
Looking back on your start here...

How do you think the board affects your participation? Did you start out primarily as a discusser, or a reviewer?

I’m curious about this because of the conversation in the other thread about shutting down vip. And how much the front room affects reviews/subscriptions.

For me, it was the reviews over the discussion board initially.

I joined the site because I cared about reading reviews. I had applied to a club, and worked for one night. I didn’t realize that it offered $5 specials. That was a rude awakening for me that just because two different clubs share the same name, doesn’t mean they are structured the same.

I also noticed the cost of lifetime VIP wasn’t that expensive. So I bought it, and would use this site just for reviews. It didn’t occur to me to look into any other site features. But one day, two years later, I got a message in my inbox. And that message appeared because I was in the dancer directory. And was what got me to notice the board.


  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I was a lurker mostly. At the point in time I started coming here, you could read the entirety of the most recent review of a club without having written a review, or even being logged in. That was often good enough.

    Then I discovered the forums, signed up, and now they are my primary reason for signing on.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    I primarily used the reviews for the 1st year, after that, it became the board's more often as a way to keep me from being too bored when I travel
  • founder
    6 years ago
    Started as a pervert wanting to learn HTML
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I signed-up b/c of the reviews - I am an infrequent traveler but was gonna be in Dallas where I had lived and had become an SCer - on my trip to Dallas I wanted to do a road-trip to Houston to check-out the SCs but knew nothing of the Houston clubs - I wasn't interested in writing reviews nor being on TUSCL past my Houston info-gathering so bought a lifetime VIP b/c it wasn't too-expensive - went on to the review section and was overwhelmed w/ the # of clubs in Houston - so went on the discussion board to ask for Houston advice - after I got exposed to the discussion board I stayed on TUSCL and didn't write a review for several-months while I participated on the board fairly-regularly (but not as much as now) - one day I got called-out "DC style" for being "very-chatty" for a guy w/ no reviews - decided to write some reviews after a few months of being on the board so I could get some PL-respect - I like writing, or more specifically story-telling, thus started writing reviews of most of my visits even to the same club (since I felt each visit was unique in some way) - so my initial impetus was *reading* some reviews but for the first few-months my contributions were just on the discussion-board - i.e. the discussion-board is what made me wanna be on the site regularly although I also skim the reviews regularly but it's mostly about the discussion-board.
  • captainfun
    6 years ago
    Lol @ founder

    For me mostly about the reviews. I travel 30-40 weeks per year so always in search of the next gem
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I came on as a lurker for about 3 years, one afternoon I read a story by Farmer Art, I commented on it,and then I started corresponding with Motorhead, and a few others, I think Rech via PMs, I got much more active, after I started writing reviews, I think Lopaw was another one of my early contacts and I enjoyed corresponding with these people, I think about then I started posting quite a bit, and here I am.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    At first I didn't have much desire to write reviews since most of my visits were to small hood black clubs and from being on the board there didn't seem to be a big-audience for that so I figured my reviews wouldn't matter.

    It was actually good-ole Alucard (may he rest in peace) via PMs that suggested I should still write reviews of the clubs I hit - so he kinda motivated me to write reviews and I was kinda surprised there were a good # of other pervs like me out there (whities that like chocolate primarily or at least enough to also like hitting all-black clubs).
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I found the site about 15 years ago. I only read Reviews for years. Never participated at all. About two years ago, I bought a Lifetime membership and decided to join in.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Started out lurking. With my next sentence I expect to be ridiculed heavily lol. I actually googled 'cum in pants during lap dance' because I wanted to see if anyone other than myself enjoyed that activity. The results that came up were a bunch of stripperweb threads about that subject, and then a bunch of TUSCL threads about it. For the next month I lurked on both sites, reading the discussions. Naturally I was drawn to TUSCL since I could relate more to the discussions here. But it was eye opening that plenty of folks enjoyed and even openly discussed "LDKing". Sure I saw that they were teased mercilessly, but I expected that. It's what made me eventually create a screen name and join in on the discussions.

    So I guess I gotta give a shout out to Lapdanceking himself for having the courage to speak so openly about his hobby even in the face of all the criticism. Plus a shout out to others like MrDuece, who refused to ever call it LDK but instead called them lapgasms. I've learned a ton about strip clubs since and grown fond of all the different contributors who have come and gone while I've been here.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    I met a dancer at the club and she put my ass RIL status and I was hooked to clubbing. Checked all the reviews found TUSCL. Lurked for awhile learning before I wanted to post. I look back on it, my life was so boring before I got into the whole scene. I used chase after these 6's and 7's would be so ecstatic if the once in a blue moon time, I got them in bed. Going to these lame bars where there's 40 guys and 5 girls, fucking with tinder ugh it sucked. Now i'm heavy into SCing I'm fucking hotties on the regular. It just puts everything else to shame for me. The whole thing is like one big game, your charm, wits, money, how you look, who you are, where you are, who you meet, the whole thing is just so fucking addicting.
    And TUSCL is like an online locker room, I can really vent out here. It's really therapeutic for me personally and I've learned a fuck ton since then.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    I signed up so I could read reviews. At the time, I lived in an area that had a handful of clubs, but they are very seldomly reviewed on TUSCL. A few years later, I moved to an area that has some really good strip clubs. However, I would only occasionally buy a month of VIP here and there so I could read reviews. About 6 years after I signed up on TUSCL, I wrote my first review. Looking back at it now, I must admit the first review I wrote sucks. A couple months after I wrote my first review, I used Google to search for information about a club, and discovered a TUSCL discussion that mentioned that specific club. For the next few months, I lurked on the discussion board, and eventually I began to participate in discussions.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    Came for the reviews. Found the boards and participated. Starting to go back to more review oriented though.
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    Came in for the reviews. Discovered the boards as a possible education device. I decided to add reviews of my own. Now I am addicted to searching out new ventures.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Came for the reviews - stayed for the intellectual conversations
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    8 years ago i found the site while googling how to fuck or how to date a stripper...

    All the top searches took me to tuscl

    I lurked for about 6months then created the notorious JuiceBox69 account

    I was a very green and fun loving guy that the board made fun of a lot
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ made?
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Yes Papi intellectual conversations involving what the best way to cum in your pants is and what exactly to wear during it.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Hard to imagine a time when Papi was scoffed at to write a review. Being as he's now one of the most well known members on the site. In that thread by Founder asking about the top contributors I swear I saw Papi's name on at least 90% of the list.

    I know I know, we all start somewhere. There was once a day when Wallanon had just a single review to his credit lol.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I was pretty-green when I started - I would often use exclamation marks (!) trying to be all friendly and fun-loving - LOL
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    @Nicespice do you have Trapbaby blocked? I'm kinda surprised he hasn't commented on the thread yet.
  • TxVegas
    6 years ago
    Came for reviews and found the site helpful for my travels. Occasionally participate on board topics. I find it entrtaining and the ignore button is my friend.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    The first time I visited this site was approx. 1998. I got the site address from a book of Internet sites, lol. I used the site to research an area I was traveling to in CT. Back then, one just had to endure the horrible ads and slow loading in order to get at the intel and much of it was crap anyway.

    Over the following 10 years, I popped on from time to time if I needed simple intel about a certain area and even paid for a brief VIP at one point (diff screen name). The intel certain got better over time, but honestly my traveling was still limited and so was my clubbing time, so my visits were infrequent.

    Then a little over a decade ago I started my own business, which requires a lot more travel. So I came back to the site more frequently, along with some other sites. Finally in 2009 I started to write articles for VIP access and, soon after, reviews. I also found the discussion boards. I was already a semi-frequent club hound by then, but it was mostly limited to the northeast. My horizons have expanded a lot since as my travels have taken me all over the country.

    So the reviews are what brought me on, but the Discussion Board keeps me coming back more often and adding intel. I have almost 6 years of VIP time in the bank and could simply consume for all that time without adding another thing to the site, but I enjoy the combo entertainment of wading into discussions and posting reviews.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    I was googling strip clubs in my area and stumbled onto this site. I ended up somehow getting full access to the reviews at the time without being signed up. Not sure how that happened. Must have been a glitch of some sort. I read reviews for a few hours and found them very interesting. I had no idea about the discussion board. I came back later and tried to read reviews again but I could not access them. I ended up making a profile and posted a review to get access. This was the first time I wrote any review ever. It was pretty terrible but it did get me access to read reviews.

    I did not come back often, but every once in a while I would post reviews to see others reviews and learned how to write them better. Once I stumbled onto some articles and read a couple, I assumed this was some owner of the site or some employee writing these. They were interesting but not that intriguing to me at the time. Several years later I stumbled onto the discussions one day, and lurked a little. Most of it was a bunch of old guys doing a seeming circle jerk and rehashing the same subjects over and over. I was not that interested in participating until I saw the infamous Juicebox69 getting flamed and fighting back. I thought this was pretty entertaining so I lurked more often. After watching this for a while I joined in slowly. The days of the flame wars between RickDugan and Dougster were great!

    Juice said "I was a very green and fun loving guy that the board made fun of a lot"

    I remember these days. Juice took a lot of heat. He came on here with legitimate questions and some of the older guys thought he was just acting dumb or being an idiot so they flamed him. He started acting out and became a pretty notorious troll and ended up breaking up a lot of the older good ol boy club and helped open up the way for a less opinionated and more rounded set of posters. This was all great entertainment and was great to watch. These good ol boys had it coming because they were pretty mean at times, I respect Juice for sticking it out and still being here.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I came for the reviews and lurked off and on reading discussions and articles. But I wasn’t too interested in anything but the reviews at first. I also took a fairly long hiatus from clubs for a number of years.

    When I started visiting clubs again more frequently, I came back to check out the site and it hooked me. I started posting once in a while and Juicebox69 and Bj99 encouraged me to participate more. So here I am.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I started doing reviews anonymously. Not sure there was even a discussion board back then.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Started with reviews—actually, I started with just fragments of reviews. I travel pretty frequently, so I would Google for nearby strip clubs when I was out of town. Tuscl reviews alway came out near the top of the search results, but of course, not being a member, I could only read the first few lines. As I recall, initially you could read four or five lines, which gave me enough info (or so I thought). At some point it was cut down to two or three, which didn’t provide any useful info. Even, then I was hesitant to join because I know seedy porn sites often are gateways to hackers, and I didn’t want to provide any credit card info by paying. When I figured out you could become a VIP member by creating an anonymous account and writing a review, I thought why not? After joining, I discovered there was a discussion board, but also discovered it was a shitstorm of trolling, so I just lurked on an occasional basis for a couple of years. Eventually I realized there was actually some rational thought going on (or at least as rational as a bunch of perverts can be) and jumped in.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Good thread, Nicespice. It's interesting to see everyone's beginning stages here. Especially the old timers.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I found TUSCL when searching on the internet for the best strip clubs in the USA. I expected Las Vegas to have the best clubs and was surprised that some top clubs were in my backyard of Detroit. I wrote a review to get VIP access for a month. I thought a month on this site would be all the time I would ever need. It's now been 11 years.

    At first I avoided the Discussion section because I thought it would be filled with creepy slobbering old perverts. But then I started reading threads and learned that not all the posters slobbered. Around this time I was becoming a regular at the Penthouse and Flight Club. The discussions often contained useful information for a new clubber, like "Never pay in advance." I received a TUSCL education that helped me to deal with strippers and to avoid getting ripped off too badly. After months of reading discussions I started to make comments. Then I began posting my own discussion topics. I developed a TUSCL persona that tried to be funny and I became friends with many posters on this board.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    OT I guess, but this type of thread is why I voted for Nice Spice as one of TUSCL’s top five contributors.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Smash this buttons like thread
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Crazy joe that means a lot bro... Like a shit load
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Yeah i came to the board originally very humble and respectful. I knew these were older men i could learn from

    It was difficult to get bashed like i did. I honestly did almost stop posting several times if im honest. Not sure why i came back for more punishment ?

    I do remember when i said fuck it and lost all respect for those that treated me like shit. Then i fought back... Honestly i eventually took it to fair witch what earned me the troll title...

    In recent times ive been meeting members and building my credit back one member at a time

    Having you guys laugh with me and trust me is huge

    Believe it or not i actually love this community and wish this site and members future success. Hell i hope I'm a big part of making it successful if im honest.

    Seriously Joe those words touched my spirit man
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    I have a shit load of respect for the older men that took me in their wings and gave me my game.. Seriously you men each know who you are and I'm forever grateful and indebted to this community to pass that torch when my time comes as an older man
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Yeah papi chulo is loved by 100% of board and reviewers both

    Definitely without question the next shadow of this site

    Especially with his location and clubs people will definitely seek him out for knowledge and a buddy to chill with at the club

    He has my respect and he is on my bucket list to visit

    Love you papi chulo bro
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    My goal is to be papi chulo clubber lol

    Best i can do at this point i believe lol
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’m still trying to figure it out.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I'd been using other sites but they weren't great. Went to the Googles and found TUSCL. Lurked for a while and then started posting. Nothing too exciting.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    I was in Ohio in the fall of 2000. I was searching on the computer for places to go in the evening, such as night clubs. Somewhere along the line "The Ultimate Strip Club List" popped up and here I am.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Juice would post stuff and mis spell words, ask questions he legitimately did not know the answer to that most people would fake that they knew and be afraid to ask for fear of looking like a fool. Sometimes he spoke like a white person. Sometimes he spoke with ghetto slang. People did not know weather he was white of black. Lots of people thought he could not be real and assumed he was a troll. After being blamed for something for long enough you may as well commit the crime since you are getting the punishment anyway. So he became good at trolling and showed everyone what a troll was...lol. I admit I joined him and caused lots of trouble... haha

    Juice also posted stuff about rough things he had been through in life that most people do not experience that he actually went through. People also assumed this stuff was not real. I can relate, I have had a rougher life than most. Most people would not believe my stories.

    One good thing that came out of this trolling is there were a lot of things that needed to be fixed on the site.

    For example. You used to be able to give multiple trusts or it was called props back then. Look back on my profile and Juices profile or some of the other long time members and you will see multiple trusts from people. Juice had a lot of people ignore him at one time. He may have been the most ignored member here ever. He figured you you could prop or trust someone that had you on ignore so he started putting I love you and stuff like that on peoples props. People really got mad but he was saying positive things.

    He started making other accounts to ask the same questions. His writing style came through and people started hating on those accounts also.

    I thought it was entertaining watching him blow up the board with all the love/hate he recieved. That got me coming back more often.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Hope that explains a little more DC
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Another thing I may add about the discussion board is, it is nice to talk to others and tead comments from others about this hobby as well as other things. I have learned a lot here.

    I also like the fact it is unmodersted and you can say shit and get reactions and watch reactions others get. I feel like i have learned a lot about people in general here.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “@Nicespice do you have Trapbaby blocked? I'm kinda surprised he hasn't commented on the thread yet.”

    Yep, I do. This thread has really high quality answers too. I’m starting to enjoy the feature
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I forget why I stayed or why I still stay, but I'm banned from Stripperweb so this is the only place that would have me. I initially came to this site because it constantly came up when I was trying to look up all the names of the strip clubs in my city (so I could visit them all). I was used to writing reviews about escorts on TER so I wrote a few reviews under my old screen name before switching over to my current one (I made my old screen name when I was 15 and stupid).
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