I've discovered the penile fountain of youth
layin low but staying high
If you are over 50, then you have already experienced, or will most likely soon experience, some degree of ED issues. This is usually not a big deal because ED meds work well. But for me at least, it's still not quite the same with ED meds. I'm easily hard enough to do everything, but I remember it being different when I was a young man. When I was younger I got hard from a stiff breeze, and I was solid as a rock. And I stayed hard for a long time, even without sex. I got so hard it could make a metal detector go off.
I didn't used to get hard like that as an older man. Even with ED meds, the amazing penis of my youth seemed to be a thing of the past. Until recently. I have now discovered the penile fountain of youth. I'm now hard as a rock just like in my youth, and I can get hard from the most minor sexual thought or feeling. And I stay hard even with no further sexual stimulation. Plus there's a nice difference now compared to when I as younger. Now I can easily last 10-20 times longer than I did as a young man. I can go seemingly forever. And I can do this without ED meds. This is in sharp contrast to my experience as a younger man when I often struggled to last until she had an orgasm.
The secret is marijuana. I have noticed these effects of weed for a while, but lately I've been testing it by fucking the same woman back to back totally sober, and then with weed. The effects are amazing, far beyond anything that any ED med has ever achieved. I now almost always fuck high because my performance is so great.
If you google the sexual effects of weed, you will read that it enhances libido and reduces inhibitions. All very true and a good reason to have the woman you're with high as well. Sure I'm horny without weed but when you're with a woman who will do whatever you ask, it's fun to raise the horniness to a new level. I provide much better oral pleasure when high. And with the DC I'll even lick her asshole. And if I ever fuck a woman in the ass, marijuana will get most of the credit. Or blame. Nothing else could get me there. This enhanced horniness is one of the reasons that I love strip clubbing high.
As for the effect of weed upon men's sexual performance, there is very limited scientific evidence both ways but most web sites conclude with a vague warning that weed might make ED worse. That's total bullshit from my experience.The reason why some web sites suggest that it might be otherwise is because (1) weed can't be thoroughly studied because it's so good it's illegal even for researchers, and (2) there is still a strong anti-marijuana attitude in society that traces its roots back to that idiotic movie decades ago.
Here's the truth. Weed returns me to my sexual performance as a young man in a way that no other drug has ever come close to doing. I get as hard as possible, and I stay there pretty much as long as I want to.
This is really awesome with a multi-orgasmic woman. The DS, for example, often has 3+ orgasms while I fuck her through it all. It's very obvious when she cums because her young vagina squeezes me tightly and then releases. She does that over and over.
And the other thing is that my orgasms are out of this world on weed. The best way I can describe it is that an orgasm happens in slow motion. The entire process which usually lasts for something like 15-30 seconds now lasts much longer. Ive had some orgasms that literally lasted for five minutes or even more. Almost all of them last at least 2-3 minutes. I never knew that such a wonderful thing was possible. It's not at all unusual that I tell my partner that I'm cuming but it's minutes later until I'm complete.
Here the last thing about weed. It gives me phenomenal control over my orgasm. I think I could cum in 5 minutes, although admittedly I've never tried. Or I can wait 45 minutes. Or anywhere in between.
Interestingly similar things happen when urinating high. It takes a long time to get started, and l it comes out slowly. I can literally stand at a urinal for 3 minutes. And it feels good. Not anything like orgasmic good but much more pleasurable than usual. That's actually how I knew I was high the first time. I left the urinal to return to dinner with the DS and was amazed at how pleasurable it was to piss. And I realized that this has never happened in my life.
Some web sites claim that these feelings of sex lasting longer are because weed distorts perceptions of time. There might be some truth to that because weed can alter time perceptions. But so what? If it feels better or longer than usual then it is better and longer. My feelings are what's important in evaluating the quality of my sex. But distorted perceptions aren't most of what's going on here. Several sex partners who were not high have confirmed that sex with me is much longer and better when I'm high. And I've glanced at a bedside clock a few times and confirmed my perceptions of time.
The effects of marijuana vary from one person to another, so I'm sure that some people won't experience the dramatic effects that I have. And some might have even better sexual improvement than I do, if that's possible. But you don't know until you try it. So if you don't smoke, suggest to your fav stripper that you smoke some weed before sex on your next date. The effects are just too good to pass up. I can teach you how to do it easily, inexpensively, safely, with the latest technology, no smell, and no legal entanglements.
I know many of you are opposed to drugs and won't try it. That's fine. I did my part by telling you what I discovered. But seriously, who do you want to follow the example of? The gravy slurping basement dweller with a gay alter ego who is insane, or the normal PL who regularly fucks the youngest strippers. Trust John.
Ski bum, who cares if that's the reason. It works great.
Since my T level returned to normal via drugs, I no longer need sidenifil as I get plenty of good erections by accident, let alone when needed. But I take the drugs when I go clubbing to be sure I maximize my money. And my CF is always pleased "she" made me so hard. At $1 a dose, no big decision.
Exercise is also really good for getting that college erection back. I've also found that if you breathe into your erection, or at least visualise this, you'll get harder and the orgasm will be more intense. It's a tantric thing. I don't know much about it, but breathing deep during sex will help.
But I enjoy it anyways. It enhances my mood.
My sex stamina is half what it was as recently as 4 years ago.
Maybe I've OD'd on Tits, Ass and Pussy.
What should I try - Viagra or Cialis.
I guess need to get a prescription from doctor
TUSCL members experienced with marijuana have refuted what JS69 is saying.
Though it probably is true that it helps some people relax. But then the real remedy is just for them to look at what it is that is interfering with relaxing, and deal with it. Marijuana certainly will not help. But I can understand why JS69 would think it does. Some people think alcohol helps, others methamphetamine.
And then Mikeya02, he sounds like someone who would like to use enough marijuana to give himself a pre-frontal lobotomy. What can one say to such a person?
The thing that interferes with me relaxing is not having marijuana. But I've already dealt with that.
Roger, try Cialis. It lasts much longer and can support multiple sex sessions in the same day. But they'll all be a lot better with weed. On my last DS date, I had three orgasms in an 8 hour period on both. Not bad for a man that Nina says is 58.
And with what we now know about physical and psychological addictions to chemical mood alterants, I would hope that people would not feel a need to follow that particular aspect of Native American practice.
Meditation, breathing exercises, Yoga, Tantric Sex, all night vigils, who could want more?
And mikeya02, having heard what you are saying now for two years, I don't think you would qualify as much of an example of any marijuana benefits, quite the opposite.
I know pot heads, they are all around me. And you sound exactly like they do.
Sure people can always claim some privileged perspective for nonsense. Even the zen teacher Alan Watts used to make fun of this. It was then about LSD, but then it was how much have you taken.
And then there are some who bore holes in their own heads, because they say it expands consciousness. And so how can your argue against them?
I'm around pot heads regularly. No Thank You! None of them have ever shown any personal insights, or anything.
I work hard for my embodied awareness.