I sued The Cheetah In Atlanta, GA. What will happen next?

avatar for Imcall1140
I have filed a lawsuit against The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA and I suing them for banning me off of their property. The club has been served with a lawsuit and they have filed an answer to that lawsuit from their attorney. My claim against them in this complaint in this lawsuit is that I'm suing them for not wanting me in their club. I'm suing them for not wanting to reinstate me to their club when I asked for a reinstatement and I am suing them for not wanting to listen to my apologies for what I did to get banned off of that property and I am suing them for not wanting to listen my promises not to cause them any more trouble if they were to allow me back in their club. They have turned a deaf ear to everything that I have said and they stand firm on their decision to not want me in their club which is grounds for me to sue them. Now that they lawsuit has been filed and the club has filed and answer then what will happen when this lawsuit goes before the judge in court? What will happen if I lose this lawsuit? How much money can they countersue me for? What things can they make me pay for when they countersue me if I lose this lawsuit against them?


last comment
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"What will happen next?"

What will happen next (if any of this is remotely true) is your personal information will be public record, and if you keep posting about your lawsuit here the power of the search engine will not be your friend. Maybe that?
"what will happen when this lawsuit goes before the judge in court?" Unless you can prove that the banned you for a discriminatory reason (race, religion, gender or other protected class) the judge will find in favor of the club because a private company can refuse service to people who cause a problem in their business the way you did. They are under absolutely no obligation to listen to your apologies or reinstate you to the club.

"How much money can they countersue me for?" I am not an attorney and don't know the specifics of the laws in Georgia but I would assume at the very least they can make you pay for their legal fees which can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars if they hire a top law firm to defend them. Depending on what you said in the lawsuit or any other public statements they may be able to countersue you for slander if you made any false statements that caused them to lose money. Some jurisdictions will also grant punitive damages for malicious prosecution of such a frivolous lawsuit.

I honestly can't believe you found an attorney willing to file this lawsuit for you, or did you file it yourself because no lawyer would take the case?
avatar for Imcall1140
4 years ago
I filed it myself because no lawyer is willing to represent me on this lawsuit.
avatar for Imcall1140
4 years ago
To make a long story short I have talked to several lawyers and there was no lawyer that wanted to take this case when I told them that I wanted to sue The Cheetah. There were a few lawyers that I talked to that told me that all that I will do by suing them is piss them off even more and make them not want me in their club even more. And I was told by that lawyer that advised me not to sue them because suing them would only get them even more pissed off at me than ever before is that they will definitely contersue me when I lose this lawsuit and the judge will just rule this lawsuit as frivolous when it goes to court. So please tell me why suing them only pisses them off even more and makes them not want me in their club even more? The whole purpose of this lawsuit is to use this as a form of protest and to get my point across to them that I don't agree with their decision to ban me off of their property. And to answer your question since there was no lawyer willing to take my case I went to the courthouse to file this lawsuit by myself without any lawyer to represent me on this lawsuit.
"I have talked to several lawyers and there was no lawyer that wanted to take this case when I told them that I wanted to sue The Cheetah."

Take the hint, man.
This is an open and shut case. The club will pay you one million dollars and be compelled to worship you as a god.
Didn't this guy post a similar thread a couple of months ago?
"So please tell me why suing them only pisses them off even more and makes them not want me in their club even more?" Because you are causing them to spend time and money defending their business from your frivolous lawsuit.

I hope every other strip club in the area sees your name on this lawsuit and bans you from their clubs before you can cause them the same type of headache.
How much of a cunt do you have to be to get thrown out of a club? And banned forever from the premises? And how much of a complete moron to INSIST you be allowed to return, instead of going elsewhere to spend your money?

Didn't think it was possible to find someone dumber than Juice on this site, but boy this guy sure proved me wrong. I'm guessing he's RIL with a dancer at that club ("I'm special to her), but doesn't have her phone number so he can't talk to her again unless he gets back in.
If you’re serious and I have my doubts, you’d benefit from a little vacay prescribed by a mental health professional after a few weeks of intensive therapy you should be feeling better.
I don't think you have to worry about it going before a judge...

You can sue for anything. The real question is whether or not you should.

What did you do to get banned? Lulz
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
For reference, here is part 1 of the saga:

Thanks for the update. I appreciate the entertainment 🥳
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
" And then I sat in the club waiting for her and I saw her attending to other customers and then I walked over to her and made her feel uncomfortable and made her customers feel uncomfortable. Her customers said that I acting like as if I was her bodyguard the way that I was standing there making them feel uncomfortable. I then got so mad that I walked up to that dancer and yelled at her and intimated her that she scared look on her face. The bouncers then said that what I did was uncalled for and it crossed a line that they didn't like and they kicked me out of the club and banned me from coming back that since then I have been no longer welcome in the club."

^ from the original thread of his.

lmfaooo. They have every right to keep you off property. The dancer could have said something to them without you knowing as well. You're suing them because you're a crybaby who can't get his way. Grow the fuck up.
That lawsuit won't go anywhere. Take the money and get therapy
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
It’s a privately owned business. They can deny service to anyone they want, whenever they want, for any reason they have ( except discrimination by race, gender ). Or, no reason at all.
The OP is a Proud Incel.
If fiction (as much on this site is) it’s a sad cry for attention. If factual then you are an idiot who is going to pay sc attorney fees and likely be banned from all other clubs in the area that don’t want risk the headaches.

Suing someone to accept your apology screams snowflake.
Here’s a concept the OP seems to be missing - listen to the simple advice from others. This is a frivolous lawsuit. If no lawyer will take your case - there’s a good reason.

You acted inappropriately - and you were banned forever. It’s time to grow up and live with the results of your actions.

You have filed a lawsuit because a club isn’t listening and responding to you - but yet you don’t listen and respond to reason. A reasonable person would have moved on long ago.

You need therapy - not reinstatement at a strip club.
Sad to say, but people like the OP actually exist.
avatar for joewebber
4 years ago
as i asked originally, what are your monetary damages from the cheetah?
they are a private business that can ban anyone they choose, especially if you're a troublemaker.
you clearly don't understand verbal and visual cues.

from my original response:

sounds like you didn't learn your lesson.

" I have a huge issue with them ignoring my apologies and ignoring my promises that if they could allow me back in their club that I won't cause them any more trouble. And I have huge issue with their decision to ban me to be forever like as if they think that I haven't learned my lesson from the mistake that I made."

seems like you want to force them to listen to your apology. force them into letting you in the club.

sad news for you. the strip club business is a lot more strict than regular nightclubs.

your actions have labeled you as a troublemaker, and they need to protect themselves (especially the girls) from people like you.

what monetary 'damages' will you be filing in your lawsuit?

if i came to your place of work, hung around and made people feel uncomfortable (your words), wouldn't your boss be within his rights to ask me to leave?

if you go near their property, they will have you arrested for trespassing, and you'll spend the night in jail.
avatar for joewebber
4 years ago
they will hand your lawsuit to their attorney, who will file a motion to dismiss as frivolous lawsuit, and the cheetah will ask for attorney's fees from you for filing it.
that's what will happen.

The Asperger's is strong with this one...

I 85% think this is a spectacular troll job. And the fact that I 15% think this could actually be a real thing just makes me appreciate how gloriously spectacular of a troll job it is.
^ or how stupid some of our members are.
Even if it's a troll, I stand by my post above.
avatar for Imcall1140
4 years ago
Now tell me how can other strip clubs find out about my lawsuit against The Cheetah and get involved in this lawsuit as well? How would they even be able to look up those court records and get involved in this lawsuit together with The Cheetah so that they can have me banned off of their property as well just to save them the headache that I am causing to The Cheetah by suing them? How would other strip clubs even know about this lawsuit for me to be looking at the possibility that other strip clubs can ban me off of their property as well?
Access to the courts are a matter of public records unless it’s specifically ordered by a judge, it will me published in the law columns of whatever entities are required to report these proceedings, along with your name the defendant name addresses if available there are no secret courts for civil suits
I went to a strip club this weekend. I did not get a blow job. I left dissatisfied. Can I sue for that ?
^ no but you can pop a cap in their ass.
There are lawyers whod take the case. Take his money. But it would get thrown out before being allowed to proceed.

They banned you so they could protect their employee and patrons from your threatening behavior. They have a legal obligation to do that .
on the small chance you are just dumb as a box of rocks and not a troll, you have no right to demand entry into a private business. They have every legal right to bar you. You can't sue to make someone read something. You can't sue to make someone talk to you. You can't sue to make someone "listen" to you.

I take it you have not been in the US for very long if you do not understand how our laws work.
I can't believe there are this many responses to an obviously bullshit attention-seeking troll post.
^^ Trump is quiet, Biden is laying low, and no mass shootings or protests for the last few weeks, therefore we have nothing else to complain about at the moment!
Club Ad
Post the Fulton Country Docket Number for your filing so we can review it.
@mr orange, this thread is still a lot more entertaining than your usual political drivel and look at how many responses y’all get on those.
Businesses can't do as they please without legal repercussions....

Op would have a legit case if he said they banned him coz of behavior related to his mental disabilities
avatar for Imcall1140
4 years ago
If you guys want to look up my civil case against The Cheetah here it is. The case number is 21MS148970. This is a case filed in Magistrate Court in Fulton County, GA. Again the case number is 21MS148970.
OOOOOOH Yeah 25, Ricky loves popping a cap in a good bouncers ass! We do that every time we play bouncer and stroker
avatar for Michigan
4 years ago
Who cares?
This fucking idiot was really dumb enough to file this lawsuit. At least he listened to us and dismissed the lawsuit today. Now I hope the Cheetah goes after him for their legal expenses and every other club bans Mr. McAlister from their club as well as a result.
avatar for Imcall1140
4 years ago
I didn't dismiss the lawsuit. I just dismissed two people that I named in that lawsuit. The case is still open. I have no intention of dismissing that lawsuit at all.
Well, we will certainly follow the progress.
avatar for DenimChicken
4 years ago
You are doxxing yourself here on top of embarrassing yourself.

avatar for joewebber
4 years ago
OMG! it's all true.
he's not trolling us.

the lawsuit is online. he actually went into the cheetah with a fake burn victim mask on in 2015 with fake ID and car tag. he was arrested and put in jail.

in his lawsuit, he left the amount of damages at $0.00.

the Cheetah's Answer to his lawsuit is worth the $4.00 to read.
This was 6 years ago?
avatar for Imcall1140
4 years ago
Joe Webber did you pay that $4.00 fee to get access to what they said in their answer to this lawsuit? I haven't been able to have access to that because I haven't paid the $4.00 fee.
I dumped a load in Imcall1140's basement! It is fillled to the brim with shit!!! hahahahaha
The only chance you have with this lawsuit is if you're black - otherwise you're SOL
@Imcall1140, Please seek help. You are not behaving rationally. This has all the makings of a Cheetah's Atlanta 2AM'er.
avatar for rattdog
New York
4 years ago
if the lawyers representing the cheetah club informs the employees to keep a set of incident reports as well as keep relying on law enforcement then dude will continuously be denied entry along with other repercussions.

even though this only happened once, and once too many, this dude already has established a pattern of menacing behavior.

papi is right - only way this guy maybe able to get back is to present a case of cheetahs discriminating against a protected class. i dunno - maybe show up dressed fully in pink, wheelchair bound and topped off wearing a native indian wahoo headdress? maybe that covers some of the protected classes?
avatar for joewebber
4 years ago

they probably emailed you the answer. they have your previous police file. they have your arrest record. you spent time in jail.

how many times do you need to go to jail for trespassing or worse before you realize you're never getting back inside the Cheetah?
I read your suit. In the suit it does not appear you ask the court to take any action. You just make a statement that they "wrongfully banned me off their property". If the case was ruled in your favor (not going to happen) what do you expect the outcome or result of you winning to be?
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
This has been said already, Imcall1140, but TUSCL is not the place to come for the help you need. This forum is not therapy, no matter how many times some of the regulars treat it that way.

If you are the person in those court records, then you should consider talking with a professional about your situation and the amount of distress it has caused you. If not that, talk to someone you know and trust IRL. We are strangers to you, and even if any of us were inclined to assist wouldn't know how.
I know that this is in vain (because TUSCL...), but I sincerely wish that people would let this thread die, and that the OP would take wallanon's advice.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Dumbass! Doxxing your self like a dumb fuck. And then not realizing that one easy Google search of that club can bring up this discussion as it's in the Front Room. Or if the court case were to be Googled. People who Google that club will find your complaint here and laugh at you as well.

"Now tell me how can other strip clubs find out about my lawsuit against The Cheetah and get involved in this lawsuit as well?"
Idiot, clubs communicate between each other. Even if they're in competition, they still call each other if there is a safety concern (you) and they most likely shared photos of what you look like from the security cameras.

Do all women a favor and stay out of all strip clubs until you see a therapist. You are not entitled to entry of that club and nobody there owes you a God damn thing. If anything, YOU owe them an apology for being a menace. Literally the only person who will not laugh at you is a therapist.

He has a mental problem but some of you are the idiots.

Other clubs won't care about this. No one cares. And cheetahs won't counter sue because they can't get anything out of it. The clubs lawyers will have it dismissed.

Ask the judge to make them give you free lap dances for life!

In a perfect world the bouncers would have just pummeled you and throw you out on your face. Then you wouldn’t want to go back.
If he had a smart lawyer he'd get him diagnosed with a mental illness and argue discrimination. He's not responsible for said actions and staff and police were ill equipped to handle the situation due to lack of Americans with disabilities act training recommendations and mental illness awareness.

It's the only club he reasonably accommodate going to. Denying him this simple pleasure in life because they judge and persecute him based on his disability is illegal.

That strategy would have a much better chance than his current one. He just needs to get on a winning team
And taking people off the suit is bad. Add as many as possible.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Hey OP & everyone else, I apologize for being rude and laughing. I just got a message from a forum member a few hours ago telling me about OP; and with that knowledge I was given and him doxxing himself, I really feel like this should be removed (or at least his comment with the doxxing info). I received a threat from someone on here or someone who lurks and I'm on a "I hate all men/fuck all men" kick right now and I took some of that out out on OP. So I really apologize, OP; but I also stand by you seeking out someone to talk to, too.
avatar for Imcall1140
4 years ago
So when you guys have told me that other strip clubs can find out about this lawsuit and those other strip clubs can look up those court records and look up my pictures and have me banned off of their property as well? Then that means that The Cheetah can actually contact those clubs and tell them about me and tell them about the trouble that I caused them and how much of a headache they have been going through to deal with me? So that means that The Cheetah can actually contact those clubs for other strip clubs to have me banned off of their property as well?
Since the OPs claims, as outrageous and implausible as they are, have been verified by our verified VIPs, then Founder should consider deleting this thread and banning the OP.

He is clearly a sick, demented individual who sincerely believes that harassing dancers and fellow club-goers is appropriate behavior. Worse yet, it seems his aggressive behavior will continue and escalate. This is pretty antithetical to the entire premise of TUSCL.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
Imcall1140, YES to every question you just posted.

And yes, Founder should step in. The person who messaged me messaged him as well.
This thread needs to be wiped for everyone sake including the clueless OP.
I hadn't read the previous thread linked-to by @nicespice - in that other thread the OP states:

"... Well it's a long story for me to explain it. There was a dancer that I tried to get to go to the VIP Room with me that turned down my invitation to the VIP because she had another customer that she was attending to in the VIP Room. So I got mad because she didn't let me go to the VIP Room with her and made her leave her customer that she was attending to in the VIP Room. And then I sat in the club waiting for her and I saw her attending to other customers and then I walked over to her and made her feel uncomfortable and made her customers feel uncomfortable. Her customers said that I acting like as if I was her bodyguard the way that I was standing there making them feel uncomfortable. I then got so mad that I walked up to that dancer and yelled at her and intimated her that she scared look on her face. The bouncers then said that what I did was uncalled for and it crossed a line that they didn't like and they kicked me out of the club and banned me from coming back that since then I have been no longer welcome in the club. I tried apologizing to them for what I did and I tried telling them that I was sorry for what I have done and promised them that if they could allow me back in their club that I was going be on my best behavior and not cause them any more trouble but they ignored all that and they didn't listen to anything that I tried to tell them when I tried to persuade them to reinstate me and told me that they banned me off of their property and that once a decision is made to ban somebody off of their property that means that it's forever. So I have had a huge issue with them not wanting me in their club for years and I have had a huge issue with them not wanting me in their club and not wanting to listen to me trying to apologize to them for what I did and trying to express how sorry I am for what I did. I have a huge issue with them ignoring my apologies and ignoring my promises that if they could allow me back in their club that I won't cause them any more trouble. And I have huge issue with their decision to ban me to be forever like as if they think that I haven't learned my lesson from the mistake that I made. So all this is why I want to file a lawsuit against them and have them sued to court is so that I dispute that decision that they made to not want me in their club and show them that I don't agree with their decision when I sue them to court. And I am going to file that lawsuit against them to try to get that show them that I have a problem with them not wanting me in their club and to show them that I don't agree with their decision to ban me off of their property ..."

Draw your own conclusions LOL
Conclusion: This guy is one sick son of a bitch and a loose cannon.
Imcall1140 they won't do that. It's none of their concern. If they did do it and you found out then you'd have grounds for a legit lawsuit though.
I was willing to bet this was a troll post, but I'll admit I was wrong. It's for real. I looked at the court docket. I didn't read The Cheetah's entire answer 'cause I didn't want to pay $4, but I expect the complaint will be dismissed. OP didn't claim any monetary damages, which is the only relief Magistrate Court (called Small Claims Court in most states) can grant. If OP wants anything else, like an order requiring The Cheetah to admit him, or an order requiring a dancer to suck his dick in VIP, he would need to file in Superior Court, or federal court, if he can come up with an alleged violation of a federally protected right (the right to have his dick sucked in VIP?).

Hopefully, The Cheetah counter-sued for attorneys fees for this frivolous lawsuit.
"Imcall1140 they won't do that. It's none of their concern. If they did do it and you found out then you'd have grounds for a legit lawsuit though."

Total bullshit. There's is nothing illegal about communicating true information, except maybe protected private information, such as medical info, which this is not.
When did SJG move to Atlanta?
avatar for Funkycold88
4 years ago
This shit is fucking wild. I'm just going to sit back and watch this one.
avatar for Imcall1140
4 years ago
So why is it that when I talked to several lawyers that not one lawyer was willing to represent me on this lawsuit? In fact there was one lawyer that I talked to that advised me not to sue them because all that is going to happen is that I will lose this lawsuit and get countersued by The Cheetah to pay for their lawyers fees and court fees that I am making them spend money on just for them to defend themselves. I didn't listen to that advice because I needed a form of protest to get my point across to The Cheetah that I don't agree with their decision to ban me off of their property and that's the purpose of this lawsuit.
avatar for Imcall1140
4 years ago
I read cashman's post and he said that there is a good reason why no lawyer is willing to represent me on this lawsuit but he didn't explain what that good reason is on why no lawyer will take my case. So please tell me why no lawyer wants to take my case in this lawsuit if there are plenty of lawyers whom are representing clients for civil litigation in lawsuits.
"So why is it that when I talked to several lawyers that not one lawyer was willing to represent me on this lawsuit? In fact there was one lawyer that I talked to that advised me not to sue them because all that is going to happen is that I will lose this lawsuit and get countersued by The Cheetah to pay for their lawyers fees and court fees that I am making them spend money on just for them to defend themselves."

You answered your own question - no lawyer would represent you because it is a frivolous lawsuit with no chance of winning. Why would an attorney want to risk their reputation (and possibly their law license) to represent you in a frivolous lawsuit?

Filing a frivolous lawsuit is not a form of protest. It makes about as much sense as getting yourself arrested for trespassing after you were told not to come back. It you want to protest their business just make a sign and go out on the public sidewalk near the club and start a picket line.

I just hope you let this go and seek the help of a mental health professional before you do something even dumber and end up in jail. We don't want this to end up as one of shadowcat's 2am'er reports.
Thank you Whodey. You explained it well.

I agree - this guy needs real help. His mental health isn’t good.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
whodey Its not always that simple. The law is complicated, and businesses do not have unlimited rights to do whatever they want as "private businesses."

As for a "countersuit " on what grounds? Wouldn't worry about it.
I think this is all an elaborate zebra troll job. I would not put it past a zebra to hire some pathetic hairless ape to behave in this way, right down to the crazy burn victim disguise, file the insane lawsuit, and post on TUSCL.

Zebras are sick that way. Zebras make me wanna....ROAR!!!!
We have become a nation of frivolous lawsuits and the only real winners are the attorneys. Wonder why your auto insurance rates are so high? I've been told by several companies that is to cover the cost of jury awards.

You ever heard the song "I fought the law and the law won"

That should be your anthem
avatar for joewebber
4 years ago

all the lawyers, and most of the TUSCL members have told you that suing the Cheetah was a bad idea.

the main reason the lawyers didn't take this case is that there are no monetary damages that they could claim and take 1/3 of in contingency. it's not a winnable case.

you have more than adequately shown us by your original post that you are not emotionally mature enough to understand why The Cheetah doesn't want you in THEIR business.

you've stated:

you want to FORCE people to listen to you.
you want to FORCE people to trust you and forgive you.
you want to FORCE a private business to allow you back in where you (admitted here) SCARED and INTIMIDATED the girls and customers.

why would anyone let you back in somewhere that you scared the girls working there?
it doesn't matter how many apologies you give, and how many lawsuits you file, you cannot FORCE anyone to forgive you, like you, go to VIP with you, etc.

please find a therapist to talk to. you need to learn visual and verbal cues, and you need to learn to understand that you are a full grown adult man that can unintentionally be scary and intimidating to other people.

just because you want something doesn't mean you'll always get it.

sometimes your first impression is the only time you'll ever be able to convey your personality.

these people at the cheetah don't hate you. they have no ill feelings to you. they are trying to be protective of their 'family'.

when you yelled at the girl, you broke the rules.
when you lied and tried to sneak back in, you broke the rules and betrayed their trust.

it's just better now that you find a therapist to talk to before you decide to try and go to a strip club again.

Well said JoeWebber. A reasonable person would read this advice, and determine there is no basis for a lawsuit, there is no good outcome of returning to this club, and they might experience an epiphany and realize they need mental help. I doubt any of those things will happen with this guy.

I have learned the definition of doxing. I didn’t know what it meant - and at least I’ve learned something. Either this is the dude who did the stuff in the lawsuit - or a guy looking to out the dude. Based on the poor logic in the OP’s posts, it might be the dude who actually acted up at Cheetahs.

Out of curiosity - what do you do for a living - Imcall1140?
Sure, let's ask someone with untreated or poorly treated mental health issues to reveal even more of his own personal identifying details on the public and Google-indexed forum on TUSCL.

I understand the irony of me posting to this thread while asking to let the thread die. But I really think we should let this thread die.
Sadly this guy is on social media posting his lawsuit.


So he posted the complaint on Twitter - directed at Cheetahs - and it appears nobody cared enough to even like, re tweet, or comment.

He’s looking for attention - and he must love this discussion.

He has several links to go fund me for medical expenses. He also seems to have a huge collection or interest in video game action figures.
Well said Ishmael. I retract my question.

No need to answer Mr Incall1140.

I will end my posting in this discussion.
What is he gonna do when Cheetah closes (wasn't the land sold a while back?)
There was a deal for $35 million but it fell through when the owner died in Oct, 2020 and the trustees backed out.
Regarding the sale of the club, I was told that the issue was that the buyer wasn't able to get financing for the deal. Whatever, it doesn't look like it will be sold anytime soon as they're going to be remodeling the main room in a few weeks at a cost of over $1M. It will be closed off for almost a month with the executive room remaining open.
Maybe OP should just buy Cheetah. Problem solved. You're welcome.
Drevil....its called defamation per se. Yiu face a legit suit if you purposely ruin someone's reputation and it impacts their daily ongoing. Whether what you say is true or not.

Imcall1140...Cheetahs won't go to the trouble of defaming you or countersuing if the case is dropped. They'd lose out on it financially. Youre having a hard time finding a lawyer coz they comsider it a SLAPP lawsuit. A frivolous suit the lawyer can be sanctioned by the court for. If they have the option of better easier cases they'll pass.

Everyone else....if you pay you can get a lawyer for any case.just have to look around.
I’m sure you could get our malcontent legal experts like Skibum to take this case if you just convince him that Cheetah is a Democrat controlled business
Ignorant people making personal attacks is very progressive/
You do that quite often so I guess you must be progressive
Imcall1140 if you move forward with the case Cheetahs will try to get the case dropped. If that doesn't work they'll counter sue . Which isn't really a big deal in your case. The main problem you'll have is with court procedure and filing fees get expensive. They can also challenge the court saying you're not capable of taking the case on yourself.

In a civil suit the main strategy is usually to make the other side go broke and have to give up fighting.

You won't be making some grand statement.

Youd be better off complaining to the bbb, your states attorney General....and realistically just finding a new club to go to.

You should also realize your behavior was threatening and they had every right to ban you to keep their staff and customers safe. Unless your behavior is caused by a disability you have a terrible case

Work on yourself. Invest that money in a therapist dating coach whatever.
“Drevil....its called defamation per se. Yiu face a legit suit if you purposely ruin someone's reputation and it impacts their daily ongoing. Whether what you say is true or not.”

Dead wrong. Truth is a complete defense to a defamation claim. Just ask Johnny Depp. It’s also clear you have no idea what a SLAPP suit is. Your a worse lawyer than OP.
2ICEE truth is an affirmative defense against a defamation lawsuit. You can't be sued for telling the truth about a person or business unless it is privileged info (medical records etc) or you had some sort of non-disclosure agreement in place ahead of time.

If you could be sued for harming a businesses reputation by telling the truth every person that posted a negative review on TUSCL, Yelp or anywhere else would be risking a lawsuit.
In theory the truth is a defense to defamation. In practice you have to prove that it is true.

And you can be sued for anything and people are regularly sued for negative reviews.

In a defamation case. every word of the statement can be argued about. The context of whats being said etc.

I know someone who represented a person sued for a yelp review. The case lasted 2 years and cost them $60,000. Much of it hinged on arguing the meaning of the words in the review. The context. The intent of using the statement whether true or not to defame. Etc. Its not that simple.
If they can prove damage has been done. Its defamatory whether true or not.if the plaintiff can show that the defendant acted with “actual malice” in publishing the statement, the truth or falsity of the statement is immaterial and the libel action may proceed.
^It’s clear you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Drevil. Its clear you have no idea what you're talking about. Stick to posting about how you're lame trick.
I've seen a lot of useless threads here. It's not a competition, but this is one of them.
Icee: Here is an article explaining how Johnny Depp lost his defamation case against the newspaper that called him a wife beater because the paper proved it was true.


Post something that shows you’re right. You won’t be able to because you’re full of shit.
Drevil.... public figures can't be defamed. Hence why tabloids and political satire are legal.

You're a fucking idiot. You can Google about the truth not being a full defense against libel.

State and local laws. Wording intent and implications etc all come into play. There is a difference between a general statement or inference being factual and the statement being true. The law is more complex than a news story on Johnny Depp
Stating something is true is a common defense. Proving it is true in a legal sense is a different matter.
2ICEE if you believe "public figures can't be defamed" please post an article falsely claiming an older public figure of your choice sexually assaulted you when you were a child and see if you don't get sued successfully for defamation.

Truth is an defense to libel. Yes you must be able to prove it and it must be based on fact. The lawsuits based on online reviews are generally based on opinions that are stated in the review not facts or false statements of fact like saying they were served undercooked food that made them sick when that didn't happen.
Whodey.... a public figure can't technically be defamed.

Sexual assault and abuse are crimes.

A person can be sued for defaming a business online. In a review on a forum whatever.

How far any kind of civil suit goes depends on the money both parties are willing to spend.
Instead of talking about things you know nothing address OPs concerns.

Its obvious op is very frustrated but is going about it in a way that will hurt him more than it will help
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