
Self improvent and girls

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Been on a low calorie diet with lots of walking every other day...was daily but I was getting an unhealthy obsession with it...four to six hour walks spaced out but per day....doing Evey other day as s forced brake to let my body heal...

Since I've been dropping pounds and recently got a clothing upgrade because I was to small for all my old clothing...I've been starting to get female attention at odd times lol

Good example was a few days ago I was walking through the parking lot of the local grocery store and this average looking female but still very attractive...slows her car down and tells me to stick with it and that um doing a good job lol

I find this sweet and it happens a more tan you think..especially since my new clothing looks rather stylish.

I understand female in general can be very mothering and I enjoy that bout them...I also understand not every girl that says hello to me wants the dick lol...although I wish :)

When I was at my largest I never got these comment's...I also didn't dress well...rather poor or homeless looking to be honesty

I'm taking it as signs I'm on that correct path to becoming sexually attractive to the opposite sex again

What do y'all thank ?


  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Two thoughts: One congratulations on your newfound fitness/healthplan and tow: how would she know you're doing it unless you knew her before?
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    Wish I was fat. When I workout ladies just go about like business as usual, except the fat thirsty ones do become 1000x more agressive.

    Oh well gotta start somewhere : )
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    I lost about 35 pounds last year. Began coloring my gray hairs, updated my contact lenses, bought new clothes and had them tailored to fit. I did all this to prepare for meeting some women through a professional introduction service... Spent thousands to join it, met several ladies but nothing worked out.

    I started thinking about all the lapdances I could have bought instead. And figured, why not start now? I do think the dancers appreciate meeting a man who is clean, wearing fresh clothes, etc.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Thanks man

    To me she was a complete stranger...unless she has been watching me this past year walking and loosing them she said something lol

    I do agree strippers do love it....i do get more stripper attention these days
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    when you start to appeal to the barely legal girls... please let me know. as for cali and mexico that means 18. nevada is 17. (if i remember correctly.) should all be 16. as a bunch of usa states are. if old enough to have a drivers license... old enough to drive my interest.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Keep it up man remember set interim goals and don't beat yourself up over setbacks and most of all never stop trying.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Thanks guy's

    I've got the long term goals in mind with the small one's

    It reminds me of being young and desiring to be big and strong and 300 was such a big deal

    Now it's about getting down to 300 lol

    Getting really close to the goal...got five years before I'm actually 40...goal is to weigh 200 by then

    Keep in mind my heaviest was 430 give or take lol
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    By the end of December I should be at 299 or less
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    I have an idea, juice! You could go on the Subway sandwich diet and become the next Jarod!!!!

    Just don't get into his bad habits...... ;-)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Congratulations. Glad it's working out for you.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I actually do eat subway but not as a diet strategy....I did finally start ordering the six inches rather than the footlong lol...big step for me
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I'm actually staying away from fast food but if I do have it I only eat half of the meal and Chuck the rest

    Small steps down over the long haul will get me my desired long term results
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Eat your veggies! 1) more nutrient dense than any other group, 2) less calorically dense than any other group 3) satiates hunger just as well as a hamburger.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I agree...the older I get and the less calories I eat...the overall goal is to eat more and more nutrition based foods like fruits and veggies
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Cool story, @Juice, and congrats.

    I personally like road cycling and swimming laps, but walking is a weight-bearing exercise and incredibly good for you. As an example, my aunt (blood relative) and uncle are getting close to Guinness World Record territory: she's 101 and he's 103. Common to both, they walked just about every day and practiced a low-fat diet.

    As far as satiating hunger, I like whey powders, salads, and fruit (especially cantaloupe).
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Nice work, man! I think people can tell when you're going the right direction, putting the wind at your back.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    Damn. I smoke, have a 40 inch waist, am bald with some fucked up growth on my pate, have diabetes and heart disease, but they still like my Benjamins. How do you figure?
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Has anyone tried to do real keto and count macros and everything? It seems counter intuitive that eating a lot of fat and some protein and few carbs could be healthy, but I have a friend who is doing it and he is losing like crazy and I know his lazy ass isn't counting macros. I also read that keto is good for blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. He said he recently had a physical and all his numbers were better.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Gawker maybe the more you can resemble Benjamin Franklin the handsomer you get.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Gawker LMFAO OMG brilliant points

    Thanks guys
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    I wish I had ever received a look of attraction from any female.
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I'm planning on buying some pomegranate juice to clean out my arteries a bit. I haven't had any in months. It tastes awful but not much worse than our local lake water. I read studies indicate it removes plaque from the arteries, reduces bad LDL and helps with blood sugar I believe I read when drunk before a meal. I'm only drinking a little bit though.

    I stopped losing weight but I'm not exercising either. Going to get back in the habit when it cools down next week. The heat zaps my energy.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I remember working a summer job with some girls and our first day they didn't know where to put us to work, manual labor stuff so they dropped us off in a basement for 3 hours. The place was barren and it was like sensory depravation. After 2 hours I think all the girls were sitting across from me staring in between my legs and I was staring at them. Everyone was fully clothed so not that exciting, just nothing to do, no phones either. I haven't noticed any college age girls look in between my legs in a while that I've noticed. When girls start getting aggressive, watch out.

    I'm still surprised a dancer asked if I ever worried about a bunch of girls ganging up on me and having their sexual way. Have you guys ever worried about that? The closest thing I could think of was in college about 6 girls were wearing short shorts sitting on a hallway breezeway blocking my way with their legs sitting like in an A shape. After I stood there for a minute, one girl said I could crawl under their legs. If it wasn't concrete, I would have been happy to. I had dreams about that. :)
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    If Juice keeps losing weight, he might be able to get in those tight spots. :)
    In my dream and memory, there was just enough space to crawl under their legs but My shoulders probably would have rubbed up against all their pussies through their shorts. Plus I would have to move my hands around there too unless I grabbed their legs for support. That's if they didn't drop their legs down on top of me. They had hot legs.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    In my dream I crawled under but forgot my book bag and had to do it twice. My hands accidentally rubbed a lot of pussy through their shorts. Then someone in my dorm wondered how I got so dirty. ;)
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    Good job, Juice. I made a commitment to getting fit a few years ago and have maintained it. Wanted to be more attractive to women after my marriage fell apart. But it's more than that. Does wonders for your self-esteem when co-workers and acquaintances comment on your improved appearance. It serves as further motivation to continue working hard.
    By the way, I'm watching Octopussy right now, starring the late Sir Roger Moore. Lots of hot babes in this movie, more so than your typical Bond flick.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Juice, can I belittle you and call you "fat fuck" on a daily basis in order for you to stay vigilant in your quest to slim down?

    My favorite thing to do is calling out fat bitches on the streets. The other day a fat lady was going through the McD's drive through, and I yelled "you shouldn't be in the car eating, you should be outside pushing!" Lol! Sorry....
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