If you guys read my review from my visit to Hustlers in Baltimore, MD you'll understand why. I know, I made the biggest mistake in my life and I want to be a better person and how to avoid blowing my money like that. Any advice?
I try to be firm but polite even with aggressive / pushy dancers, but there's a point where I'll just tell them to back off and go make money with someone else. There's a point where being respectful stops paying dividends.
If she was going at you hard, then it's because she smelled blood in the water. Meaning, you were likely giving signals that you'd cave in eventually.
So, don't be that guy. Or don't go to strip clubs.
There's no strategy behind not opening your wallet.
Unfortunately OP, the first thing you need to learn if you want to club more is how to say no, not to the girls but to yourself. If the hottest, prettiest girl comes and sits in your lap and offers you the world for a price you're not comfortable paying, then you have to say no. There are many, many pretty girls that you'll never meet or get to spend money on but you'll have a better chance at meeting more of them if you say no to the expensive ones. Every expensive girl you turn down allows you to enjoy many of the cheap (but just as attractive) girls that actually deserve your money.
For the time being, don't spend more than $100 per girl and turn down any girl that asks for more than that.
Once she gets you into the room, she will be saying no to most things you ask for like bbbj, cim, cof, fs, and backdoor access. That being said beat her to the NO TRAIN.
The classic combo of horniness and fear of confrontation which leads newbies to drop gobs of cash and hope for the best. This was tuition and, in all candor, it could have been much worse.
I hate to get too basic, but it is her job to coax you into making bad decisions like that one. The job of safeguarding your wallet is yours alone. As others have said, the next time you want to go back to an expensive room, make sure that you and she are on the same page about what will happen. If she's evasive or ambiguous, then just say "No thank you."
Oh, and to add to your tuition value, other reviewers talked about a $360 room. If you had done your research beforehand, maybe you could have shaved a few hundred from that tuition payment. Just sayin'.
last comment#2 - Just say NO. $830 is a lot fucking money for a VIP. I would expect her to go home with me and fuck me all night for that kind of money.
If that doesn't work, it's time to get a bit less civilized, "Back off! I am not interested in you in any way and I will not be taking you anywhere."
If she can't take that hint, it's time to speak to the club manager.
If she was going at you hard, then it's because she smelled blood in the water. Meaning, you were likely giving signals that you'd cave in eventually.
So, don't be that guy. Or don't go to strip clubs.
There's no strategy behind not opening your wallet.
Start with "No, thanks." Escalate as appropriate. Note that stabbing her in the face should be reserved for only the most egregious offenses.
Tell her you ran out of money. That’ll get strippers to leave you alone real quick.
For the time being, don't spend more than $100 per girl and turn down any girl that asks for more than that.
...troll account? 😂😂
I hate to get too basic, but it is her job to coax you into making bad decisions like that one. The job of safeguarding your wallet is yours alone. As others have said, the next time you want to go back to an expensive room, make sure that you and she are on the same page about what will happen. If she's evasive or ambiguous, then just say "No thank you."
Oh, and to add to your tuition value, other reviewers talked about a $360 room. If you had done your research beforehand, maybe you could have shaved a few hundred from that tuition payment. Just sayin'.