Heated Text Exchange with a Stripper BF

avatar for rickdugan
The title says it all. Alcohol may have played a role.

To set it up, I learned too late that the girl I was expecting to see at the club lets her "fiance" use her phone when she goes to work. I sent her a simple text asking her "Still coming" to which I received the following responses:

===> Coming where
===> Hellooo???
===> Lmfao ten four
===> Tell my babymomma to call me ASAP
===> Lol

Now I was a few drinks in already and this isn't the first time that this dude texted me. So I lost my damned temper and responded with:

===> I heard your dick don't work and neither do you. So she'll call you when I decide she can bitch. Enjoy the second helping tonight pussyboy.

I shouldn't have done it, but if this chick is stupid enough to let him have access to the phone she uses to communicate with a guy who is paying her for sex, then I don't want her anymore anyway. It went predictably downhill from there, with a lot of exchanged juvenile insults.

At one point he got so fatigued from the texting that he whined about why I was still doing it, to which I responded:

===> Cause Im drunk and find this entertaining šŸ˜‰

Another lowlight was when, after repeatedly making fun of him for being a junkie, he tries to justify it by telling me that "you know she's on the junk too." What a fucking pussy to roll her under the bus like that.

I ended it that night by saying to him:

===> Btw you cost your girl a lot of money tonight. Normally I'd show her what a real cock feels like but tonight I stuck it elsewhere [true - I went to plan B] because I didn't want to feed your drug habit.

Later in this thread I'll share what she texted to me the next day, lol.


last comment
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago
Pics of the drunken Heated Texts Exchange or it didnā€™t happen.

avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Soooo the question is, did you drive home after the club?

Seriously, if you hadnā€™t established yourself as a legitimately gainfully employed or self employed person, I would have thrown this into the category of Icee. A strip club PUA claiming superiority over others is not a game efficient of your time, but none the less this is a strip club website, so I commend you for sharing an on topic discussion worthy of other PLs to see.
avatar for zackthezebra
3 years ago

Rick Dugan played a role?
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Sounds like fake ass bullshit.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
I've received a few texts from stripper boyfriends, sometimes threatening to break my nose or kill me. The saddest one was when a boyfriend pleaded with me to let his "fiancee" alone. I never responded. I did not take the threats too seriously, but for a few weeks I made sure I was carrying my pistol when I left the house.

I haven't gotten any boyfriend texts in several years. I've only been seeing 1 stripper OTC for past few months, and she claims not to have a boyfriend.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Sadly, the junkie boyfriend still doesnā€™t think heā€™s the problem.

You tried to put him in his place, but heā€™s a loser and he wonā€™t listen to reason.

Iā€™m sure it was an uncomfortable experience when she arrived home.

Drugs donā€™t pay, hoes doā€¦
avatar for Daddillac
3 years ago
This sounds a lot like inviting trouble... something a couple of weeks ago you refused to do.... what a pussy
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Weird ass flex, Rick. If it happened.

Keyboard toughs quake in fear.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
Time to settle it like real stripper boyfriends...have an Xbox Call of Duty 1v1 match
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
One day someone will explain to me the attraction of OTC, because from what I read on this site, celibacy seems preferable.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Coercing and begging hookers then creating drama for them isn't a flex
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
So you baited a pussy ass loser, I hope he doesnā€™t take his frustrations out on your whore, thatā€™s how those kind of scenarios play out, youā€™re a fuckn idiot, all you ever think about is yourself
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "So you baited a pussy ass loser, I hope he doesnā€™t take his frustrations out on your whore, thatā€™s how those kind of scenarios play out, youā€™re a fuckn idiot, all you ever think about is yourself"

You know what two bits? I'm going to agree with a lot of that. This guy texting me - yet again - after I had already had a few just triggered me. If I hadn't been drinking I probably wouldn't have done it, but there it is.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
^^^ so you admit you have a problem? Itā€™s the first step for improvement. Lord knows we all need a little improvement in our lives, also. Iā€™m not exempt. I could stop slam dunking that Faggit Icee, but I keep using him as a punching bag for mere amusement. Maybe you give up strippers or Jack Daniels, but not both?
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
And TwoBits prophetic comment is a nice segue into what she posted the next morning, which was as follows:

===> Show me where I'm talking shit about my old man and fucking you behind his back. Idk who did anything to you or what the fuck happened or why your trying to destroy a happy home but two can play these games honey. You're weird as fuck old man.

Ah huh. You know he had to be sitting right there as she typed that out, lol. I fucked this girl several times over a handful of months. She deserved an Oscar for that performance.

At that point, I could have helped her salvage things. Maybe I should have. In the sober light of day I felt a bit of regret for what I did the night before. I was thinking exactly what TwoBits was, that he would take it out on her. But the combo of her morning text and the fact that this was the second time that this little junkie had the audacity to text me overpowered whatever lingering regret I felt. So my response was as follows:

===> I have zero interest in the drama between you and your junkie BF. If you're stupid enough to leave your phone with him and let him text your customers with his girly drama then that's on you. Don't text me again with this fucking drama.
avatar for gSteph
3 years ago

Nah, I take it back.
Doesn't help things.

I tried cutting back on alcohol - but couldn't. Maybe you can.
(So I quit.)
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "^^^ so you admit you have a problem?...Maybe you give up strippers or Jack Daniels, but not both?"

I admit that I exercised poor judgment at that moment. The dipshit just picked the wrong time to piss me off.

But choosing between strippers or Jack Daniels? That's just crazy talk. šŸ˜‰
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
A drunken creep texting back and forth with a stripper BF.

Not very interesting.

avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
Another Ricky Boy tough guy fantasy. Pathetic.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
So tell me again how I'm the stupid one for not looking for low-rate extras.

Without it getting more autobiographical than you want, please tell us what strip clubs you've found so many hot junkies in that you can have an A and a B option.

What made you lose your temper? Because him using her phone was violating the privacy of a woman you care for so deeply?
avatar for rickthelion
3 years ago
Cā€™mon folks. We ricks spend about 30% or so of our lives in an alcoholic fog. Jack, Johnnie, and Jose are all buds of the ricks and they give us our ninja superpowers, which we mostly use for good as is our rickly duty!

But just like those superhero movies where Iron Ape or Captain Fantastic or whatever the fuck go off the reservation to kill the joking ape or some evil whatshisface because of their angst we ricks sometimes forget or rickly duties.

So my brother rick may have taken this a bit too far. So fucking what? Nothing a nice bottle of Jack canā€™t solve. ROAR!!!
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
@DE: If you say so. I never thought about it in those terms. Just thought it might be interesting to share a nearly real-time stripper story on a strip club site. But if you have another story to share besides your blowjob in the Men's Room at BabyDolls in Dallas then please throw in.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
@Ilb, Anyclub USA. Seriously dude, when you become a regular at almost any decent size club and spread some green around, opportunities will open up. IME it's all about being disciplined about who you pay.
avatar for rickthelion
3 years ago
Donā€™t worry brother rick Iā€™m on my way to Jax to meet you in your favorite club. You know, the one theat everybody knows

I plan to drive 48 hours straight and arrive with my blood completely replaced with Jack. Tell ā€˜em to clear I-10 ā€˜cause Iā€™m coming and there gonna be apes bouncing off the hood of my frickinā€™ Tesla all the frickinā€™ way. Then we can take care of the limp dick wildebeest junkie boyfriend. JAAAACK!!!
avatar for rickthelion
3 years ago
Tell ā€˜em ā€˜bout stroking managers and greasing bouncers brother rick. Or is it the other way ā€˜round. Who the fuck knows ā€˜cause Iā€™m in an alcoholic fog. ROAR!!!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If it was really heated he'd have pistol whipped you. Bragging about fighting with him via text js just more of your misogyny. You feel satisfied and think it demeans her
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
IDK rd, I've been in many a club, just not seeing that. The dancers I like seem too healthy to be junkies, major alkies, etc. I rarely even have one drink. Is the secret of rickness to always have on a really thick pair of beer googles when you're in the club? In principle, I would be down with drinking some elixir that makes all women hot to me, no matter what they look like. But, for me, getting stupid drunk has too many bad side effects. Like making you think there's some point to texting back and forth with a leech junkie. Other than getting a mildly interesting story out of it.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
Rick, as much hostility as you seem to have against dancer boyfriends, I sense some jealousy there. If your system is only efficient enough to attain a 35% success rate when paying hookers for sex, then I could only imagine what your odds are trying to get it for free. You must be a really big looser for 65% of hookers to turn you away because you are such a looser the money is not even worth dealing eith you. It must really bother you that stripper boyfriends get sex for free, amd their girlfriends bring your money home to them! LMAO
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "IDK rd, I've been in many a club, just not seeing that. The dancers I like seem too healthy to be junkies, major alkies, etc. I rarely even have one drink."

Ilb, whatever gave you the impression that the only girls up for OTC are junkies or alcoholics? They come in all stripes. IME the primary motivator is usually a healthy amount of bills to pay, often with kids in the picture, rather than substance abuse. I'm not trying to question your experience with dancers, but you do seem to have more of a theoretical rather than practical view of this.

And no, no goggles needed as the notion that only subpar talent does OTC is another theoretical construct that doesn't hold in practice. Hot girls can have an abundance of bills too.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
>If I hadn't been drinking I probably wouldn't have done it, but there it is.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Rickā€™s OTC game is so advanced that why just merely pay once for one easy fuck with a stripper, when you can have the boyfriend added on too for free?
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "Rick, as much hostility as you seem to have against dancer boyfriends, I sense some jealousy there. If your system is only efficient enough to attain a 35% success rate when paying hookers for sex, then I could only imagine what your odds are trying to get it for free."

Interesting trolling dude, but next time maybe get some material that isn't a decade old? šŸ˜‰

But Hell with a No re: jealousy, lol. I pay her precisely so that she'll go somewhere else when it's over. There is no such thing as "free" sex and my cup already overfloweth with female drama. I was just pissed that this fucknut was bringing drama into what was supposed to be my drama-free fun. Once that happened, I figured that I might as well get some entertainment out of it.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
LOL nicespice.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
>If I hadn't been drinking I probably wouldn't have done it, but there it is.<

There it is right, all alcohol does is releases your inhibitions, doesn't mean your a better person than you are.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
^ No argument with that TwoBits. I am what I am and I make no apologies for it. I work hard and take care of a lot of people, so on those valuable nights out I have a lot of steam to blow.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
"Interesting trolling dude, but next time maybe get some material that isn't a decade old? šŸ˜‰"

^ stupid lasts forever. 10 years is nothing. Lmfao

"There is no such thing as "free" sex and my cup already overfloweth with female drama."

^ You are not man enough to handle females? Or fet sex without paying for it?
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
-Get sex-
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
48-Cowboy, do you have a purpose on this board besides trolling? Just curious.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Mr. Dugan see: ā€œ48-Cowboy, do you have a purpose on this board besides trolling? Just curious.ā€

You tell him RickiBoi. I mean really...the nerve of the guy questioning you when you have FOUR purposes on the board:

1) Manufacturing a fictional wife and children that you discuss endlessly and use to get out of fights.
2) Writing detailed descriptions of your home club that are so vivid everybody knows exactly where it is. The second part of this purpose is insisting that it totally normal when you refuse to name said club in response to a direct question.
3) Making up bullshit tough guy stories about text wars with stripper boyfriends.
4) Inspiring a veritable zoo of creatures to post on this board. I mean really, they probably go from A to Z. Weā€™ve got Zack the Zebra - has an Armadillo or an Aardvark posted here?

Normally I donā€™t like to defend you RickiBoi, but I felt I had to be truthful regarding your purposes on the board. Youā€™re welcome.
avatar for WavvyCain
3 years ago
Thatā€™s not her man, thatā€™s her pimp. Thatā€™s why he has the phone, donā€™t let that Hoe trap you and get you beat up or robbed on next link up. A stripper always hides text etc from husband and real bf.
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
Itā€™s not her pimp or her husband. Itā€™s a figment of Ricky Boydā€™s imagination.
avatar for goodyman
3 years ago
This is why I don't have dealings with these broads outside of the club. Too much drama, not worth it. The stripper bf's are unhinged simps already. No need to antagonize those dudes.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd why is your first choice for a cheap fuck a junkie when you say there are plenty of non-junkie cheap fucks?
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
I've cucked a few guys in my days. Rule #1 is don't get caught, but a lot of women are shit with their phone security or will admit to it when angry when she finds out he banged some other chick.

When the other guy comes after you via text you deny and then don't engage. Only had one case where the dude probably could have found me based on info in the messages, but luckily he didn't choose to come try to mess me up.

Rick you need therapy and to deal with your drinking problem.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
3 years ago
At a higher level, this is a good reminder to not become too complacent when it comes to OTC fun.

Insane jealous boyfriends can show up at the hotel. Always stay vigilant.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I respect the way Rick handled the situation. I know that my view is in the minority.

There is so much bravado coming from an unemployed junkie and his girlfriend - they both need to be taken down a few pegs.

Using the same phone for personal and business interactions is risky - and for a stripper who does OTC - itā€™s just stupid.

If your chats ruined a happy home - it wasnā€™t so happy - and it was barely being held together.

It would be very stupid for that junkie boyfriend to beat his girl - as she is the one who makes money - because of her looks (and her ability to suck and fuck).
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
^ She doesn't look like a junkie - she's quite hot and nowhere near candy thin. I'm not sure her BF was telling the truth. She has been complaining about his drug use for some time, which I doubt that she'd be doing if she was right there with him.

But look dude, I know the preferred narrative of the club shills and the ex-dancer, with seemingly 50 accounts, that infest this board. As the mantra goes, any dancer who meets a customer OTC must be a hooker who will fuck anybody to support her drug habit. They have vested interests in promoting that point of view.

But as someone who has probably seen far more girls OTC than almost anyone else on this board, my experiences are far more varied. More often than not they are fucking to support children and in rarer instances dependent adults, as opposed to drug habits. Some may be secretly supporting both, but they can't hide the candy use for long. Every single girl I take OTC is hot, which naturally excludes most girls with serious drug problems as the candy usually fucks up their faces (skin, teeth, eyes, etc.).
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
That last post was for Ilb.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
I'm with Cashman on this one. It's a good stripper story that rickdugan has shared.
Most of us have all done regrettable things whilst drunk, and I found the text exchanges funny to read. šŸ˜‚ And the board always needs more actual stripper stories.

If she knows who you are and you'll still see her around, just watch your back, rickdugan.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Seems to me, if all these dancers who take $200 of me for 2-way contact are down for extras, wouldn't they offer them? Wouldn't they say something like "I'll suck your dick for $400"?

I feel uncomfortable, when doing business with much younger people, trying to bargain them down as low as they'll take. I just go for the typical $ I've paid routinely.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd I guess we're agreed one of us is lying. You think I'm an dancer sock puppet. I think you either think unhealthy looking women are hot (lucky you, honestly), or you're a poser like Icee but not as dumb. I'd be less skeptical with more details, but I understand the need to not get too autobiographical, to reduce the risk of getting doxxed. And frankly, I think a guy who had his dick up so much good vag would not seem like he had a stick up his ass.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Ilb, any perceived conflict is one of your own invention. I never said you were lying and, as I always say, I never criticize how another grown man spends his money as long as he's happy with the outcome.

Also, believe me or not. I come on here primarily to marinate in and relive my interesting encounters with dancers by sharing them, not to convince you or anyone else of anything. And if you think I have a stick up my ass because for not tolerating her BF's drama then that's fine too.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Also Ilb, as to why you've never received an offer or even a hint of potential OTC availability, how would I know? I don't know where you club, how much the girls already make ITC, how you behave with the girls, how you look/smell/, how long you spend ITC or the myriad of other variables which could impact your OTC opportunities. But if you believe that nobody else is having better luck than you in the clubs that you frequent then you're deluding yourself. šŸ˜‰
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd you not only tolerated the drama you escalated it greatly. Definite ass-stick symptom. As is heavy drinking.

Your post seemed to imply that, anyone who says that enjoyable extras for $200 or less is rare, must be a club shill or dancer sock puppet.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
I just donā€™t have the patience to get into relationship crap with other people thereā€™s too many other options out there
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Ilb, the only thing I criticized you for is your seeming utter lack of awareness of what is actually happening around you in the clubs. The rest is utterly your own misguided interpretation.

That includes your belief that I fucked with the BF because I'm uptight, lol. Sure it started because the bitch didn't know his place, which is to sit quietly and not interfere while Mama Bear shakes her ass for men who can actually earn a living. But I kept going because I was enjoying myself. One dancer even asked why I was chuckling, lol. It was the second best entertainment I had that night, with the first of course being my fun with Plan B.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd And Icee says we delude ourselves that we have to pay at all, for any other reason than we're old, have no game, etc. I asked which clubs, first you said any good size club, now you seem to be changing your tune. Shifting details is a sign of a story that isn't a straight one.

I could see it, in FL, that dancers would have to compete harder. Seems like lots of hot young women, move to Miami, with unrealistic hopes of banking in modeling or porn.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd Seem pretty Marie Antoinette to say he doesn't know "his place" cause he asked you to tell his BM to call him. Did you pay millions for Marie's ass stick at a Christie's auction?
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
>I could see it, in FL, that dancers would have to compete harder. Seems like lots of hot young women, move to Miami, with unrealistic hopes of banking in modeling or porn.<

Not in the part of Florida where he claims to be, that area is not Miami, its a completely different world, he's in the area where he doesn't have a lot of geriatric tricks.........Er I mean alpha dogs to compete with.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "I could see it, in FL, that dancers would have to compete harder. Seems like lots of hot young women, move to Miami, with unrealistic hopes of banking in modeling or porn."

Right, because horny guys with money to spare and hot dancers with bills greater than their incomes only exist in FL. Good thinking there Ilb.

[To everyone else] I swear, it's like (s)he read about it in a book. Shhhhhhh. šŸ˜‰
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Wait, so who is I-bai supposed to be an alias of? Me? Icey? Macktruck? All of us? Iā€™m confused šŸ¤”
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd see how you escalate things? I never said you were a woman. Just that you recycled the stick that was up the ass of a famous woman from history. I apologize for doubting your word, I realize guys never lie about sex. We can all sense from your posts what a contented guy you are from getting all this great sex. But really, you should stop overpaying, just buy them a slurpee like Icee.

I've been in about 30 different clubs in various states. I only remember a few where there was enough privacy in the VIP for extras. From the amount of time the healthy, attractive dancers spend in VIP, they must have been easily averaging at least $500 a shift. The median US hourly wage is under $20. Since everyone has bills, your argument that strippers have to do extras for $200 to pay their bills doesn't seem believable.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Mr. Ilbby or Mr. Libby or whatever, Mr. Duganā€™s best feature is the fact that he escalates things. It makes his threads entertaining.

Besides, this whole thread is a story about escalating things unnecessarily. Iā€™m confident that itā€™s fiction, just like his fictional wife (or is it ex-wife?) and kids. But itā€™s still entertaining.

Now that Iā€™ve explained things all that is left to say is ā€œyouā€™re welcomeā€
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I've done a fair amount of OTC with dancers. All I can say is that the OP's top post is 180 degrees removed from how I would handle the same situation. Regardless who the guy is (boyfriend, fiancee, pimp, etc.), I'd stop texting, block the number, and politely let the dancer know that I'd decided to move on. I want no part of that extended, playground drama. It's not fun or enjoyable, and I go to strip clubs and engage in OTC for fun and enjoyment. There are plenty of dancers out there. And if I don't get laid on a night where I'd planned on getting laid ... well, I guess I just soldier on.

Regarding the debate up above as to why dancers do OTC, it's a mixed bag (in my opinion). Some need the money for the dysfunctional reasons (addiction, gambling problems, an aggressive lack of money sense, etc.). Some need the money for for life reasons (supporting young children and/or aging relatives, putting their kids in better schools, etc.).

Some do OTC because they have none of the pressures above, but just like having more money. Period. There's a dancer that I know (but don't do OTC with) who brags on her IG that she sometimes makes $2,000 before her shift at the club even starts. To my knowledge, she just likes having, and spending, a shitload of money.

And I know a few dancers who actually appreciate that their window for making this sort of money is limited by age, and they're hoovering up as much cash as they can right now (including OTC). And many of these dancers actually have an exit plan (some more realistic than others). I chatted with one very expensive dancer who explained that she charges her very high rates because (A) she can, and (B) she wants to own at least five multi-unit rental properties before she turns 30, which is when she wants to be done with dancing. I know another dancer who has already made her exit and is now selling commercial real estate with a comfortable nest egg.

So, it's all over the map. I have the benefit of being a club regular. Meaning, I get to know the dancers (to the degree that a customer can...) a bit better to get a sense of what's motivating them to do OTC. As a result, there are some dancers that I avoid completely, there are others that I'll only see ITC, and then there's a few that I'll ask about OTC. With that last segment, I have pretty good luck getting OTC, and 90% of those experiences have been great.

skibum said "One day someone will explain to me the attraction of OTC, because from what I read on this site, celibacy seems preferable."

So, if you don't want to do OTC, then don't. But don't look to this thread as a justification for not doing OTC. People here primarily post about their problematic OTCs for help, entertainment value, or trolling. If a guy is going to tell everyone about their commute to work, it's going to be the time the time they got a flat or got rear ended. Nobody talks about their uneventful drive to work when there was less traffic than usual.

I do OTC because it's great fun. I get to spend time with a sexy woman in a private room and in a bed, and not in a glorified broom closet listening to club chatter, music I don't like, and "stuff" happening in the VIP room next to me. Typically, it's more expensive than a VIP room ITC, but not outrageously so especially when considering the benefits. The other downside is occasionally dealing with dancers who can't show up on time, or just don't show up. But, by the time I decide to ask a dancer about OTC, I have a general hunch as to how flaky she might be. Those hunches don't always work out, but most of them do.

So, yeah, OTC is pretty brilliant if you're smart about it. And you really don't have to be that smart, if we're being honest.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
@nice: LOL. You tell us. šŸ˜‰
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "All I can say is that the OP's top post is 180 degrees removed from how I would handle the same situation. Regardless who the guy is (boyfriend, fiancee, pimp, etc.), I'd stop texting, block the number, and politely let the dancer know that I'd decided to move on. I want no part of that extended, playground drama."

I couldn't agree more. Heck I even thanked you for the comment even though it was critical because it's what I have normally done in this situation. This is far from the only SO to ever text me. Normally when I see it I blow it off. Often they are fishing for information, pretending to be their girls, but it's usually easy to spot.

Again though, this is not the first time that this little bitch texted me. The last time I did indeed handle it better, blowing both it and ultimately her off for a while. A couple of months later she came back around trying to reignite our arrangement and, the little head remembering how good a lay she was, I gave her another chance. Then this.

Still you are 100% right. I should have shrugged it off, told the girl that this was strike 3 and simply went on with my night. Instead I did what I did. Something about his opening line of texts just set me off. It almost felt like his girl doing whatever she needed to in order to feed him, their kids and his habits, was all a big joke to him.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
In fact CMI, I did start out doing the right thing, but as he continued to text I lost my patience.

His first text was this:

===> Coming where

I know as soon as I saw it that it was him or someone else with her phone, so I stayed radio silent. Then 2 minutes later the next came in:

===> Hellooo???

Again I ignored it, figuring that it was likely him fishing for information. But a couple minutes later the last three of his opening texts hit in rapid succession:

===> Lmfao ten four
===> Tell my babymomma to call me ASAP
===> Lol

This is what finally set me off, admittedly with alcohol being a contributing factor. It seemed like a big joke to him. Maybe it's what he needs to adopt in order to cope with his shame, idk. But the bitch clearly didn't know his place. When the mother of your children has to shake her ass and more to feed your you and your kids, you shut your bitch ass up instead of making it even harder for her to support you.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I'm not looking for an argument here. None of this changes what I would have done, which is end communications regardless of how annoyed I got at the guy's texts. And, honestly, I wouldn't have been that annoyed, because (from my perspective) that guy would have been doing me a favor in terms of providing a low-impact way of discovering that I'm doing OTC with the wrong dancer.

As far as booze is concerned, my stance is that if booze facilitates shitty choices, then drink less booze or don't drink at all. Regardless of the presence of alcohol, the responsibility for bad choices rests 100% on the person making the choice. I don't *think* you're blaming the booze, but I always bristle at even the hint of a "But the booze made me do it!" argument.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
CMI, no argument intended, just a straight up accounting of where and how I fell short on this one. I am 100% responsible and never claimed otherwise. My temper got the best of me. When I share stories about strippers and strip clubs on here, I don't shy away from the straight dope (excuse the pun lol) even if it's less than flattering for me. The good, the bad and the ugly are all part of my stripper adventures.

But I will admit, again at the risk of painting an unflattering picture of myself, that losing my temper did ultimately lead to a surprising amount of fun. For over an hour I went back and forth with him, questioning everything about his character and manhood. I even asked him why he hasn't killed himself already - Lord knows the world would be a better place if he did. The weirdest part of it all though is that rather than respond as a proper man would, he eventually threw her under the bus ("you know she's on the junk too") and then whined.

Anyway, there it is in all its ugliness, lol.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
OK nicespice, you busted me, I faked this whole website just so I could talk to you.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Donā€™t worry Mr. Dugan. You have not painted a picture of yourself that is so unflattering that it lowers our opinion of you. To do that youā€™d have to steal a stripperā€™s phone and start fucking with her boyfriendā€™s head while pretending to be her.

Actually, that would be a great plot for your next drunken misadventure. You should totally write that story.

Youā€™re welcome.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
The reward just isnā€™t worth the risk involving Yourself with people who are users. Yiu know it becomes a way of life to be co-dependent they not only use drugs but end up using each other and anyone else they come across in life, and Dugan youā€™ve subjected yourself to that. I say that without judgement, more so that I would run in times that you stay with it. I hope the reward was worth it. To each his own.
avatar for BBBC
3 years ago
You tell em ricky!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I think the real reason Rick lost it and texted him like that is jealousy and anger. He has a lot of resentment for women. He's like a more open and honest version of Muddy.

So mix misogyny and pent up anger and jealousy. Feeling like less of a man for having to pay her while that guy doesn't. I think that's most of the resentment of stripper boyfriends on here.

And indoubt it was her pimp. A pimp won't get in the way of her money unless she asks him to coz the tricks been acting up.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ Someone's bored and scanning TUSCL for pot-stirring opportunities.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I'm right. People don't get butthurt unless a nerve is hit.

All the negativity towards dancers and their significant others is based on feelings of inadequacy jealousy and trying to make oneself feel better. Pretending strippers are so bad and you don't really want them masks the reality that the only way you can have contact with them is by paying for their company body whatever.
avatar for rickthelion
3 years ago
I truly do not see what my bud did wrong. Remember the rick motto: it is okay to be an asshole as long as you arenā€™t 100% a dick. Was rick 100% a dick in this exchange? I. DONā€™T. THINK. SO.

And Iā€™m a rick so Iā€™m right. Q.E.D. ROAR!!!
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
So now I'm a misogynist for feeling contempt for a drug addicted loser who lets his babymomma climb all over other guys naked to pay for his meals? Interesting.

You know, my babymomma, who was certainly hot enough to work as a stripper when we met, never had to do that to make ends meet. Heck neither did any of my other live-in SOs. Yet this poor girl has so many people on her tit (kids, BAF loser BF, even parents to a degree) that when she can't even make ends meet by crawling all over guys in the LD room, she feels the need to resort to fucking a guy old enough to be her father.

Idk, but somehow I feel like I'm on the "winning team" on this one. šŸ˜‰
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
But she wants him. While you have to coerce and pay her to fuck. What does that make you? No wonder the resentment
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
And? I'm much older than her so of course I'm paying her. My time for springtime romance with a 20-something is long past and I'm fine with that. I've had a very full romantic life with marriages, children, etc. It's not my turn anymore; it's time for the next generation. But even back then it wouldn't have been with a girl who crawls on other guys for money. I don't resent him - I feel genuine contempt for him, including his part in putting her in that situation.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd why do you say she's "resorting" to fucking you? You usually seem to have a high opinion of yourself, so why do assume she finds fucking you so disagreeable?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Rick. Maybe he just accepts her as she is. Your contempt seems to be towards yourself. It's not normal for men to have such disdain for women they fuck.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "@rd why do you say she's "resorting" to fucking you? You usually seem to have a high opinion of yourself, so why do assume she finds fucking you so disagreeable?"

I'm not saying that she found the experience to be horrible, but fucking a guy old enough to be her father is rarely going to be a hot young girl's first choice. Worse though is when she's doing it because her loser BF can't pull his own weight, which makes him a de facto pimp.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Yet you choose to pay her and feign anger towards him
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
^ Actually I let my very real contempt for him get the better of me, hence this thread.
avatar for rickthelion
3 years ago
Puhleeze Icee Ape.

My brother rick is fucking with the girl because it is his right as a rick and fucking with her boyfriendā€™s head for the same reason.

rick rights. Respect ā€˜em. ROAR!!!
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Actually causing her additional grief is probably the only part of this situation that I feel some regret for, but she brought it on herself.

When he did it the first time I did indeed cut her off. But when she came back around some months later and I told her no again, she claimed that he was no longer in the picture and that our interactions would go back to being drama free.

I'm not bothered about the fact that she lied - they all do when there is enough cash on the line. But the rub was that she still hadn't learned her lesson about keeping him in his place. It's Broke Ass Loser BF Management 101. Almost every dancer has one. People with codependency issues can rarely be alone. But this one still hadn't been properly trained. Lesson one: If you want Mama Bear to bring home the bacon to support your emasculated existence, then sit and play your video games, pretend to be watching the kids and don't think too hard about how she's actually doing it.

But instead of knowing his place and behaving as he should have, he thought it would be fun to contact one of the real men who actually pay the bills and fuck with her money in the process. After it already happened once, that was on her as much as him. There won't be a third time.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Cool story broheim
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
So she's a liar coz they all lie and he's a broke ass loser.

But still the only way you could get her was to pay.

Hence your anger
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
You're getting circular Icey. Previously stated and answered.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "Cool story broheim"

Right? After all, how crazy would it be if everything I posted on here was actually real? Then imagine if what I posted here was only a fraction of everything that I actually do with strippers? That'd just be some Crazy Town shit. šŸ˜‰
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Sounds like an admission to me
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You don't answer you reply
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
@rickdugan was icee the boyfriend? It's starting to seem that way, as butthurt as she is about you. šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
RickiBoi sez ā€œ Right? After all, how crazy would it be if everything I posted on here was actually real? Then imagine if what I posted here was only a fraction of everything that I actually do with strippers? That'd just be some Crazy Town shit. šŸ˜‰ā€

Yes indeed. It would truly be some real crazy town shit. Iā€™m not sure exactly how you find time to fuck fictional strippers in between all your TUSCL posting. Not to mention the fictional beefs with stripper boyfriends and being sole provider for your fictional children. You truly have a full fictional life.

At least the fictional wife is out of your hair. Yay! More time to fuck fictional strippers!

BTW, this is a top notch thread. Still going strong. Being a douche to the pimp is a great plot twist. Please post more of this kind of fiction. Bravo! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Rick's experiences are very realistic and he's a lot more honest about what goes on than most of you. You hate on Rick coz you're really the same
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
Icee you're just talking out of your ass. Not everyone has been hating on Rick but you wanna make it look like that.

You're just obsessed with hating on anyone that's P4P. Coz then you get sloppy seconds after a geriatric trick when it happens. šŸ¤­šŸ¤”
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd So you talk about support various women who live with you at times, where they your de facto pimps?

She is fucking someone you have a bad opinion, and it costs her money, so you have a bad opinion of her. Thus, you are fucking someone you have a bad opinion of, and it costs you money. Does this not inevitably imply you must have a bad opinion of yourself?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Icee said "You hate on Rick coz you're really the same"

Eh? I've occasionally disagreed strongly with Rick's opinions and approaches regarding strippers and strip clubs in the past, but I don't hate him and nothing he has posted has ever made me lose my temper.

I'm pretty sure that the thing that keeps me from doing that is the reality that we're never going to meet. I mean, I can only get so spun up over a guy who is text on a screen. And I'm exactly that to him as well.

Sort of like how I wouldn't get spun up by a stripper boyfriend who shares a phone with his stripper girlfriend.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
@icee you're better off by not ASSuming what rick thinks, what others think of Rick, what a stripper whore thinks, and what a stripper whore "boyfriend" thinks.

You're making so many assumptions on behalf of others to make your point. It's as if you'd have no point of your own without all those ASSumptions. šŸ˜‚
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "You hate on Rick coz you're really the same"

No they're not. Between: (1) fake pimps, (2) troll accounts, (3) virtuous dudes who love strip clubs but would never dream of heavy duty extras, (4) shill accounts that ramp up the trolling every time someone criticizes certain clubs, (5) guys who think that cumming in their own pants is a noble calling, (6) teetotalers who think that drinking in a club is weird when the industry only exists in its current form because so many people do exactly that, (7) etc., etc...

...I could probably count on one hand the number of accounts that are anything like me. But the reality is that tuscl is much like stripperweb, full of accounts that in no way reflect what most regular club hounds see and do. I am the Every-Hound: the guy who cubs at night after a hard day of work, throws back a few and springs for more for the ladies, treats the club like what it is - his playground - and when the conditions are right, fully enjoys all that there is to be had...at least OTC.

Now like I say, I never criticize how another man spends his money, but all the mission oriented and finger wagging stuff I see posted on here never ceases to baffle me. A couple of guys think they are insulting me when they say that I sound like a frat boy with how I post. Well duh - my posting here is an extension of my playground fun. What the heck else are clubs for? LOL.

avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "@rd So you talk about support various women who live with you at times, where they your de facto pimps?"

No because I didn't have to crawl naked all over old ladies and sometimes stick my dick in them the support those SOs. Indeed all but one worked herself until the kids came and then she still worked, just at home.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd Old ladies everywhere rejoice in that.

So that clarifies things, slut shaming is a big core value for you. Anything else, or just that?

You are better than her, because she fully supports her primary sex partner, but you did not?
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
^ If there's any shame to be had, it's his, not hers.

It's always the pimp motherfucker who tries to convince the girl that her interests are the same as his. When a grown ass man needs a woman to support him by climbing all on other guys and a lot more, it's his failure as a man, not hers as a woman.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@rd Bottom line to me, just seems like three people making their own choices, no proven victims. You haven't said he's threatened her if she leaves. Either you or him simply could have blocked the other. Maybe he envies that you've got your own money. Or maybe he's just happy to not have to work. He is the one having the most enjoyable sex with her. Because, when a woman actually wants you, it's always better. Rick, I think you have this false idea that only men like being the breadwinner so they can be in driver's seat in the household. There are also women to whom that situation appeals.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Pimps are lower than aids infected pedophiles, but not as low as the impotent cucks who admire them.
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