High Maintenance versus Low Maintenance Women

avatar for reverendhornibastard
There are innumerable ways to categorize women. Some women are gorgeous. Some are not. Some are intelligent and some are as dumb as a box of rocks. There are thin ones, fat ones, pleasant ones, surly ones. Some are horny all the time and some only get horny on leap year day (between 6:30 and 6:45 PM). But the most crucial categorical divide of all is the one that separates high maintenance women from low maintenance women.

A high maintenance woman (“HMW”) believes she is God’ greatest gift to men and, therefore, inherently deserves your respect respect and constant adulation. HMW are easy to spot. They routinely wear expensive, designer fashions (https://www.tuscl.net/photo.ph… ) with appropriately matching jewelry, shoes and purses (https://www.tuscl.net/photo.ph… ). Most of them zip around town in a recent model Mercedes Benz or BMW, ignoring stop signs and traffic lights in route to high dollar nail salons that pamper them with valet parking and complimentary champagne while they get manicures, pedicures and foot massages. The typical HMW has no idea where the kitchen is and thinks preparing herself a mixed drink constitutes “cooking.”

By contrast, a low maintenance woman (“LMW”) is usually found wearing comfortable clothes and sensible shoes. She is frequently found at soccer practice with her kids, cleaning the house or shopping for groceries. A LMW knows how to cook and diligently ensures that her family gets balanced, nutritious meals. It is important to a LMW that her husband arrives home from work he finds a clean home, happy, healthy children and a nice meal waiting for him.

Many people mistakenly believe that all HMW are gorgeous and that all LMW are at least dull and plain or even ferociously ugly. While there is a correlation here (HMW do tend to be more attractive - https://www.tuscl.net/photo.ph… and LMW do tend to have a more “utilitarian” look - https://www.tuscl.net/photo.ph… ), there are exceptions.

Regrettably, most of the beautiful women in the USA are HMW. Native born American women who are gorgeous and LMW are few and far between. Most of the beautiful LMW you find in America are imports. In developing and third world countries sexy, gorgeous LMW are far more plentiful than they are in the USA. In most of Africa and parts of Latin America and Southeast Asia, beautiful LMW are a dime a dozen (https://www.tuscl.net/photo.ph… - https://www.tuscl.net/photo.ph… ). In some Southeast Asian countries LMW are even available in convenient bonus packs (https://www.tuscl.net/photo.ph… ). Unlike American born HMW with whom you usually have to make an appointment if you want to get juicy with them, imported LMW extremely grateful to be living with you in the land of plenty and will gladly desplooginate you anytime, anywhere even after they’ve spent the afternoon mowing the lawn or washing and waxing your car (https://www.tuscl.net/photo.ph… ).

HMW tend to gather in herds and run through elite shopping malls engaging in competitive conspicuous consumption with other HMW. LMW by contrast tend to cruise the local Walmart alone searching for blue light specials or discounted ziplock bags.

Most HMW fail to realize that their status as HMW is ephemeral. Aged, washed-up former HMW can be spotted driving around town in their dented, high mileage 1998 Toyota Corollas rust buckets, gripping the steering wheel with their chipped fingernail polished hands wondering what the hell happened to their former HMW lifestyles.

If you are a well-adjusted, sensible adult, you probably have a low maintenance mama to thank for that.


last comment
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i had to look up the meaning of ‘ephemeral ‘...
avatar for captainfun
6 years ago
Good post. Good pics. I was expecting an average looking suburban mom to be pushing a shopping cart for your LMW visual. ‘I fuck for cake’ girl was extreme but funny as hell. I’ve been fortunate to locate good blends of LMW and very attractive over time. Much easier to find in the Midwest. I spent a fair amount of time in Houston and Dallas 10-15 years ago. Way too many HMW women in those cities. I would even suggest that’s it’s built into Texas culture. If you have a little money, flaunt the hell out of it.

By the way, one of the worst combos of a woman is HMW + ugly. This breed exists but only because she has a man that is wealthy and even uglier than she.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
One of my friends on many occassions has said to me: "your wife is the hottest guy on earth". It was meant as a compliment becuase except for the female body parts (36d) she is so low maintenance that she is invited to every male only event I conduct with my friends including our poker league golf tournament and she is the first substitute for golf on weekends as well. She plays a good and fast game, swears like a sailor and will smoke a cigar. She dresses blue collar except for work and is not sa makeup fan. No one notices another woman's breasts and comments as fast as she does. She rewired our pool filter; gfixed the solar pool heater on the roof; remodelled both bathrooms; remodelled our basemant; wallpapers better than anyone on earth and installs ceiling fans, garbage disposal etc. Hell she even will piss outside to avoid parking near the base lodge and missing being first in line on a powder day. I am without a doubt the fucking luckiest man on the planet.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@Skibum -

Outstanding good fortune on your part!

Sounds like a “keeper” to me.

A hearty “congratulations” to you!

You should have her cloned.

Cloning is the sincerest form of flattery.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^That is super sweet, skibum.

I’m low maintenance at heart and I think it negatively affects my money when I’m slacking off. Good reminder to go get that gel mani/pedi done soon 😅
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^I prefer to think of you as well maintained 🥰
@ skibum I agree your wife is a keeper what the heck did she see in you 😁
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
On the other hand, in defense of the HMW, how many of us would turn down a Ferrari because of a few maintenance issues? Or, even like being your own mechanic? 😏
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
My mom and grandma are definitely low maintenance. My mom can get crazy sometimes but doesn’t need shit. In fact she’ll yell at my dad if he gets something expensive for her. She’s cheap as fuck and that really made me good with money outside of the strip club.

Dating wise it took me longer to adjust to all the high maintenance girls out there. I didn’t understand them at first l, the women in my life that I grew up with weren’t like that at all.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
I suddenly need my car waxed.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
my ex was low maintenance until we split up. overall she has cost me over a million bucks.
and i still have to pay monthly spousal support.
avatar for Spillthebeans
6 years ago
HMW = Spit

LMW = Swallow
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Yes, @Reverend, in the good 'ol Ozzie & Harriet generation, a good woman was expected to stay at home to cook and clean for you.

In fact, God invented women to vacuum, wash the dishes, and suck your dick.

avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
@MisterWonderful 😱 Those 1 million bucks could have bought 10,000 sessions with HK chicas. That’s 1 session every single day for 27 years.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@RandomMember -

I remember the good old days when most women dressed all in white so they would color coordinate with the other kitchen appliances!

@Warrior15 -

Are you sure it is your car that needs to be waxed, or is it really your carrot that you want waxed?

@SpilltheBeans -

An excellent summation!
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I don't really agree with that. I don't think being low maintenance has much to do with how a woman looks or takes care of herself.

I know a woman who is a fat slob, refuses to work full time, is a lazy hypochondriac, looks like shit, but expects men to pay for her massages, maid service, etc. She spoils her dogs with really expensive food, will only eat gourmet shit....like this woman won't even eat a burger unless its ground filet mignon. She's a bitch, but finds men willing to put up with her. And she doesn't even put out til they spend a certain amount on her.

On the other hand. I know plenty of beautiful feminine girls into makeup, fashion, always look great, but cook, clean, take care of younger siblings, help grandparents out in the yard, and are happy with cheap Mexican food and some 40s.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^We’ve seen pics of the girls you like, I wouldn’t be seen in a whorehouse, with most of those women that you pretend to have as GFs
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
25 I have no idea. I always tell her, since she has been divorced, that she hasa historyu of bad choices when it comes to men. She would tell you that I am low maintenance as well and that like her, I would rather cruise around, get high and talk than spend money going some place fancy.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@IceyLoco -

“I don't really agree with that. I don't think being low maintenance has much to do with how a woman looks or takes care of herself.”

Sonny boy, I think you’re taking me a little too seriously.

Do they not teach “levity” at Hood U?
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@Skibum -

“ I am low maintenance as well and that like her, I would rather cruise around, get high and talk than spend money going some place fancy.”

We must be kindred spirits. I regard myself as low maintenance as well. I strongly agree with Humphrey Bogart’s observation, “A hot dog at the ballpark is better than a steak at the Ritz.”
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
Good post Rev.

It may be fun to drive a Ferrari if the opportunity presents itself. But buying one? It seems that would put a big damper on the fun part.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I like to keep women in high heels and makeup, with slutty outfits.

If they pick it though it will probably be very expensive and tied to a high maintenance ethos. So this is why I like to pick it, and it is why I right off have liked strip clubs.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I don't find levity entertaining

But I do find high maintenance women to be the ugly ones usually....the greedy fake hardened whore looking gold diggers with no personality
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Too much "levity" here on this board is being made by denigrating women.

avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
My xwife was LMW and surprisingly our divorce was relatively inexpensive (thanks to a prenuptial agreement).
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
@SJG -


Go out with some of your malnourished vegetarian friends of indeterminate gender tonight and do something daring ... like feasting on a whole head of iceberg lettuce accompanied by a bottle of a fine brand of sparkling water.

Invite some feminists.

Maybe after they’ve drunk enough of the bubbly they’ll let you fist them in the backseat of your Prius!
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Reverend, what's your alternative? Fucking underage Asian hookers and bloviating about it on TUSCL?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Someone found the "B" section of their crisp, new thesaurus...
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
reverendhornibastard, go crawl back into your hole.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
HMW = IceyDodo
avatar for BigDickSammy_
6 years ago
With the big tiddys I plan on being high maintenance
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
... that convenient bonus pack is a good deal.

"By the way, one of the worst combos of a woman is HMW + ugly. "

hell ya ! ... don't mind the gorgeous ones be HMW
avatar for Lovelyeast
6 years ago
Most women are in between. Why is HMW given such a bad rap. I think you’re confusing them with users. A woman can be HM and get everything on her. Like my sister who took he now husband out of the projects and now they own a few fish markets together.

I’m pretty sure he’s happy for his HMW. Like Beyoncé told Jay “let me upgrade you”.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
I seem drawn to high maintenance women, whether wives or girlfriends or strippers. The best looking are always the most expensive. This is why a HMW is known as the high priced spread.

avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
HMW are more fun and cheaper than a sailboat or motorcycle, and the ride is awesome.
avatar for chowder
6 years ago
It all comes down to where she falls on the Crazy/Hot matrix.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
A woman is only expensive for you if she thinks money is all you have to offer.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
Sure, whatever you say SJG/LoydSchoene. Fucking dingbat!

The epitome of the high maintenance women is when I see them at the gym, their hair all done up along with makeup with their tight new lulu lemon outfits and brand spanking new tennis shoes (brand name). They parade around the gym pretending to work out, pick up a few weights for a minute or two, then on to the next machine or workout for another two minutes all the while looking in the mirror to either see themselves or see who is checking them out.

My favorite time was when I was working out hard and sweating like a pig with an old shirt on and I hadn’t showered in over a day. The high maintenance women sniffed me and turned her nose up at me. I laughed and said we aren’t at no boutique club. She actually left the gym after I said that. I think these women have such low self esteem they’re literally there looking for validation, constantly. UHM= ultimate high maintenance
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
That doesn't mean she's high maintenance, just means she's a materialistic bitch
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Though I think you'll find a lot of HMWs in the designer whatever / diva demographic of women. I don't think that's a hard and fast rule. I know guys who are married or dating women who do not necessarily have expensive tastes, but holy shit they're a lot of work.

Every guy has their personal threshold, but if you find yourself saying "Jesus, she's a pain in the ass." consistently without any breaks, then you have a HMW on your hands. I don't care who made her dress.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
To me, high maintenance isn't about whether or not she has expensive tastes. Some women are really just used to expensive shit, and for others....nothing wrong with wanting something nice. I think high maintenance women are leaches....women who drain you without giving anything back or contributing to the relationship. Where you're basically her servant and she feels she's too good for everything. And it in no way correlates with looks. Some of the fugliest bitches can be the most entitled.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ agreed!

And also with Meat72 and the gym women.

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