recently kissed others or even worse if I think she does extras. No thanks.
conversely, i been approached by fuglies offering dfk straight up.
could only shake my head no to keep from barfing on them."
Yes, it does not work to try and discuss girls into kissing. If you want to kiss them you just set the mode with them and then kiss them. Totally civie style. And of course this works much better in the front room than in the back room.
Now if a girl does approach you, you also don't discuss kissing with her. If she approaches you she is not doing anything wrong and she should never be treated harshly. BUt it does mean you and have to make a decision.
If a girl kisses you, well you are over 18yo. What else can I say.
"I haven't really tried to make out with strippers. A few did peck on the lips kind of thing, maybe probing if I continued but they didn't continue when I didn't reciprocate. If I'm being honest peck on the lips is good enough for me anyway. I wish I could turn off my brain to enjoy these things, but my mind often goes "Man, I don't want to make out with a random lady, sure grabbing butt/boobs is pretty intense too but is making out crossing the line?". So I just don't.
Well it works better in the front room, not in the booths or back rooms. You want her just to let go, not to be performing some kind of a service upon you.
And she is not a random lady, she is the one you picked.
If she did pick you, then you have to decide. If you decide yes, then it is just like you picked her.
At a club without much in the way of real extras, kissing is definitely a big plus for me and often leads to repeat service, at least for me. Its the best you can get there, often a surprise, and is frankly a different type of intimacy and satisfaction.
In an assembly line extras club, hell no. I know where that mouth has been over and over again.
Well I don't really go along with the idea of "extras". Usually kissing means that there will be FS, either immediately in the club, or promptly outside.
There used to be kissing booths at county fairs. Paying for kissing is kindygarden stuff really. Kind of silly one way or the other.
I imagine the pendulum will swing back toward people being less uptight about it in general. It didn't used to be the big deal it is these days.
Of course I've been wrong about other pendulum swings I've predicted.
Yes that is right. BUt usually you aren't really paying for kissing. IT is just ome kind of a token exhange.
Decades ago, totally unplanned, I volunteered for the Renaissance Pleasure Faire kissing game. I kissed a lot of very young pretty girls. And they don't hold back, it was extreme.
People pay $1. But that was just a gimmick to loosen them up. They pay their money and get to try and hit the person by firing a wet sponge with a giant slingshot. It looks hard, but it as can't lose game. They will have the selected person stand on a bucket in front of the slingshot if needed.
That gets people really loosened up.
I am not saying I was good at it. It was just for one afternoon. I was taken back by how aggressive the girls were. I took me time to learn that I needed just to loosen up and let them have their way with me. Then maybe I could take the lead.
But today, usually adults in an AMP or a Strip CLub, kissing means FS ASAP.
I agree that kissing is nice, but not something I'd want to negotiate a separate payment for. I'm specifically talking about kissing during an OTC meetup.
I generally don't kiss girls ITC. If she's kissing me so readily then she's likely recently kissed others or even worse if I think she does extras. No thanks.
Well that is why you don't try to negotiate it with her. You treat her like a civilian.
If you pick her, then she is your prospective GF. So make her feel that. Use charm and generosity to set the mood, then just kiss her. Kiss her right were you met her, as soon as you can get within arms reach of her.
Some clubs may make this hard. So avoid them.
At one of our clubs it was slated for closure, so the back room went UHM. Girls were DFKing guys from the stage.
And this is what people post about for Tiujana. ANd it shows in the clandestine videos of TJ.
The older you get, the more stimulus you need to rise to the occasion. So I'll generally take all of the kissing I can get but ITC I do take note of a dancers VIP action.
I noticed when I first joined that Shadowcat has a postive attitude towards the girls and DFKing.
And Icey, just kissing a girl is not a GFE. You don't negotiate it. You just treat her right and then just make it happen. You want her, so just kiss her.
I never thought of it as an extra b/c it’s not something I ask for nor do most custies I assume – so unlikely I’d ask for it in exchange for payment in-part b/c it wouldn’t feel the same – so I don’t ask for it; but in the few occasions that a dancer allows it; I will usually reciprocate with more spending.
I assume if one is into variety vs sticking to a fave, that kissing is less-likely – I also think that the black-dancers; and the Cuban-dancers; are less into-it although some Cubanas will occasionally give you a peck on the lips but IME they tend to avoid it.
w.r.t. kissing being more common in the old-days; I assume the onset of HIV in the 80s is what likely turned that tide and although perhaps HIV is not transferred thru kissing, that stigma was in place for a long time.
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I've had more luck with kissing with escorts. No cold sores so far. But, given how many sex workers I've kissed, I'm almost certainly an asymptotic carrier of oral herpes.
Keeping her in high heels and makeup is something that needs to be learned.
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Pretenders-My City Was Gone (1984) HD…
Women maintain their hygiene very well. They are not inanimate objects.
And we do all breathe the same air, and we are all made out of the same elements.
If you don't like that, consider the elderly Howard Hughes, having to live in the top floor of Vegas hotel, paranoid of diseases. All food and drink sterilzed, all furniture and carpeting covered in plastic, air filtered, and of course no one can touch him.
As someone who volunteered long ago at the Renaissance Faire Kissing Both, sometimes you kiss a lot of girls.
At a strip club you don't have to kiss that many, just the ones you want to be waking up in the mornings with. And they will keep you busy.
Georges Delerue, Movie Music……
Not everything is a Deja Vu Clip Joint.
Jestrite50 is the master.