VIP room refund? splitting a 30 minute room.

This may be a true story. A dancer quit and maybe the PL was banned for real. The dancer told me one story but maybe she CYA that she didn't ROB this PL. The club manager has no comment except my dancer left the premise, the PL was still talking with the manager but not like they were fighting when I left the club.
Has anyone ever gotten a VIP room at the club, lets say the 20 minute. Price includes the girl. The stripper you picked wont give a BJ once you are in the room and grabs your hands, and you tell her "lets take a break" and walk out at 7 minutes of 20. You go around to the other strippers, but dont feel the vibe that they are dirty. You go back to the dancer and tell her you want to finish the room or half the $ back. She calls security on the PL.
So does any club let a PL split a 30 minute room into a 10 minute, or do 3x10 minute sessions through the night with 3 different girls? Or tell security to yank a dancers room $ because the PL!!!! or she walked out of the room before time was up, and you wanna use your room $ on another girl for the last "half" of the room?
last commentYou’re joking, right?
Well, I'm not taking this seriously at all.
I'm sure every club has a different policy. About 15 years ago I made my one and only visit to a Champagne room. It was at the Columbia Platinum Plus and I was with my, at the time, ATF. Back then a 1 hour Champagne Room cost at least $300 for a bottle of your choices of booze plus a minimum of $300 for a dancers time.
My ATF's best friend was doing a Champagne room with a whale. He had bought a huge bottle of champagne. no way 2 people could have drank that in an hour. So they invited my ATF and myself to come back there and have a drink with them. The waitress brought 2 more glasses and we sat there for 20 minutes just talking and laughing. We left after that so that the 2 of them could have the privacy that they needed to get it on.
I know from being a regular at the club, you rent that room for an hour and the club could care less how many dancers or people you could have back there during that hour.
Yes and also when you get a Big Mac,, halfway into it, you can take it back to the counter and ask for a McChicken for your second half of the meal,
And when you get a haircut you can pay one person to do part of it and decide you don’t like that person and ask for a second person to do the rest of it but at half price,
And when you buy a car we all know that halfway through your loan, when you’re tired of your car, you just go to the dealership and pay half price for a different one with no obligation to pay the loan on the first car in full.
Yes that’s how all of these things work, you have it figured out. 👌🏼
Shadow... I think your 15-year old situation and the OP's.... whatever it is... would fall under 'apples and oranges'.
^^^ rite. That is how it works
That was meant for psd
It's early, but I think PSD has already won today's snark award.
Well played, PSD. Well played.
I have it figured out guys.
Matter of fact, we should stArt splitting up single lap dances like this too bc dancers are OBLIGATED to ALWAYS give SPECIAL GUYS a blowjob.
I have it figured out. 👍🏼
Damn PSD I couldn’t have said it better if I wanted to 😁
I’ve heard of a club refunding a customer and not letting the dancer get credited for a VIP sale once. It was a small club in a small town tho. Wouldn’t be surprised if the customer was buddies with club staff.
I have never heard of that. There is a girl in the Seattle clubs who promises guys everything in VIP and gets them to charge their card for thousands. She had told us that she has $22,000 pending that a club won’t give her bc they are worried about getting into legal trouble with the customer. People will be yelling at the front desk daily that she ripped them off and they still don’t refund the guys.
^^ time to fire that girl and blacklist her from all the clubs
Never use a CC to pay a whore
They want her to work bc they get to take 10% in credit card fees so they don’t fire her. Awesome.
@heaving if you read PSDs post you’d realize that the girl she’s talking about is a complete theif
They do have vacation rentals at many clubs in the form of bottle service. But you still have to pay the dancers.
25 I think heaving is just speaking in general terms.
^ I got that but cmon a 22K vip in Seattle let’s get real it’s not NYC or Vegas
Yeah buddy, I am with you. I don’t like rip off artists any more than you guys do because they create a bad rep for the club and they take away from my success in the club by making people suspicious and uncomfortable in the club, and by making people not visit anymore because of they’re afraid of getting ripped off too.
PinkSugarDoll 1 hour agoexpand_more
I have it figured out guys.
Matter of fact, we should stArt splitting up single lap dances like this too bc dancers are OBLIGATED to ALWAYS give SPECIAL GUYS a blowjob.
I have it figured out. 👍🏼
Can I be special please??
My drinking buddy stayed longer than me, and did see the manager goto a touchscreen register and give $80 out of $180 (total for 20 mins) back to the PL who demanded a room refund. But I didn't see that with my own eyes. I dont have the details, but the PL might have been paid to leave, dancer kept her cut, but the clubs room cut and his cover was refunded and he was asked to never come back. IDK the PL, but I wonder if any of you tried asking for a refund anyways in a club you are never coming back to and dont care if you are shoved to the sidewalk by security. Maybe the PL threatened he will do a 911 call to the club, cops on the sidewalk, and it will be a mark on the license of the strip club as a nuisance establishment since the club is making alot of "calls for service" to 911.
You type all the words in your head, don't you?
PSD +1
With ridiculously convoluted hypotheticals like this about clubbing.............
no wonder members are driven to post about Sports, Politics, and anything else "off topic"
I had a dude try this once and, i think he got band for good
I want 30 different dancers at one minute intervals.
the clubs i spend most in, rooms are separate from the girl and the girl negotiates with the guy. Club doesnt know or care how much the girl made. Phonebooth with curtain 10 min/30$, 20/$40, door click shut $40 for 10, $50 for 20, $60 for 30 mins. Another club is matress dance $60 for 20 mins. If a dancer walks out, there is no gift. Club gets their room $, dancer returns to bar broke, so strippers learn quick to refuse VIP unless its unzipped fun.
Without making this a general discussion about a typical club, since how clubs handle time and money varies, I've been in clubs where you pay for VIP access for a certain amount of time and spend it however and with whoever you want. There was a time a dancer was obviously going to be lousy and I stopped her before the first song was over. She offered to send her sister up to "take care of me", but I'd seen the sister and said no thanks. The dancer getting the boot was too skinny but passable, and her sister was too wide and I wasn't in the mood to do a write off. Went to get another dancer I'd seen but didn't feel like waiting for, and by then she was free. Good to go.
Front Room Makeout Session, save booths and back rooms 'till she has already cum from FIVing and it is time for your own pants to cum down.
The last VIP I did I with a solid 9+ was doing foreplay/talking for 5 minutes and fucking for 25 minutes lol....After a few minutes, then kissing, then feeling her up, she said, you'd better just fuck me now and get on with it !
then when I was nearing the thirty minute mark, again she changes position and says, you better hit it from behind now...
I started pumping hard while i had a tight grip. She had a tan, tight athletic body with nice muscle definition....
I busted at around 29 minutes and 45 seconds...We talked for a minute or two and had used up about 35 min in the 30 min that I paid for..
I got my moneys worth, and she was done for the night...
I have gotten a refund before because my regular girl actually got a severe migraine just after we started and could not function.. shit happens and i was a regular so it was no big problem.
I got a refund not that long ago because my girl said she was going to the bathroom and then she’d join me. Even asked the bouncer for 5 extra minutes. She apparently took a hit of something and was kind of messed up in the dressing room. I was waiting in the back for 20 minutes. They refunded the room and didn’t charge me for one later that night.
FRMOS! Save booths and back rooms until it is clearly time for your own pants to come down.
max starr.
This is too funny. Imagine the logistics of trying to do that in clubs where girls get cuts of the timed fees, which is most of them IME.
"Sorry Starlight, he only wanted 10 minutes with you, so you only get a third of your cut." Or even better if they already gave her the cut upfront (which some do): "Sorry Tiffany, but you need to give us back $66.66 because he only wanted 10 minutes instead of 30, but don't worry, the last penny is on us." LMAO.
No girl would want to sell a VIP if the guy could take back part of the sale at any time, unless of course the club eliminated bulk sale VIP rates and instead just utilized a sufficiently high cost per minute.
This was a funny one - I've been chuckling for a few minutes now. Thanks for posting it s88.
“I want 30 different girls at 1 minute intervals”
I think there is actually a porn category for this but with the genders reversed?? 🤔
Can't deal with women like that!
FRMOS! Then only when she is ready for your load, then take her to the back room.
Awesome Pleaser 10" design, Need More Colors!
Stripper Trainers, 6"
Robin Trower, really good!
what porn category is this? LOL
She means like Gang Bang, or like Pulling a Train on Her.
Women have an almost unlimited capability.
But as explained in his book, Larry Flint did 30 in a French Brothel, though he just gave them a few strokes each. Changed him forever though.
It's called a gang bang. If they cum on her face I think it's called bukakke.
There is reverse gangbang and harem porn out there, but i prefer to imagine SirLap's idea as a lapdance relay race
Make sure to practice passing the baton, ladies
Larry Flynt just told them all to line up, turn their backs to him, disrobe, and bend over. He took charge from their. I like that way better, but he did throw his back out. There were 30 of them.
LMFAO @WCG 30 dancers at one minute intervals means that one of them will be the "lucky" LDK one. With me it's probably anyone after #25. 😝
pretty sure trying to finagle that situation is grounds for expulsion at basically any club ive ever been to - a literal GTFOH
@Dugan - your comment got me thinking - why dont (or do any) clubs do a running clock setup where the VIP is open-ended and you pay by the minute? like stopwatch style, maybe a punch clock on the wall for the girl lol
One whole minute? What do I do with the other 12 seconds?? Anyone wanna split it with me
@gobstopper make it 12.5635 and you got a deal!
I don't know SirLap, making it through the teens would be hard if the lineup is stacked with LDQs
Hmmm....PSD and BlahBlah maybe there is a market for VIP Insurance. On second thought these are the customers who would burn down the house for the insurance $$$
There's a club in Vegas that does 30 second $ dances through Monday night football half times.
I've thought that would be fun as a one time Vegas experience.
Then move on to regular dances or room.
LOL @WCG I want my last 30 faves now. An all star relay team. Any one of them could run the LDK anchor leg. 😁
There are a lot of clubs that do the 30 second dance, it’s called a dollar dance. I love those, they are very fun and good energy. Sapphire in Vegas does them for football on Sundays and they do it at halftime for the Super Bowl, by the end of halftime I feel like I just did a cardio workout. 💪🏼
Dollar dances have their place and can be fun. They are like a PL fantasy mixer party.
I've never worked in a club that they enforced me to do dollar dances. I did once work at a club where that was a thing, but I just sort of acted stupid when management told me to do dollar dances. LOL
blah just tell them you thought it was dullard dance time. 🤪