Another humanizing moment with a young dancer
Ok, let's be honest. Most of us objectify strippers to some degree. We know they are human of course and we may even treat them with kindness and enjoy engaging with them. But we still base our initial assessments of them upon how they look and when we end up in the back with them, it's all about the mileage.
I am as guilty of this as anyone. As much as I enjoy getting to know these girls and do much tipping barside, at the end of the day I want to have fun with a fun and attractive woman. But I recently dealt with a hot as fuck 19 year old girl who became just a little too real for me.
She got real when I came across her Facebook page in a local dancer/customer FB group. She's been using the site for a long time it seems and has pics and posts going all the way back to her Junior High days. She grew up in a leafy suburban family community and looked like a normal and happy kid. She had some funny and some poignant (for a Dad like myself) pics when she was mugging for the camera with her young friends, all of them looking like the awkward early teens that they were. When she got a little older, she even played Varsity sports at her very nice suburban High School. She had all the hallmarks of a girl who grew up in a good area with a good life.
So what the fuck went so wrong that, at 19, this young girl is fending off old perverts, no doubt trying to stick their fingers in her vagina and ass, for a living? Just a year earlier she was a going to High School prom with her whole life in front of her. Just a couple of years before that she was the awkward young girl mugging for the camera with her friends and trying to make her High School sports team.
As a father to a young teen myself, I can't lay a finger on this dancer now. Not after seeing everything that I did. In fact, I haven't been back to that club since.
For a long time I had a 21 and over rule that I stuck firm to. I've let it slide more recently, but I'm going back to it now with a vengeance. I don't mind seeing FB accounts of grown women well into their 20s who had ample time to make their life choices, but I never again want to run across this kind of information about a young girl who I'm paying for xyz. I also want to take a baseball bat to the head of the fucking cunt of a father who allowed this to happen, but that's another story for another time.
last commentI'm not into the GND look nor girly look, I like the womanly look thus not too-tempted by the very-young dancers (plus they often seem to not do as well in the mileage department but that's just a generality) - I don't have a hard-fast rule w.r.t. young dancers but I do get a little bit of an uneasy felling when a dancer tells me she's 18, 19, or 20
A long time ago when I began mongering I ran into a manager from work at a small roadside strip club about 15 miles out of town. He simply nodded my way and ignored me - being reasonably smart I did the same thing.
Frankly I was sort of shocked because he was personable, married (his wife worked within the organization), admires, a sort of go to guy reputation throughout the organization and had HS daughters who were cheerleaders, popular, in sports and very easy on the eyes.
Here he was in a strip club with a young woman’s ankles behind his head as he tipped her on sniffers row. A definite WTF for a young guy acouple years into the job.
A couple weeks later he stops by my Office and chats about a project I’m working on only to close the conversation with....... saw you a while back at X Club - if you like strip bars go out of town - don’t go in town - never talk about who you see doing whatever because they will do the same for you - stay away from the young dancers because a lot of girls from the high school end up there when they turn 18 (the bar puts a pink band on their wrist so they’re not served alcohol) - he smiled shook my hand and walked out.
I followed that guidance throughout my mongering days and focused on the mid/late 20’s. Really a lot more fun and much less drama.
I’ve never been attracted to those young baby strippers for me the sweet spot was always between 28 and late thirties even some 40ish year olds
I never got the attraction of some here who liked those young girls most who can’t even carry on a conversation decently.
^Meanwhile you’re the one on the sex offender registries you lowlife slimeball
^ The only one making shit up is you dougster you are the real child molester and stolen valor coward here that’s the real fact you POS
The 19, 20 year old dancers often lie and say they are 21.... or 22.
Unless it's a non-alcoholic club (like the Golden Dragon), out here in Portland the 18-20 yr old dancers cannot be on the floor common to the bar so they are easy to spot because they either get a dedicated stage or they lurk at the dressing room doorway and only can come out when it's their turn on the stage.
I don't do extras and such so I'm fine if I get dances with one due to ignorance. I don't really seek them out and prefer they always be over 21. If I know she's not, I take a pass.
I’m not like the other perverts! I like my dancers to appear upper 20s and up.
I’m not like the other perverts! I don’t get overly handsy during floor dances.
I’m not like the other perverts! I won’t get dances but I will buy you a drink!
I’m not like the other perverts! I want you to be happy to be here!
(If what I said was too harsh, then feel free to post an equivalent thing related to dancers. I’m sure there’s lot of stuff one could say LOL)
LOL @nicespice I'm the same exact pervert to any stripper that 'stirs my loins'.
One time a customer wanted me to drink with him. So I did. Then told me I was “too young” for him. I told him that if he believed it was true, then perhaps next time he shouldn’t be trying to push minors to drink and walked off. He tried to call after me, but I kept going.
His friends tipped me on stage pretty well later on. I wonder if he felt bad. LOL
Anyways, back to OP being an 18&19 year old and dealing with men trying to aggressively hit on you is a thing if you attend regular night clubs and the like. Attending university may not be much better from a “protect my daughter from sex” standpoint.
Yesterdays lap dances from 3 dancers, who are 59, if you add up their ages.
LOL, nicespice, but .... ouch
But I'm not like other perverts, I'm gentle and appreciative, .... and, and I don't even use my real name in clubs ... and ... ouch
Great post, nicespice
LMAO another pervertising moment with nicespice.
@nice: You should have ended with your "I'm not a pervert" post. That last one was kinda' dumb. You sounded like an old man pretending to be a girl, without any real understanding of the different issues involved. Might want to re-think a bit before you compare consensual college sex or a guy hitting on you in a nightclub to an old man paying a girl young enough to be his granddaughter $20 and then trying to stick two fingers up her ass in the LD room. C'mon now - you need to try harder dude.
But back to the pervert post - agreed, but even perverts need limits.
^ And you have clearly never been in a nightclub or bar or college party with aggressive young dudes. LOL
Why don’t we save our feelings and sorrow for the 19 year girl with some wretched disease instead of a 19 year old girl who made a grown up decision to become a dancer and probably made a killing last weekend. Oh and one that I’ll be locking down in VIP tonight ;)
If I had to guess - parents got divorced in her early teens. Mom was too busy fucking strange to care and dad wasn't around to reel the young lady back in when she went off the rails.
I think most teen girls start losing their way at some point. If there isn't a caring parent in their life they can easily end up tatted and on the pole.
Nice spice is slamm dunkin them faggots 😆 😆 😆
I’ll not lie. I am a dirty old man. In my experience, many of the teen dancers are fresh in their appearance, lacking some of the bitterness and hurt that I frequently find in older dancers.
A great deal of my experience has been with girls & women who are into drugs and I maybe have developed a jaundiced view as a result. My CF is the most anti-drug stripper I’ve ever met. As the child of 2 addicts she has experienced the pain these bring.
She can still be petulant, but she’s reliable ( if she says she’ll be there she is) and while she has a temper she knows not to act impulsively. I met her when she was 22 and now at 26 has two kids, no husband or steady BF and wants out of stripping. I’ve been seeing her OTC and she and I have talked about my “fantasy time” and she can be a joy personality wise. I wrote to her recently and half jokingly said,”I don’t have enough money to be your sugar daddy, but being a close friend is the best I can do now.” Her reply? “I’m not looking for a sulphuric daddy, but do appreciate you as a close friend.”
So the young ones are great to look at but a certain level of maturity is better if you want to get close.
LMAO sulfuric daddy. Must be talking about MackTruck. 😂
I have met a few young women over the years where I truly wondered where their life went wrong. They grew up in wealthy suburbs to good families, then in a matter of a couple years were stripping, abusing drugs, and sucking any guy's dick at bargain bin prices.
I am a filthy old pig - who enjoys groping dirty drug addicted strippers - and banging them out like filthy street whores in back rooms.
I don't want to know if a dancer was a prom queen - or a scholar in school - or if she was an athlete. I will go to great lengths to avoid learning any of that shit.
Only if a dancer is older - looking like 40 - and probably actually 28-30 - will I engage her and want to learn about her life. The gap of 10 or more years seems safe to me. I know I'm not the first pig to grope and squeeze her tits until her eyes water. I'm hopefully not the first guy to force his fist in her pussy.
For the extra $20 - I know these whores will do most anything...
But seriously - I'm not a bad guy - and I'm definitely no pervert! Lol!!!
LMAO another filthy whoring moment with Cashman.
Problem is that dancers and PLs lie.
I know of at least 2 dancers who started in clubs before they were 18. One even before she got her driver’s license. Now, they are both OK and have a minimum of issues. Although LoneWolf nailed their background!
I get the allure of the baby strippers but if you choose to go that way,be careful out there.
SirLDAlot - its a public service - like those - The more you know....spots on NBC!
I like my bitches to be seasoned. A pile slider under 21 is too young for my tastes
I posted about this before. Being too young. Not only is it looks but it’s lack of life experiences. That said, some gals naturally just love the dick. But a general rule of thumb for me is I like them 25+, I definitely don’t mind the late 30s they work 2x as hard to show you they’ve still got it.
I'm rather disappointed to see the overwhelming majority of posts above written with the presumption that an 18-19 year old (or any age for that matter) stripper has chosen a "bad" path, despite her supposedly "good" upbringing.
To be sure, there are women who take on this profession for the wrong reasons (insert you favorite Daddy Issue joke here). But I have met many strippers who chose this as a good option for THEM, based on a mature, well-reasoned rationale: Embracing and owning sexuality, income and schedule flexibility while in school or training, side gig to supplement income from a day job, using the job to fund a future business venture, and sure, meeting older men because they like them for any number of non-"damaged-goods" reason. Many of these had at least one alternative option that they felt were less suitable for them then srtipping.
Way to show the positive side and potential of sex work, guys!
Having said that, generalizing based on age is ultimately a poor strategy. Any PL can take a few moments to talk to a dancer and judge their interest by whatever criteria they want. As long as she is at least 18 (this is a must have) I'll take time to find out if I think there is potential for something; be it a dance, VIP, or something more intimate and/or even long term. I do have my own "stay away list":
Illegal addictive drug users
Dancers with a pimp
Obvious ROB's
Too new to understand the business aspects of sex work - regardless of age
Not attractive to me.
Poor hygiene
^ it seems to me the norm is for many dancers not to have much to show for it after they have quit dancing and may sorta have to start from zero again after dancing - as most people, or perhaps more than most people, many seem to spend the $$$ as fast as it comes in - and unlike other "careers", there is ample drug and alcohol abuse and in many instances unlike other jobs it is tolerated
I think you are painting too-glossy a picture - the successful college-student using stripping to pay for tuition and then graduating on time and proceeding to a professional career seems to be far from common IME - as well as strippers successfully using their stripper earnings into a different successful venture also seems to be far from the norm - I'm sure it happens, but def not the norm and not even close IME.
I personally see no problem with younger strippers. I find mid 20s the middle of my range, but plenty of times I'll go for girls on the low end just as sometimes I'll pick a girl in her early 30s.
Even mongers have a line in the sand?
I find it interesting that somehow 19 is off limits in some of your minds..... but 20 is ok?
I take it on a case by case basis. As long as they're legal ( 18? In most states? ) I'm good.
Some 20s girls are too immature for me. Some 18 seem just fine.
The other thing i keep in mind is the vast majority of clubs ( outside of the well researched places I find here ) dont have extras or otc available.
But getting to know dancers real life, that can be a problem regardless of their age. Yeah, I might have a little more compassion for a 18 girl vs a 28 girl. Maybe.