What really catches your attention?
I know this is obviously going to vary from person to person. But what about a dancer catches your attention? Certain style attire(More expensive looking clothes, punk/goth style, gowns, bright colors, certain colors worn.) Makeup (heavy, unique, fake eyelashes, fake nails) personality, voice, hair style, etc.? Or for you is it all about body type?
Looks, good attitude and skin. In that order. The more that she is showing all 3 in abundance, the more she will get my attention.
Body type matters too, but not as much as long as she isn't very overweight or has a bony ass.
I hate anything that seems fake, gimmicky or artificial. This includes elaborate costumes, heavy makeup, fake eyelashes, fake tits/ass, etc. Some guys like that stuff more, just not me. IMO dancers do that stuff to make themselves feel better and/or more confident, not for the guys per se.
Like I tell civvie women, hit the gym not the mall.
I like dancers who try to have fun at work (party atmosphere). So crazy hair/eye shadow/lipstick color are a plus for that mood.
I'm more one for simple hairstyles, at least shoulder length.
For dancers with mommy boobs, a bra like this is worth a try: https://res.static-barenecessities.com/i…
1) body type - varies depending on what I'm in the mood for that day
2) personality - friendly girl next door
3) makeup - less is better
4) outfit - as long as it matches her body type and personality
Couldn't really care less about hair style, nails, shoes or perfume unless they are overdone to the point of being a distraction.
If its just for a dance then just looks
I think the thing that gets me to turn my head is a hot dancer who has really dialed in her look to compliment her physical attractiveness. So, outfit, accessories, hair, makeup, etc., can all contribute to that. I mean, it's not like I won't notice an otherwise hot dancer if her look isn't perfectly on point. But if a dancer is looking for an edge, I think they need to know how to present themselves.
So the highest of heels, and always held on by straps, or as boots. The more extreme the makeup the better.
Then subject to the rules of the club, the more they can show the better, best is everything.
After that it gets down to front room feel ups and makeout sessions, then continuing in the back room for the maximum, and then out the door with her to continue on a mattress somewhere.
Looking at new legalities and going to a private party model. Two new great TJ reviews, Adelitas and Chicago Club, show you how good it can be.
Good to see you back again Phoenix133
Manfred Mann - Blinded by the Light
1) the body is the most important thing to me – for me a pretty-face is a nice plus but not a requirement – I will often turn away a girl whose face I like b/c her body is not my type; but will rarely if ever turn away a dancer b/c of her face if I like her body
2) I like voluptuous women – the bigger the boobs (natural), butt; hips, thighs, the better – this doesn’t mean I’m into fat-women; there’s a difference b/w voluptuous/big-boned and fat – I’m into the womanly look vs the girly look thus I don’t tend to like them too-young-looking like they could pass for a high-schooler - naturally-voluptuous women to me are in short-supply in clubs thus a slender girl with curves (nice sized booty and nice-sized natural-boobs) I still like getting with
3) fake-boobs are often a deal-breaker - if I get a dance from a dancer w/ fake-boobs it will be in-spite of her fake-boobs and not b/c of them; i.e. b/c I really liked something else about her (her butt, etc)
4) I hate elaborate outfits; makes me think she’ll take off the minimum b/c it’s too hard to put on and take off and I kinda feel I'm getting gypped; I go to the club to see and feel flesh not fabric – when it comes to outfits for me less is more (the more skin she’s showing the more turned on I tend to get) – w.r.t. outfits I like sexy/slutty/provocative vs “cute” or “elegant”
5) I’m not a smoker thus don’t like others smoking around me – besides the stink-smell and smoke I just don’t like the look of a woman w/ a cigarette – it’s not a deal-breaker 100% of the time but sometimes I’ll pass where I may o/w get w/ her (downhere in the south they still allow smoking in the clubs) – vaping bothers me a lot-less but still don’t like the look of it but I’ll take vaping over cig-smoking
6) uninspired stage-set – not uncommon for me to pass on a dancer b/c her stage sucked in that she didn’t put any effort – makes me feel/think if she doesn’t put effort into her stage-set when everyone is looking at her then she may also be a dud giving dances – a bad stage-set is not a deal-breaker 100% of the time but it is certain times – I understand dancers get down b/c no-one may be tipping on stage but she may be fucking-up bigger dance-$$$ by putting-on a shitty stage-show b/c people didn’t tip little-stage-$$$ - when you’re on stage you are on display and just b/c a custy is not tipping the stage does not necessarily mean he’s not interested in getting dances from you
7) Don’t like girls that the first-thing they do is ask for a drink – if a girl has been sitting for a few-minutes w/ a custy and it’s clear he wants her company but he hasn’t offered to buy her a drink then it’s ok for her to ask; but don’t like girls that wanna get their-drink-on on-my-dime especially if I’m not interested in them or haven’t even had a chance to talk to them
1) see what type of girls he gets dances w/ and/or tips on stage and see if there's some commonality among those girls; that may signal what he likes in terms of dancers although it's not 100% foolproof
2) if a custy keeps his eye on you or is trying to make eye-contact w/ you, that is often a sign he's interested in you (whether he turns out to be a spender or a time-waster is another thing)
But best if you can get up on your feet and approach her before she can approach you.
Meat, if she approaches first she is not doing anything wrong, but it does mean that you have to make a decision.
things that are almost always a no go for me
Blue/green/red hair
Excessive tattoos / sleeves / Angel wings
Oversized fake boobs
Weird outfits - can’t describe but know it when I see it
Just be yourself
^^^^ The ones in stripper shoes are getting to be equal to strip clubs.
The question was "What really catches our attention?" and not "What do you require every single time you walk into a club?" The discussion is about ideal situations and best case scenarios rather than minimum expectations. What I posted above isn't what I expect each time I walk into the club, but it's fun when it happens. And, to be honest, I also have fun when it doesn't happen.
Also, I spend enough money in clubs to enjoy the company of top-tier dancers in the area. But I don't talk about how much I spend and exactly how I spend it because nobody here cares. Bragging about stuff like that to a bunch of people I don't know on the internet is empty talk. And there are a lot of guys on here who are like that. Just because we don't provide an Excel spreadsheet showing how much money we spend, that doesn't mean we don't spend money.
But, as usual, you're mostly all about complaining and enjoying a bit of manufactured drama.
We have now a stripper training manual. It explains in great detail how to use sexy dressing and makeup to manipulate me:
And the stripper supply center:
Savage Garden - To The Moon & Back (Extended Version)
2. Minimum of makeup - natural beauty is best. No glitter!!!!!!
3. I have always preferred nonsmokers, but some dancers are capable of covering up the habit effectively.
4. Intelligence. Physical attractiveness is good for initial capture, but gets boring quickly if a meaningful conversation is impossible.
Good to see you on here…
To answer your question - I like chemistry with a dancer and an attractive face. I prefer minimal tattoos, not stuck on a certain body type or age group but I tend to get along with MILF dancers (late 20s and older) because they usually can carry a conversation better.
Extremely slutty party dresses and bikinis showing off side boob and ass crack are welcome if the girl has the body to pull it off (and that’s a big if these days).
First of all, it's not a bad strategy for finding a significant other; that's how I met and landed my wife and as of yesterday, it's lasted for 40 years 😉
I just prefer women with brains!
Just be the best form of you that you can be. You know what colors look best on you, you know what your best body part assets are, etc.
The second thing that catches my attention is pole work. Too many dancers use the pole as a crutch, and not as a pole. If you can actually pole dance, then I will likely tip.
Last thing to capture my attention is face. I love a pretty face. Meth mouth, facial/neck tattooes, picking at scars, etc. are all deal-breakers.
Qualities that entice me to ultimately spend money on a stripper is a very different question.
Nice waist, and curves. A smile and general friendliness.