
Not sure if i really wanna live past 65

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
60 sounds fine and maybe up to 65 maybe but after that the struggle looks like shit

I mean dont get it twisted some of you fucks pull it off and make it look attractive but i would say overall it looks like fucking hell

Really impacts my thoughts on money and how im living now a lot... Hell im a big guy that may be in good shape now but still muscle or fat it will end a mamuls life short period

So i dont even think I'll make it past 60 either.. I follow a decent amount of powerkifters youmg and old and most die off around 45 to 60 from youngest to oldest... A very small percentage make it to 65 and none past that.

Plus im a Christian and at some point i would like to see my sweet Lord and get out of this temporary home

All this makes me wannna love more but live harder ss well

Make more friends love my family.. Fuck more hoes and take more risk financial


  • JuiceBox69
    5 years ago
    With all this said as i get older and my youth fails me.. I will begin to see doc's for anti aging ideas... This in it of itself will end my life in my 50s or early 60s lol

    I've been following many men that act and look amazing in their 50s and they are taking a good amount of growth hormone and testosterone

    So fuck it lets go hard until Jesus calls ol juicie home
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    Life has different phases. Each phase has its challenges. If you can embrace that concept, life can be rewarding at any age. However, if the only model of life you can accept is to look like a 25 year old then, yeah, 65 is going to suck.
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    Lets wait and see what you say at 55............
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ that was exactly what I was going to say
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Jist remember, you are already in the autumn of your life. 30 more years is forever
  • JuiceBox69
    5 years ago
    5 years ago
    I am 55 in July and expect to retire with about 88 k a year before taxes, I am also a screw, our life expentency is 59.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    You may change your mind when you're 65.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    When I was 20, I thought 50 was the maximum age for living a good life. What would be the point of going beyond 50? But when I reached 50 and 60 and 65, I found I was still having fun. I'm in good health, I don't have to work, I can visit strip clubs any time I want, and I am traveling internationally at every opportunity. This is the best time of my life.
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Self fulfilling prophecy? With today's medical technologies and what we know about preventive care to keep us away from diseases, our average life span will be approaching 100 years by the time we get old. The quality of your
    Life when you get old is determined by how hard of a life you live when you’re younger.

    The ones who live quality welder years also took care of themselves when younger. Those old
    People who look like shit on oxygen tanks doing blood infusions because their kidneys are failing them have a poor quality of life when they’re older due to destroying their organs in their youth. A motivating factor for me to live well and take care of myself is that when people have a good quality of health in their youth and as they age, tend to die quickly of some natural cause, instead of slowly withering away for others who don’t take care of themselves, which is why I assume Juice wants to die by the time he is 65.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Juice, I would also suggest that you cease powerlifting (which builds bulk) and switch to a more aerobic routine that will help your body use oxygen better, will improve your cardiovascular system and will improve your flexibility while keeping the weight off.

    To help this, increase your vegetable consumption while reducing your red meat consumption.

    Also, find a hobby other than mongering that you can continue to enjoy into your 80s or even your 90s!
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago

    It's like Greg Allman said when he hit 65....

    "If I'd have known that I'd live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself."
  • JuiceBox69
    5 years ago

    Solid perspective boys
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    If power lifting only gets you by 60 or so, that would be a good reason cut back, and try walking the dog 2X daily, hike a trail, climb a hill, ride a bicycle.
    I'm 66, do all those things, went dancing last night with wife (dozens of women flowed through my arms), have every hope of doing the same for another decade or two.
    Retiring in a few weeks, have much to live for. I know not everyone is granted a long healthy life, but if you don't take steps to obtain such, your chances go down.
  • JuiceBox69
    5 years ago
    I have been..

    I do cardio twice a day Monday through Friday. Hour at night to kick off my day and an hour in the morning to end my day

    Diet 6 days a week seriously is a OMAD meal once a day.. Its a big bowl of lentil soup that gives me about 1,000

    Let myself have one reasonable cheat day once a week

    Down from 450 lbs to 275 and looking to hit 200 by the time im 45

    Plus ppl in my family actually live long lives.. Had a few great uncles that lived to see 100 and they both was around 300 at death.

    Im preparing for it in case i do live that long I'll just be in shock that i did thats all

    I get once im their my perspective will change.. Hell i rember when i was 13 thinking ppl that was 40 was old as fuck and should give up on life LOL.. So yeah i get it

    Shit if i keep up my savings and investing. Let alone my education.. If i see 100 I'll be a damn billionaire
  • JuiceBox69
    5 years ago
    Nope just did the math at $25,000 saved annual times the next 62 years with a 10% interest

    I'd actually have around $100,000,000.00
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    After seeing my dad's quality of life deteriorate in his final years, to the point where he became difficult for the family to care for, I vowed never to be in that position.
    I don't want to live if my quality of life is poor, I want to maintain my dignity, and most of all, I will not be a burden to my children.
    I think people have the right to die when they choose, with their dignity intact.
    At what age? A few years ago, when I was around 50, I told a friend 70 was my magic number. Then I joined TUSCL and see some of you 70-year-old bastards are getting young pussy by the boatload.
    I will need to reassess.
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