When a big event fucks up your local club scene

avatar for rickdugan
How do you handle it when a big event comes to town and fucks up your club scene?

Around here we have a few each year, mostly revolving around football. This weekend the clubs will invariably be packed with guys throwing money around in party mode. Now I don't normally club on weekends anyway, but there will be a hangover effect that will drag on for the next few days after as some of the girls who make bank will inevitably stay home until they're broke again. I will likely sit it out for the next week or so until the excess money washes out of the system.

Anyone else run into this?


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Around here the event needs to be huge like Super Bowl sized for it to be noticeable that’s a benefit of living in a more urban area
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
NCAAs are in Providence a lot and fuck up the scene. Its easily handled: don't go.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I just go to a different city. I have favorite clubs in 3 states. I travel for for work when I desire.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I just stay home until it's over.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
Last year I noticed the derby made the clubs more crowded. More girls too.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Hell just last night I went out to Larry Flynts in Manhattan. Despite the rain it was game 7 of the World Series and this place was packed with suits. Fuck. My blue jean wearing ass wasn’t the big shot he normally thinks he is. Some of these girls were locked the fuck down.

I ended up going to Jersey (where it was raining even harder) to 35 club and a having big fun.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
Good time to check out the smaller clubs in town if you intend to go at all.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Can't say I've noticed much since I don't club at night much and usually hit dives anyway.

In past years I'd been to Tootsies to watch a high-profile PPV boxing or UFC fight and one could barely find a place to stand and that club is huge
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
I think the consensus is that most folks handle it the same way I do, which is to stay home. Hopefully the girls will be getting hungry again by Wednesday or Thursday of next week.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
I mostly skip the clubs and OTC instead, or get a nice happy ending massage. Things were crazy here when we had the world cup, and during the superbowl, they drastically increased the prices of everything, and changed all tables to reserve/bottleservice only. Just not the type of experience I'm looking for when I go SCing
avatar for ime
5 years ago
It's now " No Nut November" according to the interwebs, wait til December.
avatar for EndlessSummer
5 years ago
Maybe these are the times for a weekend road trip, SC adventure... just sayin! 🌞
avatar for WinningdaChumpsGame
5 years ago
Rick- EndlessSummer is opening up to you

Time to drive down to WV and get the FRMOS

I'm expecting a report next week

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
Not really a problem in Providence. When I was more regular at Cadillac Lounge and they had a porn star feature dancer, I'd message a CF there to set up a time to meet her ITC and avoid the rabble or see if she wanted to do OTC.

Or... stay home and save my efforts for another time.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
It doesn’t happen much for me - possibly due to my clubbing more during the day.

I avoid weekends - and most nights - as I’m not into the increased competition for dancers. I have a few dancers who I text to see if they are working.

If I know it will be busy, I don’t go. If I stumble upon a packed club, I may stay for a drink to see if there are any new dancers who I haven’t met - and see if I can get either a dance or a number.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
I usually just save up $$ until the event is over and then hit the clubs a week or so after. The ones still around are because they want to be working. OK, maybe they even need to be working.

I think this is common sense for veteran PLs.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
" I think this is common sense for veteran PLs." Yeah, no shit. But because the Douchebag is the whiniest bitch on TUSCL, he has to have something to get his panties in a wad over. "Doctorevil is being mean to my favorite club!" Wah, Wah, Wah! "The Florida-Georgia fans are coming to Jacksonville and now it's harder for me to lowball desperate skanks for OTC!" Wah, wah, wah!
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Could be. Or I could be trying to provide relevant strip club topics to discuss. After all, there's only so far we can milk your shitty drive by club reviews, you being treated like a bitch at SS Johnny or the blowjob you got from the Latina streetwalker in the bathroom stall of BabyDolls, as amusing as these topics may be.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
And back to the topic, apparently the Georgia fans did not spend as well as some had hoped, so it would seem that the disruption in the local club scene was short lived. But I think this was nonetheless an interesting topic as many of us deal with this.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Like I said, just a whiney bitch. I was actually in JAX last week and the club scene didn’t look any different than it usually does, and the Douchebag is now admitting it, but had to have something to whine about. What a crybaby pussy. I was also in Wackos last week and saw a dipshit across the bar wearing a suit. For those of you that don’t know Wackos, that looks as out of place as a snow suit on Waikiki Beach. Of course, I had to imagine it was the Douchebag. https://www.tuscl.net/discussi… But I still have some doubts as to whether the Douchebag actually goes to strip clubs because with the stupid shit he posts he could easily just be another San Jose Guy wannabe.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
As for the restroom incident, get your facts right Douchebag. It was Chicas Locas, not Baby Dolls. And she was a cute as hell spinner fresh off the boat from Cuba. So hell yeah, I took her up on her offer. Everyone’s probably seen that bathroom stall porn genre. Well, I’ve lived it.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ You wouldn't have noticed the scene unless you were in Wackos on Friday or Saturday night, which I somehow doubt. I wasn't there either, but by all reports the clubs were hopping.

I have to say though that all that anger and venom is really not a good look on you doctor, nor is the obsessive compulsive trolling with the same goofy comments. All that emotional angst that makes you susceptible to getting played by an ugly girl in an extras club and to making bad choices like getting blowjobs in the BabyDolls bathroom stall.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Of course a better person than doctor would have had the decency not to shake a desperate Latina "right off the boat" down for a $100 bathroom stall blowjob in the first place. Why he's talking about it with a sense of pride now is a mystery to me.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Sure, shaking down desperate skanks for OTC by wearing a suit and pretending to be a chemical engineer makes one a much better person than taking an unorthodox sua sponte offer from a cute dancer. Nice fantasyland land you’re living in there Douchebag.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Dr_dipshit, you really do lack awareness. Awareness of how you're coming across now for sure and definitely awareness of the probable life path that brought that Cuban Baby Dolls dancer to the point where she was sucking your tiny pecker in a filthy bathroom stall. You don't think she had ample practice sucking Canadian and Western European white dick long before she ever made it here? Did you really believe that she took one look at your bitter trollish face, protruding gut and overall unappealing appearance and decided you were the one to pop her bathroom stall blowjob cherry? LMAO.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
But okie dokie Dr_dipshit, you did indeed live it, so you can certainly savor that bathroom stall moment as much as you want I suppose. 😉

Oh yeah, and to your earlier bitterly snarky points, you'll notice that several others didn't find this thread as pointless as you did. The adult reaction when you see a topic you don't find interesting is generally not to bust in and start trolling. Just a thought...
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
Derby and Farmers (the National Farm Machinery Show) are the two times of year I don't go to the local clubs. Both bring in out of town girls in droves, but the places (the good ones, anyway) tend to be so damned crowded, it's pointless. Even if girls are inclined to do what I want, they'll have jacked their prices up to what the out of towners will pay.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
So the Douchebag thinks we should explore the “life path” a stripper took that placed her into the position of negotiating for extras or OTC before making a deal? Yeah, right. I’m sure he asks for resumes and references when he’s trying to coerce some financially desperate skank into OTC with his stupid “three piece suit chemical engineer act.”
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Jesus fucking A cripes Rick dugan, Hiw many fricking altercations are you going to get in one day? I swear you’re worse than SJG in garnering negative attention as positive for your ego. It’s like you can barely hold back on your narcissism long enough to see how others actually have a valid point on worldly strip Club views, the same way SJG thinks that you have to have a FRMOS in order to have a fulfilling g club visit.

It’s amazing to think someone like Dugan is so myopic. Classic personality disorder. No wonder your relate so well to strippers. By the way, why did you take away your trust from me, did you change your mind like you changed your mind about ignoring me? You devoted a whole discussion thread on an ignore list, which typifies you’re pansy ass sensitive style.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Jesus fucking A cripes Rick dugan, Hiw many fricking altercations are you going to get in one day?"

I guess that depends on how many effeminate twats want to post snarky off topic troll comments in a given day. Behave better and we wouldn't be having these little chats.

As far as the rest, spare us the histrionics and dime store psychology already. Seriously, with some of you weird fucks on here, it's no wonder we can't more dancers to participate on this Board.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
“Seriously, with some of you weird fucks on here, it's no wonder we can't more dancers to participate”

So says the weird fuck who hangs out in dive bars wearing a three piece suit and pretending to be a chemical engineer. https://www.tuscl.net/discussi… It doesn’t get any weirder or creepier than that. Good one Douchebag, good one.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Just a simple question Rick do you consider yourself one of the weird fucks on here ?
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
^^ when you have a personality disorder like he does, you think you’re above everybody else. Hence the “I’m great” threads he’s always producing with humble brags.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ 25, I hang out in strip clubs and post regularly on a strip club customer site, which means I'm as bent as anyone on here. But some of the trolls here remind me of the weirdly obsessive and emotional guys who I see girls steer clear of in the clubs.

For example, there's one guy in one of my local clubs who is so off-putting that most girls there won't deal with him anymore. The funny thing is that he's actually decent looking and has a good job, which I'm sure doesn't describe most trolls here. But he is easy to offend, tries to control the interaction (including the girls' drink orders) and blurts out random shit like "You'd look nice in my bed" at all the wrong moments. After a while, he invariably creeps them out. He also has a special fixation on one girl and the other night sat next to a guy talking to her while making weird throat sounds.

Don't get me wrong, competing with odd fucks like this in the club makes everything easier. He and I have vied for the attention of the same girl at least a few times and his behavior literally drives them my way. Shit, he even creeped one girl out so much that she finally accepted an OTC offer just to get out of the club with some money in her pocket.

But when discussion board trolls are behaving like the creepy and obsessive club customers that girls avoid ITC, don't expect many of these girls to want to hang out with them for free on a discussion board. Just sayin'. 😉
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
“^^ when you have a personality disorder like he does, you think you’re above everybody else. Hence the “I’m great” threads he’s always producing with humble brags.”

Yep. The Douchebag’s last post just proves your point, M72.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Exhibit A: Angry and bitter and oddly obsessive all rolled up into one nice neat troll package. 😉
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
How’s that ignore button working for you, Douchebag?
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Exhibit A-2: A further example of we can't have nice things here. 😉
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
That should have been "A further example of *why* we can't have nice things here."
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
I don't find there to be much impact overall during events. Like 25 said maybe its the sheer size of our area/volume of clubs. For the super bowl, I'm expecting the big clubs in Miami to be places I don't want to be. The Tootsies, Scarlett's, maybe even Cheetah. But the smaller clubs I don't see being impacted. I certainly don't see the more northern clubs seeing significant impact. Sure, a few girls will try to go down to those clubs for a money grab. Those tend to not be the type of girls I'm looking for locally anyway though. Maybe a few potential customers will go down that way with them, so the effect is minimal. I expect the effect from it being super bowl weekend to be more impactful than the fact that it's in Miami.
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