No I really don’t think that’s gonna happen, and I’m not even taking COVID into consideration, but there certainly hasn’t been this much civil unrest in the US in my lifetime.
Was it this wild during Vietnam?
After reading the news this morning I was thinking, everyone is getting hacked, everyone is getting exposed, everyone is getting accused and everyone else thinks they are being exploited.
I have a college age niece who thinks she has to be an activist for every cause under the sun, this is probably the only time in my life I wouldn’t want to be younger again.
The only thing I can think that is positive in the news is the stock market is still okay and interest rates are still low. Too bad I don’t even need a loan right now.
Strange times, I’m just thankful I still have a job and my field haven’t been affected by COVID or anything else going on for that matter at all, at least for the time being,
“Revolutions” are just turns of the wheel (to misquote somebody); things will turn. My childhood began with Kennedy getting shot (govt conspiracy theories anyone?), Vietnam, civil rights riots, energy crisis (my college textbook said worldwide oil reserves will be exhausted by 2010...). People always fixate, then move on; modern tech just speeds things up & amplifies. Yeah we have issues but either people will actively work through them or passively wait for a “big daddy“ to take care of them. Either can be painful while it’s happening, but I’d be more worried about the latter.
Go back and read Orwell’s 1984. You probably have some extra time right now. Orwell was obviously off by a few decades but they guy had a crystal ball. Keep focused on mask wearing if you like. The real assault to freedoms is the plethora of companies and governments recording and monitoring your thoughts and actions, then not even being careful about who gets that data or what they do with it.
Influenza Pandemic, WW 1 & 2, the Great Depression, Cold War eclipsed all the shit going on today. Today is just people being stupid. The good thing about stupidity is that it does have consequences, and course corrections soon follow- unless the stupidity becomes intrinsic.
It’s been so crazy. I see where I’m from the criminal justice system completely eroding. I don’t think the future looks to good. Add to that you have in this country highly educated high IQ types aren’t having that many children while this country incentivizes low IQ unsuccessful people to shit out as many kids as possible. That’s dysgenics 101. And all these idiots attacking our flag, our institutions, trying to bring down the system and so many young people are just totally on board with this crap. Our future is fucked.
Read an article in the National Review today about how the African American Museum at the Smithsonian has an article on the idea that "normal" in America was directly related to being white and the examples they showed were (some): Work before play; working hard is the path to success, the traditional nuclear family was best. Stunning, as I seem to notice that working hard and work before play seems to be the rules for every successful person on earth; everywhere. Mind boggling. At the end of the day Democratic party, like the Nazi party, is taking advantage of a crisis to take over. Hope the result for them is the same.
@Ski, I saw that too. That's just madness. Look at, say, Nigerian-Americans. They outperform whites because of the same family values that that exhibit tries to degrade.
Luckily as a divorce lawyer I know that the museum is right about nuclear families, simply because every single study ever done acknowledges that children raised in a traditional nuclear family setting have an advantage over children raised in other settings. Due to office location I have a lot of clients who were born in Africa and for the most part they fall into one of three categories: nurses; nursing students; nurses going to nursing school for an advanced degree. Democrats would give them reparations too.
Broad topic and this is the most bizarre period of my lifetime. What bothers me?
As far as the stock market goes, with demand falling and horrible unemployment numbers, we should have equity prices falling off a cliff. The overall CAPE price-earnings is over 30x again and the market is way overvalued.
What keeps the market up? Crowd psychology. It's just a crapshoot whether the market will continue this way. Investment strategy keeps me up at night.
Another thing that worries me is whether there will be a peaceful transition of power in November. The Economist has Biden's chance of winning at 93% today:
But will we have a fair election? Will absentee ballots be rejected? Broken ballot machines? Will Trump claim that illegal brown people stole the election from him? If you think that's not possible you haven't been listening. As his poll numbers decline, expect Trump's behavior to get more clownish, irrational, and desperate.
Fair election, Democrats just got caught again in Philly, and then with mail in ballots in NJ. Democrats din't care or want a fair election, and don't even pretend too. Just fall back on suspect others of what they do, or fear being treated like they treat others.
The democrat party and lefty sjw crowd have one goal in mind: destroy the USA as we know it. No more superpower status. No more borders. No more incentive to excel. Even worse, they are not only looking to degrade the US to the same level as the rest of the world,rather they seek to make us subservient to the EU and Communist China. The largest contributors to their success is the indoctrination of younger generations by a socialist education system, and a complicit media which is little more than a state propaganda arm for the DNC. Is the media the enemy of the people? You bet your ass they are. They are as dishonest and unethical as any antifa terrorist or commie sympathizer. I see almost no way that this will end without something very similar to a shooting civil war.
Sadly, COVID did not need to mess things up. If the CCP and WHO had been honest about everything, it would not be a global problem. Instead, they decided that if their economy was going to get fucked up by this, then everyone's econony was gonna get fucked up by this.
Then you look at how the democrat party and media politicized from the beginning, knowing that President Trump would not fail to pick up the gauntlet and respond. Now, draconian measures like shutdown and simple aolutions like masks are equally partisan; and as viciously contested as black lives matter v all lives matter or ACAB v the thin blue line.
>Influenza Pandemic, WW 1 & 2, the Great Depression, Cold War eclipsed all the shit going on today.
Does it eclipse people losing their job and being accused of being a white supremacist because he said that he didn't think his museum should stop buying art from white men?
WW1, WW2, and the Cold War were things which pretty much brought people together. A common goal and common enemy that most agreed on. Sure there was Vietnam but most were against communism and authoritarianism. 30 years on from winning the cold war and we now have communists (disguised as democrats) as mayors of large cities.
Initially the Floyd incident brought people together against police brutality. It was universally condemned. But that has quickly turned in to a huge divide as politicians have let leftist agitators destroy cities and proclaim all white people (alive or dead) as racists and white supremacists. Free speech and free thought are being destroyed.
You mean US Marshalls rounding up domestic terrorists because Dem mayors are happy to let Federal and private property destroyed. He should have done it weeks ago, hope your commie fag buddies enjoy their time in federal prison. Please keep defending domestic terrorists that will surely bring people to your side.
Communication and media are a force beyond anything in the past. These so called riots are small potatoes exaggerated by media and those with an agenda.
The late 60's were a terrible time in America for civil unrest and serious riots. Union protests and riots early 20th century, Civil War protest northern riots, Whiskey rebellion, you name it the USA has had real rebellions. This is nothing if you study American history.
Reality is these are *Marxist fundamentalists* that are, and have been, at war with America for decades and for decades have been trying/plotting to overthrow our Western democracy and the American-way-of-life; not to make it better; but to put in power their view of what America should be which is a Marxist/Communist utopia - trust me when I tell you these people will not stop at anything and for them every-and-all means justify-the-ends - there is *only* one way to deal with fundamentalists like these and that is to put them out of commission b/c as fundamentalists they will *never* stop.
Our open democracy has allowed these leftist-anarchists to plan and to plot undisturbed for decades and why we are where we are - anarchists and Marxists have ZERO place in a democracy and should be made illegal.
When you see SWAT teams tell me what badges you see?
GTFO with that BS, you claim to be center left but are ok with ANTIFA attacking a cities Police Stations and Federal Courthouse for 6 weeks. I saw a video yesterday of two pantifa trying to break into the federal courthouse with hammers a bunch of these US Marshalls and other law enforcement came rushing out and he started swinging a hammer at them. Hope these terrorists get sent to Guanranamo Bay.
Looks to me like Trump is trying to stir up some racial tensions with the election coming up. I’m sure you would have been fine with It if Obama had a secret police though so perhaps I’m overreacting.
You mean in the big bold letters across their backs just above where it say U.S Marshal? Or maybe you’re mistaking what is written on the patch on their left sleeve. That doesn’t say police. That would be the U.S. Marshal badge.
I was born at the end of 69, and started living in the U.S. in early '79 - thus I was not purview to what happened in the 60s.
Having said this, what is going on def seems different and way more dangerous:
a) the hard-left has been at this since the 60s - hard-left meaning those that view Marxism and Communism as their ideology and what they would like a future America to be
b) over the decades the hard-left has taken over universities and brainwashed a large portion of young people to hate America and teach them it should be destroyed and replaced vs improved - in the last decade or two, only extremist leftist views are allowed on campuses and anyone with a conservative view will be attacked and vilified - there is little to no freedom-of-speech on many college campuses today and there have been many instances of violence against anyone that has a POV opposite the hard-left - it's gotten so bad than just saying you are for freedom-of-speech, even if you are liberal, you'll get attacked and you have to backtrack and apologize b/c freedom-of-speech is not tolerated anymore on many campuses; only one type of speech is tolerated which is hard-left speech
c) all these brainwashed leftists that graduated from all these liberal universities have taken over many civic and political institutions (e.g. New York Times; city mayors and city councils; DAs, etc) - and now they are trying to brainwash the next-generation even from elementary school with the "1619 project" created by the New York Times and some radical black-chick (so now the New York times will be indoctrinating everyone's kids since they are pushing for it to be in all schools)
d) I think it was maybe 5 or 7 years ago (?) that George Soros started recruiting other billionaires and millionaires to start funding hard-left movements and hard-left political campaigns - e.g. the DA in St Louis that that is going after that couple in St Louis that was defending their house w/ a rifle, while at the same tine letting all the rioters and looters out of jail as soon as they got arrested b/c she refused to prosecute them; that DA's campaign was mostly funded by George Soros - and there are many examples like her
Yeah - we've always had a counter-culture-movement in this country - but this time it's different b/c you have 90% of the media running cover for them and supporting them - as well as many in power supporting and protecting them (e.g. allowing the CHOP zone in Seattle; allowing 7 continuous weeks of destruction in Portland; rioters and looters being let out of jail the next day even if they have committed violent-offenses, etc).
This time it's different - never in my wildest dreams did I think one could not count on the police to come and help you b/c the police has been told to stand down and letting the rioters and looters take over - never did I think if you called the police for help against a mob, that they would tell you there's nothing they could do (as what happened to that couple in St Louis, as well as that mom w/ her young daughter in VA that was under-siege by a mob and called 911 for help and was told there was nothing they could do that they had been ordered to not do anything w.r.t. the "protesters")
This time this radical fringe movement has many in power protecting them, and supporting them, by removing opposition to them by ordering police to stand down in many instances not to mention further weakening the police via defunding.
The threat of fascism is a much bigger threat than the threat of communism papi and it’s actually happening right under your nose as you let the right wing media distract you with scare tactics.…
The threat of fascism is a much bigger threat than the threat of communism papi and it’s actually happening right under your nose as you let the left wing media distract you with scare tactics.…
But still please explain to us how you support left wing terrorists, and have no problem with what they are doing. I would love to hear you're rational why it is ok.
But Rioting, assault, and destruction of property is. Which was going on in Portland every night for 7 straight weeks. Just because you aren't arrested for a crime that night doesn't mean you didn't commit one. These Antifa Terrorists were committing crime after crime and being observed the whole time, that gets you arrested.
But you still haven't explained your support of Left Wing Terrorism. Riots, assault, and destruction of property are not protected by the first amendment. Damn I am starting to think you and iceyloco rode the same short bus to the school for simpletons.
I don’t recall saying I support riots, assaults and destruction of property. Why are you blaming Antifa for that btw? Is it because they have become the right wing boogeymen every time something bad happens? This is clearly the work of anarchists, and anarchists have no political affiliation. And for the record, Antifa stands for anti fascist.
So you are just a liar then and you're arguments getting dumber. I call them Antifa because that is who it is and have been in Portland and everyone knows it. Antifa is full if anarchists and communists. They can call themselves whatever they want, but they are still using violence for political gain, which is terrorist, and as far as being anti fascist they act as fascists. You are just dishonest and want to play word games.
Sure this is just a regular non'violent protester with a hammer trying to break into a federal court house.
And for the record, you are either ignorant about what they are or just willfully ignorant.
You are kind of dense ime, no terrorism is ok and I never implied that any sort of terrorism was ok. I also don’t consider protesters to be terrorists. Why is that so hard to comprehend? I don’t approve of anarchists either. Anarchist have no political affiliation. That shouldn’t be hard to comprehend either. People blaming Antifa for the actions of anarchists to achieve a political end is what I disapprove of. Sending a secret police force into Portland to create havoc and fear amongst the citizenry is what I disapprove of. Coincidentally, as I write this I see a Trump commercial about the angry left wing mob. Hmm.
Antifa's MO has always been to threaten, intimidate, and physically attack those who speak in public or organize in public. They are the fascist who are anti free speech.
Trump shouldn't do anything about these burning cities and rioters. They should be left as shining examples of what people should vote against this November.
You can put your head in the sand, or cover your ears like a child, but fact is those anarchists in Portland are who have been causing havoc are part of Antifa a designated terrorist group. Now Department of Homeland Security is stepping in because the do nothing Democrats who run Portland can't get it under control. I hope the Commies abd AnarchIsts are in fear, the law abiding citizens are glad to see this.
Richard asks why no one understands that he thinks the protesters aren't terrorists. Um, because they are the definition of terrorists and your claim you don't support terrorists, is simply a lie. You're the enemy.
It’s up to the people in Portland to deal with, I don’t want my government borrowing tactics from Castro or Chavez, or Duarte and sending masked, unidentifiable agents out to enforce anything.
nyc, portland, etc will continually see these antifa shits terrorize them until a republican steps right in.
i'm not a fan of giuliani as i'm still recovering from him shutting down all my fave strip joints. but it's going to take someone with his will and ability to lead and not take shit from anybody.
take away the defunding of cops, add some new fresh blood from the police academy and perhaps implement "broken windows" the way giuliani did. i sure as fuck have seen lots of broken windows lately.
Barr is as good or better then Hoover. Hoover did a lot to reform and improve the FBI, he is properly regarded as the leader who transformed it into the world preeminent law enforcement organization. He was also a cross-dresser who was blackmailed by the mafia into not even acknowledging their existence, and directed more covert and clandestine activities than anyone should have.
Barr has been tasked with righting an entire Justice Dept which was coopted by leftist bureaucrats to attack innocent American citizens, subvert the rule of law, and perpetuate the penetration of socialism into every aspect of our society.
ANTIFA are terrorists. Unmarked federal agents arresting them and whisking them off for interrogation is perfectly legal, and long overdue. When Pin_head, 25IQ, or RandomLoser defend them, they are defending terrorists, and should be treated accordingly.
I'm no fascist, and when we start to act like fascist's we lose, this is a page out of Putin's playbook sending in secret police ! I don't care who you are or what your politics are, that's pure unadulterated fascism completely against everything this country stands for. Secret Police, now you're in a George Orwellian nightmare.
Don't confuse US with the leftist dictators and fascists that folks like 25IQ idolize and revere. These arrests are lawful. There is a limit to how long they can be detained. They can invoke any constitutional right they want, including the right to remain silent, refuse to self incriminate, and demand legal counsel. These rights are available to them as American citizens, no matter how unpatriotic and undeserving they may be; and these rights are even availble to illegal immigrants and non-citizens who participate in these riots, as undeserved as they are. These scumbags even get to appear before a judge to request bail and be released pending trial. No, there is no comparison between the Portland arrests and what goes on in Cuba or Russia.
wrt to Shailynn's original question, end of the world/USA, I fear that we have arrived. What was true 180 years ago is true again today, as when Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
I would say if you think it's all coming apart then put your money where your mouth is. Shift the bulk of your money to commodities like gold, silver, bitcoin, etc. and ride it out. If you are long usa equities then you really don't feel that way.
Personally I am and always been long and strong usa equities. I am still bullish long term but have hedged with a bit more commodities medium term.
Its election year and the fear mongers from both sides are out in full force. Just turn down the volume on the TV and carry on with life. (Unless you live in downtown Portland in which case hunker down and lock and load).
"However, some people in America, and around the world, are confused about Black Lives Matter. Many of us misconstrue the slogan Black Lives Matter with the Black Lives Matter organization. No diss to the members of the Black Lives Matter organization, but we need to be clear on the differences between the Black Lives Matter organization and the slogan Black Lives Matter. The slogan Black Lives Matter has taken a life of his own. It has been taken out of the hands of the Black Lives Matter organization and into the hands of the people. The chant Black Lives Matter is separate from the Black Lives Matter organization."
It seems that 100 year storms (or once in a lifetime storms) happen about every 5-10 years nowadays.
With the way we travel globally now - we may have been fortunate this didn’t happen earlier. Sadly, I wonder what might stop this from happening again (in 5-10 years).
This contagion has not been unexpected. It’s been long anticipated by people who care about such things. Written about in both fiction and non-fiction for decades. In fact if you’re looking for some light entertainment take a look at the movie “Contagion” released in 2011.
For the good news/bad news part of my post I can tell you with certainty that “this” is not “the one”. When that comes and it will, Mother Nature will unleash some shit that will scare more than the bajeezus out of those alive when it happens (pray that you aren’t one of them). It will be highly contagious (not like this largely minor annoyance), spread around the globe before anyone even knows it exists and be so deadly that there will actually be countless bodies in the streets.
" I wonder what might stop this from happening again (in 5-10 years)."
5-10years? How about 5-10 months? I heard of a covid20 that escaped from a Russian lab in Kazakhstan or some similar unspellable place. It may or may not be true but you heard it here first folks.
hopefully their can be a clean break without any violence. Let the progressives live with government controlling every aspect of their lives like they want, in welfare states with unchecked immigration, and community activists instead of police. Let normal hardworking Americans live with less government over reach, red tape and law and order. Better to find a way to make that work than keep two sides so divided that there is really no chance they can all be happy.
^ it may end up that way - two separate Americas - one progressive/liberal/big-government; and one conservative/freedom/small-government-intrusion - let's hope it's not that way - at worse if certain big-cities want big-government and de Blasio type governing with sky-high crime and sky-high taxes, then let those cities have that if that's what they want and everyone else can move out
i have no idea how it would work might need to be more than two, but people could travel freely between them, but know in this area this how these people want to live and respect that. Better to that then end up with blood in the streets.
After 2 years of negotiation, it appears that Japan and the US are close to signing trade deals with India. This is huge. It will allow the US to completely decouple our economy from China. We’ll have 1.5 Billion potential customers in a democratic country with a similar rule of law.
Sounds good. We've had a misguided foreign policy ever since the end of the cold war. We should have been investing more in fledgling democracies, struggling democracies, countries with similar values, and smaller countries where we could have a stronger influence. Instead of investing in authoritarian China and hoping they would become friendlier. That's turning out a disaster.
Mark95, Based off the shit I hear from all the Indian IT contractors where I work, India is just as corrupt as China, except it's not Communist. If anything India has some of the worst enforcement of law in the world.
Now to answer the original question. According to parents and uncles who lived through the protests in the 60's, it was just as bad, and the government reacted just as stupidly. Just look at the Kent State shootings as one example. My uncle was in Grad School at Ohio State when this occurred, and he mentioned riots there also, and smelling tear gas in his dorm as high as the fifth floor of the tower, and having trouble sleeping from the spotlights that were shined around the campus, and at the dorms.
RL - I recall Kent State. Young people were garbage back then too and I was one of them. The difference is we knew American History and loved the country, unlike young people today who have no fucking clue and are ill educated and amoral, violent video game drones. The once great, now pathetic New York Times 1619 project, which will be used to educate young people in the future if the vermin called progressives get their way will teach them facts such as this: "The American Revolution was fought to preserve slavery." Hopefully a lot of protesters (lol) will be killed in Portland. Zero sympathy for any people on the left dying in return violence.
last commentKeep focused on mask wearing if you like.
The real assault to freedoms is the plethora of companies and governments recording and monitoring your thoughts and actions, then not even being careful about who gets that data or what they do with it.
As far as the stock market goes, with demand falling and horrible unemployment numbers, we should have equity prices falling off a cliff. The overall CAPE price-earnings is over 30x again and the market is way overvalued.
What keeps the market up? Crowd psychology. It's just a crapshoot whether the market will continue this way. Investment strategy keeps me up at night.
Another thing that worries me is whether there will be a peaceful transition of power in November. The Economist has Biden's chance of winning at 93% today:…
But will we have a fair election? Will absentee ballots be rejected? Broken ballot machines? Will Trump claim that illegal brown people stole the election from him? If you think that's not possible you haven't been listening. As his poll numbers decline, expect Trump's behavior to get more clownish, irrational, and desperate.
If you wanted legit elections you would be screaming for required voter ID.
even WV this case Dem to Rep…
Apparently its' s so easy an mailman can do it.…
Then you look at how the democrat party and media politicized from the beginning, knowing that President Trump would not fail to pick up the gauntlet and respond. Now, draconian measures like shutdown and simple aolutions like masks are equally partisan; and as viciously contested as black lives matter v all lives matter or ACAB v the thin blue line.
Does it eclipse people losing their job and being accused of being a white supremacist because he said that he didn't think his museum should stop buying art from white men?
WW1, WW2, and the Cold War were things which pretty much brought people together. A common goal and common enemy that most agreed on. Sure there was Vietnam but most were against communism and authoritarianism. 30 years on from winning the cold war and we now have communists (disguised as democrats) as mayors of large cities.
Initially the Floyd incident brought people together against police brutality. It was universally condemned. But that has quickly turned in to a huge divide as politicians have let leftist agitators destroy cities and proclaim all white people (alive or dead) as racists and white supremacists. Free speech and free thought are being destroyed.…
The late 60's were a terrible time in America for civil unrest and serious riots. Union protests and riots early 20th century, Civil War protest northern riots, Whiskey rebellion, you name it the USA has had real rebellions. This is nothing if you study American history.…
Reality is these are *Marxist fundamentalists* that are, and have been, at war with America for decades and for decades have been trying/plotting to overthrow our Western democracy and the American-way-of-life; not to make it better; but to put in power their view of what America should be which is a Marxist/Communist utopia - trust me when I tell you these people will not stop at anything and for them every-and-all means justify-the-ends - there is *only* one way to deal with fundamentalists like these and that is to put them out of commission b/c as fundamentalists they will *never* stop.
Our open democracy has allowed these leftist-anarchists to plan and to plot undisturbed for decades and why we are where we are - anarchists and Marxists have ZERO place in a democracy and should be made illegal.
GTFO with that BS, you claim to be center left but are ok with ANTIFA attacking a cities Police Stations and Federal Courthouse for 6 weeks. I saw a video yesterday of two pantifa trying to break into the federal courthouse with hammers a bunch of these US Marshalls and other law enforcement came rushing out and he started swinging a hammer at them. Hope these terrorists get sent to Guanranamo Bay.……
You mean in the big bold letters across their backs just above where it say U.S Marshal? Or maybe you’re mistaking what is written on the patch on their left sleeve. That doesn’t say police. That would be the U.S. Marshal badge.
Also they can write as many articles as they want yet we actually see left wing terrorism repeatedly.
Having said this, what is going on def seems different and way more dangerous:
a) the hard-left has been at this since the 60s - hard-left meaning those that view Marxism and Communism as their ideology and what they would like a future America to be
b) over the decades the hard-left has taken over universities and brainwashed a large portion of young people to hate America and teach them it should be destroyed and replaced vs improved - in the last decade or two, only extremist leftist views are allowed on campuses and anyone with a conservative view will be attacked and vilified - there is little to no freedom-of-speech on many college campuses today and there have been many instances of violence against anyone that has a POV opposite the hard-left - it's gotten so bad than just saying you are for freedom-of-speech, even if you are liberal, you'll get attacked and you have to backtrack and apologize b/c freedom-of-speech is not tolerated anymore on many campuses; only one type of speech is tolerated which is hard-left speech
c) all these brainwashed leftists that graduated from all these liberal universities have taken over many civic and political institutions (e.g. New York Times; city mayors and city councils; DAs, etc) - and now they are trying to brainwash the next-generation even from elementary school with the "1619 project" created by the New York Times and some radical black-chick (so now the New York times will be indoctrinating everyone's kids since they are pushing for it to be in all schools)
d) I think it was maybe 5 or 7 years ago (?) that George Soros started recruiting other billionaires and millionaires to start funding hard-left movements and hard-left political campaigns - e.g. the DA in St Louis that that is going after that couple in St Louis that was defending their house w/ a rifle, while at the same tine letting all the rioters and looters out of jail as soon as they got arrested b/c she refused to prosecute them; that DA's campaign was mostly funded by George Soros - and there are many examples like her
Yeah - we've always had a counter-culture-movement in this country - but this time it's different b/c you have 90% of the media running cover for them and supporting them - as well as many in power supporting and protecting them (e.g. allowing the CHOP zone in Seattle; allowing 7 continuous weeks of destruction in Portland; rioters and looters being let out of jail the next day even if they have committed violent-offenses, etc).
This time it's different - never in my wildest dreams did I think one could not count on the police to come and help you b/c the police has been told to stand down and letting the rioters and looters take over - never did I think if you called the police for help against a mob, that they would tell you there's nothing they could do (as what happened to that couple in St Louis, as well as that mom w/ her young daughter in VA that was under-siege by a mob and called 911 for help and was told there was nothing they could do that they had been ordered to not do anything w.r.t. the "protesters")
This time this radical fringe movement has many in power protecting them, and supporting them, by removing opposition to them by ordering police to stand down in many instances not to mention further weakening the police via defunding.………
But Rioting, assault, and destruction of property is. Which was going on in Portland every night for 7 straight weeks. Just because you aren't arrested for a crime that night doesn't mean you didn't commit one. These Antifa Terrorists were committing crime after crime and being observed the whole time, that gets you arrested.
But you still haven't explained your support of Left Wing Terrorism. Riots, assault, and destruction of property are not protected by the first amendment. Damn I am starting to think you and iceyloco rode the same short bus to the school for simpletons.
Sure this is just a regular non'violent protester with a hammer trying to break into a federal court house.
And for the record, you are either ignorant about what they are or just willfully ignorant.
Still waiting for why left wing terrorism is ok.…
i'm not a fan of giuliani as i'm still recovering from him shutting down all my fave strip joints. but it's going to take someone with his will and ability to lead and not take shit from anybody.
take away the defunding of cops, add some new fresh blood from the police academy and perhaps implement "broken windows" the way giuliani did. i sure as fuck have seen lots of broken windows lately.
Barr has been tasked with righting an entire Justice Dept which was coopted by leftist bureaucrats to attack innocent American citizens, subvert the rule of law, and perpetuate the penetration of socialism into every aspect of our society.
ANTIFA are terrorists. Unmarked federal agents arresting them and whisking them off for interrogation is perfectly legal, and long overdue. When Pin_head, 25IQ, or RandomLoser defend them, they are defending terrorists, and should be treated accordingly.
Secret Police, now you're in a George Orwellian nightmare.…
Personally I am and always been long and strong usa equities. I am still bullish long term but have hedged with a bit more commodities medium term.
Its election year and the fear mongers from both sides are out in full force. Just turn down the volume on the TV and carry on with life. (Unless you live in downtown Portland in which case hunker down and lock and load).
"... Titus O'Neil's mom on having her son when she was 11 years old: My Son is a WWE Superstar ..."…
Completely unrelated but I’m not sure if you've seen this. If you didn’t:…
Philander Rodman dead at 79: Father of NBA star Dennis mourned by 29 children
Dennis Rodman’s father, who had an estranged relationship with the most famous of his 29 children with 16 women, has died aged 79.
Try this article pretty much sums it up:…
"However, some people in America, and around the world, are confused about Black Lives Matter. Many of us misconstrue the slogan Black Lives Matter with the Black Lives Matter organization. No diss to the members of the Black Lives Matter organization, but we need to be clear on the differences between the Black Lives Matter organization and the slogan Black Lives Matter. The slogan Black Lives Matter has taken a life of his own. It has been taken out of the hands of the Black Lives Matter organization and into the hands of the people. The chant Black Lives Matter is separate from the Black Lives Matter organization."
With the way we travel globally now - we may have been fortunate this didn’t happen earlier. Sadly, I wonder what might stop this from happening again (in 5-10 years).
This contagion has not been unexpected. It’s been long anticipated by people who care about such things. Written about in both fiction and non-fiction for decades. In fact if you’re looking for some light entertainment take a look at the movie “Contagion” released in 2011.
For the good news/bad news part of my post I can tell you with certainty that “this” is not “the one”. When that comes and it will, Mother Nature will unleash some shit that will scare more than the bajeezus out of those alive when it happens (pray that you aren’t one of them). It will be highly contagious (not like this largely minor annoyance), spread around the globe before anyone even knows it exists and be so deadly that there will actually be countless bodies in the streets.
Pleasant dreams…
5-10years? How about 5-10 months? I heard of a covid20 that escaped from a Russian lab in Kazakhstan or some similar unspellable place. It may or may not be true but you heard it here first folks.……
Randumbmember says, “I don’t see any badges or ID”. How myopic of him. Guess that’s why he’s Randumb!
And the bizarro-world of it all; it's a white BLM speaker saying this stupidity:…