I Went To A Political Web Site To Talk About Strippers
I Went To A Political Web Site To Talk About Strippers but nobody was interested.
I am not sure why all of the recent posts on here are about politics. Can't this be a politics free zone? It isn't like mongers around the country come on here to look for information about who to vote for. Personally, there is nothing that anybody can say to sway my vote.
So. . . . can we get back to talking about strippers?
I am not sure why all of the recent posts on here are about politics. Can't this be a politics free zone? It isn't like mongers around the country come on here to look for information about who to vote for. Personally, there is nothing that anybody can say to sway my vote.
So. . . . can we get back to talking about strippers?
I’m sure the comment boards on political sites would be overflowing with whore recommendations during a real convention.
Don’t tell me you tried MSNBC? Isn’t that more like grinder? I doubt they find female strippers interesting over there.
Kidding. Not really, but I am.
Strip clubs are closed. Big election coming up. Front Room is there for strip talk ( basically, guessing when things will open and CoVid talk ). Political Forum is there for those so inclined.
In January, if clubs are open and the election is over ( let’s hope ), TUSCL will return to mostly being about stripping.
Founder should do whatever he wants; it's his business.
She’s more of a gold digger - as she don’t mess with broke crackers...
In normal times I might bring up the subject of government paternalism as it relates to strip clubs. Local governments will sometimes try to heavily regulate or even shut down clubs. They do this in the name of protecting the strippers from sexual exploitation (though possible financial exploitation of male customers is never brought up). They do it for public health reasons to protect strippers and customers from sexually transmitted diseases. They do it for reasons saying it is immoral in some ethical or religious sense for the people involved and even that allowing it at all harms community moral standards. It would be worthwhile discussing to what extent the government should be involved in protecting customers and strippers from themselves and to what extent they have a right to make what others consider to be bad decisions. Also, how much allowing strip clubs to exist harms anyone else who never actually steps inside one.
It makes me wonder if people here really want the freedom to share opinions without repercussions or if some just want an excuse to shout every bad omen in human history at those that oppose said opinions.
Jul 13, 2020 "Windows 10's Feedback Hub: A forum for political trolls, spammers"
"When Microsoft made the Feedback Hub universal app available to Windows 10 Insiders in March 2016 ... the plan was for the app to be the perfect tool for users to report issues and share suggestions on how to improve Windows experience for all customers.
However, as reported by users over the weekend and as BleepingComputer was able to confirm, the Windows 10 Feedback Hub is also now being used as a spam platform and a forum by political trolls.
Lack of moderation leads to a spam fest
Even though customers have been complaining increasingly often of Microsoft's delay in reading and addressing their reports, the platform's use for spamming and as a political forum with no intervention from Redmond's employees comes to show that the Feedback Hub either lacks the appropriate moderation tools or really suffers from a lack of attention from Microsoft."
— https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/mi…
Recently it became ok to foist political opinions on those who don’t care about it. It’s boring and impolite, if not down right obnoxious. I have very strong political opinions and being lectured by others who I assume aren’t smarter or more informed than me is annoying.
That usually ends the political talk.
Our aches, pains, and health problems ! Let’s start a new forum.
Methinks you aren’t using the term foist correctly. Unless someone is pointing a gun to your head and forcing you to click the Politics Forum.