What to do about hotties that won't do VIP?

avatar for shadowcat
Recently I have been enjoying dances from a very cute, just my type of dancer at my favorite club. She has shown her appreciation for the money I fork over to her by increasing the mileage to as far as you can go publicly but keeps saying no to VIP.

I even asked her "Are you a virgin?" She laughed and told me she had a 2 yo son. I wouldn't have guessed that she had any. She has asked what I wanted in VIP and I told her what I like. I've offered more than the standard price and still get no for an answer.

I've just about given up on VIP with her but can't lay off of her dances.


last comment
avatar for Summit21
7 years ago
I always wonder what the % dancers willing to do VIP at Follies. Something like 80% VIP 20% no?

Sounds like she's a new dancer?
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
If you're inspired to go back for more, then I would say it's working out OK.

I would be more worried about getting into a rut by looking for the same experience on every visit and dropping all other standards in a single-minded pursuit. The crazy thing I have noticed about women is half the time if you accept what they're willing to offer, once they can tell you're serious about it, they offer more. It's almost as though some of them enjoy being appreciated as individuals.
avatar for Lord_Cthulhu
7 years ago
Front room tentacle makeout session. Then when it is time to insert your hectocotylus, you invite her to the vip.
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
Does she do OTC?

If she's not providing more over time, you need to cut back your funding over time. You can't be giving her the same amount of money for the same experience. Every additional time you see her is going to be less exciting than the previous time you see her so she either needs to up the excitement level or accept less money because she's giving you a worse experience than before.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
Ya... I had one of those at Follies, but then I forked over $400. Ya I know, I'm that guy who's fckn it up for the rest of you cheap/broke niggas
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

If she's the dancer we discussed via PM, I'd keep working on her as time passes. Worth the bucks and effort, I believe. That said, set a total limit you will NOT exceed, and go for it.

And make sure she knows it isn't a one and done.
avatar for ToyChaser
7 years ago
All these prostitutes or "Dancers" as you regular mongers like to call them will do VIP, they are all trash. Offer more money, and sometimes you can't just offer money. Some prostitutes don't like to feel like its just prostitution, attempt to make a "connection" with these women by conversing with them more. From your comments it seems like you aren't very aware of who she is, seeing as how you didn't even know she had a 2 year old son.
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
Maybe she’s married or has a boyfriend/baby daddy who doesn’t want her providing extras. If it’s a busy club she can easily make decent money doing floor dances all night. Whatever her reason I don’t think you’re gonna get what you want. I know I’ve turned down really big money because I didn’t want to cheat on my bf at the time (looking back I should have, lol)
avatar for ToyChaser
7 years ago
Zoey101,may be correct but,

Most of the girls who don't think their prostitutes will say the "boyfriend or married line". That's when you hit them with the insults, most of these girls have low self esteem it's not very hard to strike, strike hard.
Don't be desperate about it though there are too many easier girls.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
Nothing. Just accept she doesnt do extras and find another ho.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
OK. More information.

No Clubber. Not her. This one is younger and much cuter. In fact barely 20. Says that she is afraid of a LE bust in VIP. I asked her if she would be more comfortable OTC and she said maybe but that hasn't worked yet either.

Of course with my present medical condition it will be at least a month before I am back in action.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Send her a note and some flowers, I’ve done that a few times and it worked wonders, but only to her home not the club, if you send them to the club, they’ll just get dumped and she’ll feel a need to posture in front of the girls, but if you send them to her home she’ll see them for several days and wonder about what you are doing.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Civilian approach, whatever works, then after rapport is developed, see her outside, or front room makeout session and VIP.

Never treat a woman like a prostitute, never act like money buys her or like she sells sex or sex acts.

I always engage with all women in a civilian manner.


Robin Trower - Live
avatar for londonguy
7 years ago
^^^ I think there are probably undiscovered tribes in the deepest depths of the Amazon that knew you were going to say that.
avatar for GeneraI
7 years ago
I know a 20 year old that wont do "VIP" with some guys because shes discussed by the thought of sucking an old guys dick or whatever else hes asking for. She doesn't NEED the money so she's able to choose who she does what with.
avatar for londonguy
7 years ago
Shadow, I think the choice is persevere gently or resign yourself to getting what you do?
avatar for ButterMan
7 years ago
So I take it VIP at follies must mean fucking or some other type of extra? because a VIP at some doesn't always mean that. Thats one reason I usually don't do them at some clubs, they seem to be a waste of money. I always say if I'm going to spend that kind of money i'd rather spend it OTC.
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
Just move on to the next one that will.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
If you refuse to treat them as civilians, what do you expect. Civilianization is the simplest concept of all.

avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Do you enjoy the challenge or just want to fuck?

If the former, I say make sure she knows what you want (sounds like she does) and then cut way back on the frequency you spend on her. Not enough to lose her, but enough that is obvious. Then make another proposal after a month or two.

If you just want to fuck her, take the JS69 route.

Of course, I really don't know what the hell I'm talking about because I've never done OTC or VIP. That has never stopped me from opining before though.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Maybe your month recuperating is a good thing? You will be out of Follies for awhile. During that time - it’s possible this dancer will experience more - and she’ll see that there are very few raids in the Follies VIP.

She might loosen up so that she will start doing VIP. Hopefully by the time you are feeling healthy, she will be ready to show you a good time!
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Finding a girl that doesn’t do extras at Follies.... yeah great same as the one girl I met at a club on 8 mile in Detroit that doesn’t do them either.

Of course, of all the girls on 8 mile, that’s the one I want the most. Funny how it works that way.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
It's a crapshoot - no surefire way to get a dancer to do "VIP" - some never go there and some eventually come around to it if they dance long-enough - her being so young is kinda a negative vs a vet dancer.

If she's pretty-popular and sells dances fairly-easily she may do well-enough w/ that to not have to lust-after the VIP-$$$ - but there are times they may need an influx of cash above-and-beyond their avg and then they sometimes then take the plunge.

She knows where you stand - not much else you can do - if you enjoy her dances then might as well - I don't think cutting her off would work especially if she's popular and in a club that usually has a good amount of $$$ flowing in it like Follies.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
My guess is that they will gradually expand the borders of what they will do or won't be working at those clubs for long.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^ Does sound likely.

avatar for motownkid
7 years ago
If you really enjoy her company - focus on enjoying what she is offering - when it is no longer pleasurable for you - let her down lightly. She will respect that and might end up coming back to you with expanded borders. I have to say I know a few girls like this - if I find them incredibly sexy - I just enjoy them for what they offer. I find they tend to loosen up as time goes on. In the mean time - I just enjoy the ride.
avatar for eyeamlong
7 years ago
Years ago, I had several in my favorite club, that wouldn't do it, in the VIP room .. but had no problem fucking me on the back row couch.. In the last month Two Cuban dancers, have been added to my grinders row list.... I'm starting to like this club again....
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
So I go to check out eyeam's reviews to see if he was talking about Follies. My eyes are still burning from that Dec 2017 recap. Boss reply comment to MrEddy expressing what many readers would be thinking, though.

As for Shadowcat's dilemma, peer pressure? How many chicks in that place will put in a good word to the dancer who's on the fence?
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
If she needs peer pressure to follow through, she probably won't be very enthusiastic about it. Could lead to major let down.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
By any chance is this gal's stage name a 1930s screen siren? It's been a while since my last visit but I recall being pretty disappointed when she told me she didn't do VIPs.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
No Will. It's not her. She's not even on my dance card.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Option 1: She has limits and she intends to stick by them (at least for now).

Option 2: She has a higher price and you haven't offered it yet.

If it's worth it to you, then offer well above the going market price and see what happens. If not, play the long game and hope that her limits erode over time.
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
She’s not an extras girl. The only things that can change that are (1) extra money, and (2) the passage of time. You’ve already offered more money and I bet you don’t want to offer more, so now it’s a waiting game. Give her a few more months working at your fav club and there’s a good chance that her morals will weaken substantially.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
Every stripper has her price.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
@shadowcat, younsaif you’d mentioned OTC and that she wasn’t entirely opppsed to it, but that it hasn’t worked out.

By “hasn’t worked out”, do you mean she’s made excuse after excuse whenever you’ve mentioned it, or you just haven’t been able to do soon after getting out of the hospital?
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Go for broke or go home lol

Your playing a chumps game lol
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> Your playing a chumps game lol

holy shit, I just had an epiphany! If shadowcat did get VIP with this dancer, he would just be paying money to exacerbate his own sexual frustration
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
GMD - Prior to my latest medical problem I told her to think about it and let me know. I didn't want to exert too much pressure. Well she hasn't gotten back to me.

Meanwhile I haven't been going without. #2 favorite is back at the club after a month or so of being gone. Got in a very good VIP session before getting ill. #2 is kinda flaky but when she is on, she is right on. I may try playing her against #1.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

Better to concentrate on getting your health back and the ladies, afterward! :)
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Yes mother! :)
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
“she hasn’t gotten back to me”

Might be worth a “have you thought about it anymore” conversation right before you go to VIP with #2.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Text her some dick-pics - if that doesn't work then there's something seriously wrong with her
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Yeah. I'm sure she would get excited seeing me right now with a catheter hanging out of my dick. :)
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Best is if you have never talked to her in any way which is not 100% civilian.

Then likely she will eventually go out with you, just probably it has to be civilian.

But once you treat her like a prostitute, then your chances become zero.

avatar for Lord_Cthulhu
7 years ago
Maybe she's turned off by your colostomy bag?
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
Reminds me of the old joke.

Would you let me fuck you for a million dollars?
Of course!
Would you let me fuck you for $100?
What do you think I am?
We've already determined that. Now we're negotiating.
avatar for hoarker
7 years ago
A couple veteran clubbers once told me the best times for negotiating with strippers are the 4th & 19th of every month. Rent & car payment 4 days late respectively. I’ve found this to true.
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