
Body vs Face epiphany

Obviously we all only spend our money on perfect 10s with model faces and fit bodies.

But sometimes you have to choose between a slamming body butter face and a cutie who should skip a few desserts and hit the gym a little harder.

My latest epiphany is the following:

On stage body is far more important. It's all on display and she's too far away for face to matter as much.

When she's sitting and chatting next to me it's more about the face.

During dances it's body again. My hands are going everywhere and a perfect set of tits in my hands matters more than her face in the dark LD area...

... Unless she's on her knees sucking my dick. Then face matters again.


  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    It’s hit me a lot we really don’t need the face, it’s not necessary, the masks helped me realize this
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    I'm not sure I can disagree with anything you just said. Body is usually a lot more important to me for a stripper. I don't want her face to be hideous . But the body is what I will notice. Especially when they are up on stage.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    Between the two choices, I would also say the body wins over the face. A really cute face tends to subconsciously up my view of the body, I suppose, and the cute face at least gets me noticing her. But i will go home early if I’m not seeing at least a few decent bodies in the club.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    A pretty face has pretty much trumped a body for me. A perfect body won't, for me, overcome an ugly face, though a gorgeous face will almost always overcome an imperfect body.
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    There are a huge range of faces that I find attractive, it's usually really bad teeth or meth complexion that actually turns me off.
    And women that ugly are pretty rare in the clubs I frequent, or even most of the clubs I've visited traveling.
    But thin, fit, small round asses with perky tits is not a solid majority in most clubs, often a minority and totally lacking in a few I've been recently. And young ladies with this kinda body type are usually taking care of themselves and don't have awful teeth or skin, maybe there's a rarity with a hooked nose or some crazy shit, but is much easier to overlook than 50 pounds overweight.
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    To me, a 5 face on a 10 body is a seven. A 10 face on a 5 body is still a 5.
  • Evasparkling
    3 years ago
    For me,

    Is Body over Face everytime.

    I’ll always take a killer body over a pretty face any time any day in the strip club
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    I love a good butterface.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    Body FTW in my world. (But it doesn't mean I'll take a face like Medusa.)
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    A really pretty face will WOW the eyes, maybe even implant deeply in memory, but I didn't come here to fondle her face.

    A body can thrill with eyes closed.
    And can be enjoyed with more senses 😀
  • chessmaster
    3 years ago
    In general I can find a variety of facial features attractive. Not to mention females have the advantage of makeup and when we're talking about strippers they also have dark(ish) lighting. I really only find a few body types super attractive. So body wins for me. Also it takes more effort to have a nice body, unless they get plastic surgery.
  • TFP
    3 years ago
    I've always been a body first face second type of guy. Meaning if I can't have the pretty face/banging body combo then I'll take the butterface everyday over the anorexic dollface. I find that the butterfaces usually give you better dances than the perfect 10 types anyway.
  • 623
    3 years ago
    Chessmaster - if you think plastic surgery is easier than being born gorgeous you are confused. High end surgery is very expensive and usually requires months of recovery with lots of inconvenience and lots of pain, in my mind it is not the “easy” way. Watched it first hand.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The whole package
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    I have to be really attracted to her usually I just wait until I found one if not that day, another day will have to be.

    Patience is the key, because when the right girl comes in, it will be totally worth it.
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    Science tells us both sexes prefer face over body body when choosing a mate. Women a bit more than males but still the preference is for a pretty face.

    One doesn’t think usually think of science when speaking about strip clubs - but it’s been said Richard Feynman used to frequent topless bars during his time at Cal Tech and work out physics problems on cocktail napkins. Rather impressive
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    Face for me. I don’t want to see an ugly face sucking my dick.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "A pretty face has pretty much trumped a body for me. A perfect body won't, for me, overcome an ugly face, though a gorgeous face will almost always overcome an imperfect body."

    This for me as well. A pretty girl can always improve her body, but there's no cure for butt ugly. There is something visceral and instinctive in me compels me to avoid copulating with the ugly girl.
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    I usually care more about body. Within reason at least. I'd agree with the second sentence of Rick's quote of GMD. A truly ugly face is a deal breaker, and I can deal with body imperfections. However, if there's a girl with a spectacular body and an average face I'll almost always go that way over the girl with the remarkable face and the average body.

    At least in the case of strippers that's true. If I'd gone on a few dates with both of the girls above and it was time to break things off with one to get serious with the other, the decision would likely not be based on such superficial factors but assuming all else equal I'd probably lean the other way.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Sometimes I think I'll miss masks. My mind always put a gorgeous face under a mask on a nice body. The hotter the body, the prettier the face behind the mask. There were two dancers I met during the pandemic. Similar height, hair, weight, and stature. One had an amazine natural body, D-cups, incredible ass, flat stomaxh; the other had was more athletic with abs, perfect high glutes, and manmade DDs. I favored the natural girl evwry time I had to choose. Masks have finally come off. The gym rat had a better face than I imagined, she looks a lot more feminine, even with a hard body. The all natural looks like a witch. Literally. Huge hooked noe wuth a giant hairy mole
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Damned post button. Thin, liver-colored lips. A man's name tattooed on her jawbone, left of her chin. Seriously rank breath. It is so hard to get dances from her now. I'm also beginning to realize that she's always been pretty ignorant Nd entitled.

    I'm almost hoping the variants bring back masks, so I can fill in my own faces again.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    Enjoyed @Motor's reference to Feynman and I've heard that stripper story before. He also had a reputation for sleeping with the wives of other faculty members.

    I prefer great bodies for SBs. I'm back to sugaring now and seeing a SB from cu Boulder. She's slender, blonde, athletic.
  • yankeez4lif
    3 years ago
    A heavy set woman with a cute face is still attractive. That same woman with an ugly face is a no fly zone for me.
  • mjx01
    3 years ago
    "nice" / "friendly" / "sweet" personality greater than all else IMO
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Honestly on the street, a lot of times that stuff is covered up. Not always. But when those close come off I think those pretty girls all of sudden become a little less impressive when they don't got that badunkadunk
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ What Muddy said , it’s true a butter face completely covered, as opposed to a naked woman with a big smile in your direction
    Big difference
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    As I’ve posted in the past w.r.t. this subject, I’ve never gotten a hard-on by looking at a woman’s face; but have gotten plenty of hard-ons by looking at their bods.

    There isn’t a right or wrong way to be attracted to dancers, as w/ most things w.r.t. SCing, it comes down to preference – ever since puberty I have always been more attracted to a woman’s body vs her face – in school I would always be way more attracted/turned-on by the girls that were the most-developed/voluptuous vs “the prettiest girl” that most of the guys were attracted to.

    The way a dancer’s face looks never really comes into play when I club, it’s all about the bod – I don’t recall ever turning-down a girl b/c of her face or feeling that I should not have gotten dances from her b/c of her face, but have turned-down many I thought had a nice-looking-face but whose bod didn’t do much for me – there have been times I’ve been tempted to get dances from girls I thought had pretty-faces but was on the fence w.r.t. their bods, in cases like these I usually pass – I’ve been more disappointed by getting dances from dancers whose bods I didn’t end up liking than getting dances from girls whose face I ended-up not liking – I can only recall one dancer whose face tuned me off enough to not wanna repeat w/ her even though I like her bod.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I've always assumed it was mainly about body as well. But I have seen some girls do quite well who have terrible bodies but VERY beautiful faces... so idk really 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Isn't that why paper bags were invented?
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    ^ it's all pink on the inside.

    Love is just a light switch away. *click*
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Body - and for me it’s even more specific - legs and ass. Chick can have nice tits and a pretty face, but if her legs and ass aren’t nice, she’s not for me. Cankles are a dealbreaker for me
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Had to look up cankles tho I've heard that word before. I guess I don't really look at ankles
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Whole body has got to be nice from head to toe
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