When your favorite gains weight

avatar for rickdugan
I am dealing with this now, with a favorite who I used to take OTC. This is also far from the first time that I've developed a rapport with a dancer only to have her gain a lot of weight as the months and years roll on. When this happens, I often move on and generally stop seeing them OTC. Now I am not talking about a few pounds here, but when they start putting on more serious poundage - certainly not obese, but bigger than I generally like them in a strip club.

So what do you guys do when this happens?


last comment
avatar for SnackBox69
9 years ago
Usually I just lower my payments
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
The only time this has happened to me is when somebody else knocked them up. As soon as they start showing, it is a turn off for me and I drop them. Seems like most of the time they never lose that "baby fat". I would do the same thing if she was just packing on the pounds from diet, etc.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
I wear my "No Fat Chicks" T-shirt.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
These women know they are supposed to be a fantasy. If I'm spending time and money away from the wife, it needs to be worth it to me. I would generally stop spending money and time on the dancer in that case.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Well shit
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
You need to just come out of the clotheset ricky. It would beat complaining about women. Everyone knows, nobody cares
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"I wear my "No Fat Chicks" T-shirt."


"You need to just come out of the clotheset ricky. It would beat complaining about women. Everyone knows, nobody cares"

Double brilliant!
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"These women know they are supposed to be a fantasy. If I'm spending time and money away from the wife, it needs to be worth it to me. I would generally stop spending money and time on the dancer in that case."

Triple brilliant a genuine response!
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
When this happens to Juice, he brings them diet Chackin Fangers and diet Four Lokos
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
I feel genuinely bad when this happens, especially when it is a long time favorite who doesn't do OTC frequently. I've had two within the last 2 years, including the one that I am now dumping. Both were initially adamant that they didn't do OTC but both finally said yes, each after several months. Not only do I hate to lose a good piece of low volume pussy, but that low volume status plus their willingness to change their minds earns them a little extra consideration in my view of the world. But at the end of the day, shelling out serious cash for p4p is only worth it to me if the girl is hot and I just don't find the weight gain on either of the two girls in question to look good on them.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I guess weight gain is better than being preggers.

It's something that's unavoidable with age. Some People don't realize their metabolism changes. To combat that, they have to change their diet and/or exercise. Take me for example, if I ate what I did in college id probably weigh 300lbs now. Today, if I eat a donut my ass jiggles for a week. I have to run like 3 miles on my treadmill if I just smell a cookie!
avatar for Jugo
9 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
avatar for magicrat
9 years ago
As I've said, I occasionally dabble in the sugar baby world. What amazes me is how overweight some of these 19-24 year old baby wannabes are...plus the fact they expect a guy to pay them to be whatever. How do you get overweight at 19? Oh and a little safety tip...these "babies" are pretty damn good at photoshop and angles.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
I find that the most interesting thing that happens is, if I like the girl enough that she's my ATF, I'm waaay more tolerant of weight gain. There have been numerous times where I became attracted to a girl when she was thin, and over time she gained weight to the point that I know if we'd just met that day, I wouldn't have even approached her. But, just because of our history -- I guess a big aspects of lust are in the mind, after all -- she still turns me on.

Of course, even then there's the point of no return, and the nit's time to move on...
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Well, depends on how much weight, how good it looks on her, how much I like her personality, and how good the sex is. If I've seen her OTC more than a couple times, the latter two are probably "very much" and "very good," respectively, so my tolerance for the first two goes way up.

If a girls is going to fuck and suck me just the way I like it, eat my jizz, and cuddle a bit afterwards, I'm not gonna stress some extra weight unless she really balloons. After all, I'm no fit and trim guy, I have little room to talk.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
There's no gentle way to tell her she's gained too much weight. You kinda just have to pass on scheduling and see if she takes the hint.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Ok so this happened to me. One of my favorites was JUST my type. Petite Latina probably 110 pounds. Nice soft ass, flat stomach and tits that were appropriate for her body size. She disappeared for a year or year and a half then returned and was 40-50 pounds heavier. Her tits were big now but they were "fat" tits not just big ones. She also lost the shape of her nice ass and even though it's bigger it doesn't feel as soft as it did before for some reason. She also has love handles and a belly bump.

She's not huge but not the cutie she was. However I was obsessed with fucking her pre weight gain and that still carried over even with the extra weight. I did end up fucking her ITC and now she does me a lotta times just for the cost of the dance I I'm running short on funds and can't tip.

However if she gained another 50 pounds I couldn't see her as she would lose all attraction for me. As it is I have 3 other favorites I can turn too that are all in great shape that I can play with sexually so I've gotten away from this one a bit. If she lost her weight back she'd be back on my radar. Her loss in less income for her I guess.
avatar for ricktheturtle
9 years ago
I'm only offended if they're showing the muffin top. That's an ugly look for a hairless ape. Sort of like a formerly sexy lady turtle that can't pull her head inside of her carapace properly. Aah...yup
avatar for ricktheturtle
9 years ago
I saw my ex recently and she was fat with a capital F. Bitch looked like a damn sideneck. U-G-L-Y she ain't got no alibi. Aah...yup
avatar for ricktheturtle
9 years ago
I still fucked her though. That's how turtles roll. We're horny creatures. I'm double horny because I'm also a rick. Aah...yup
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 years ago
Regardless of what I'm paying her for (ITC, OTC, lap dances, etc.), if a dancer stops being physically attractive to me, then I stop going to her. Yes, sometimes I feel bad about it. But, strip clubs are about fantasy, not nostalgia.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Cmon guys just roll her in flour and aim for the wet spot.
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Trade her ass in on a new model from the spring line up.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
"So what do you guys do when this happens? "

I would say, just keep fucking her.

avatar for Dolfan
9 years ago
I'm with Ishmael, If she stops being physically attractive I start evaluating options. My response is generally proportionate to the severity of the situation. If she's just fluctuating a little, no big deal. If she's up 20% or more over a couple of months or more, in other words steadily trending the wrong way, I'll move on completely. There's plenty of in-between room too. That's not to say there is no value in anything other than looks. Its just by far the biggest factor. I guess I'm a superficial asshole when it comes to strippers.
avatar for DandyDan
9 years ago
Mostly I like them thick to begin with, so if they gained weight, I might like them even more. I wouldn't actually mind if one of my favorites gained a little weight because she feels a little bony sometimes.
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