For the first time I been....cucked... is that the right word?

avatar for Tiburon
So I went to the club and it kind of sucks. I mean they're literally only one girl I was interested in and she did not fit the typical requirements of a girl that I'm interested in. But she had that tan, Filipino skin. But we are not here to talk about the club.

This girl didn't really have a typical big booty but she tried shaking it and kept shaking it at kept dancing as I kept the $1 on her at the stage. Came back to me twice doing her stage Dance and seemed delighted every time since I kept on the dollars on her. No Make It Rain Style, just enough to show my appreciation for her performance.

Totally blew me away when after we agreed that she would come see me once you are stage that she completely ignored me once this old white guy came in and absolutely fawned over him. Her and one other girl that wasn't my type at all. Was so floored actually had to say at the bar and contemplate what the heck just happened as the old white guy whisk both of them away into the realm of the VIP room I suppose. Never really had that happen to me so I was so Starstruck I just left the next girl that acts dance on me still floored by what happened

I know this is an evil evidence, so I'll instead ask is this really the norm? For the young guy (especially black) to be totally ignored in favor of the old white guy? And I thought my full ass beard would help.


last comment
Anecdotal, not evil. Goodness I need to review more before posting
Is this post by James Harden?
Yes, it is normal for girls to leave young guys, white or black, for the security of the wallet from an old white guy. One of my ATFs is black, and she tells me she loves old white guys. True story.
Lol that's funny. I wish I had money like that guy
And the girls leave old white guys for ricks. It’s just the food chain. ricks up top, losers below. ROAR!!!
I’m sure it’s just his white privilege he’s showing off. Like he didn’t earn any of that money, right? I know after years of persistently living below my means w/o fancy cars/clothes/house and saving as much as I can, my finances will allow me to be just like that old white guy so some young dude can be jealous of me, too. I wonder if my future self will feel contempt from others if they knew all the BS I’ve had to deal with to get where I’m going?

Answer: it doesn’t matter because nobody lives their life for someone else. Unless you got kids then that’s a different story.
Think it depends on the girl. I have had some who say they love the older guys and some who older customers think buying a dance entitles them to grope as much as they want.

I have no actual proof but my guess is that the ones who are just there to dance do not really care, they just want a customer who is not going to push their limits. The girls offering extras are going for the deep pockets.
The assumption is the old white guys have the most money(they usually do).
I am amazed that this is the first time this has happened to you. Its pretty much why I seldom tip on stage. She acted like you had her, because she already had plans with the old dude. Happens at desires all the time, which is why it is known as a "regular's club" and hated by some. When I sit with my regular there I see the same thing. She gets money thrown at her, guys line up for a lap dance or room offer and she says thanks to all and comes back to sit with an old white guy. I don't go up because that might cause others to think they can grfab her after her set by tipping a lot at the stage.
Absolutely that is a regular feature at Desire. I'd estimate that a dancer that says she'll come find you after she gets off the stage, you might have a 50-50 chance that it actually happens. Those might be generous odds actually.
Just to nitpick...@Tib if you were 'cucked' you would have paid for the old white dude's VIP and also paid to watch it.
You can't be cucked when you had no legitimate claim on her to begin with.

Further, rickthelion is 100% right about the awesomeness of ricks - but of course he's a rick so he's always right. Though sometimes a female hairless ape is so overwhelmed by all that incredible rickness that she gets confused and sits with a lesser being instead. Hard to believe but it happens. The only thing left to do is go wildebeest on their asses or go back on the prowl.
avatar for Rod84
3 years ago
Agree w/SirL - You weren't cucked. At best, its 50-50 whether a tipped girl on stage will find you later, regardless of age and ethnicity. I'm an old white guy who gets ignored all the time. It actually happened in reverse recently - dancer ditching me for a young, black guy. Very common, and I simply don't put much credence on a dancer's promise to find me later. If she does, it's a bonus.

Often, the girls are going to their regulars/whales. I'd guess girls don't want to waste time hanging with a dude old enough to be her dad/grandpa. So there must be some kind of financial pre-arrangement/expectation I'm not privy to. Perhaps one day, I'll ask a whale...
Hmm, I guess but it boggles me further when he gave her the briefest of acknowledgement before talking a LOT more with this EE blonde woman and I saw the tanned woman literally hover around him quietly like a stereotypical Asian. And I mean she she didn't say a word. She tried laughing alongside him and his other old buddy but she was mostly ignored until it was time to go behind the scenes.

@Rod8432 perhaps it was the club you were in. As far as I can tell I guess the standards is get my money up to flash levels or wait till I'm 60.

No wonder why some brothers at the club make it rain. When your young I guess the deck Is stacked against you in the SC world. Unless your a celebrity which then its just stupid.
@Rickdugun where's your Morty? You can't have an ego trip without him.
For those wondering, yes I was there that day. I meet up with tiburon since were close in age
Damn, does a bro gotta initiate the rain dance to outshine these old timers. Someone get me a gold chain with diamonds. Gotta let these hoes know I mean business apparently
Little known fact - despite what you might see in porn, hot chicks will always go for the decrepit old white guy over a brother.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I've noticed every year there seems to be fewer old white guys in the clubs. At 65 years old, I'm one myself. Last Saturday night I went to a crowded club and I'm pretty sure I was the oldest person there.

Old white guys in the clubs are like dinosaurs, slowly dying out and disappearing as the environment changes and is no longer conducive to their continued existence.

They have moved out of increasingly poor and dangerous cities to the suburbs where there are no clubs. Their business travel has been cut back so they don't visit clubs when they travel. They are afraid of Covid and stay away. Rather than try to lure them back, club managers have decided to focus on catering to younger guys, doing things such as changing the music format. There are two problems with this, though. Young guys have less money and are better looking than old guys so they don't need to spend money at a strip club to get female attention. If they do go to a club they just hang out and the girls get frustrated by lower incomes. The best looking girls have the most other options and quit first. The young guys, who used to complain about the old white guys monopolizing the girls, now start complaining about there being no good looking girls in the club.
Old white guys are usually really demanding. Act like they own the girl. Most don't have money. They're cheap with drinks and usually hit the clubs when their retirement checks hit.
avatar for Iknowbetter
3 years ago
Old white privilege does exist in strip clubs. I’m not saying it’s right, but it does exist, and I’m happy to take full advantage. Young, attractive, athletic guys should be out getting civilian pussy on the free market, and leave the commercial strip club pussy to us old guys who have to buy it.
"And I thought my full ass beard would help."

You thought having a full beard on your ass would help?
Icee you are without a doubt the dumbest fucking piece of shit on earth. Your lack of knowledge on every subject is astounding. IKKNOW fuck off with the white privilege bullshit. White privilege is getting an education and working hard. Nothing more. It applies to all races, not the welfare criminals like Icee, but to real americans of all backgrounds. There are more older white guys with money in strip clubs for the same fucking reasons there are more of us at the ballgame, the Super bowl, the casino, Ruths Chris and on and on. WE WORKED AND EARNED THE FUCKING MONEY. Winners and losers all earn what they have.
So, regardless of race and age, if a dancer knows that another customer spends money in large amounts, then she will likely go to that customer regardless of whatever promises she made to you at the stage.

What you described sounds like that. And while it's true that a lot of older white guys fall into that category, it's not limited to that age group or race.

If you're lucky (or she knows you from previous visits), then she *might* quickly check in to say "Hey, this guy is a solid regular of mine, and I need to spend time with him first."

Or, she might not...

Anyway, that's not being "cucked", because that fetish is almost exclusively about humiliation as a turn on.

What you're describing is a dancer choosing to go after dependable, easy(er) money from a likely known entity. And that's her job, though you understandably don't like it.

If you wind up being humiliated by a dancer chasing the money, that's your fault. But it's not being cucked.
I, too, am shocked this is the first time this has happened to you. Happens to everyone, has happened to me plenty. And agree that this is less about race and age, than about a stripper making the smart decision to go with her high-spending regular than an unknown random (or worse yet, someone who is known to spend little and take lots of time). It's just that old white guys are more likely to have the $$$ to be a high spending regular, and young guys of any race are less likely.

It's not being cucked lol... but you using that term gives some insight into your mindset, you feel a little humiliated by it, which means you might work on that a bit.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
One thing that is mystery is me is why dancers will always say just say "yes" when you ask them for a dance when they get off stage. I can understand this isn't a firm promise, they may see a better prospect after you've gone up. But it does seem like they often do it just to be jerks, when they have no intention of ever doing a dance with you.

A big problem for Black customers, especially if they dress fashionably, is that "Gansta" Rap generally glorifies extreme disrespect of strippers, and stupider fans take it seriously. Stereotypes aren't fair, but people will rely on them when they're afraid of being bitten, struck hard, ambush penetrated, stolen from, etc. It might help to break out of the stereotype, like handing her a twenty, rather than throwing 20 singles on her body.

At clubs that slingers frequent, dancers will often ignore customers that don't look like slingers.

But the bottom line is, people have the right to control who touches them, and they don't owe an explanation for who they do or don't let touch them. I can understand if a Black man feels like strippers should not be racist against him. But, if you ask that same man if male strippers should not be allowed to be homophobic by refusing to dance for gay men, he's likely to say hell no.
Strippers are a lot of things, but likely to go with strict monogamy is not one of them.


How Life Should Be…
I'm a club regular but not a big spender. The girls know that, so they try to fit me in between whales. And, I appreciate it. I tip on stage to show my appreciation of a nice show -- I don't expect it to necessarily result in a visit to my table.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Most of my favs were in monogamous relationships, I would beat $100 they did not cheat. As long as you don't consider no-extras lap dancing to be cheating.

Video of Tiburon and Estafador at the club that day.
Ilbbaicnl said "One thing that is mystery is me is why dancers will always say just say "yes" when you ask them for a dance when they get off stage."

Partly because they want to keep their options open. But it's also because some customers get petulant and argumentative when dancers turn them down.

Some customers believe that strippers are obligated to spend time with every customer that shows an interest, and they get shitty when dancers contradict that belief.

So it's easier to keep saying 'yes' and then pick from a catalog of excuses if the customer doesn't get the hint.
Whales are more worthy than sharks...
I always imagined it's more the first reason than the second -- until she's got an absolute sure thing, why not lock you up for a while? If you are just a random customer, there's upside for her (if her whale doesn't work out, you're still sitting in reserve) and little downside if you are just a random customer rather than a regular yourself. I mean a random customer who she might never see again gets mad? How does that impact her business negatively? And even if that customer wanders back in, many guys will buy "I'm so sorry, my whale came in and I didn't realize he was coming and he gets very possessive" and be back to spending on her. At least, that's my theory.

But I can also see the point about her not wanting to deal with any potential customer shit
A stripper's word is good only until a more lucrative option comes to light.

A PL's word is good only until a more attractive option comes to light.
@Tiburon: "Damn, does a bro gotta initiate the rain dance to outshine these old timers. Someone get me a gold chain with diamonds. Gotta let these hoes know I mean business apparently"

No. You just have to be known as someone who regularly spends enough money to be worth spending time with. Note that the level of spending required is somewhat loosely, and inversely, correlated with your pleasant personality. :)
If she made a beeline for the the old-white-guy as soon as he came-in then good-chance he's a regular and a known good spender; and this may be the case given he took two dancers at the same time to VIP - VIP is expensive enough when you take one-dancer; if you take two-at-a-time then he's likely a whale and dancers can't afford to pass on whales especially if he's a regular - so one should not be surprised at a dancer immediately makes a beeline for a regular known to spend well.

I started SCing semi-regularly at age 30 and back-then I looked young for my age - I have been in that position where girls would walk past my table as if I was not even there and throw themselves at the 50+ y/o guys at the tables next to me.

Taking away that be might be a regular and known-spender, older guys in general are seen as both more willing and more able to spend; and often easier to deal with - even if this is not a fact 100% of the time, it's likely still the prevailing view.

Back in the Backpage days, it was not uncommon to see ads that said "no young black men" and this was often black providers stating this - unless it's a make-it-rain club, young black guys are seen as not good spenders in clubs and more aggressive - of course this is not universal and it sucks to be judged and treated a certain way just b/c the way one looks; but the perception is there to some-level nonetheless; and I assume this may be worse in some areas/cities than others.
avatar for Player11
3 years ago
It’s all about money. Perhaps the guy a big spender regular.
avatar for From978
3 years ago
Most of what was going on here has been thoroughly explained by earlier posters. The point I didn't see addressed is that "Yes" and "Right away" are two different answers. If you wait long enough, you'll usually get a yes, and if you ask whether someone is ahead of you in line, you'll usually get an honest answer.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I don't know if it's most of them, but many of the dudes who make it rain have no interest in getting VIP dances. Really, what's up with that, why tip 20 singles instead of a $20 bill?

I usually say something like "can I have a dance when your not busy?", and they'll often say "sure! as soon as I get off stage", but it's hit or miss. I think you can chalk it up to some dancers being more about the domming than the dollars. They want you to come back after they've shit on you, so they know you're submissive. Like customers who are more about domming than getting some straight up sexual gratification.
I usually get attention when I tip a dancer on stage, tts very rare that any dancers that I ask to join me not following through
Usually I get a girls attention by looking her way and smiling at her
BTW I usually tip a 5 dollar bill now it’s not a lot but it gets her attention better than a few singles.
Still that feeling for the first time being shoved to the side after you think it's all peachy in the rear *sniffle* its hurts lol🤣😁
I eventually saw her again but because the club had very slim pickings in my opinion and I got a dance from a chick my age who is also from the city, my excitement was totally drained. Didn't bother to look her up again. If the name of the game was to get me to be a submissive simp after her guy is through imwith her, well it didn't work but I doubt it.
a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful, often regarded as an object of derision.
"jokes in literature about elderly cuckolds and misers are rife"

(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.
"in the novel Humberto cuckolds his employer"

…I don’t think that you were technically cuckolded here. I think you came out on the losing side of an upgrade.
@ibbaicnl dont worry. I didn't automatically think racial reasons. Strippers aren't respected by most people in the civilian world. Hard to say whether its changing due fast enough or we just see outlier situations in the media. Maybe next time, I'll just be brave and put the singles right in her garter and bra. The space seemed pretty sparse so I wasn't sure if I would get her or me in trouble for touching her while on stage especially when everyone can see me.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
That's a pretty tame club if you can't touch her with her permission on stage.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Whale is relative, I think some dancers see me as whale, and not just because of how fat I am. That's part of the reason I "wanna dance" them if they don't "wanna dance" me. As well as helping dancers (who I appreciate a fuck-ton generally) make more $, it's more polite to other customers, who may not yet be as lucky $-wise as I have been.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
When I think about it, I guess I've heard more bad stereotyping of Black customers from escorts than from strippers. Even from non-white escorts.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
But sex workers are liable to say stuff to make you feel "special". Maybe they crab about white guys to black guys.
We old white guys rule.
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