OT: Justin Bieber wants to Fight Tom Cruise in an MMA Match

avatar for wallanon
This is so preposterous I'm going to actually post off topic.


An initial betting line actually has Bieber winning...?


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avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
They need to broadcast it on Comedy Central. Actually I think Cruise would tear Bieber up. For a 56 year old man, he's in pretty good shape.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ Must be from jumping up and down on the couch;)
avatar for BGSD3100
6 years ago
Cruise does all his own stunts.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Bieber is a 200 million dollar loser
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Did Cruise say something to or about Bieber to initiate this ?
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
I think Cruise would win. It would not matter though. I wouldn't mind seeing either one of them get their ass kicked
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Bieber is younger and faster - but as has been mentioned, Cruise keeps in good-shape w/ the action-movies he does, and he's also a bit off his rocker and bigger and stronger than Bieber - I'd put my $$$ on Cruise
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
I would hope Tom Cruise would win.

I have no idea why Bieber tweeted this, he was not provoked as far as I know.

Tom Cruise is in his mid 50s and Bieber is at a great age for physical fitness, but Tom Cruise is in fantastic shape --- and not just "for his age," but for anybody. Tom also does the majority of his own stunts, has trained professionally in many fighting and combat forms for different movie roles in which he does said stunts, and sounds like he was a good wrestler and football player in high school (for what it's worth). He is very regimented in staying in great shape.

Also, Tom Cruise is crazy, whereas Justin Bieber is just plain stupid.
avatar for AtAboy
6 years ago
Celebrity death match....live
Agree, my money is on Cruise
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Bieber is such a douche.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
How about we get a real MMA fighter to beat the shit out of both of them?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
What are the odds that Cruise will even reply to the challenge. He is obviously being trolled and the best way to handle trolls is to ignore them.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ some wanna block them
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMAO this reminds me of Paula Jones vs Tanya Harding or Joey Bonaducci vs Greg Brady (the guy who played him).

It's TV soooo bad, it's good!
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
How about letting it be with Kalashnikovs at 10 paces?

Or how about with the new E-meter driven anti-particle disintegration guns?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
I wouldn't mind if both of them wound up in a Roman coliseum with a starved Grizzly bear... or two.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
If it was real Tom should kick his ass. Man, if done right, something like this could make millions.
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
What is Beebs talking smack for? Threatening men 2x your age is a puss move.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Bieber would be a crying little pussy after getting his ass beat.
avatar for whodey
6 years ago
I would pay to watch that fight. Who hasn't wanted to see both of those whiney bitches get their ass kicked over the years? This way at least one of them would get beaten senseless and hopefully they will both take a serious ass whipping in the process.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Tom Cruise has no history of being a whining bitch and has the balls to publicly stand up for what he believes in (whether you like it or not). He also is in great shape for his age and has a long very accomplished career. Much of the shit the guy gets is the fact that his beliefs do not approve of homosexuality and the entertainment media is offended by that. The guy has discipline and courage. That other guy well...the fact he said something like this pretty much tells the story about him.

TC > JB in celebrity deathmatch
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Justin Bieber admitted Wednesday that his challenge to fight actor Tom Cruise in the octagon was just a joke.

Cruise didn’t respond to the challenge, but the tweet went viral. This prompted a response from Bieber, who revealed he was just fooling around and doesn’t actually want to throw down with the Ethan Hunt actor.

TMZ caught up with Bieber outside his wife, Hailey Baldwin’s fashion business in Los Angeles Wednesday.

“It was just a random tweet. I do that stuff sometimes,” Bieber told the outlet.

“I think he would probably whoop my a-- in a fight,” he added. “He’s got that dad strength.”
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