what makes a good customer.
Discussion post from a real life TUSCL perv lol. I let him pick and he did great. So what makes a good customer... Well first things first its about the money. Dont have to be super rich but it helps. Money is the motivation for this job and while its not everything its damn close. Be a decent human. I thinks anyone can learn this lesson but dont be an asshole and dont treat me like a 2nd rate person because of what i do for work. Be nice and it will take you a long way.... Have a story. No one wants to hear about your personal life or how you work a gazillion hours... Make it up if you cant have a real one. Be the doctor or nasa scientist or something that makes it worth my while to talk to you. Compliments are awesome to me. i dont really care if you mean them but its nice to feel pretty and complimented... Please drink... drunker the better both for money and for conversation. Your gonna spend a shit load and im going to get a great made up story about how you cured cancer or something. Again made up doesnt really matter.
Honorable mentions for good customers...
1. lap dances= empty pockets!!
2. Get the fuck off your phone.
3. Yes i know i look like your daughter or whatever... thats weird... lol
4. Bring me food!!! Not strip club food but a good snack is a panty dropper especially on a long shift!!!
Honorable mentions for good customers...
1. lap dances= empty pockets!!
2. Get the fuck off your phone.
3. Yes i know i look like your daughter or whatever... thats weird... lol
4. Bring me food!!! Not strip club food but a good snack is a panty dropper especially on a long shift!!!
1) have good hygiene
2) stay positive and friendly
3) don't be a whiny or passive-aggressive little bitch
4) shower your stripper with compliments
5) try to agree with everything she's saying
6) if a stripper is alone on stage, go up and put a tip down
7) tip the bartender well
8) don't waste the time of a stripper you are clearly not interested in by politely telling her you're not interested in any dances or company; walk away if she's persistent
9) give your stripper a good massage; start on her back or neck and then if she wants more, keep going with it until she's melted and sitting on your lap
10) in a dance, respect her limits; don't ever try to push them more than once
11) keep your body fluids to yourself; unless explicitly approved, don't get any of yours on her
12) tip and reward her good behavior
Us TUSCLers are all Chemical Engineers
Front room come on and makeout session.
Back room FS, then taking girl home with you to continue. Generosity throughout.
Continue to see her regularly.
Introduce her to your other friends.
Actually, that would be freaking hilarious at the Golden Dragon. 😂
I had to switch careers years ago after all you fuckers stole it and over-used the shit out of it. Now it's like a dancer telling us she's "in school." So now I'm a Biophysicist. 😉
If you do...do you consider them good customers?
Actually, that would be freaking hilarious at the Golden Dragon."
@nicespice I'm open to a reunion with you for sure. But a suit cramps my PL style, and I can't give a massage nearly as well with one on.
LOL if our next reunion is at the Golden Dragon at best I'll wear a tuxedo t-shirt for you. 😂
1. Wash your ass
2. Be positive
3. Bring lots of money like $500 at minimum
In amps, or in a more ideal free flowing strip club, it just happens, no discussion necessary.
Rod Stewart ft. Ron Wood - Maggie May / Gasoline Alley
I'm a bit old - and I'm not up on the lingo you young panty droppers use these days!
I always bring a bottle of astroglide, rubber gloves and rope. I must be looking for a different type of dancer...
His strip club experience isn't clouded with delusions...
Generally, I just tell the gals that I am a special kind of drug dealer. For some reason, they gets them all intrigued. Then I Tell them about my days as a martial arts instructor/competitor. I then challenge them to a competition as to which of us can do the splits better. After that, we go VIP. Money talks, but a little bullshit banter makes my night more enjoyable. I think they tend to enjoy it as well... or at least they pretend to and that is all I need for my fantasy fun night!
Why, *I* do, of course!
I’m slacking I’m this department 😔
George? George is that really you?
^ This always gets me. I have nothing against stripping as an occupation, I'm not going to treat someone as "2nd rate" because of what they do for work. However, if a dancer treats me like an object I'm gonna treat her like a object.
If you don't want to be treated that way,flip the two around; make it about treating each other like a person first, then about money. I prefer it that way myself, but it doesn't always work out.
e.g., one guy brings you lunch, and has an interesting story, and $200 to spend on you. I don't bring you lunch, tell you that you look like my daughter, and drone on about the boring minutiae of my life, and I also have $200 to spend on you. Does Mr Fun-Interesting's $200 buy him any more than my $200 does? Just good feelings from you? More eye contact? A free LDK? A more sensual dance in general?
They know the bigger the belly means the customer is living life well with an even bigger wallet!
I have a secret I'd like to share with all of you. I like strippers. Genuinely like them. Some would be amazed how much easier things work if they'd just appreciate their company and go with the flow. Does that make me a good customer? Don't know. But I think it helps avoid being a bad one.
Money. You can’t be a ‘customer’ without money. You’re just a guy with a lot of other stuff.
Women like to be lied to. Got it.
“Only one of those is an actual requirement”
Sort of. Actually both would be initially require. A pulse would at least be initially required to move his fat money wad back into the VIP. After the physical transfer of the money into the darkness, then the pulse becomes optional.
This mainly means not being creepy, being polite, and being clean. If you are good with conversation they might hang out with you more.
Then there is money. That has to be right. I also think that if they see you as a regular or potential regular you’ll get more for your money.