I have a client who is in his late 30s. He got married for the first time late this summer (his wife’s first marriage as well and she’s in her late 30s too). The other day he was telling me that she’s 3 months pregnant, stopped her birth control 3 weeks before the wedding and didn’t tell him any of this beforehand.
I could tell he was upset when he was telling me about it. They have lived together for a few years before they got married and I have met her several times, seems like a very nice lady, and she’s attractive as well.
Total betrayal or just typical marriage crap? He’s not the first guy I know that this has happened to but the majority of those women were bat shit crazy, she doesn’t strike me as that type but I don’t know her well.
Don’t see the issue if he married her. She probably didn’t find out she was pregnant until a few weeks before telling him.
Hopefully, they spoke about kids ahead of time, but if you’re having sex, you’re still rolling the dice even if you don’t want a kid at that particular moment.
Barring more details, I don’t see it as anything more than an unexpected life event.
My best guess is that they're both pretty pathetic and lame. You'd have to know them both well to know how to apportion blame.
My guess is that her priority was an (in wedlock) kid while she still could still have one. His was steady pussy. Does he claim she told him she never wanted kids? Was he telling her they would have a kid "soon", "sometime", etc.?
I think we need to pony up some tax money in some effective way to make sure single parents don't have to struggle to raise their kids well. It's good for the country demographically. She should have preferred to get preggers with anonymous jiz shot out of a turkey baster, rather than his dick. To avoid this shitshow of a marriage.
ww is right, always a risk you'll become a parent when you fuck (unless you're snipped). No birth control is 100% effective, I've read that pulling out is about as effective as the pill. It's common for women who don't think abortion is immoral to be hesitant to have one once they're preggers.
I think that if she really stopped the birth control and didn’t tell him she’s a bitch, and unless he’s a real milquetoast they don’t have much of a future together
The idea single people can have kids supported by the taxpayer is a good thing might literally be the fucking dumbest thing l have ever heard. Why encourage people to do the wrong thing? Why make others pay for someone else's fuck up? A child's best chance of success means being born into and being raised in a traditional nuclear family. Yeah lbqt cples have kids who do well, but there is very little history and the vast majority do far have had th advantage of wealth. Just the way it is from the perspective from a child of divorce who has practiced family law for almost forty years.
Given that he's upset at the news and not elated, it's quite likely that when they touched on the topic of having kids he probably expressed some degree of wariness and/or reluctance. That's not surprising, because the late 30s and the early 40s seems to be the low edge of when guys start wondering if they really want a kid in the house when they're nearing or beyond 60 years old.
Whereas she (also being in her late 30s) knows that she has a limited window of time to have a kid without serious health risks for her and the baby. And her being good looking doesn't mean that she could quickly find another guy she'd want to father her children. So, if she stopped using birth control and kept quiet about it, then that to me is a calculated move born out of both desperation and selfishness.
If using subterfuge to bring another human into the world is considered "typical marriage crap", then the institution of marriage is beyond fucked up.
First off, any time you blow a load in a girl pregnancy risk exists. Obviously he wasn't wrapping it up.
But look at it from her perspective. She was near the point of no return and had just spent three of her last precious childbearing years with him. She doesn't want to live life childless, but doesn't want to lose him either. It's too late to start fresh and try to find someone else as her window could close before the next Mr. Right comes along.
So...voila, a baby is made.
But let's also impute something not submitted into evidence. He had to know that she wanted a baby. Yet he married her anyway AND continued to fuck her without a wrapper. What did he really think was going to happen?
Hell get over it. It’ll be the best for him if he looks at it that way, otherwise if he feels he has to always be the one involved with planning things, he’d be better of deferring those duties to momma since she can figure in doing the rest of the planning for the children.
Ilbbaicnl always comes in with the dumbest takes. What a fucking moron. Go back to simping and sewing while the OTC girls sleep while you pay them holy shit that guy is retarded.
Back in the day it seemed rare for people to get married and not have kids; those that were married w/o kids it was often b/c they were unable to.
I think starting in the yuppy-80s as more people became professionals and could treat themselves to a nice life, it starte/d being more common, seemingly more-so among white-collar-professionals, to get married but not have kids - and it looks like this current Covid-pandemic and current political climate in this country is further scaring young people from starting a family.
Having a baby is a huge, life-changing event and the decision to have one should've been made by both people entering this marriage. By taking it upon herself to make the decision for both of them, she was not only being deceptive and disrespectful, but she set the tone for the entire relationship. He's obviously feeling resentful already...
He needs to file for divorce and just chalk it up to a lesson learned. If she kicked off the marriage with a betrayal of that magnitude, can you imagine what the rest of his life with this fucking bitch will be like?
He should also insist on a paternity test. Who knows, the birth control might not be the only thing she lied about. Maybe he'll get lucky and find out she was knocked up turning afternoon tricks with some horn-dog TUSCL member.
One unsaid factor is his unwillingness to handle the situation himself preemtivly and simply get a vasectomy. If she balked at that well then obviously she has her own plans and it could have just ended there.
My basic point is if he was that unwilling to have a child he could have handled that situation right off the get go and did not leave it to chance or design.
It clearly sounds that the bride made the unilateral decision to stop the birth control and become pregnant. If that is how she approaches the relationship before it's even begun, then the groom should reconsider whether he can trust her at all. And yes, 100% get a paternity test BEFORE signing the birth certificate.
This dude had to know that she wanted a child. If he was truly adamant about not wanting one then he should have cut her loose years ago, when she still had time to build a relationship with someone else. Instead he married her and kept fucking her BB. So now it's time for him to close his bitch ass mouth, man up and do the right thing.
Perhaps it wasn't even about whether to have a child at all, but instead it's the timing? Maybe he wanted to have some married time alone with her before adding the demands of a baby... Point is, we don't exactly have all the details here, but I still say she took away his right to be involved in the decision making process and that's simply not ok to do to anyone with something that life altering...especially someone you've vowed to honor and cherish.
If she was 28 or even 32 I'd be more inclined to agree with many of the others on here. But she is 38. If she waited any longer while he dragged his feet she could have found herself unable to have kids at all. Anything over 35 is already considered a high risk pregnancy and doubly so if it's a woman's first one.
We don’t have enough details to reach any conclusion here. Your only hearing the guy expressing buyer’s remorse to his buddy. I want to hear from the wife what her side of the story is before assessing blame or judgement I’ll bet big bucks her story is quite different.
One other possibility could exist. The pill may have failed pre-marriage. My wife started feeling strange and we stopped having sex until we knew that there was a baby on the way. At that point, we started enjoying sex again.
Luckily, we were both fine with it. Just had our first daughter 18 months into the marriage instead of starting the process then as our plan had been.
According to the top post, she stopped taking her birth control 3 weeks before the wedding and didn't tell her then fiance and later husband. Could the guy have made better decisions or been more proactive?...sure. Could they both have been better at communicating with each other?... also yes.
But going off birth control is a pretty obvious betrayal of trust. And that's probably not how you want to kick off bringing another human into the world.
===> "I want to hear from the wife what her side of the story is before assessing blame or judgement. I’ll bet big bucks her story is quite different."
Exactly. I bet he told her that he wanted kids eventually but kept asking her to hold off. Maybe he was trying to hold on until she couldn't have kids anymore, Idk, but there's definitely another side to this.
"The idea single people can have kids supported by the taxpayer is a good thing might literally be the fucking dumbest thing l have ever heard. Why encourage people to do the wrong thing? Why make others pay for someone else's fuck up? A child's best chance of success means being born into and being raised in a traditional nuclear family. Yeah lbqt cples have kids who do well, but there is very little history and the vast majority do far have had th advantage of wealth. Just the way it is from the perspective from a child of divorce who has practiced family law for almost forty years."
last commentHopefully, they spoke about kids ahead of time, but if you’re having sex, you’re still rolling the dice even if you don’t want a kid at that particular moment.
Barring more details, I don’t see it as anything more than an unexpected life event.
My guess is that her priority was an (in wedlock) kid while she still could still have one. His was steady pussy. Does he claim she told him she never wanted kids? Was he telling her they would have a kid "soon", "sometime", etc.?
I think we need to pony up some tax money in some effective way to make sure single parents don't have to struggle to raise their kids well. It's good for the country demographically. She should have preferred to get preggers with anonymous jiz shot out of a turkey baster, rather than his dick. To avoid this shitshow of a marriage.
ww is right, always a risk you'll become a parent when you fuck (unless you're snipped). No birth control is 100% effective, I've read that pulling out is about as effective as the pill. It's common for women who don't think abortion is immoral to be hesitant to have one once they're preggers.
and unless he’s a real milquetoast they don’t have much of a future together
Whereas she (also being in her late 30s) knows that she has a limited window of time to have a kid without serious health risks for her and the baby. And her being good looking doesn't mean that she could quickly find another guy she'd want to father her children. So, if she stopped using birth control and kept quiet about it, then that to me is a calculated move born out of both desperation and selfishness.
If using subterfuge to bring another human into the world is considered "typical marriage crap", then the institution of marriage is beyond fucked up.
But look at it from her perspective. She was near the point of no return and had just spent three of her last precious childbearing years with him. She doesn't want to live life childless, but doesn't want to lose him either. It's too late to start fresh and try to find someone else as her window could close before the next Mr. Right comes along.
So...voila, a baby is made.
But let's also impute something not submitted into evidence. He had to know that she wanted a baby. Yet he married her anyway AND continued to fuck her without a wrapper. What did he really think was going to happen?
Manfred Mann - Blinded by the Light
I think starting in the yuppy-80s as more people became professionals and could treat themselves to a nice life, it starte/d being more common, seemingly more-so among white-collar-professionals, to get married but not have kids - and it looks like this current Covid-pandemic and current political climate in this country is further scaring young people from starting a family.
He should also insist on a paternity test. Who knows, the birth control might not be the only thing she lied about. Maybe he'll get lucky and find out she was knocked up turning afternoon tricks with some horn-dog TUSCL member.
One unsaid factor is his unwillingness to handle the situation himself preemtivly and simply get a vasectomy. If she balked at that well then obviously she has her own plans and it could have just ended there.
My basic point is if he was that unwilling to have a child he could have handled that situation right off the get go and did not leave it to chance or design.
Point is, we don't exactly have all the details here, but I still say she took away his right to be involved in the decision making process and that's simply not ok to do to anyone with something that life altering...especially someone you've vowed to honor and cherish.
Your only hearing the guy expressing buyer’s remorse to his buddy.
I want to hear from the wife what her side of the story is before assessing blame or judgement
I’ll bet big bucks her story is quite different.
Luckily, we were both fine with it. Just had our first daughter 18 months into the marriage instead of starting the process then as our plan had been.
But going off birth control is a pretty obvious betrayal of trust. And that's probably not how you want to kick off bringing another human into the world.
Exactly. I bet he told her that he wanted kids eventually but kept asking her to hold off. Maybe he was trying to hold on until she couldn't have kids anymore, Idk, but there's definitely another side to this.
So you're pro choice after all.