"where we prefer the waitress."

avatar for Jascoi
near the bottom of each page on the site there is a sentence...it changes from page to page. like right now it says the ultimate strip club list. "let's do her bareback." on the previous page I was on it said "where we prefer the waitress." some of these clubs that I've been to in the US have got some absolutely awesome looking waitresses. and a lot of them have a nice personality. sometimes really nice. in one of the clubs I go to a very attractive waitresses turned into a dancer. damn... she is so hot. now a fantasy has cleared the first hurdle. i've gotten a LM dance from her.


last comment
avatar for ime
9 years ago
I see this right now

Getting lap dances on a budget of KFC fried chacken
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
This has been discussed so many times.

You're sitting in the club and the 2 hottest girls are a waitress and/or working behind the bar.

It's often debatable that you think they are hot because you can't have them or are they really that hot.

My last 4 trips to a stripclub, 3 of them I was crushing on a waitress or shot girl more than the strippers. Ugh!!!!
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Shot girls can be very hot, also. Too bad they are generally annoying.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I have a wicked crush on a waitress at the club. So far we're 'just friends' LOL
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
The exact opposite of stripperweb.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
^if the waitress is hotter than all the dancers, I leave.(unless the waitress is an 9+ and there's a few 8 strippers).
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
that's the situation. when I say hot... I mean she's HOT!
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
If PL's walked out of clubs everytime the waitress was the hottest chick in the joint, there would be an awful lot of empty clubs!
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
We had much discussion about waitresses. In some clubs it is understood that girls first serve as waitresses to get acclimated to the environment. And in some they do a really bothersome drink hustle.

My view is that you should just take the most sexist position possible and assume that waitresses are there for your pleasure, and treat them like dancers.

In clubs which are supposed to be no touching and where lap sitting is prohibited, I've gotten waitresses sitting on my lap. They go for it because they are intrigued by the sexual attention that the dancers get, and because they are not really trained about all the rules.

Anyway, first thing to do is find out why she is a waitress instead of a dancer.

1. New, getting acclimated. Very good chance to talk to her. One at the Pink Poodle ( nude ) did not like what they do on stage. "That's what it is, showing, not dancing." So I explained to her that those girls are not really naked. They are impeccably dressed, in high heels and makeup, for showing pussy. And us guys like that, when it is done deliberately that way. Soon, with that new understanding, she softened up completely.

2. Is a dancer, just filling in.

3. SO, this is what you most want to detect.

And as always, front room friendliness, feeding her money, instead of letting her sell you dances. Save back rooms until really needed, or just go to outside meetings.

In some of the gallery pictures for the TJ HK Bar they have French maids dusting the pictures.

avatar for jsbach
9 years ago
^^^ Don't let the bastards drag ya down, SJG... I'm not sure I ever noticed those tag lines at the bottom of the page. Whoever writes them is funny AF. "Home of the best Indian movers" kills me!
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
I haven't seen the French maids dusting the pictures at Hong Kong. perhaps they are dancers in a photo shoot. in fact there are extremely few females that work at the club besides the dancers. off hand I can only think of two and they're very obviously mainline lesbians.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
The tagline at the bottom of the page had always been static and read "More than a list. It's the evocation of a culture".

JohnSimth69 created a thread a couple of months ago saying the tagline was lame and should be something else - we went to town w/ all sorts of alternate taglines (some of which are inside jokes that won't make sense to some) - then the submissions to the thread became the rotating taglines one sees now (some speculate is was TUSCLer "rech" whom hacked the website and created the rotating tagline) - below is the original tagline thread:

avatar for jsbach
9 years ago
^^^ that's why the culture one seemed familiar. Much more entertaining this way. If it was hacked, hats off to the hacker.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
and not that I blame them. it is incredible the number of beautiful pussy that walks around here. and they're all available . and I must admit... I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
avatar for jsbach
9 years ago
Damn half of them are yours, Papi. You're a funny MF. I also like the FarmerArt tribute one. Sweet and hilarious.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
sj gay... there's a lot of waiters here... you'll love it .
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
IME more often than not the higher end clubs tend to have the hot-waitresses and if they are fairly high-end clubs they will usually have good-looking dancers also.

I've gotten dances from waitresses 2 or 3 times and they've usually have not been very good even if they tried - one of them *was* probably the best-looking chick in the club - she was a short early-20s Colombian (5'1?) w/ sraight jet-black hair down to the middle of her back; pretty face ; meaty but not thick - and one of the best pair of natural tits I've ever seen in my PL-life - PERFECTLY round like baselballs and very full and super-firm - incredible.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Interesting. I didn't realize justme62 was transgender. ;)
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Everyone should sample the waitress at least once. She is the forbidden fruit of the strip club world but not unobtainable.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Yeah, because you need a liscense to dance here but not to bartend, you sometimes see super hot freshly 18 cuties behind bar. Especially in the booze free nude clubs.

One other the clubs here actually tells their bartenders not to talk to customers too much, figuring of guys are flirting with the bartenders, they aren't buying dances. It's a mediocre club, but it pulls hot, low mileage girls.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Hah, I had a feeling that "we prefer the waitress" was one of mine. There's two types of "we prefer the waitress" situations:

1. You go into a strip club, and the lineup is so terrible that the waitress is the hotter one. Antidote: find a new strip club

2. Every time you go into a strip club, you are ALWAYS attracted to the waitress. I have a name for these types of guys: "dipshits". PIning away for, and throwing money after the waitress, "unobtainable" factor or not, when there are legit pretty girls around who will wiggle around on your lap, is just dopey to me. One of the guys I SC with is very often attracted to the waitress. I just roll my eyes, but he seems to enjoy himself, so that's what matters
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
It's a power thing. You just prefer a different type of domination.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
"Brought to you by the usual gang of idiots." is my fave so far.
avatar for DandyDan
9 years ago
Well, who wouldn't want the waitress? Not that the dancers are horrible, but other than the one club (or more accurately, dive bar) which deliberately hires old dancers to be their waitresses, every club with waitresses has waitresses who are essentially wannabe strippers. And most of them are available for OTC, too. Hell, even at regular bars, there isn't a waitress or bartender who isn't available.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 years ago
Waitresses are attractive because they are "forbidden fruit". They are also often really hot girls who want a taste of strip club money, but without the additional baggage of being a stripper.

There has been only one time that I pulled a hot waitress for dances, and eventually, a short stint of OTC.

SC dancers can get very territorial about waitresses and bartenders cutting into their action. Something to keep in mind.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
My aforementioned buddy who is often attracted to the waitress, has had every waitress-style experience. On the one side, he once asked a waitress to go OTC, she said yes, and then he spent the night trying to impress her -- buying rounds of drinks (including for her), tipping her super big, etc. You all know what's coming already: at the end of the night when he asked again about the OTC, she shut him down HARD. Normally I'm furious when one of my buddies gets played so badly, but in this case, I honestly still think it's funny. She's the fucking WAITRESS. Of course she was playing out.

On the other hand, my buddy almost once captured the unicorn. There was a crazy hot waitress, who he built a great relationship with, to the point where she was sending him naked pics, letting him grope her everywhere in the VIP, and had agreed to go OTC with him. And this time, it was a genuine offer -- she wanted to double-date so she set me up with her favorite stripper BFF, and we were working it out. I remember telling him that after years of telling him what a douchebag he was for pursuing the waitress, this time I was crazy impressed he was going to bag this girl.

Alas, my buddy has "I'm in a room full of strippers but I want to pursue the waitress" type judgement. He got drunk and started to talk to her about a political issue he is passionate about. Fucking idiot. If I were there I would have changed the subject, but I wasn't. Well, it turns out that he has "old successful person" politics, and she has "young girl with purple hair, nipple rings, whose career pinnacle so far is working as a waitress in a strip club" politics. You will be shocked -- SHOCKED! -- to learn that the two had different views on the police and use of force. And he was so disgusted he pulled the plug on her. And therein passed his one chance in 25+ years of stripping to finally bag a hot waitress.

I told him what an asshole he was for talking politics with her, and that most likely, in most strip clubs, there's literally no stripper in the building that ever has the same politics as him, so just STFU on that topic.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
I'm sure the French Maids at the HK Bar, if they actually exist, are dancers, not real maids.

In the US clubs, sometimes the waitresses are younger and not as attuned to the ways of getting money out of guys, so they are easier to talk to.

avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Sometimes the waitresses around me are hot because they are young and want to be dancers and claim "there's a wait (or waiting list) to become a dancer." I am not sure how true that is but some claim that. I also hear of some trying out the club scene, as others have suggested. Often, she's a vanilla cocktail waitress or a retired or retiring dancer.

Although pursuing the waitress, regardless how fun and seemingly difficult, is sort of a waste of energy and time, like subraman suggests. It's a nice fantasy but an odd distraction given all the other available dancers who will perform for you if simply paid them. It is best left to the rare times and not the norm.

I felt the desire for the waitresses most strongly in my younger days (19-23), when I felt I could pursue and have any woman. Sometimes I would spend too much time ITC during a single visit, and I would get desensitized to seeing all of the partly-, semi- and fully-nude dancers. Then I would find myself pining for a waitress. The solution then as it is now, is when those urges occur, it is best to shut them down or just leave.

Nowadays I find I rarely have such urges (37-38). I did it last year, just to do it, to do it, because I always had the waitress-as-a-stripper fantasy. Once was enough.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
" sort of a waste of energy and time"

Well, where I live the clubs are all no touching, zero mileage. So it you can get a waitress talking to you, you are doing well. Better than paying money for an air dance where separation is maintained by keeping the girl on a little private booth stage.

Beyond that it can only be OTC, either civilian or P4P. Often waitresses, being easier to talk with, can be great for civilian dating.

Dancers can too though.

Now long term relationships, that will be hard with any woman, as that is just how it is today.


The Rolling Stones - Exile On Main Street - Soul Survivor
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Place in Sunnyvale has a much loved and really cute and friendly bar tender. H. Strictly civilian.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Sometimes I do find the waitresses more desirable for 2 reasons:

1) a club that seems to insist on hiring all skinny girls w/ no tits (or fake ones); don't like either - thus I may see a meaty waitress w/ big natural tits popping out of her tight uniform and I'll want her and her big natural tits over the skinny bitches

2) a mixed club w/ few AA dancers and I may see a AA waitress and wanna get w/ her

I also like variety and like getting w/ as many sexy hos in the club as I can and at times have had my eye on a sexy waitress even though I usually just focus on the dancers.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
We're just killing time in between visits.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
This place, Blue Flame, on the Western outskirts of Atlanta, has photo pages for dancers and for waitresses. I interpret that to mean that the waitresses are also available as dancers, should the need arise.


avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
And so if that is true, I'd likely be inclined to go for a waitress, as she probably doesn't get as much of that sort of attention as dancers do. But, I would make sure I found out why she was a waitress instead of a dancer. I'd be wanting to detect the presence of an SO.

And always, front room intimacies, not letting her sell dances. Save the back rooms until needed, along with just taking her home with you.

avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
I popped into the deja vu in the city of industry last night and damn... a hot new waitress. a really HOT new waitress. shit. even ups the bar on the previous hot waitresses that I had... considered a 9.5. what a body. to bad her face is only an 8.5. she's got the Native American nose. but I'll certainly take her easily as she is. after all I got a little bit of the Native American and me too
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
'and' should be 'in me too.'
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
So justme, did you find out why this new hot waitress is a waitress instead of a dancer?

Try to treat her like a dancer? Get her sitting on your lap?

avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
not yet.
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