
Where do you sit - Bar, Main Floor, Along the backwall, Perv Row or straight to

Sunday, January 29, 2017 12:27 PM
I'd expect most TUSCL'ers to be amphibious - that is - tried all locations depending on the club/mood etc. But which is your usual spot when you first enter a club? (of course, if there's a seating choice. if the club is full - obviously no choice!) For me it's around the middle of Main Floor with decent view of all stages. No reserved or VIP seating areas. This is a great neutral place to start and be seen by all prospective dancers. Occasionally, I'd start at other locations right after entering the club: CR: Never Bar: If I know dancers to be high hustle in this club and I really want to scan the lineup first. Perv Row: Don't have this in Austin or San Antonio. Not for me. I have seen custies start their clubbing from there. Wall side seating: If all I want is dances from known dancer(s) - head straight for the secluded spots. (not often) VIP area: Same as above. Actually, if someone has an account on stripperweb, ask in their customer section - what's dancer's impression of custies 1st choice of seating. (Rickdugan?) In my experience, I receive more attention from dancers trying to yank me out of main floor to the next upgrade (wall-side, VIP, whatever) - and their success carries forward in a better session. On the downside, shy dancers don't approach for fear of rejection in full view.


  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    My two spots: 1. If I"m comfortable in that particular club, I like to sit at the row of tables nearest the stage -- but not AT the stage. Close enough that I can see the girls from close up, but no obligation to tip, or even to keep my attention on the girl on stage 2. If I'm not comfortable at the club, or just feel like easing into it, I sit at a table nearest the bar. This maximizes the amount of female foot traffic walking by me as girls walk between the stage and the bar, but keeps me off the ground zero for socializing, the bar
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    There are a lot of variables. But generally I like to sit with my back to a wall. That way I can always see who is approaching me. Nothing worse than having a cute face look over your shoulder from behind you and ask if you want company. You say yes and the cute face is attached to a water buffalo.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Main floor
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I normally sit at the bar b/c I wanna be out of the way observing what's going on - I don't care much for the stage and prefer to keep an eye out on the floor - I don't like sitting at a table b/c too many dancers invite themselves to sit at your table and I don't like/wanna spend half my visit having convos w/ dancers I'm not interested in - I rather stay out of the way and observe and only interact w/ the dancers that interest me. A while back I did read a SW thread where I think some of the dancers said they assume guys that sit at the bar are there to drink and not spend $$$ on dances but it's the opposite for me since I don't drink much (just one lite beer)
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Not saying this applies to all clubs, but at some clubs I've been to the bar faces in the opposite direction of the stage. So you gotta sort of turn around in your chair to see the stage. I don't like doing that. Plus, bar chairs are generally not as comfortable as seats on the main floor
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    If one of my friends in particular is working at the bar I'll usually go there. She'll tell me which of my regulars are working and any club gossip she can tell me. I also have a huge PL crush on a waitress so I'll sit in her section. She's actually a platonic friend; she know I want OTC with her but she's otherwise involved and quite happy, soI don't pester her. If it's a day and time where I'm a stranger, I'll often sit at a table by the stage so I can check out any prospects up close. Where I sit is like Juice deciding what hands to push, limp in or be aggressive: lots of variables!
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I sit at a table near the stage. In my favorite clubs, these tables are free, while booths cost $20.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    at synn coi i sit where i can lessen the reflection of the fuckin stage lights. blinding. and at srcoi i try to sit near the stage stairs. at dvcoi i usually am near the bar and dj booth. and at my most favorite strip club ever... i am near the front entrance.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    If the club is set out to allow it, I'll usually pick a spot at the bar that allows me to watch the stage. Bonus if it lets me watch the door to the dressing room. If that's not feasible, I'll find a table that gives me those views. If there's a smoking area, I'll try to watch that.
  • sflguy123
    7 years ago
    What papi said. If you sit at a table, by yourself, girls are more likely to approach you and even just sit down and then might be hard to get rid of. I exclusively go to the bar. If multiple bars I'd go to the biggest bar. Some clubs like Tootsies have standup style tables those are good also.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Usually the bar is best for me, it's easier to get rid of the ones you don't like and service is generally better at the bar there's less pressure to tip, the bartenders that know me steer the dancers i like, towards me and generally don't try the "buy the lady a drink bullshit" An added benefit is the ability to scan the room easily because you are sitting higher than the tables and if you pick one of the corners even if the bar is not facing the stage you can sit at an angle making it easy to see stages dressing rooms etc. Of course if it's busy you might not have a choice but since most of my visits are day shift it usually isn't a problem for me.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Main floor
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    7 years ago
    Most of the clubs I'm familiar with I would go to the Main floor, where I would sit would depend on the layout of the club. Definitely want to scope the stage first. If I'm new to a club I sometimes make a beeline to the men's room to drain the snake just so my eyes can adjust, especially when coming into a dark club from a sunny afternoon.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "You say yes and the cute face is attached to a water buffalo." i wish. usually its a dog face attached to a water buffallo or a cute face attached to an ironing board.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    i like to sit either at the bar or close to the stage. i like open areas so im easily visible. seems to draw more dancers than sitting in a corner.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    If it's a club that's new to me, I'll find a spot to stand so I can take a quick look around and see how the place is laid out. Then I'll pick a seat that looks like it has good foot traffic. Easiest to learn about a club from the people who work there. There's always the stuff I read here, but that's more like background info I used to decide where to stop in. If it's a club I've been in before, then it's just based on whatever I learned from a prior visit.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've heard crazyjoe prefers to sit in the toilet, to each their own
  • indymovieman
    7 years ago
    In the 2 clubs I frequent, one is pretty small and one is decent sized. The smaller one I sit at a table with my back against a wall...but it is the first (and only) row by the stage (not perverts row.) The bigger club, I sit on the main floor with a good view of all stages in use.
  • bang69
    7 years ago
    I sit main floor near the exit. Incase I have to leave in a hurry
  • sp
    7 years ago
    if it is my local club, like Hugh, I head right for the men's room to get my eyes adjusted and then to the bar as it is not full during the afternoon hours. if I travel north then it is the stage side chairs facing the large stage. they usually ask before they sit on your lap so you can be as picky as you want. I haven't had a water buffalo sneak up on me in awhile but the thought does cross my mind. For a new club, I usually check here first to get a lay of the land and then decide once I see it.
  • Imamutt
    7 years ago
    Main floor near the door until my eyes adjust then to the bar with my back to the bar or a table near the bar or a wall. I generally like to keep my back to the wall and the entrance in view, out of the way of traffic but with a good view of the stage(s).
  • 3LeggedMan
    7 years ago
    Despite what OP says I park in Perv Row at Landing Strip or Perfect 10 in Austin. They have small tables stateside and the view is outstanding! Only problem is the fog machine at P10. Otherwise, Good Times!
  • 3LeggedMan
    7 years ago
    * stageside, DYAC
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Depends on the club, but the bar is the default.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    For me it usually does not matter or the club is so full on a late Friday night, that there is only 1-2 tables free, so I just get what's available and I don't worry about it. If you asked me in 2015, I would have said the tables stage-side (perv's row) since I would prefer to be close to stage to "shop off of the stage" as I was directly tipping and asking girls to sit with me or to get dances that way. So closer to the stage the better. If you asked me in 2016, I would have said at a table, near the back. Since I'd get approached more with dancers on the floor. Here I'd wanted to sit and talk more and get dances instead of interacting with the stage.
  • Mainster
    7 years ago
    Depending on my mood, I'll post up at the bar so I can watch the room, or I'll find something along the wall reasonably near the main stage. I like chatting with the girls, and that can't be done while she's on the platform. The bar or the wall are both good for those. If I know the place I try to find a seat that allows for a little camouflage for whatever groping the lady will allow.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Depends on the club, at most at table near the stage so I can tip and tell the stripper I am interested in her stopping by. At my favorite club along the back wall at the high seats, then after that if i get up wherever I can find a new seat.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    I only go for amphibious seating when I bring my swim trunks.
  • keyfitter11
    7 years ago
    Where I go, it's the bar. It's literally 2 steps away from the main stage. I'll wait for the right girl to come along and then move to chair in the back with her for a dance or two.
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