Thug Culture, I warned about it for years on TUSCL

avatar for nickifree
I complained for years about thug rap/hip-hop music in strip clubs, and the overall toxicity of that culture. And I regularly got shit for it. However I saw how that culture took hold and decimated black neighborhoods starting in the 1980s.

I didn't know why black people have an unhealthy appreciation for, and desire to be thugs and ho's. I never understood the psychology behind it until the last couple of years. Things will only deteriorate for the worse. Cheers.


last comment
avatar for NJ2019
5 years ago
Ah yes another genius who thinks race debates should be had on a strip club forum. FFS does anyone still come here to get the scoop on where to see some ass & titties anymore or is it just a platform to share your irrelevant opinions?
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Black hoes love thugs the most. Perhaps theres a correlation.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
If people in this once fine land spoke face to face on the tough issues, such as race, we might work things out. As much as I dislike the way the Courts run here; you cannot get a trial date without a pretrial conference and you cannot get that without parties and their lawyers sitting down face to face
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
I am mot going to say anything, I'm just going to leave this here.

South Carolina college student, stepfather fatally shot in head on front lawn over fender bender: reports…
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
The CIA brokered crack epidemic and crackdown on community organizers decimated black communities in the 80s not hip hop.

avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Hip hop culture can be empowering. But the minstrel show marketed to middle class white kids as hip hop is garbage
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
TUSCL's resident minstrel show.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The funniest part is all effeminate white punks, who skipped gym class with a note from their Mom, now wearing black and telling everyone they will kick their fucking ass.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Rap music glorifies thugs, pimps, and treating women like hos - that shit is bound to have an effect, even if just subconscious, on the people that listen to it.

avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Rap music is socially conscious and reflects the realities of urban poverty
avatar for yahtzee74
5 years ago
The rapper Ice Cube likes to complain about cops killing black men but he's helped ruined the lives of a generation of black men by glorifying thug culture.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
For a while rap music was positive and was more about getting an education. Now it's materialistic, anti-communal (except for the community of thugism), sexist, homophobic and racist.

Now I can admit that as an art form rap and hip-hop are legit and deserves accolades for reinventing popular music. The film "Birth of a Nation"(1915) is an art form too, but it's message is reprehensible. Same goes for rap/hip-hop from the last twenty years.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"but it's message is reprehensible. Same goes for rap/hip-hop from the last twenty years."

Better make it thirty years. Time has gone by while you dudes have been growing old.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Go away, Trucidos.
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
Oh look, another "the world is ending" diatribe from nikkifree. What a surprise...
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
It certainly ended for strip clubs after rap culture took it over. The same culture that's about to kill sports too. It's one of the largest revenue streams blacks produce in this country. And they're going to kill it. That essentially is a demonstration as to why blacks can't succeed on their own.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ they would succeed just fine if many didn't swallow the poison-pill of believing they are just victims - you can't succeed that way no matter your color
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Strip clubs are nothing without hip hop.

Also the hookers pimps have working the clubs for your exploitive enjoyment wouldn't be there if it weren't for what you claim to despise
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
Strip clubs are nothing without hip hop.
Yes, because it’s all about the hip hop and not about the titties. Smh.
Try again.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
@NF I don’t think sports is over, but I bet the owners are going to draw a hard line on how contracts are done in future collective bargaining agreements. Wanna sit out? Here’s your fine. Wanna kneel or show political opinion? Here’s your fine. It’s going to become more of a common workplace and less of a union. JMO
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Kenosha Police swarm and arrest 9 people associated with a Seattle based nonprofit that provides food to rioters. They had just filled up gas tanks and their car was carrying fireworks. Because, food. Nonprofit. Peaceful.

I say, turn em over to the feds.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... I bet the owners are going to draw a hard line on how contracts are done in future collective bargaining agreements ..."

Who knows what the future will bring - but as it stands now it seems there are two very different visions for the future of America - I see the woke-mob likely becoming more woke and doubling-down instead of moving to the center - so one-half of America will be wokers or those that comply to wokeness out of fear, and one-half that don't want anything to do with wokeness even if it means giving up woke sports and entertainment - I envision sports and entertainment kneeling to wokeness instead of moving to the center - but I can also see the woke lunacy crumbling under its own weight or just flaming out - I don't necessarily think it's clear which way it will go into the future.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@NF you're tripping. Hip hop didn't ruin strip clubs, Corona did. The whole 3 years I've been on this site it seems to me all you do is show up every once in awhile and complain about hip hop in strip clubs. Jesus man just get used to it already. There's old white dudes here that hate hip hop yet they still have a good time in the club without all the damn crying about the music. I bet some of them even have a hip hop song or two grow on them because they had a great time in VIP while that song was playing.

Hong Kong TJ all they play is gringo rap music. Was that place in a decline before Corona? Fuck no, it was popping like always. 99% of those girls don't know what the song they're dancing to is about, do they care? No, they care about getting money.

I could be in a club where they play nothing but country, give me some fine dancers and some quality dances and I could care less. Hell they could be playing gospel in that bitch and I would still grind out an LDK to Hallelujah Jesus.

Clubs had been the same for years with hip hop being the main genre played before Corona. Shit wasn't changing at all and good times were always there to be had.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
most rap i don’t like. but it’s where the girls are.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@Jascoi you are the FIRST person I thought of in this topic. I remember you saying years back that you don't like rap music. Yet does that stop you from having a good time in HK even though that's pretty much all they play?

Rap music and strip clubs go together like the NFL and gambling. They won't be separated anytime soon so for the love of God.......Nickifree get over it.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Rap is no less musical than a five year old with an empty coffee can and a stick; however I find it easy to ignore. The only negative being is the lack of creativity or artistic value makes it hard to determine when one bleating ends and the next begins.
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
I don't worry too much about what they play in the clubs, but I hate when the music is way too loud which us most places ugh.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
@TFP That's patently false. Strip clubs are no where near the solvency and profitability they had before rap/hip-hop took over. Moreover, my post is about how the rise of thug rap was just a preview of what was coming to all of America. The preview is over. The main feature is now playing.
avatar for datinman
5 years ago
In the 80's I tipped girls getting naked to Hair Bands.
In the 90's I tipped girls getting naked to Grunge Rock.
In the 2000's I tip girls getting naked to Hip Hop.
Pussy, not music, is the common denominator.

Thug culture... Meh. In the U.S. we have always glamorized outlaws. From pirate movies to Jesse James to Bonnie & Clyde to Hell's Angels, we have a collective fascination with living wild and free on the wrong side of the law.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
If the theory of this troll post were correct, the strip clubs that don’t play rap music would be BOOMING. Southern, western, mid-west. You can find plenty of strip clubs that only play rock and country. Guess what? They are on the decline too. Take your hate elsewhere, troll.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
They were booming before rap and hip-hop took over. Don't expect that which took years to construct, to rebuild as fast as it was torn down. Besides you'd just tear it right back down again.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Alot of the new stuff for the last 15 or so years whenever auto tune kicked really has made for some awful music, no doubt about it. But the music sharing stuff really killed the music industry overall so that's what we're left with.
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
Honestly every club I have tried that refuses to play hip hop/rap/rnb or only plays rock or classic rock was hella slow/dead/no or few customers/ hard to make money.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
^ This, unfortunately.

One of my home clubs had a manager that absolutely hated rap music and would scold the DJ if he played too many songs in a row. Another club I danced in out of town had a manager that didn't like it either, so he enforced no hip hop/rap any time he managed.

Neither manager worked during the weekend, the DJs played hip hop as requested by girls or customers, and the weekends would be the most bumping nights out of the week. If there was the off chance they were busy during a weekday, there were a fraction of customers that complained that the club didn't play any 'club music' (hip hop) and they couldn't get in the mood at all to stick around.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Hmm, Baby Dolls in Dallas only played rock and country as far as I knew—and definitely was against rap. The Golden Dragon in Portland had a main DJ who adamantly hates rap too, and it wasn’t played there either. I’d consider those two clubs as ones that seemed like they operated just fine.

Texas in general likes to impost limits on rap, but the DJs get around it by playing EDM versions of those songs. Personally, I found that irritating because a lot of stuff will blend together and it’s tough sometimes to figure out where one song ends and another begins. I prefer regular rap over that.

And I agree with TFP, who cares what is playing in the background?

Tho I do have to say, it was a bit eyebrow raising to hear a particular song from Escape the Fate in a club once. I won’t bother linking to it, but the entire message of the song is about a dude feeling wronged by something a girl did, and reacted by killing her. Probably not the best message to send out to strip club patrons. 🧐
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
^ And Escape the Fate is an emo band, not rap.

One more thing. It’s also interesting is that it’s common for clubs to play all these rap songs which blatantly talk about fucking for money—where that behavior is frowned upon. Yet simultaneously, many of the extras-loving bunch on this site seem to hate the kind of music that normalizes that that of behavior and makes it less taboo. 🤔
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I guess one could possibly argue that rap's "thuggish in your face" message would have an impact on the dancers that listen to it and thus custies could then be possibly affected by dealing w/ dancers that listen to it and have an attitude to match, but I don't think rap music necessarily sets the tone/vibe/interaction in a club; i.e. I don't think it's the main-variable at play - at the end of the day stripping is a sales-job and most dancers are smart enough to know how to conduct themselves around custies in order to close-the-sale/sell-dances - I would think most dancers tune out the music/lyrics when they are working and are just focused on doing what they need to do to sell-dances/make-$$$ - might rap music to *some* extent affect the SC vibe(?), perhaps but I don't think it's the end-all-be-all w.r.t. SCing or whether one can have a good time - strip-clubs have always had their pros-and-cons no-matter what type of music is played - there's always been good clubs and shitty clubs no-matter the era or music played - the music does not necessarily set the tone for the club - although one can argue that a club that heavily plays rap/gagsta-rap may attract a particular type of clientele whereas a club that does not may not attract that clientele and thus there be a different vibe.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
@nickifree would have to be more specific as to why he feels rap music screws up SCs - is it b/c:

a) he doesn't feel the dancers act the right way - if so what do they do that he doesn't like?

b) or is it just the whole vibe of the club from staff to dancers to other custies?

c) something else?

How does rap music stop him from enjoying the club?
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
The only time I care about music is when the DJ is calling me on stage. (I find the holy trinity of requested club music seems to be hip hop, EDM, and hard rock.) Other than that, roaming the floor and mingling with customers - it's just background noise.
There are plenty of genres of music where the context of the lyrics could match that of hip hop, but it's more tolerable and accepted because the presentation isn't as aggressive.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
Hard rock/Metal, EDM, or hip hop on nightshift and classic R&B on dayshift. Lol. As long as the two songs go together (not A Perfect Circle with Kevin Gates, System of A Down with Flux Pavillion, or Suicide Silence with E-40.) and the energy matches, I dig it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
In my limited experience, very few dancers seems to know how to dance to rock or country - when Vixens in Davie, FL opened a few years ago it tried going with a rock theme and it didn't work out well although it was a nice large upscale club - I was there not long after they opened and after a while I had a headache and all that guitar-twanging was getting on my nerves - eventually the club gave up on the rock-theme.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
^ Especially the younger crowd.

I love upbeat music but ears can only deal with it for so long before I have to shuffle through genres and songs. Only exceptions are at music festivals where they've got a music theme going for them all of their live performances (ie: Welcome to Rockville, Electric Daisy Carnival.), then I can tolerate that particular genre a little longer.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Nickifree posted: Strip clubs are no where near the solvency and profitability they had before rap/hip-hop took over.

There could be a million factors why clubs aren't as profitable as they were before. We've discussed some of these reasons in plenty of threads in the past too. Yet YOU attribute it to music. As if none of the other factors like the availability of free porn, recession of 08, less older, affluent men visiting clubs etc has nothing to do with it.

If you didn't show up every so often complaining about this same thing I might take you more seriously. But no, this has been your same song and dance for awhile now. I take your posts/warnings about rap music as seriously as I take SJG's 'buying dances is a chumps game' posts.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
@TFP - There's a mute button, use it.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
You're not that annoying yet, so I'll bear with your bi monthly "rap music is killing strip clubs" threads.

I'll see you in a few months buddy.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Actually looking back at your post history it's not so often that you come around with the rap music posts. But you've created many of these discussions, as linked in this thread:…

By the way....what the heck ever happened to CMI?
avatar for 99rocky
5 years ago
A lot better than trashy 80s rock that is still the norm in clubs with boring ass dancers.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Also I wouldn't call todays mainstream rappers thugs 🤣🤣🤣

But I think the underlying premise is uta okay to say you hate rap.....but what you're really saying is you hate black people.

avatar for winex
5 years ago
@IceyLoco - I hate country music. Does that mean that I hate white people?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
When racism is not socially accepted racists will hate on symbols of said group. Hating black culture has historically acted as a euphemism for hating black people.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
If you look at Rap and Hip Hop you realize that Black Culture is an oxymoron. Icey if you're black I would submit that you alone have caused more people to become racists than any other source. You're an excrement sandwich; hold the bread.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
It is rare to hit certain NJ clubs and not hear rap. Some other clubs play more Latin based artists.

Very rare to hear rock in most clubs I frequent.

That being said, I don’t think the clubs cater to thug culture. It may be just the music, as many rap songs seem to be written for stripping.

Has thug culture hurt society, yes. The rappers make lots of money, and many young folks look up to them. It’s all conspicuous consumption - and fast money - having babies with many different women - and calling the women bitches and hoes.

If you are naive enough to believe this is a positive lifestyle, then you need help.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
I keep thinking of the absolute brutality in Mexican gangs. I lot of that brutality is in the inner city too. I mean, just awful brutal murders that mainstream media suppresses. But they'll publish, tweet and comment on "Karen called police on black person" stories like there's no tomorrow.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Nickifree your whole premise on tuscl is posting racist bs
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Yours is whining like a bitch with a dick up her ass homo Icey.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago better than what you listen to
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