
How strict are we with publishing reviews?

^ You are an ass hole
I feel like rejecting a lot of reviews, but am I expecting too much?

There seem to be a lot with good specific detail, but only covering 1/4 of what is mentioned in the guidelines. How much detail is enough detail?

With enough of these reviews you can get the full picture of the club, but I’m guessing that having a whole bunch of low quality reviews isn’t as good as only having to read 1 or 2 per club.


  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I reject most of them. Even if the review is long if it's just a roster and description of girls then I reject it. Describing the girls isn't a review of the club.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Yeah one of my "pet peeves" is people that "review" the girls and thats it. Its particularly useless if you've never been and dont know who their talking about but they ramble on about "so and so is leaving at the end of the month" or "so and so is working at a different club".
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Perhaps Founder could always show the Review Guidelines when someone starts a review instead of having to click on the link. Of course not everyone will follow the guidelines anyway, but it might help.

    What I don't like is when someone simply tells a story about his strip club visit. There's nothing wrong with including a story, but you need to include club details like costs.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I reject most reviews.

    Some because they are too short and give no good information. Others because they read like a Penthouse Forum letter. I reject some because they attach specific acts to dancers by name.

    Some of the reviews actually say something like "I know I'm supposed to talk about x, y, and z, but fuck it."

    Once in a while I see one that looks like the PL typed it up using his face. I'm not expecting prose worthy of Hemingway, but I also shouldn't need a Rosetta Stone to sort out a review.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Whenever I reject a review for being too short, I type a remark to "Read review guidelines". I do occasionally let short review through if it is a review of a club with few if any reviews...mostly international ones.
  • 623
    6 years ago
    Do you really want long rambling descriptions of the bathroom layout at follies or tootsies? I’d rather have several half assed reviews of a seldom reviewed club than none at all. Clubs that are reviewed 5 times a week very seldom have new info anyways so stories about HK or COI might be interesting if well written.

    The ones I reject are the no punctuation, all or no caps, horribly spelled and just hard to read or too short ones. If the reviewer can’t be bothered to add effort then it shouldn’t be published. But 5 limited reviews that are readable and at least accurate are quite useful in a new town.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    It's a balancing act. No... I don't need to know about the bathroom troll's uniform ensemble. It's a valid point.

    But, I read reviews from the perspective of a traveler who is new to the city and/or club. What does that guy need or want to know before calling Uber? If that information isn't there, then I'm more likely to reject a review.

    I'm also more lenient when it comes to clubs without many recent reviews and clubs outside the US.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    As I go through the unpublished reviews section, I usually only read reviews for clubs I am familiar with. I don’t put too much emphasis on the length of the review. As long as the reviewer put forth some effort and provides information I know to be accurate, I will usually accept it.

    If I see an unpublished review that is very short and vague, I will read it regardless of which club it is. If it reads something like “I had a good time. There were lots of hot girls. Drinks were priced reasonably. I will return when in the area” I will automatically reject it since that is something anyone can write without ever going into a club.
  • aham5
    6 years ago
    I reject 30% or so.
    Gotta have enough detail for me to decide if it's a club I want to visit
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    What's wrong with listing the girls you met? That's the whole reason you go, right? Would you want to know what you can get with specific girls and the prices you paid?

    That's pretty much what I do in my reviews, so why are they getting approved?
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    I would estimate that about half the reviews I preview don't make the grade for me. You gotta give me the basic costs (cover/drinks/dances) especially if you're commenting on the value (or lack thereof) of services at the club. There needs to be some narrative flow about what happened during the visit; not just a menu listing of what's offered there. Make some personal observations and evaluations and back those opinions up with examples. And don't spend half the review writing about the parking lot!!!
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    "What's wrong with listing the girls you met? That's the whole reason you go, right? Would you want to know what you can get with specific girls and the prices you paid?"

    ^^^ exactly
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I tend to skim most of the unpublished reviews looking for a few details like cost, type of girls, the type of things that show me the reviewer actually went to the club, and that the reviews aren’t just a few words strung together to gain access with no real effort, I do tend to read more carefully and grade harsher clubs that I know, and often when on the fence about a particular review, I defer and leave it to others to accept or reject.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I try not to reject a review bc it doesn't have all the things it should have, I will usually approve it if it at least hss some valuable info even if it's missing other pertinent info.

    To me the most important things are:

    - description of the overall dancer crew, not just the one girl you hung out with

    - costs - particularly dance costs , and VIP cost if possible

    - typical mileage for the club

    Probably my #1 pet-peeve is the not self-aware moron that reviews himself vs reviewing the club - i.e, just talks about himself and his interaction with Bambi and doesn't mention anything else about the club - def good to describe your personal experience but a good overall description of the club needs to be in there
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I don't subscribe to the "this club has been reviewed a 100-times so why repeat 'X' about the ckub" - for one, I would assume that most of the TUSCL traffic is not of folks that are on here all the time and thus are intimately familiar with the clubs - also, it can be that a person is familiar with certain clubs but not others.

    IMO a review needs to be written from the POV of someone who's never been there and doesn't know anything about the club since that is the type of person a review is most helpful to.

    The layout description is nice to have so a PL knows what to expect, but IMO is not a must-have - I will usually describe the layout in detail the first time I review a club then just make a reference to that review in subsequent reviews for layout info -but I will still give a brief description of the physical club in each review (e.g. big or small, free or paid parking, etc).
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    "IMO a review needs to be written from the POV of someone who's never been there and doesn't know anything about the club since that is the type of person a review is most helpful to."

  • nofuglies
    6 years ago
    For me personally, I could care less about the descriptions about the club. Those can be found in countless other reviews of that particular club. I look at club reviews of clubs I either frequent or those I intend to visit in the near future. Costs, current dancer recommendations, mileage updates, changes from previous visits are what I would like to know.

    Pet peeve are those reviews that are obvious attempts at gaining vip access. Tell me something that actually indicates you really did go to the club. Have found that many unpublished reviews of clubs in my area have both incorrect information or no additional information from past reviews of that club.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    I also dont need details about the bathroom... but most of the basics should be covered in every review. Girls, mileage, upscale vs dive, etc. Prices shouldn't be "required" as long as other reviews confirm the prices. The price range is good enough.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    I'm not that picky or structured in approving reviews. I base it off a gut reaction on whether the reviewer made a sincere effort and if I feel it informed my desire to go to or skip visiting the club.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Liwet said "What's wrong with listing the girls you met? That's the whole reason you go, right?"

    I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but if the review is *only* that then it's likely going to get rejected by me, because...

    - Dancers are the least "evergreen" and predictable aspect of any club.

    - Bambi might do x, y, and z for you, but may not want to do any of those things for me.

    "Would you want to know what you can get with specific girls and the prices you paid?"

    Personally, I reject reviews that connect specific acts with specific dancers. To me, that's asking for trouble with LE, the media, club management, or all of the above.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    I’ll be totally honest here. It’s hard to remember EVERYTHING. I have a really hard time remembering dancer names. How many Violets, Roses, and Stars I’ve gotten dances from? I’m sorry I can’t fucking write a review like Papi or Sinclair, those dudes are fucking talented. I try to give people what happened, the vibe, how the lineup was (this is the most important imo) and if I had a good time or not. But some of these details people remember are fucking crazy. I try to remember that when giving the go/no go to other reviews.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    Seriously, Papi Chulo could turn being a mystery shopper from a side gig into his primary income stream. I did that in Chicago for a year or so until it conflicted with my day job. Got paid to eat, drink, and socialize in exchange for a 3-4 page report.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @Liwet - I don't see much value in the reviews that are just a roster of the girls or a penthouse letter about what a guy got from a certain girl and what he paid. Dancers come and go and a lot of dancers are selective about who they will do certain things with and for what price.
  • loper
    6 years ago
    Many times I read reviews of clubs I know well, and then I am happy to only get information about the dancers and their performance. If a club is strange to me, I still don't need to get all of the information in one review, I can scan several reviews. I honestly get bored with reviews with too much information: where the bar is, the decor, the parking lot, etc. I only judge reviews of clubs I know, and then I accept any that provide any pertinent information. I don't reject them if they fail to tell me about the men's room.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    I'm short on time and just stopped by here for a quick look so I didn't read most of the comments but guidelines are just that, guidelines. They are not etched in stone commandments. Vetoing a review because it doesn't describe the club layout or drink prices when they've already been described in numerous previous reviews is ridiculous. Why do some of you insist on having the exact same description of the club repeated review after review? A valid description of the reviewer's experience during his club visit is sufficient for me to approve the review.
    Exception, I always veto obvious shill reviews.
  • loper
    6 years ago
    good comment, Three
  • whodey
    6 years ago
    I go by just one criteria when approving reviews, if I was new to town would the review help me determine if this is a club I should go to or not?

    Obviously the more information the better, but as long as the review is helpful I won't reject it just because they forgot to mention drink prices or didn't describe the parking lot.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If one takes the stance of "it's been covered in other reviews" then multiple reviewers kick the can down the road to where you may have to read 10 reviews in order to get a clear picture of the club - many on here have been on here for a white and thus take for granted that a lot of stiff is just second-nature to them but probably most people that view TUSCL don't know what experiencd TUSCLers take for granted/obvious - the reality is one can cover the basics of a club in a single paragraph with a couple of sentences.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Totally agree Papi! Even with some clubs that have been review a thousand times before there are still big things most reviewers leave out. For instance regional norms: do you need to tip a bouncer/manager, do dancers expect to be prepaid, what level of mileage is ok when tipping the stage, etc...
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    I will recommend publishing if the review tells me about the genre layout so that I can decide on safety and comfort, the total number of girls and scale (0 - 10), the attitudes of the girls, staff and bartender, the mileage report, dollar value. If a club has not had an update for awhile, i am more accepting of lower quality reviews. I do not particularly think that mentioning a dancer’s name is a smart idea for her safety/job/legal.
  • rockie
    6 years ago
    The guidelines don't need to be adhered as strictly as some on here believe. Paul Drake: I personally don't mind input on the dancer rotation, as it helps define for me what day of the week is optimal for my visit when I'm already familiar with many aspects of the club. I also don't need the club structural layout and parking lot nuances to be included in every review on clubs that receive full attention.

    Clubs in Florida's panhandle are reviewed as seldom as 18 months between reviews. Any review that has one believing that a club visit was made, at least confirms that the club remained open as of that visit.

    It's always worth noting the Valet Parking Troll issue sucks at Follies!
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Your thoughts on this review? BTW I did reject it.

    Penthouse Club Baltimore
    January 1, 2019
    Sunday Afternoon
    Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls.
    Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls.
    Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls.
    Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls.
    Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls.
    Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls.
    Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls.
    Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls.
    Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls. Nice girls.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    Penthouse Club in Baltimore has been known for having nice girls and not much else. So technically the review is accurate, but has some style issues.
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