Sloppy Seconds - Does it bother you ?

avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
OK, you sit down in your favorite club sipping a drink. The most beautiful girl walks out of VIP, straighting her dress, fixing her hair and looking a bit tired. A big, ugly brute walks out of VIP right before she does with a big smile on his face. She smiles real big and walks right up to you. This girl is your ultimate vision but it's very obvious she just done "doing" somebody else.

Does that bother you ? I am aware that the strippers that do extras are not virgins and are most likely very high volume. But I get a little turned off, especially if I just saw the guy that she just Did.


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avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
definitely depends on just how bad i want her...
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Yes that’s why I never have and never will do the deed in the club.
avatar for King_Gambrinus
5 years ago
Yes. I want to be the first one on her shift
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Definitely. Big turn off. Number 1 reason to not go to Tijuana. Very fussy in U.S. clubs.
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Get her early on her shift while she's "fresh" or do the otc thing.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
It's not a deal breaker for me but I still much prefer firsts. Always.
avatar for George123789
5 years ago
King - you are right.

Many years ago I was a regular at a club that had young white traveling dancers regularly who stayed at a no tell motel acouple blocks away. Even better they danced from 3.30-7.00 and had a dinner break till 8.30. The cuter ones regularly set up 2-4 dates during their meal break. Great way to get laid at a reasonable price ($100=bbbj, daty, fiv,cfs) as long as you were first batter it was really fun. Great chance for the girls to make bank too.
One week there was a full blown 9.75 dancer visiting - drop dead beautiful, unbelievable body, great vibe and friendly too. Yes, she was busier than hell - she was charging the same rate as the other girls who were 7ups. By Wednesday she was seeing guys during the dinner break, after bar close and before bar open - I remember her saying she was making $1k a day outside-yep fucking 10 guys a day and dancing too. I have to admit I banged her three times that week - I was early in the rotation once and the others she literally would open the motel door scoot the last batter out and wave to whoever was sitting in the picnic area by the pool. By the time I walked over she had pulled her panties on and was waiting topless to start.
Her beautiful body and sexy vibe was overwhelming the concept that she was fucking like an enslaved whore until I went to the restroom seeing a trash can over flowing with used condoms, condom wrappers, a big box of condoms and a pile of towels stained with spunk. It was sort of gross and the last time she was no where near being tight - I couldn’t pop my nut till she gave me my first Greek experience-that hole wasn’t particularly tight either but one hell of an experience.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Idk if extras change the dynamic but in general for me when I am doing well, it’s absolutely a one-guy-after-another kinda thing.

Even if one didn’t explicitly see another man hand you money, he can subconsciously sense it somehow. And it triggers a sense of urgency or something.

Likewise, it works the other way around 😓 And you also deal with the domino effect of assholes as well.

avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Aaaannnyyywaaays, if I was a dude, I’d imagine that being 2nd directly after would be the sweet spot.

If only second she shouldn’t be too tired to slack off, but also there should still be enough lubrication that there shouldn’t be too much fumbling around. Just dive right in and get to the fun 😂
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Oral would probably be a no go though
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
I've never been one to sweat or stink much...I dislike men's locker rooms because I'm not the one stinking it I also have a germophobia thing going on. As such I don't prefer a sweaty stripper. I think it's why I like my ATF DS so much too. She's a worse germophobe than me. When we get dances there's a mutual agreement and understanding to keep all fluids to ourselves. My only exception is pussy cream. I've never had an issue with that on my pants.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Ooh plus it on average takes females a heck of a lot longer to “get off” than a male does...line yourself up directly after Bob who got it going and be the one to possibly have a better chance of getting her off and being memorable.

...maybe I should have created a male persona troll account for all this
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
^^^No keep going it’s hot

Anyway I never get sloppy seconds because I’m the only one banging my CF. How do I know? She told me. Must be true. Her Dancer name is even Abraham Lincoln...wait a second why does she always ask for anal? 🤔

I’ll be leaving the site for awhile
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
^ LMAO it's befitting you go as "Muddy".

LMAO ... "Four score and several anals ago ..."
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
^^^ Way to go with the historical (hilarious) quote.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
^ The Muddy's Turd Address

avatar for codemonkey
5 years ago
As long as she promises you're the only one she lets in there without a cover you're good! 😄
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
All things being equal I rather not see her getting done with any guy - it's not an absolute deal-breaker for me so it probably depends how horny I am and how bad I want her - reality is just bc you didn't see ut doesn't meslan it didn't happen.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
No, it does not bother me though I do not prefer it.

On one my latest tríps to TJ, I waited for the BG to return from arriba because I had to have her (read about it in my latest review of HKTJ).
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
Not unless he did her bareback or her breath smells like sperm.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
What about Dirty Thirds?
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
Thanks, Nicespice. You just gave me a game plan. My curse will soon be lifted!
avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
Haven't delved into FS yet, but plan to. Have received CBJ. Who knows, I might have been the eighth or ninth of the day, but it doesn't bother me because I don't think about it and it's covered.
However, as Warrior said: "But I get a little turned off, especially if I just saw the guy that she just Did."
I, too, wouldn't want to see who she just did. especially if it's some fat, decrepit, smelly old dude (no offense SkiBum).
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
we’re talking about sex???...
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
Doesn’t bother me, used to. But since no dancer can make a living off of my visits, well can’t blame them for doing what they do.
avatar for RTP
5 years ago
I am not Naive enough to think that I have always been first, but it is a total deal killer if I do know. I have never wanted any dancer enough to intentionally go second.
avatar for sshrfrsky
5 years ago
I don't even try and lick or suck titties anymore because I dont know who else did before me and if she freshened up or not . Unless I'm there for end of 1st shift and see a girl I like just starting her shift at the start of 2nd shift. But my timing rarely lines up with that.
avatar for chowder
5 years ago
Yes. If I am going for ITC I am first in or it's a no go. Depending on alcohol intake I might go for a hummer mid to late shift. Or I will take her home and hit it in the morning.

If I am just getting dances it doesn't really matter.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
I expect her to go back to the dressing room to rinse her mouth and other parts before hitting the floor again.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
If I really feel that she is a girl I would get along with and want to be seeing regularly, have to start somewhere.

Otherwise, a different one. And at mileage places in like San Francisco have tended to be there when the doors open.


The most complicated cars ever made…
avatar for Estafador
5 years ago
hard to tell. I have three trains of thoughts running through my head as she is talking to me. Some big ugly brute just had is sweating dripping body all over this pretty woman (I'm imagining a white bald fat guy, who may or may NOT be a fat cat) and I refuse to smell his stench on her. On the other hand, she may be so fine that my dick is vehemently arguing against passing her up. ANd on the third but related hand, I feel like the ultimate dog for just looking at her like a tool and not like a tired human being who was probably just railrodded by little pecker smith down the hall. And I've always been a sucker for sympathy.

Eh, I probably just buy her a drink, talk with her a bit, maybe get a feel or two and say we can hang out later (probably not)
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
99% of the time around here, when a dancer leaves VIP she goes to the back.* I'm assuming / hoping to clean up, but there are no guarantees in life.

Aside from booze, sweat, and perfume, strip clubs are awash in denial...

* This is possibly not true at the Wild Zebra in Providence, but I don't go to that slam pig pit.
avatar for GotMilk999
5 years ago
Any talented girl would know to fix her dress and hair before coming back out so, no, I’ll take a pass and find another lass with higher class.
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