Dumped by ATF?
I''ve been seeing my current ATF for about two years, had great times with her. (shes a teacher who works a limited schedule at the club). I checked out the comments on stripclublist and saw a few posts about bedbugs in this club. I usually use the deluxe vip and now I'm concerned about going back. I havent seen this girl for almost two months and miss her but not sure what to do.....
Seriously if you have been seeing her two years take her outside the club if you are that concerned.
Alternatively, you could spray everything with listermint. I’m sure that stuff kills bedbugs!
Also, dip your dick in listermint for good measure. It cures everything. And makes your taint minty fresh! ;)
Brilliant counter-factual: imagine a world where bedbugs evolved intelligence sentience and established a civilization with strip clubs. I bet the bedbug version of TUSCL would be way more disturbing than human TUSCL! ;)