I have been exchanging PM’s with nicespice, now BlahBlahBlah since I joined this site. She was a mentor to me when I was a newbie here and I was drawn to her from the beginning with her wit, intelligence and her kindness to me. I wasn’t sure we would ever meet f2f, but I was ever hopeful. Well yesterday it happened. She was driving through Pensacola on her way to Southeast Florida. She let me know her timing and she stopped for lunch at an outside cafe to eat some lunch with her dog. I escaped from home with a excuse to go to the store and met her there. It was only 30 minutes or so and it was blustery and cold but it was a very delightful 30 minutes. I got a few hugs and some great conversation and left with a warm glow inside despite the chill in the weather.
A mentor? Well golly Fish, don't hog that good learnin' all to yourself! You'd be doing us all a service if you could share some of that deep wisdom with the group. 😀
Btw, after your Mission Impossible escape from the homefront to sit at a cafe and eat lunch with a random chick from the Internet and her dog, how did you explain not being hungry for lunch with your family when you returned home?
As you can see, I'm really trying to get as much wisdom as possible from this thread.
“Mentor” may be a bit of a strong word, but I may have explained that there are some general trolls and malcontents on this board. (Rick being one of them 😉😉😉) And gave basic encouragement to stick around and ignore it. FishHawk didn’t grow up with the internet, and it can be a bit startling if you’re not used to it.
It was great meeting you, FishHawk. You’re a good individual to converse with 😊
Troll? Malcontent? Au contraire Blah. I was genuinely interested and, unlike you, I don't have 20 other screen names to query from. Just lil' ol' me trying to discern what he meant.
Old or not, he's a grown man who I'm sure can speak for himself. This is around the time I would normally ask you to show us your tits again instead of the usual trolling you do, but the payoff isn't really there with the nips always covered, so I'll have to be content with asking Fish to share what he's learned. 😉
Technically speaking, I’ll be in the central Florida region, at least initially.
It’s a shame flagooner doesn’t post anymore. He was the epitome of a kind and thoughtful poster and I’m sure I myself could use a lesson in being nicer and not as much of a troll from him.
@Relkin welcome to the site. I take it you are new here 😝
@FishHawk meeting OG nicespice is always a treat. She's a roaming unicorn 🦄🥰. And when you finally meet her at work ITC it will be that much better because of the anticipation.
Very happy for you both. My dogs are lousy on road trips. One gets so excited that his energy rubs off on the other and its constant whining and crying until we stop the truck and get out.
FLF, even when you attempt to be funny, you just come across as oddly creepy. Just sayin' dude. I know this stuff must sound very funny inside your own head, but ewww in the execution.
Good for you FishHawk, you lucky fellow. I remember little of my lunches out last year, but I remember the tacos shared with NiceSpice blabla... See is indeed an interesting person. Hope you get to meet her 'work' persona as well.
I hate to be a sour lemon but meeting her for lunch instead of at work ITC would just be torture for me. But it's only because I've been soiled...err, I mean spoiled...by her at work. 🦄🥰
Yeah, yeah, I know. Sigh. I have a good life - but not all my dreams have come true - yet. No 'sour' taken, we all know some are luckier than some others. 😕
@gSteph she/he as a TUSCLer alone would be why I'd meet her/him as a civilian, but as the hot (as fuck) stripper that I lusted over her/his pics for years, meeting ITC is the only way.
And note that I made part of that luck on my own. I found the club for us and even called there to confirm her/his audition time. At the time I felt like her/his agent. 😂
FLF, even posting a passive aggressive version of "that's what you are but what am I?" you still manage it make it sound weird, lol. Maybe not as creepy as your Harlequin romance description of your experience seeing the ladyboy's pussy, but still a 6 out of 10 on the creep-o-meter.
@Sirlap, understood. What I don't understand (maybe I didn't check this site a couple of days), is this him/her thing? Even in an overcoat on a cloudy day, she's all girl.
"... I hate to be a sour lemon but meeting her for lunch instead of at work ITC would just be torture for me. But it's only because I've been soiled...err, I mean spoiled...by her at work ..."
Yeah @Fish - did you at least get to grab a tit or something? Jeez - what a rook!
Dog was friendly, like it’s master. Enjoyed getting it’s ears scratched. I know the optimum place to meet a dancer is in a club. Not always possible and any meeting with Blah is worth the effort.
Papi, I know you don’t encourage tit grabbing in a civilian environment. My response above still applies.
My favorite account by anyone on TUSCL meeting Nicespice was PaulDrake. He said something along the lines of "I've been getting all the LDKs in that I can with Nicespice before she leaves". Shit was hilarious and the blunt honesty was appreciated.
So FishHawk you met her for 30 minutes and had lunch eh? Nice, but I gotta agree with SLD. Meeting her while at work, although more expensive, sounds so much more worth it.
===>"My favorite account by anyone on TUSCL meeting Nicespice was PaulDrake. He said something along the lines of "I've been getting all the LDKs in that I can with Nicespice before she leaves". Shit was hilarious and the blunt honesty was appreciated."
I didn't find that to be funny at all, no more than FLF's creepy ass romanticized accounting of seeing her pussy. It shows no fucking class at all. What she did with them was not theirs to share. I know that I give Blah a hard time now and again, but she nonetheless deserves to have her dignity safeguarded by the guys who she chooses to do xyz with. As the old sports expression goes, act like you've been there before.
"The one compliment I did manage to give was a faint, whispered “that’s incredible” when she bent over in front of me and slowly pulled her thong to the side to reveal the magnificent little ladyboy penis she’s got dangling between her legs."
Was it really so "magnificent" that you could barely croak out "that's incredible?" I'm sure it was nice and all, but maybe for a creepy guy like you seeing a pussy in person is like discovering King Tut's treasure. ;)
@Dugan why would her dignity level be lowered by a dude LDKing off of dances with her? If anything, wouldn't it be the guy who feels any shame, since according to folks like you, LDKing is the same as premature ejaculation?
Besides that anyway, it's not like 99% of the members of this forum know who nicespice really is. So some anonymous dude on a forum wrote that a dancer gave him a series of dances that caused him to cum in his pants. Big deal. You make it sound as though he spilled the beans of them having sex in a hotel for money or some shit.
And if I remember correctly her take was that she didn't even realize he LDK'd until he said something about it. Now if she were upset or grossed out she probably wouldn't have taken him up on dances after that. But no, she even said that after that when she was selling a guy on dances she would say that her dances were good enough to make you cum in your pants.
TFP, neither you nor I have any idea who knows her now or will know her in the future, nor can either of us predict what the unintended consequences of airing her business could be. She can post general brags all she wants, it doesn't make diarrhea of the mouth coming from a guy who has visited her any more right. Unless she specifically asked them to tell others about what happened, they should have kept their mouths shut.
Shut up Creepy_Fella. Implying that you might have made it up for some goofy artistic reason doesn't make it better. In fact, it is even worse as you would have been making false claims about her. I was actually giving you the dubious benefit of the doubt by taking it at face value.
Creepy_Fella, this only goes 3 ways.: (1) you are telling the truth about everything, (2) you are telling the truth about meeting her but not about what happened, or (3) none of it really happened.
I've expressed my opinions on the first two. If it's the third, then just spit it out fucktard because I neither read minds nor hang around this board consistently enough to discern with a high degree of certainty which accounts are real and which are crap.
I missed seeing Nice Spice?! 😭 If you end up working there next month, let me know and I'll come back and work with you! Ft. Walton Beach is better than Pensacola, btw.
@Waffle maybe you and OG nicespice should go on a TUSCL USA tour or something. With a stop through Portland. (You know, as far from Florida as possible. 😉)
You say "by you of all people" like you think you have a point. If you knew anything about me you'd know that I always take exception to any creepy fuck who airs an identified woman's business. I've been pretty consistent about that here from day one. It's one of those basic man code things that is passed down from father to son. It's supposed to be not only about her dignity and privacy, but your own male pride and self respect that you're not that type of guy.
blah/nicespice is coming to town? 🙃😍🤑 Definitely let me know where you end up, but if you're still looking, stick to the coasts. In CFL the inland counties are notorious for their strict "rules" (thanks Disney!) and those of us locals on here know that when it's time to club, we're heading towards the 🌊
"maybe you and OG nicespice should go on a TUSCL USA tour or something."
I would actually love that honestly. I have nothing going on for me right now other than working and paying bills. My birthday is this weekend and I am planning to make a surprise appearance in Pensacola. I'm also planning on finding my way to Pittsburgh for a week or so to join one of my favorite dancer friends from Legends Detroit. There's a new Facebook group I need to find that's basically like couch surfing/Airbnb for dancers with other dancers. I've only heard about it. That group would be handy in a country wide tour.
Creepy_Fella, why in the world would anyone on here think that a LD with a little thong shifting action was some over the top portrayal of real events? Maybe you didn't think that through so well. Sure the penis part was an obvious joke, but nobody reading that cold would have reason to question the rest.
We can only read what you write, not what's in that head of yours - thank goodness. Next time you want to post about the genitals of a dancer who is active on this site perhaps you should consider how others might read it. In fact, Blah will be lucky if someone doesn't read that even more literally and assume that she is a he-she.
And you don"t get to decide when a conversation is over. If you want this to stop then man up and own that you fucked up. You might even want to apologize to Blah, but that might be more than could be expected from a guy like you.
"This is in stark contrast to what was going on with the SLD Chronicles."
@FLF just to clarify, if you read my "chronicles", I intentionally only posted content that would have easily been observed in the main room of the club by anybody. I intentionally left out any private dance information.
"And you don"t get to decide when a conversation is over. If you want this to stop then man up and own that you fucked up. You might even want to apologize to Blah, but that might be more than could be expected from a guy like you."
@Waffle If your route from FL to PA brings you my way (Martinsburg, WV) and you feel like workin a shift or two, I'd be happy to vouch for you so you could skip the audition process and just walk in and work. My club is super laid back and we don't pay any fees or need a license. Feel free to PM me if interested...🔆
Ok, now we've gotten all the way to the "man code" section of the dust-up. Where's Dr. Evil so we can skip to the future fisticuffs and wrap this up?
I thought about saying something when Sir Lap got super excited and bounced around to multiple threads about how he's met Blahspice (we get it, she's awesome and you're an uberfan) but she can speak for herself. That's pretty much where I'm leaving all of that.
Fun Luv, it's not that serious but that was a bad joke about a known person. I had to reread it to try and make sense out of it, then figured it was supposed to be funny. The long explanation didn't help, it just fed the beast.
@wallanon great point about allowing OG nicespice to speak for herself on any issues (or entertainments) with posts about her. As far as I know and have observed, she'll chime in if there's an issue (or she likes) with a post about her. It's why I had no issues posting my "chronicles" about her. And I'll own it if she had a problem.
Oh my goodness I can see it now all the gals of TUSCL in one place at the same time EndlessSummer, Wiffle Waffle, Blahblah/nicespice, add in for good measure Nina and maybe we could coax BJ out of retirement, that would rock the world 🙃🙃🙃
25, that’s a good start to a great shift. Did you come up with the original basketball dream team for the Barcelona olympics in 1992 too? Keep working on assembling the line up.
I certainly was not put off by the BS. I did have an enjoyable time with BlahSpice. Since she is a frequent contributor to this site I thought others would be interested to hear about it.
^ @FishHawk that's how I feel about posting my "chronicles" about my fun times with her. At the time I got a lot of feedback as appreciation over my efforts. Basically I did it to recommend other PLs to go see her.
@SirLap I wouldn't be mad atcha!! Side note: I think bacon jerky would serve best for that purpose! (can't believe I'm writing about the best way to tip with bacon!!! Lol)
Wiffle Waffle: So Pensacola is a tough market. Did you end up spending some time at a FWB club recently or was it last year? I ask strictly because this time of year in FWB is also a tough market (as observed by a customer). That doesn’t mean it’s not better than Pensacola!
FishHawk: Glad you enjoyed your meetup! Pay no attention to the New England transplant working the playing fields of Pasco County when he’s not workin’ it on the road.
I don’t understand why CMI is even posting in this thread and reading the stuff in here. It’s not exactly like I am his cup of tea and he has expressed that. Sometimes in a subtle way, sometimes not. Which is fair—I won’t deny I can be a bit obnoxious when I am in a certain mood and I don’t expect everybody to be overly fond of me. Just wanted to point that out tho.
In fact, one of the obnoxious things I have done was take previous accusations of being called a lady boy, and blow that up on the board. I do not consider FLF’s thread about me being a lady boy as an attack—because I was the one who encouraged him to write that in the first place. And after he posted that thread, I sent him a PM and said “well played”. I thought it was funny the whole time. He didn’t do anything wrong with that thread.
That being said, Rick probably has a good point about the importance of being tight lipped about interactions with dancers in general. And the more conservative, the better. That is probably a smart move in general and a good reminder. Even if extras don’t happen, even something like explicitly stating boob grabbing can be a problem for certain clubs (even if a good % of girls there allow it)
Also, in my mind, PaulDrake and Sirlap’s comments are a-okay, since I met up with them in a club where solid two way contact is allowed.
Sirlap’s comments about me in particular, I got the impression he annoyed a few individuals with his enthusiasm. That being said, I’m sure I annoy a few posters myself so I’m not going to comment on that.
BUT I noticed a lot of other dancers got quiet during that time period. Idk whether that was coincidence, or something about me getting mentioned a lot discouraged dancer participation...idk.
@waffle I’ll be in Florida for the next month or so. 😁 mostly central Florida region most likely, but if you’re in the panhandle in a month from now, maybe we can cross paths while I’m driving away.
@OG nicespice thanks for clearing the air about my posts about you. Glad we are on the same page. And I LMFAO at any delicate snowflakes that took offense to them. Cry me a river! 😭😭😭
My point was that FishHawk simply wanted to point out that he enjoyed your company, which I think is great, and it got drawn out into a fight / drama. Seemed needless.
As to you personally, I'm entirely neutral. Neither a fan or an adversary. I think that you've made several valuable contributions. Most dancers don't last here.
"Also, in my mind, PaulDrake and Sirlap’s comments are a-okay, since I met up with them in a club where solid two way contact is allowed."
^ LOL at the Golden Dragon I do remember your token move of my hands on your ass to go on your hips instead in order to show the management you are playing by their rules.
And then after that I also do appreciate you ignoring that my hands went back to your ass not 10 seconds later. 😁
Update: I will be at Bare Assets in Melbourne for sure now. for at least the next few days. I’ll probably try out for other spots too just to diversify and get a better feel for the area. Maybe Lido? Orlando proper? I’m open to suggestions for mostly the eastern part of the state, but I’ll also take suggestions for the western area (like Tampa, etc) cause I wanted to hang out there in a few weeks.
Orlando is not very good for PLs b/c of the no-touch rules, but IDK how it may be for dancer$ - there are some upscale clubs so perhaps those girls can do well even w/o contact - DoctorEvil reviewed Doll House in Orlando and mentioned he got some contact so maybe some $$$ can be made w/ some contact there?
If heading east to Cocoa Beach, Lido is a 2-way-contact no-extras topless club that seems to be the best of the 3 in the area in terms of $$$-potential ($20 lappers) although dayshift is often slow AFAIK.
@heaving I was thinking of being an epic PL and buying a $700 plane ticket to FL so I can get me some $20 lappers. If I buy 70 of them from nicespice, it's the same cost as $30 out here. Makes perfect PL sense, no?
@heaving I think the furthest away from bacon I'd be willing to go is .....turkey bacon! 🦃🥓 Of course, cold, hard cash still reigns supreme (only US paper currency, please!) so anyone fresh out of processed meat, or who is against it for religious or ethical reasons is always welcome to bring on the old, dead guys! 😋🔆😋
===> "I do not consider FLF’s thread about me being a lady boy as an attack—because I was the one who encouraged him to write that in the first place. And after he posted that thread, I sent him a PM and said “well played”. I thought it was funny the whole time. He didn’t do anything wrong with that thread."
Yes he did do something wrong and he should have known better, even if you didn't. A young girl's misguided encouragement should not have been enough to make him abandon the principles that every man should have. Even if you were ignorant of the potential consequences of posting that stuff about yourself, a grown man should not have been.
⬆️ @SirLap, unfortunately I can only imagine at this point what her skin would be like. It was a blustery cold day for Florida and we were at an outside cafe. We were both bundled up. I have some delights to still look forward to. 😃
So Nicespice says it's cool yet Rick still can't accept it. Saying a grown woman is a misguided young child. So when he runs 'the system' she's a grown woman who can make her own decisions. Yet when she decides what she does and doesn't want written about her, she's a young misguided child. Governor Dugan has spoken, folks.
@TFP Given her self admitted gender identity issues, her TUSCL name changing, and her willingness to meet up with a PL such as myself (and others) in real life, we are talking about a seriously misguided individual here. Jes sayin'. 😁
last commentBtw, after your Mission Impossible escape from the homefront to sit at a cafe and eat lunch with a random chick from the Internet and her dog, how did you explain not being hungry for lunch with your family when you returned home?
As you can see, I'm really trying to get as much wisdom as possible from this thread.
It was great meeting you, FishHawk. You’re a good individual to converse with 😊
Thanks, Blah, I am still basking in the warmth of our meeting. You have a sweet dog as well.
Well hanging with you makes one feel young.
Old or not, he's a grown man who I'm sure can speak for himself. This is around the time I would normally ask you to show us your tits again instead of the usual trolling you do, but the payoff isn't really there with the nips always covered, so I'll have to be content with asking Fish to share what he's learned. 😉
It’s a shame flagooner doesn’t post anymore. He was the epitome of a kind and thoughtful poster and I’m sure I myself could use a lesson in being nicer and not as much of a troll from him.
@Relkin welcome to the site. I take it you are new here 😝
I agree SirLap, I am working on a plan to get me to a club where she is working.
You want to see blahspice head to toe just go meet her...
As far as seeing her, if she's going to be in Central Florida I'd seriously consider it. All she has to do is let us know where she'll be.
(If it is, it's tiny.)
I remember little of my lunches out last year, but I remember the tacos shared with NiceSpice blabla... See is indeed an interesting person.
Hope you get to meet her 'work' persona as well.
I have a good life - but not all my dreams have come true - yet.
No 'sour' taken, we all know some are luckier than some others. 😕
And note that I made part of that luck on my own. I found the club for us and even called there to confirm her/his audition time. At the time I felt like her/his agent. 😂
(And FYI I'm working on her/his return.)
What I don't understand (maybe I didn't check this site a couple of days), is this him/her thing?
Even in an overcoat on a cloudy day, she's all girl.
(If she's not, then she makes me question my once infallible heterosexuality.)
Yeah @Fish - did you at least get to grab a tit or something? Jeez - what a rook!
I do want to meet her in her work environment. I am working on that.
Maybe that's the reason the dog was there
I know the optimum place to meet a dancer is in a club. Not always possible and any meeting with Blah is worth the effort.
Papi, I know you don’t encourage tit grabbing in a civilian environment. My response above still applies.
So FishHawk you met her for 30 minutes and had lunch eh? Nice, but I gotta agree with SLD. Meeting her while at work, although more expensive, sounds so much more worth it.
I didn't find that to be funny at all, no more than FLF's creepy ass romanticized accounting of seeing her pussy. It shows no fucking class at all. What she did with them was not theirs to share. I know that I give Blah a hard time now and again, but she nonetheless deserves to have her dignity safeguarded by the guys who she chooses to do xyz with. As the old sports expression goes, act like you've been there before.
I agree. It's weird how these dudes act. But fuck it, I also can't relate to the $60 ballers on here.
"The one compliment I did manage to give was a faint, whispered “that’s incredible” when she bent over in front of me and slowly pulled her thong to the side to reveal the magnificent little ladyboy penis she’s got dangling between her legs."
Was it really so "magnificent" that you could barely croak out "that's incredible?" I'm sure it was nice and all, but maybe for a creepy guy like you seeing a pussy in person is like discovering King Tut's treasure. ;)
Besides that anyway, it's not like 99% of the members of this forum know who nicespice really is. So some anonymous dude on a forum wrote that a dancer gave him a series of dances that caused him to cum in his pants. Big deal. You make it sound as though he spilled the beans of them having sex in a hotel for money or some shit.
And if I remember correctly her take was that she didn't even realize he LDK'd until he said something about it. Now if she were upset or grossed out she probably wouldn't have taken him up on dances after that. But no, she even said that after that when she was selling a guy on dances she would say that her dances were good enough to make you cum in your pants.
I've expressed my opinions on the first two. If it's the third, then just spit it out fucktard because I neither read minds nor hang around this board consistently enough to discern with a high degree of certainty which accounts are real and which are crap.
If you end up working there next month, let me know and I'll come back and work with you!
Ft. Walton Beach is better than Pensacola, btw.
I would actually love that honestly. I have nothing going on for me right now other than working and paying bills. My birthday is this weekend and I am planning to make a surprise appearance in Pensacola. I'm also planning on finding my way to Pittsburgh for a week or so to join one of my favorite dancer friends from Legends Detroit. There's a new Facebook group I need to find that's basically like couch surfing/Airbnb for dancers with other dancers. I've only heard about it. That group would be handy in a country wide tour.
We can only read what you write, not what's in that head of yours - thank goodness. Next time you want to post about the genitals of a dancer who is active on this site perhaps you should consider how others might read it. In fact, Blah will be lucky if someone doesn't read that even more literally and assume that she is a he-she.
And you don"t get to decide when a conversation is over. If you want this to stop then man up and own that you fucked up. You might even want to apologize to Blah, but that might be more than could be expected from a guy like you.
@FLF just to clarify, if you read my "chronicles", I intentionally only posted content that would have easily been observed in the main room of the club by anybody. I intentionally left out any private dance information.
And of course if it is with nicespice, we must discuss your 2020 presidential bid. 😁
^Thanks Rick
Feel free to PM me if interested...🔆
(Just go with it and pretend those are waffles and not pancakes...) 😋
I thought about saying something when Sir Lap got super excited and bounced around to multiple threads about how he's met Blahspice (we get it, she's awesome and you're an uberfan) but she can speak for herself. That's pretty much where I'm leaving all of that.
Fun Luv, it's not that serious but that was a bad joke about a known person. I had to reread it to try and make sense out of it, then figured it was supposed to be funny. The long explanation didn't help, it just fed the beast.
TUSCL replied "You did that wrong! Let's over analyze and fight?"
I remain glad that you had fun.
Side note: I think bacon jerky would serve best for that purpose! (can't believe I'm writing about the best way to tip with bacon!!! Lol)
@WCG "soggy tips" is so wrong on many levels. Well played! 😂😂😂
Wiffle Waffle: So Pensacola is a tough market. Did you end up spending some time at a FWB club recently or was it last year? I ask strictly because this time of year in FWB is also a tough market (as observed by a customer). That doesn’t mean it’s not better than Pensacola!
FishHawk: Glad you enjoyed your meetup! Pay no attention to the New England transplant working the playing fields of Pasco County when he’s not workin’ it on the road.
In fact, one of the obnoxious things I have done was take previous accusations of being called a lady boy, and blow that up on the board. I do not consider FLF’s thread about me being a lady boy as an attack—because I was the one who encouraged him to write that in the first place. And after he posted that thread, I sent him a PM and said “well played”. I thought it was funny the whole time. He didn’t do anything wrong with that thread.
That being said, Rick probably has a good point about the importance of being tight lipped about interactions with dancers in general. And the more conservative, the better. That is probably a smart move in general and a good reminder. Even if extras don’t happen, even something like explicitly stating boob grabbing can be a problem for certain clubs (even if a good % of girls there allow it)
Also, in my mind, PaulDrake and Sirlap’s comments are a-okay, since I met up with them in a club where solid two way contact is allowed.
Sirlap’s comments about me in particular, I got the impression he annoyed a few individuals with his enthusiasm. That being said, I’m sure I annoy a few posters myself so I’m not going to comment on that.
BUT I noticed a lot of other dancers got quiet during that time period. Idk whether that was coincidence, or something about me getting mentioned a lot discouraged dancer participation...idk.
As to you personally, I'm entirely neutral. Neither a fan or an adversary. I think that you've made several valuable contributions. Most dancers don't last here.
May your travels always be safe and profitable. And interesting and fun.
^ LOL at the Golden Dragon I do remember your token move of my hands on your ass to go on your hips instead in order to show the management you are playing by their rules.
And then after that I also do appreciate you ignoring that my hands went back to your ass not 10 seconds later. 😁
If heading east to Cocoa Beach, Lido is a 2-way-contact no-extras topless club that seems to be the best of the 3 in the area in terms of $$$-potential ($20 lappers) although dayshift is often slow AFAIK.
Of course, cold, hard cash still reigns supreme (only US paper currency, please!) so anyone fresh out of processed meat, or who is against it for religious or ethical reasons is always welcome to bring on the old, dead guys! 😋🔆😋
Yes he did do something wrong and he should have known better, even if you didn't. A young girl's misguided encouragement should not have been enough to make him abandon the principles that every man should have. Even if you were ignorant of the potential consequences of posting that stuff about yourself, a grown man should not have been.
She's a beautiful young woman with skin as thick and tough as an 🐊
Yet i imagine it is amazingly soft and sensual to the touch
@WCG You are 💯% accurate here. Think baby soft and creamy skin on top of firm and fit muscles. Like buttah.
@SirLap, unfortunately I can only imagine at this point what her skin would be like. It was a blustery cold day for Florida and we were at an outside cafe. We were both bundled up. I have some delights to still look forward to. 😃
And I hope it will exacerbate the shock when you finally set your eyes on her ladyboy penis. 🦄🍆😝