Joined Dec, 2018
Last Seen Aug, 2022

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CONGRATULATIONS JOE BIDEN FINALLY A REAL PRESIDENT .Yeah nobody gave a single fuck how tired of it we were. Now get ready for the same playbook, turned up to 11. Except…

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Congrats to the WinnersYeah after being called the nasty things the cheating crybabies could imagine for years, and the presumed winners openly compiling enemy lists and advocating…

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strippers getting annoyed no matter what you sayYou can understand women or you can love women, but you can't do both

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CONGRATULATIONS JOE BIDEN FINALLY A REAL PRESIDENT .Not my president. Clearly compromised by China. #Resist!

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Why do a lot of guys online resent/dislike Sex Workers? The men women want to fuck don't need to pay, but simply not paying doesn't make women want to fuck dude

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Who is the most hated member here?@MisterOrange Correct: They would rather have negative attention than no attention at all. Like a spoiled brats throwing a tantrum.

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Who is the most hated member here?A lack of patience for ridiculous, unhelpful, and off-topic gibberish from from trolls or others with the emotional maturity of middle school punks isn't…

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Would You?This sounds more like being a reality show contestant than a lottery winner. Either way, I'm in!

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Early Riser or Night Owl?I used to be a night owl but began really detesting the pattern of hitting snooze repeatedly for an hour every morning. My solution?…

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Is it just a stereotype? Why are all whales (the metaphor), fat?Rich handsome fit dudes are banging hotter for free than the others have to pay to grope is my guess

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First time going herePricey is $100 for three songs with an average gal with less contact than what can be had for $20 with a hottie at…

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That's a no with an emphasis..How about move on to the next gal? Way too many that are smoking hot and (pretend to) like what I like to waste…

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Arizona updateI'm as interested in older gals as they are in homeless men. But some guys will go there for the discount opportunities. On the…

Bourbon Street
2901 E Thomas Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85008I had read desertscrub's review indicating that little had changed post-covid, so I decided to see if I could get my hands on a…

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CircumcisionSuggest baby boys get their foreskins cut off because women (almost certainly in the USA) supposedly prefer cut men and it's perfectly fine and…

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Shower Shows 🚿🧽Coincidentally, they are now doing shower shows at Bourbon street (Phoenix). I have never seen one there in the decades I have been a…

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Where to meet other local SC goers?I have yet to find a decent SC wingman. You are better off gaining the experience and confidence to fly solo

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Centurion Visit Clubs ?Bourbon Street in Phoenix
Also HiLiter if you include trips from over 20 years ago
Working on Christies Cabaret
Also HiLiter if you include trips from over 20 years ago
Working on Christies Cabaret

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The number gameFFS now I had to talk a hooter's gal out of giving me her number until next time. I told her she just met…

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The number gameOk one of the three in the last three weeks has turned into an actual date. That doesnt mean it won't become a cluster…