
Wheres sjg?



  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Maybe he got that motorhome afterall and is cruising down the highway.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    His mother caught him looking at TUSCL so now he's grounded and has to sit in the corner with no online access.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    Maybe he's taking a course in how to say more - with less?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Maybe his keyboard broke from all the abuse

  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    Reviewing his first strip club
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    LOL - that sounds like an all-nighter if not an all-weeker

  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I hope you guys aren't jinxing it. He likes to be a dick on purpose
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    He might have fallen in a giant vat of gravy and drowned.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Maybe he finally ran out of words? I hear Trump has really, really good words in case SJG needs to restock.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    The manager at the one remaining Blockbuster store is on vacation this week so SJG is pulling double shifts to cover for him!
  • motorhead
    9 years ago

    lost his temper
    Now San Quentin guy
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    He's been kidnapped by the underground Mexican table dancing circuit and they took away his keyboard. He's plotting his escape and I imagine he'll be posting with reckless abandon once he's free.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Sincerely, who the fuck cares?
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    I don't find SJG to be too bad, if anything at least he's a little enertaining.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Maybe he wrote an article that was taking hours to upload and it kept crashing the upload servers.

    On the other hand, maybe he found a girl sleeping who really seems to like him, at least while asleep.
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    This served for a good laugh. Despite not reading most of his posts in entirety, hope dude is okay.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    There was a report of an escaped inmate from San Jose feeding the pigeons in the park, across from the Downtown Mental Health Center, witnesses said he was dipping the bread in brown gravy and muttering under his breath about AMP girls the, Vanguard of the Revolution.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    What Corvus said.

    If that weird little fucker SJG has left TUSCL, I won't miss him, though I hope he's OK.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    What MrDuece said.
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    He changed his name to a horse....

  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    He's still writing his April Fools' day post! Last I heard he was up to 100K words! It'll be ace!
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    what MrDeuce said…except of course the part about the psycho rapist being OK that is
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    The police just interrogated me for possible assault on SJG. Apparently after reading TUSCL they thought I was a main suspect when the culprit punched SJG and gave him a mouth full of bloody chiclets.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    SJG shot his mouth off about killing Christians to the wrong group and got his ass beat
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Remember when SJG ran away and he got on his knees and begged you not to leave because he'd go berzerk?
    Well, you left him anyhow and the days got worse and worse and now you see he's gone completely out of his mind.
    And They're coming to take him away Ha Ha
    They're coming to take him away ho ho he he ha ha
    to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time, and he'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats
    and they're coming to take him away ha ha

    .....with apologies to Dr. Demento ;-)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    He might've joined ISIS
  • Eagle1191
    9 years ago
    Perhaps he went on a holy journey and got lost.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Not free for my motorhome travels yet.

    Not into the sorts of troubles you guys describe, so far. But I do plan to be highly involved with hot sexy strippers, I mean waking up in the mornings with them.

    I am getting more and more involved in radical and confrontational political situations. Staying cool, grounded, and deliberate, are always essential. It is quite likely that I will be dealing with violent people too.

    I say that the marginalized do have to organize and act, and that this has to include at least the readiness to use lethal force. What our world is facing is an economic system based on a resurgence of Nazi Eugenics, and it plays on children via therapy and medical abuse. It is those rejected by the middle-class family who fill our psych wards and prisons, and are most likely to be living under bridges.

    So it could well come down to having to punch some 5.56mm holes in some heads.


    I just learned about:
    Kansas City Missouri
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Aleister Crowley: Magick, Rock and Roll, and the Wickedest Man in the World
    by Gary Lachman


    Gary Lachman ( aka Gary Valentine, bass player for Blondie, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee ) has actually written a whole list of very interesting looking books about occult topics.



    And in my view, occult and esoteric groups do, just like religion, support the Right. But is this always true?

    The above book does not seem to be in libraries. I'll try to change this.

    Most occult groups support the Right, but I believe that this does not always have to be so. The Medieval Cathars are not usually seen as supporting the Right.

    Anyway, looking at Lachman's book about Aleister Crowley, references to:

    said to be a thelemic master piece

    Discussion of the red head


    and this Jack Parsons
    founder of the Pasadena Jet Propulsion Lab, heavily involved with Crowley's work. Trying to make Cameron into the bearer of this Moonchild.

    And heavy involvement with the above my L. Ron Hubbard, then a pulp sci fi writer.

    And then mention of Robert Heinlein as being involved with the Crowley followers and with Parsons having orgies at his Pasadena mansion. So I try to reconcile the dates, and sure enough, in the notes it says that Crowley's works and this Parsons and the people around him are the inspirations for Heinlein's most famous work, the 1961 Stranger in a Strange Land.


    must have also influenced Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land

    and then this about Parsons

    Sex and rockets : the occult world of Jack Parsons / John Carter ; introduction by Robert Anton Wilson

    They say that swingers clubs came out of the So Cal Aerospace industry right after WWII. And yes, these people lean way to the right.

    Couple of books about Parsons.

    So we have Crowley's people in California in the 40's and 50's, the Agape Lodge, all that really survived of Crowley's organization, and then those same people being there in the 1970's when there was a resurgence.

    And then influencing L. Ron Hubbard and Robert Heinlein.

    And then as Crowley's ideas at least, and their predecessors did influence San Jose's AMORC, and that further influenced Scientology and Silva Mind Control, and we know that these influenced Werner Erhard's EST. So I can see Crowley in all of these things.


    Eric Clapton, Basel 2013
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    take your smeds @san_jose_guy. your just sad
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    a short film made by Cameron


    And here is a movie about her
    After the death of her husband, rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons, Cameron became an icon of the Beat Scene in Los Angeles. Kenneth Anger cast her as TheScarlet Woman in his underground masterpiece
    "Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome." Many thought her a witch.

    The husband Jack Parsons blew himself up in his own chemistry lab, suicide.

    she was quite an artist.



    a short film made by Cameron


    And here is a movie about her
    After the death of her husband, rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons, Cameron became an icon of the Beat Scene in Los Angeles. Kenneth Anger cast her as TheScarlet Woman in his underground masterpiece
    "Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome." Many thought her a witch.

    The husband Jack Parsons blew himself up in his own chemistry lab, suicide.

    she was quite an artist.




  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    about Parsons, Crowley, and Hubbard.

    Usually this Aerojet company name is associated with the rise of Swinger's Clubs

    Like this, his mother was a Swinger and worked at Aerojet, murdered

    Connecting this stuff


    Anyway, Parsons seemed drawn to the Left. But the stuff he did may not have actually supported that.

    Not sure.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    A correction, I had said that the death of Jack Parsons by blowing himself up in his own chemistry lab had been a suicide. This is completely untrue, it was an accident, in 1952

    Parsons, part of the founding of Aerojet, interested in space flight





    sex magic

    chaos magic

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Books That Kill - Sex and Rockets

    The occult roots of NASA

    N A S A and the Occult Project 'Babalon Working'Parsons Crowley Hubbard1

  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    The occult roots of NASA

    I've read that book. Quite interesting.

    Kind of ace that one of the founders of JPL was an Aleister Crowley desciple. ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I'm going to be reading the book.

    I am not impressed with Crowley at all. And just the fact that Hubbard was inspired by him should be enough to set off alarm bells.

    Do what thou wilt, just so long as you don't do anything which actually changes he existing social order. So alcohol, drugs, okay. And even ceremonial magick, I feel being misunderstood, taken way to far, and becoming senseless.

    But about Parsons, and about Sex Magick? And is this also the nucleation site for the Swinger's Movement? Aerojet, JPL.

    N A S A and the Occult Project 'Babalon Working'Parsons Crowley Hubbard1

    AEON of HORUS: The Occult History of NASA

  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Read Dark Mission: The Secret History Of NASA by Richard Hoagland

    Nazis, Symbolism, everything is in there
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Richard Hoagland is the host in the first of the above videos. Thanks. Most of this is new to me.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So Moina Mathers was the sister of French Jewish Philosopher Henry Bergson

    Paul Foster Case

    On July 18, 1921, Moina Mathers wrote Case regarding complaints she had received regarding some of his teachings. Apparently, Case had begun discussing the topic of sex magic, which at the time had no official place in the Order curriculum. Since no knowledge lectures exist on the subject, whether sex practices were ever taught in the Golden Dawn has been a long standing question. In her correspondence with Case, Moina wrote, "...I have seen the results of this superficial sex teaching in several Occult Societies as well as in individual cases. I have never met with one happy result."
    But to Case, sexuality became an increasingly important subject. In his Book of Tokens, a collection of inspired meditations on the 22 Tarot Keys of the Major Arcana, Case comments on the sex function, "You must wholly alter your conception of sex in order to comprehend the Ancient Wisdom... It is the interior nervous organism, not the external organs, that is always meant in phallic symbolism, and the force that works through these interior centers is the Great Magical Agent, the divine serpent fire." In his works, The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order and The Masonic Letter G, he writes of certain practices involving the redirection of the sexual force to the higher centers of the brain where experience of supersensory states of consciousness becomes possible.

    Case would go on to found BOTA, in Los Angeles California, still going to this day.

    Golden Dawn

    Eliphas Levi




    Regardie, Tree of Life


    No Sex Magic

    Paul Foster Case, sex magic?

    Golden Dawn Membership

    Brotherhood of the Golden Arrow

    Magia Sexualis: Sexual Practices for Magical Power by Paschal Beverly Randolph, Maria de Naglowska and Donald Traxler (Inner Traditions, 2012, ISBN 978-1594774188)

    The Sacred Rite of Magical Love: A Ceremony of Word and Flesh by Maria de Naglowska and Donald Traxler (Inner Traditions, 2012, ISBN 978-1594774171)

    The Light of Sex: Initiation, Magic, and Sacrament by Maria de Naglowska, Donald Traxler and Hans Thomas Hakl (Inner Traditions, 2011, ISBN 978-1594774157)

    Advanced Sex Magic: The Hanging Mystery Initiation by Maria de Naglowska and Donald Traxler (Inner Traditions, 2011, ISBN 978-1594774164)





    Secrets of the Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscript, 2nd Ed. - Part 1

    Secrets of the Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscript, 2nd Ed. - Part 2

    Secrets of the Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscript, 2nd Ed. - Part 3

    Secrets of the Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscript, 2nd Ed. - Part 4

    Secrets of the Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscript, 2nd Ed. - Part 5
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Where's SJG...What is the first things cops ask when there is an Amber Alert, Alex.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
  • TravelingGolfer
    8 years ago
    ime with the daily double and the win
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So tying some of this together:

    Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
    founded in 1988 in London, by Mathers and 3 earlier founders.

    allowed women, whereas the Freemasons did not.

    Samuel Liddell (or Liddel) MacGregor Mathers (8 or 11 January 1854 – 5 or 20 November 1918), born Samuel Liddell Mathers, was a British occultist. He is primarily known as one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a ceremonial magic order of which offshoots still exist today.
    He died of an illness during WWI, while in Paris

    Mathers would end up in Paris, selling admission tickets and putting on rituals for the public.

    But in London they started to turn against him, and against Crowley. Much of this was led by W. B. Yeats. And finally there was a total split.

    Moina Mathers, born Mina Bergson (28 February 1865 – 25 July 1928), was an artist and occultist at the turn of the 20th century. She was the sister of French philosopher Henri Bergson, the first man of Jewish descent to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927.[1] She is, however, more known for her marriage to the English occultist, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, one of the founders of the organisation Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and, after his death in 1918, for being the head of a successor organisation, called the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega.

    There was some incident or something which discredited the Golden Dawn and it's name, and then with Mathers passing, the group disintegrated, and Moinia made a follow on group using the Alpha and Omega name. But today lots of groups use the Golden Dawn name, it is a great name.

    Moina lived until 1928. People say that Alpha and Omega ran until 1939.

    Moina seemed not to want people to explore sex magic, forcing out John Foster Case and for some reason Dion Fortune.


    The Book of Abramelin


    Mexico City

    The Kybalion by Hermes Trismegistus
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    written in 1912, describes the 7 principles.

    The most common proposal is that The Kybalion was authored by William Walker Atkinson, either alone or with others, such as Paul Foster Case and Elias Gewurz. Atkinson was known to use many pseudonyms, and to self-publish his works.

    ??? written of there. This is a problem as he is the origin of Social Darwinism.

    The cathedral itself was originally designed and completed between 1215 and 1263 on the site of an earlier structure.

    Hermes floor panel

    Oh no, involved in New Thought / Divine Science. This explains the Herbert Spencer connection.


    Mountain of Truth


    Rudolph Steiner, Aleister Crowley, OTO founder Theodore Reuss.

    An early sex magic place, a prececessor to FKK clubs? Not sure. A predecessor to the Steiner place in Dornacht, probably.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor

    Prior to the rise of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1888 the HBoL was the only order that taught practical occultism in the Western Mystery Tradition.

    Founded HBoL in 1884. HOGD started 1888.



    part of Theosophical Society


    A. E. Waite, 1940
    Three famous mystics: Saint-Martin / by Arthur Edward Waite ... Jacob Boehme, by W.P. Swainson; Swedenborg, by W.P. Swainson.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Sex and Rockets
    The Occult World of Jack Parsons

    by John Carter ( a pseudonym ) with forward by Robert Anton Wilson



    In hand now. Not read anything about orgies or polygamy yet, instead reading about rocket building. Sounds like this was always driven by Sci-Fi visions of visiting the Moon and the Planets, even though the kind of rockets they were building were of quite modest scale.

    And then of what was really driving people like Parsons, and how this connects to the Occult? Maybe I am starting to understand.

    And then often the Occult is associated with the political Far Right. But Parsons seems not to be like this. But then what was he actually committed to?

    Parsons was a main founder of Nasa's Jet Propulsion Lab, and of AeroJet. The later was a major nucleation site for Swinger's Clubs. I want to know how much of a connection there is between these and Parsons' Occult Orgies.

    I read Robert Anton WIlson's forward, and it is interesting and I agree with much. But I do not support his Libertarian views, and I do not agree with his views about psychedelic drugs, or those of Terence McKenna. I don't see these guys as malicious or as people who should be dismissed out of hand, but they are wrong.

    One who I do see as extremely malicious, and who was part of this milieu, was L. Ron Hubbard.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Continuing to read Sex and Rockets. Jack Parsons got started with Cal Tech and JPL, working on rockets in 1936, but still largely having to pay for the projects himself and work in "powder factories". I think these were places that made gun powder.

    Most people saw rockets as just science fiction. But with the war, and with the prospect of Jet Assisted Take Off rocket motors for aircraft, things started to happen, and Parsons was one of the founders of AeroJet.

    But I am still trying to understand the connection between this and interest in the occult, and then if there is any connection between this and what turned into swingers clubs.

    So with AeroJet going, in Summer 1942, Parsons and his wife leased this mansion with 10 bedrooms, and then other auxiliary buildings so that he set it up as 19 living spaces. Kind of an unusual thing to do.

    He made the largest room his bedroom, with an elaborate Crowleyest temple. Then he also had a large library, mostly with books on the occult.

    Then he advertised for tenants in the newspaper, "only bohemians, artists, musicians, atheists, anarchists, or other exotic types need apply for rooms -- any mundane would be unceremoniously rejected."

    So he did come up with a curious group of people, though I suspect he was to a degree subsidizing the whole enterprise.

    Still no accounts of Jack Parson being involved in orgies, or of having sex with anyone other than his wife.

    But there were curious things and the conditions for such. Lots of neighbors complaining to police. Some accounts of rape and forcible sodomy, but these never checked out. Lots of unusual, but legal things, like women wearing diaphanous gowns and dancing around in rituals.

    The story I know of how swingers clubs started was amongst American Fighter Pilots stationed in England with their wives. Fighter Pilots have been described as "prime physical specimens", and swingers clubs have always been built on this sort of elitism. So the clubs were a mutual support insurance for the wives. And then after the war they continued in the defense aero space industry, and AeroJet was one of the biggest places. But the government wanted to stop it and was taking away people's security clearances.

    The occult work seems to be a sort of intellectual and spiritual development, rather than an actual belief system.

    Parsons was attending lots of Science Fiction meetings, and the writing of that day included fantasy stories which did deal with mythological, religious, and occult themes.


    Janis Joplin- Piece of my heart

    Lady Gaga, standing on piano bench

    Bob Dylan, Like A Rolling Stone, live

    Los Angeles Swingers Club Joi , look really hot!



    this footage seems to be from the Temple, in D. W. Griffith's Intolerance

    Coffee Girls






  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    Fascinating book, Jack Parsons, primary scientist for rocket motor design, founder of Aerojet and NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, also following Aleister Crowley's occult teachings and practicing sex magic and having orgies.

    The book has been published under a pseudonym. That are even people around who could have written it tends to validate Richard Hoagland's claim that their is an occult group at the core of NASA.


    There is also a second book about Parsons
    Strange angel : the otherworldly life of rocket scientist John Whiteside Parsons / George Pendle.


  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    In the organization that he is building, there will be a saturation of pussy and it will be free flowing. No person under the age of 50 shall have leadership position, and all of your dues will be tax deductible since it will be a non-profit organization. We will be advancing society on many levels, and we will destroy the middle class as it enslaves children.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^^ Correct, though the posting of such material is scattered over many threads.

    But just to clarify, leadership rank requires a min of 10 years active participation, age 50 for men and age 40 for women, and to even get to that point require hierarchy approval at each stage. So it is intended to have the stability of governance to endure beyond my own lifetime, but it is more like an Initiatic Order or a Religious Order, than say a labor union where member reach full rank quite quickly.

    Pussy saturation is simply due to the fact that women have a much higher capacity than men do. And I have seen this first hand, from being very close to people involved in running AAMPs ( Apartment Asian Massage Parlors ). Since these compete with White escorts, the "Service Level" is much higher. And then SF Red Book maintained this with a community of regular forum posters and extremely explicit reviews and terminology.

    Red Book GFE = DFK + DATY + BBBJ + MSOG ( Multiple Shots on Goal ).

    For myself, I had not been accustomed to most of the time pushing girls that hard, to get that second shot. But it is important because it is qualitatively different. The girl has got to do more, play a bigger role, open herself up more, and get very GFE, to make it happen.

    And so I am accustomed to being at the dinner table with the boss and friends of the house, as girls are cooking our dinner, and I am used to seeing how they look after handling lots of clients. So I have a good feel for what they can do. Many would be quite surprised.

    We will do everything we can to comply with the rules so that our members can tax deduct the dues they pay us. And of course the smaller number of people living on our properties and working directly in our organization will not need to pay dues.

    Dues pay for club houses and a fleet of diesel shuttle vans to connect them. The money is strictly accounted for. My salary will be $1 per year.

    Within the organization, sex if always free, no asking for money, bill paying, or other compensation. Our own women will enforce this and make sure that the newbies understand and adhere to this. Everyone will understand that it could never work unless sex were free. And then how much sex, what is to be the ration, and do high ranking leaders get more? Well, the standard is total pussy saturation, 365 days per year. And so actually this favors young guys. But also understand that everyone will have duties and responsibilities, so they can't just spend all day everyday with the women. A daily drain out is the deal. Probably young guys will want lots of quickies, so we will have women very good at this. And older guys will more want Toda La Noche. We will have women very good at this too.

    And then for these sleep overs, to do more rounds, and just to sleep. Say 4 times per week on property. But if you see the girls outside, then that is between you and them and you might well never be sleeping alone.

    Some people might just fuck, then let their girl go, and then go to an upstairs area where people can lay out mats and wait until sunrise. So in that sense, you aren't alone.

    The high capacity women have lets them service lots of guys. But to sleep with one guy takes her out of action., So private sleep overs are a little bit limited.

    Though to try and address these types of issues I did post:


    though I don't think people really thought the subjects through.

    And though our women never get paid by us for sex, they will be extremely well taken care of, whether they want to spend their entire lives with the organization, or if they want to eventually leave. Everyone will be well taken care of, as they are our people. We are not like the Middle-Class Family and Capitalism.

    As far as what the women do outside, we don't worry about that. Many of them will have come from Strip Clubs and AMPs, and so they do what they do. And in each new city, those will be the first places I go to.

    Most of them will probably retire once they really understand how our group works and its very real benefits.

    Men will be held to a very high standard before they even get a foot in the door. With women we will be a bit more tolerant, letting them see and experience first hand, before expecting them to make any lifestyle adaptations.

    As far as advancing society, well yes, this is not uncommon with counter culture groups, if they are involved in outside politics. We will be extremely involved. And once we are too big to stay out of public view, we will be promoting our societal vision. And we hope that our ways influence people on the outside, and including the people we really do have to exclude, juveniles.

    And yes, we do seek to destroy the middle-class family, though not actually the middle-class.

    We don't actually claim to be of any other class ourselves, than the middle-class. But we are directly opposed to the interests of the middle-class.


    The middle-class never would have emerged unless it were allowed to convert children into private property. So today children are the exploited workers, being expected to provide an adult identity for the parents.

    Also suggested, here full text online, and also readily available on paper:

    Lots and lots of counter culture and communal groups. And ours is only partly communal, and in terms of outside business dealings it is really quite mainstream.

    Problem is though most of these don't last beyond the life of the founder. So here it will be important to set up clear lines for continuing hierarchy and for becoming more democratic over time.

    The groups that have lasted are the Roman Catholic and Buddhist celibate orders. Though we of course are not the same as them, we still want to try and build something which will last.

    Though very flawed, I feel there is much to learn from the organization, still continuing, set up by Rajneesh / Osho, a definitely non-celibate group.


    Alban Bern
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    My ex wife, as far as her sex life, was the diametric opposite of a stripper. But reading so many similar accounts of stripper relations, I believe now that my ex-wife did somehow have some related type of screwyness. It isn't just expecting to be paid for, it was a lack of understanding of issues of responsibility and consequences. Lots of fights with her over such stuff. And she is still like that.

    She would not understand that our society has rules and so you have to adjust your actions accordingly, and that you can't make such stuff into relational drama.

    And even our divorce, as I see it I was a hostage who needed to be rescued. It was that bad.


    Bella Hadid, stimulating the imagination










    What is meant by 'self-remembering'



  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Magia Sexualis

    Sex, Magic, And Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism

    by Hugh B. Urban


    Most interesting. Urban has written many books, more of them being about Eastern tantra.


    Narendranath Bhattacharyya

    Bhattacharyya, N. N. (Narendra Nath), 1934-2001.
    History of the tantric religion : a historical, ritualistic, and philosophical study / N.N. Bhattacharyya.
    New Delhi : Manohar, 1982.

    Don Webb


    SPIRITUAL SEX: Secrets of Tantra From the Ice Age to the New Millennium



    Honda Ridgeline


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The mystical Qabalah / Dion Fortune, originally 1935, recommended by Gary Lachmann


    Heavenly powers : unraveling the secret history of the Kabbalah / Neil Asher Silberman

    Kabbalah : three thousand years of mystic tradition / Kenneth Hanson


    Watched someone today using a concrete mixer just like this:
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "The Hermetic Deleuze"
    Philosophy and Spiritual Quest
    by Joshua Ramey
    Duke University Press, 2012

    book looks extremely interesting, but it is still not very well disseminated.


    Shinedown - Second Chance [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Hey, guys! I think I found SJG! (Satire)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Tree of Life Basics

    Spiritual Exploration - Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Part 1

    Spiritual Exploration - Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Part 2

    WOEIH 42 Kabbalah and the Tree Of Life w/ Mark Passio - Full

    Kabbala and the 10 Plagues

    The 10 Plagues And The 10 Sefirot

  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    STFU SJGuy !!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Spiritual Exploration - Kabbalah: The Tree of Life

    Part 2

    Access to Western Esotericism
    Antoine Faivre

    STICK MEN Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part II




    interview video
    The Gnosis of Colin Wilson
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The Great Occultists of History: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Politics and The Occult: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Antoine Faivre, in "Access to Western Esotericism" speaks of

    "ascesis" as in aestheticism.


    and of palingenesis

    He speaks of different strains of thought in hermeticism, running from traditionalist to humanist. He explains that this is consistent with the pre-Socratic Heraclitus. And I agree with him, though of course Heraclitus is not the original source.



    To learn about pre-Socratics, one often goes to:

    Philosophic classics : basic texts / selected and edited with prefaces by Walter Kaufmann.
    Contents v. 1. Thales to Ockham.--v. 2. Bacon to Kant.
    Subject Philosophy.
    Alt Author Kaufmann, Walter Arnold.

    Faivre also speaks of this constructive antagonism, this creative back and forth, as being between the VIth ( Lover ) and VIIth ( Chariot ) Major Arcanum of the Marseilles Tarot.


    Doors of 21st Century
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Corpus Hermeticum


    So these were gone from the West, until recovered from Constantinople is it was falling to Ottoman Turks, or from Alexandria.

    So Cosimo de Medici had someone translating Plato, which had also been lost. He wanted to read it before he died. But when he got hold of the Hermetica, he told his translator to put Plato on hold.

    Eventually Plato would also be translated, but de Medici only lived long enough to read the Hermetica.


    Emerald Table and Asclepius are the most read books.

    Always the question is, how far back do the ideas really go? Many believe that they go back far into dynastic Egypt. And then there is also reason to question if Kabala and Christianity actually have ever had that much separation from Hermeticism.

    Some say that as the Catholic Church Canonized John of the Cross and then made him Doctor of the Church, that they were actually accepting Hermeticism, as they had earlier accepted Plato and Aristotle.


    My explanation of the H-Pi Instruments Tonal Plexus microtonal keyboard
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Emerald Tablet of Thoth



    Emerald Tablet seems to be just on blurb, less than a full page.



    Joe Bonamassa - "Breaking Up Somebody's Home" - Live At The Greek Theatre , always with his lovelies
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The Quest for Hermes Trismegistus: From Ancient Egypt to the Modern World
    by Gary Lachman

    Like all Lachman's books, this one is really good.


    Lachman makes many references to Clement Salaman, and his boooks



    Salaman is associated with the London School of Economic Science, something I had never heard of:

    And this school is associated with
    P.D. Ouspensky




    also San Jose location


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    to Asclepius, translated by G.R.S. Mead

    another reference

    Emerald Tablet, was obtained independent of the Corpus Hermiticum. Is included in this:

  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Where's Txtittyfag. ? Oh, yeah we already know who he is.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Gary Lachmann wants us to being with this first book of the Corpus Hermeticum


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So it is unclear that there ever was any separation between Hermeitcism and Judaism or Christianity. And of the later, particularly as it pertains to John's Gospel.

    Also unclear if there was any separation between Hermeticism and the teachings of Babylon, Persia, or India.

    Unclear that there was ever any separation from Kabala either.

    But, all of these things have adapted on their own. And also, in Egypt the religious teachings always came in two forms, one for the elite in the Mystery Schools, and then a folk religion for everyone else.

    And like Joseph Campbell always says, folk religion is always Health, Wealth, and Progeny.

    Judaism changed this, or at least it tried to, no secret books or secret teachings. But in considering this you have to understand just how late it was that the Pentateuch was finalized, and then how much during the era of Solomon's Temple, that the voice heard in scripture was the voice of a small minority. This would have remained so until King Josiah, and his crackdown was probably the reason that Jerusalem fell.

    Vision of Hermes

    Emerald Tablet



  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Kenneth Grant





    Het Nuit Temple No. 1

    Oakland, California USA

    Gnostic Mass






    some of Grant's books


    Aleister Crowley & the Hidden God - June, 1993

    Nightside of Eden – June, 1994

    Outer Gateways Hardcover – May, 1995

    Cults of the Shadow – August, 1995

    We also have these books by Asenath Mason



    based in Poland


    Sol Tenebrarum - The Occult Study of Melancholy

    by Asenath Mason

    Rites of Lucifer

    Nov 30, 2014

    by Asenath Mason

    Tree of Qliphoth Paperback – February 12, 2016

    by Asenath Mason

    Necronomicon Gnosis: A Practical Introduction Paperback – April 23, 2016

    Draconian Ritual Book

    Jul 24, 2016

    We also have this by Peter Levenda

    The Tantric Alchemist: Thomas Vaughan and the Indian Tantric Tradition Hardcover – September 1, 2015




    He published nine books in three trilogies (the Typhonian Trilogies) that span a vast number of topics. Titles include:

    The Magical Revival

    Nightside of Eden ISBN 1871438721

    Outer Gateways ISBN 1871438128

    Remembering Aleister Crowley ISBN 1871438128

    Hidden Lore: The Carfax Monographs by Kenneth & Steffi Grant

    Outside the Circles of Time

    Cults of the Shadow

    Hecate's Fountain

    Images and Oracles of Austin Osman Spare

    Beyond the Mauve Zone

    The Ninth Arch

    Zos Speaks! (Austin Osman Spare work)

    Beyond the Mauve Zone






    Walk on the Wild Side


    Jimmy Smith & Oliver Nelson - Walk On The Wild Side


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Georg Feuerstein


    Two books on Sacred Sexuality, probably just two editions.


    and Structures of consciousness : the genius of Jean Gebser-- an introduction and critique / Georg Feuerstein, 1987

    and Tantra : the path of ecstasy / Georg Feuerstein 1998

    Tony Orlando, Knock Three Times

    Sheet music, first page

    guitar tabs, unlikely that this is entirely correct
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The mysteries of Isis : her worship and magick / DeTraci Regula., used to be in libraries, not now.

    Not in libraries

    Maat Magic, Neema's group, interesting pictures


    Her Horus / Maat Lodge


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So returning now to a phenomenal book, "The Dark Lord", by Peter Levenda.


    Peter Lavenda, The Dark Lord, The Byte Show

    So of course one major need here is for me to catalog the important references and associated books:


    The Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality ?????????



    ( seems to be James Wasserman, well known OTO leader )

    And let us not forget:

    Origin: The 19th Century Emergence of the 20th Century Breakaway Civilizations


    I'm requesting of various libraries that they purchase books which are not otherwise available. I'm having to start a written record to be able to keep track and follow up.

    Let me now focus directly on Peter Levenda's Dark Lord.

    Peter Levenda, Tantric Temples: Eros and Magic in Java, 2011

    by Kenneth Grant, the main referenced works are

    Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God
    Beyond the Mauve Zone
    Outer Gateways
    The Ninth Arch

    and Grant's books tend not to be in libraries or still in print.

    David Gordon White, The Alchemical Body

    Frater Achad, The Egyptian Revival, 1974, Samuel Wieser

    also Fraternitas Saturni

    and Georges Bataille, The History of the Eye

    and most interesting, Gail Corrington Streete, The Strange Woman: Power and Sex in the Bible, 1997.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Talks of the German Occultist Eugen Grosch "Frater Saturnus".
    Eugen Grosch

    Grosch was a member of Crowley's OTO. Crowley's successor was Karl Germer who ended up running the OTO Agape Lodge in California, and being the leader succeeding Crowley. But Germer had been "Frater Saturnus" himself.

    So Groshe incurred Germer's wrath. Groshe started is own organization.

    According to Grant, Groshe was the one who discovered part of the secret of using sexual ritual to induce a trance that would provide an entrance to the same state as that experienced in dreams, with the obvious advantage that one can then control the dream. This is done by the male magician making the equivalent of mesmeric passes over a female priestess in a state of sexual excitement...

    Grant expanded on this technique considerably .... and through his own study and practice leading the Nu-Isis Lodge. ( 50's and 60's ) London.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Now, let me post a bit of text, pg 220ff

    The iconic figure of the ceremonial magician is of a man who either works alone, or with several (male) assistants. ...
    thus leading one to speculate that the average ceremonial magician was probably the medieval version of a geek: lacking in social graces and silently lusting after the girl next door. Probably the best example of this meme is that of Goethe's Faust: the magician who similarly lusts after a woman, the beloved Gretchen, and who uses the Devil's to obtain her....
    Beginning with the romantic notions of Eliphas Levi and extending to the Golden Dawn, magic was being redefined as a spiritual practice equivalent to a Western version of yoga and Tantra, with a complex and internally-consistent worldview. Crowley extended this impulse to make of magic an all-encompassing spiritual movement ...
    talk of Gershom Scholem, Mircea Eliade, and Ioan Couliano ...
    The theory and practice of was undergoing a sea-change, buffeted by forces both within and without, a process that continues to this day (especially with the outstanding work on Western esotericism coming out of the Amsterdam school led by Wounter Hanegraaf, and that of the late and much-lamented Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke of England). But the aspect of modern magic that received the most attention -- and the most confustion --was the constant references to sex as an element of the process. This began with Crowley, as far as can be determined.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    David Curwen, worked with Aleister Crowley:




    books printed and bound in the Netherlands

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    When Crowley was very old, he met Curwin. But the one who really learned from Curwin, was Kenneth Grant.

    page 223

    It is the combination of ceremonial magic, Crowley's own Thelemic denomination, Tantra, Afro-Carribbean magic, the art of Austin Osman Spare and the Surrealists, and the over-arching worldview of H. P. Lovecraft that informs the entire Typhonian Tradition ( Kenneth Grant ).

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So what is available in libraries?

    Wounter Hanegraaf ? YES

    Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke ? YES

    David Curwin ? NO

    James Hillman ? YES
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Trying to get a university library to buy this:


    Mystery Babalon, by Hagia Aureavia

    I'm telling them that it reworks Crowley's ideas on sex magic, but from a female perspective.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    A few more references from Dark Lord, by Peter Levenda


    Seth, God of Confusion: A Study of His Role in Egyptian Mythology and Religion (Ancient Near East) Paperback – August, 1997

    by H. Te Velde (Author)

    Yes, '67 and '77 in libraries.

    and then


    and he has written lots of other books too.

    has podcast
    lots of his books in libraries

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    so more of the references in Peter Levenda's Dark Lord:


    yes, in libraries

    White, David Gordon
    Title The alchemical body : Siddha traditions in medieval India / David Gordon White
    University of Chicago Press, 1996


    Lots of books written extrapolating upon this.

    Another book I ran across which looks interesting:

    There was a time when the phrase "American family" conjured up a single, specific image: a breadwinner dad, a homemaker mom, and their 2.5 kids living comfortable lives in a middle-class suburb. Today, that image has been shattered, due in part to skyrocketing divorce rates, single parenthood, and increased out-of-wedlock births. But whether it is conservatives bewailing the wages of moral decline and women's liberation, or progressives celebrating the result of women's greater freedom and changing sexual mores, most Americans fail to identify the root factor driving the changes: economic inequality that is remaking the American family along class lines.

    In Marriage Markets, June Carbone and Naomi Cahn examine how macroeconomic forces are transforming our most intimate and important spheres, and how working class and lower income families have paid the highest price. Just like health, education, and seemingly every other advantage in life, a stable two-parent home has become a luxury that only the well-off can afford. The best educated and most prosperous have the most stable families, while working class families have seen the greatest increase in relationship instability.

    Why is this so? The book provides the answer: greater economic inequality has profoundly changed marriage markets, the way men and women match up when they search for a life partner. It has produced a larger group of high-income men than women; written off the men at the bottom because of chronic unemployment, incarceration, and substance abuse; and left a larger group of women with a smaller group of comparable men in the middle. The failure to see marriage as a market affected by supply and demand has obscured any meaningful analysis of the way that societal changes influence culture. Only policies that redress the balance between men and women through greater access to education, stable employment, and opportunities for social mobility can produce a culture that encourages commitment and investment in family life.

    A rigorous and enlightening account of why American families have changed so much in recent decades, Marriage Markets cuts through the ideological and moralistic rhetoric that drives our current debate. It offers critically needed solutions for a problem that will haunt America for generations to come.

    Widely available in libraries!

    Red Familes v. Blue Familes

    Red Families v. Blue Families identifies a new family model geared for the post-industrial economy. Rooted in the urban middle class, the coasts and the "blue states" in the last three presidential elections, the Blue Family Paradigm emphasizes the importance of women's as well as men's workforce participation, egalitarian gender roles, and the delay of family formation until both parents are emotionally and financially ready. By contrast, the Red Family Paradigm--associated with the Bible Belt, the mountain west, and rural America--rejects these new family norms, viewing the change in moral and sexual values as a crisis. In this world, the prospect of teen childbirth is the necessary deterrent to premarital sex, marriage is a sacred undertaking between a man and a woman, and divorce is society's greatest moral challenge. Yet, the changing economy is rapidly eliminating the stable, blue collar jobs that have historically supported young families, and early marriage and childbearing derail the education needed to prosper. The result is that the areas of the country most committed to traditional values have the highest divorce and teen pregnancy rates, fueling greater calls to reinstill traditional values.

    Featuring the groundbreaking research first hailed in The New Yorker, this penetrating book will transform our understanding of contemporary American culture and law. The authors show how the Red-Blue divide goes much deeper than this value system conflict--the Red States have increasingly said "no" to Blue State legal norms, and, as a result, family law has been rent in two. The authors close with a consideration of where these different family systems still overlap, and suggest solutions that permit rebuilding support for both types of families in changing economic circumstances.

    Incorporating results from the 2008 election, Red Families v. Blue Families will reshape the debate surrounding the culture wars and the emergence of red and blue America.

    Yes, available in libraries

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ALso from Dark Lord by Peter Levenda, the works of Charles Luk


    Not in libraries!

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So we have a 4th Kenneth Grant book listed:

    Hecate's Fountain

    And we have discussion of the Sri Chakra

    Something like the Tree of Life, but it represents the body of the Goddess.

    And then we have this 11 sephiroth, Daath or Da'at, the Outer Gateway to the Otherside of the Tree of Life, and these other pathways, the Tunnels of Set.


    So then we have


    Now with Anton LaVey and his Church of Satan, that was always just for shock value, just for show, and using the naked woman as an altar.

    But here it makes more sense, the naked woman as the offering on the altar, from Dark Lord by Peter Levenda, excerpting and about Kenneth Grant and his Nu-Isis London Lodge:

    The altar should be provided with a mat of some soft covering for that is where the priestess will be located during the most intense portions of the ritual. The altar should face the north, or the head of priestess should be in the north, for that is from where the amrita will descend.
    The deities should be invoked into the priest and priestess, so that they identify with their respective god forms.
    The central part of the ritual now takes place, which involves the priestess raising Kundalini. According to Grant, this transpires as she is being sexually aroused by the magician who is performing certain mudras over her body, not necessarily touching her but making passes directly over her erogenous zones ... and raising her to a fever pitch. The goal of this process is to activate Kundalini, to raise it gradually to the higher chakras so that they may be 'burned' by the power of the Serpent Goddess and thus release their potencies inot the blood stream of the priestess.
    The magician my have sexual intercourse with the priestess if it is considered necessary to bring the priestess to the desired pitch of excitement ..."

    I am not saying that I go along with all which is written in these books, or that I intend to follow it, or that I even understand it. I have much to learn.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Do you know how I know you're gay?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Think about it Gaffigan:

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    More refs from Dark Lord, by Peter Levenda

    another Kenneth Grant book, Nightside of Eden, gets into some quite dark stuff it sounds.

    Marcilio Ficino, translated Corups Hermetic and Plato for Cosimo de' Medici

    but also seems to have this publication "De Amore"

    discussed here:

    talk of Peter Levenda's 2011, Tantric Temples: Eros and Magic in Java, not really in libraries.

    and Hamlet's Mill

    and this:

    Most of this stuff is beyond my experiences or understanding, and a great deal of it sets off alarm bells for me. But little by little I am coming to understand.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Here is another book which is quite interesting, for all us friends of the Second Law:


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    More about the stuff from Peter Levenda's "Dark Lord"

    Hamlet's Mill

    Zecharia Sitchin ( writer I have reservations about )

    Eric Von Danniken ( writer I have reservations about )

    Dogon tribe of Mali in Africa

    "we can see that a stellar - rather than a solar - tradition is he oldest form of occult theory"

    Above seems to be the main difference between Kenneth Grant's work and Aleister Crowley.

    Vedic and Jyostich Astrology, sidereal not solar

    Cult of Mithra, astral not solar

    4/30/1006 super nova



    Volcanic Ash

    Largest Hindu Temple

    regular eruptions

    Crowley Liber XXXVI Star Saphire

    This is somehow a sexual ritual. Before Crowley was very high up in the OTO, he published and Theodore Ruess approached him for giving away OTO secrets. Crowley was rediscovering them by accident, sexual rituals.

    This is central to the Kenneth Grant work:

    Also that Peter Levenda is close to Ibis Press, means that if not card carrying OTO, he is very close to it.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    Good stuff, roofing, etc.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The mystical Qabalah / by Dion Fortune, 1935.

    According to Gary Lachmann, this is a better book than most on the subject.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Marilyn Ferguson, "Aquarius Now", 2005. Extremely good.

    Though she never mentions psychiatry, psychotherapy, mental health, recovery, or evangelical Christianity, she is clearly about as opposed to all of these thing as anyone could possibly be. Also opposed to drugs, or to claims that one needs these for "Higher Consciousness".


    Markus Reuter @ Glaus Haus by Dutch Rall - 002
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Books and library availability:

    The true and invisible Rosicrucian Order : an interpretation of the Rosicrucian allegory and an explanation of the ten Rosicrucian grades / Paul Foster Case YES


    The book of tokens : 22 meditations on the ageless wisdom / commentary by Paul Foster Case

    Case, Paul Foster, 1884-1954.

    The tarot : a key to the wisdom of the ages : the classic guide / by Paul Foster Case

    Case, Paul Foster, 1884-1954.

    Peter Levenda's Tantra Book NOT AVAILABLE

    John Muir Tantra, book, can't find

    Tantra : the path of ecstasy / Georg Feuerstein, Yes, and also his book on Sacred Sexuality and the one about Jean Gebser.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    More about occult books, one's in libraries

    mostly Kabbalah and Tarot

    A William Wynn Westcott translation of Eliphas Levi, catalogued, but not available.

    But lots of Eliphas Levi books available, including Transcendental Magic

    Lots of S. L. MacGregor Mathers books, like The Kabbalah unveiled : containing the following books of the Zohar: The Book of concealed mystery, the greater holy assembly, the lesser holy assembly / S.L. MacGregor Mathers ; translated into English from the Latin version of Knorr von Rosenroth, and collated with the original Chaldee and Hebrew text.

    Lots of A. E. Waite books

    Lots of Papus books

    Aleister Crowley, including the 777 book which Dion Fortune follows, and also two best of the Equinox books. And of course Moonchild

    Dion Fortune

    Lots of her books, and What is Occultism / Sane Occultism should be back on the shelf soon.

    And with Gareth Knight
    An introduction to ritual magic / by Dion Fortune and Gareth Knight.

    Man, I know that used book stores do go for books on Philosophy. But I'm sure now that Occultism is even better! Real business, like for Samuel Weiser, republishing occult books.


    Arcanum 1 ~ The Magician ⭐️ Tarot & Alchemy And Kabbalah

    Says Chesed is Horus, who is the Magician, and his father is Kether ???
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Tobias Churton, Gnostic Mysteries of Sex

    Churton has new book, not yet in libraries, about the French Occultists, end of 19th Century. A very rich period on which US occultism, like AMORC and Martinism drew from.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dion Fortune's writing is very interesting, want to know more about her. 1891 - 1946
    Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune : the logos of the Aeon and the Shakti of the age / Alan Richardson, 2009


    Psychic self-defense / Dion Fortune
    ^^^^^ I know a little bit about the situation this came from, early in Fortune's life. I need some of this now, facing psychic attacks from some people, need to know how to better defend myself.


    Symbolic Dimensions of the Gnostic Mass
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    Good book, good pictures too. Not in libraries. John Mumford.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Priestess Tarot Card, and the veil.

    Usually there is a veil shown, often hung up behind her.


    Is this 2nd Major Arcanum, The Priestess, part of the inspiration behind Crowley's 1913 Gnostic Mass, and the curtains. The Priestess ends up sitting on the altar, between the Jachin and Boaz columns, and sometimes behind a curtain. In part this is influenced by the Eastern Orthodox. Crowley wrote his Gnostic Mass in 1913, while in Moscow.

    But is this also related to the Priestess Tarot Card?


    Large enough to read tarot card writing:
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dion Fortune, writing to Israel Regardie, she says that for her Kabbalah work, she used Aleister Crowley's 777. This does not though mean she was going along with Thelema. She never did. Its just that Crowley did a good job of outing all the good stuff from Golden Dawn. So also did Regardie, and she speaks very highly of his books.


    And also Fortune says she used Mathers's MSS. Mathers published lots of books, many being translations, and like his "Kabbalah Unveiled". But I don't know what this MSS is.

    Oh, I guess it is this:

    and here:

    Today lots and lots of books that explain about everything from Golden Dawn.

    This Francis King has written lots of books.

    About Fortune and her anti-Nazi occultism, I think it is always going to be like that. If you meditate on an evil foe, they it always does bring you into occult realms. Must be like that for LE when they are trying to get inside the head of a serial killer. I have heard that they have a mandatory rotation, as if one person spends too many years doing it, it will drive them nuts.

    And likewise, anyone trying to fight against the political right, like say the Any Rand followers, as they meditate on the other side and try to understand how they think, they will be entering into an occult realm.

    Will be reading:

    I read this about a year ago. Small book. Used to be photo copied hand out in North London. Considered the foundational book for Chaos Magic. But a year ago I was not ready to read it. Now I am. I go along with some of it, but not all.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    News to report, the Psychic Attack against me has ended. Counter defense magick must have worked. Other people in effect were apologizing for the female administrator.

    And I also see something else. Do not ever talk to people who start talking about their Jesusolotry. Martin Luther said that the Pope was the Anti-Christ, well he was only seeing part of the problem.

    Bruce Chilton says that from Antioch forward, "Christians" = "Christ Groupies".

    I might have to offer a 1-800 service for people who need to protection of my Christian Eating Lions.

    And the worst is when they say they are going to pray for you. When that happens you need magickal defense, as you are under psychic attack.

    And I believe that Rick and Kay Warren did indeed use voodoo in the form of Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists, and Prayer Warriors to kill their son Matthew.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Finishing up:

    Some web sites he lists:

    www.anglefire.com ( gareth knight)

    Also lists verse by verse how so much stuff in Gerald Gardener's Wicca, 1949, comes right from Crowley.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago


    A rather hodgepodge book, notes that had been photocopied and distributed, turned into a book. Guy has made up his own very informal ways. A continuation of Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, and Kenneth Grant. But Peter Carroll has his own ideas too. So I go more with his process, or starting from nothing and reinventing, than with the stuff he specifically says.

    And still, Kenneth Grant's later books too obscure, need to read more of them and probably this new Phil Hine too.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    Peter Carroll has re-thought all the major aspects of the occult, and how it fits in the modern world. Actually it fits quite well. I don't agree with everything he encourages, but I go along with most of it. Was not able to appreciate this a year ago, when I read it first.


    Wall Street Starting To Panic About Trump, remember, neither this nor anything Dougster tells you has predictive power.

    Senate Asking Comey to Testify


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Still reading Peter Carroll:


    His thinking is much more compatible with Postmodernism and Post-structuralism. Too much new age and occult writing is spoiled by bad philosophical foundations. I agree with Carroll. I see not that I need some of the Phil Hine books too.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The above book really is thought provoking. Not a program to follow, at least not for me, but an extremely thought provoking and reality changing book.

    Very important now as I am engaged in extreme political conflicts.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Finishing up with above book, will be reading more Donald Michael Kraig


    Rasputin, real guy, I want to learn to be able to look like this. Not going as far though as Charles Manson.

    This has grown to a big regional chain:

    Last of the Czars, really good

    About Financialization and Neo-Liberalism

    Belly Dance


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    Still reading this. Don't go along with everything Peter J. Carroll says, but it is an awesome book and very close to my own thinking. More than anything I would say that what makes it different is that it is philosophically credible, compatible with postmodernism and post structuralism.

    Carroll is also able to distinguish very well what he is saying versus what I can New Age Lint Head Superstition, and also from Radical Atheism or Radical Nihilism.


    The Grass Roots- Sooner or Later

    Two Divided By Love

    Raspberries Go All The Way Mike Douglas Show 1974

    Badfinger - Baby Blue (1972)

    Church of Satan, some real hotties!







    Thanks to founder for this updated version and giving us back the old post box. How about again letting us see our own and others' lists of posts?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Reading Donald Michael Kraig. Some of this is a bit much for me, trying to evoke spirits and see their seals in black mirrors.

    Anyway though, learning about the four magician's tools:

    TOOL -> associated with -> and placed on altar at and with symbol on wall at

    Dagger -> Air -. East
    Wand -> Fire - South
    Cup -> Water - West
    Pentacle -> Earth - North

    And they also can hang up the 4 symbols, based in triangles, at the 4 points on the walls. Also, don't need to paint magic circles on floors.


    Remember in Crowley's OTO Gnostic Mass, they use the Fire and Water symbols in association with the two acolytes. They serve the Priestess. One handles the water bowl, and one handles the incense. They also put them on the two Masonic columns.

    And when moving around the temple, always move clockwise, as the above list is.

    The banishing dagger is not the same as the Air Dagger.

    Peter J. Carroll doesn't take much of this literally. Cup is most likely nothing like a cup, for him.

    Pentacle seems to be for some reason a 6 pointed star on disk.

    But they use Pentagram Banishing, and Hexagram Banishing both.

    Unfortunately they seem to think seers need at least a little bit of chemical alteration, like from breathing incense smoke. This definitely should not need to be so. People can control their own consciousness.


    Gordon White
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Wendy Buonaventura

    Something In The Way She Moves

    Serpent of the Nile: Women and Dance in the Arab World

    Belly Dancing: The Serpent and the Sphinx, read this decades ago

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Das Plocher Erergie System, Ernstfried Prade


    About unifying science and the occult?

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Had to give Wendy Brown back to the library for a while.

    Now reading Nick Farrell:

    This was written in 2004. I don't know how much of it I really want to read, versus just skim, as I can see that I am strongly opposed to some of the views of the author.

    And this is most interesting because it is some of what he says in his videos which made me want to read him. His recent videos may very well contradict his earlier views.


    Basically I had noticed that neo-Golden Dawn stuff always revolves around Banishing Rituals. To me that seems odd, you could even say superstitious.

    Here, Nick Farrell is the first one I have found who also calls that into question. He shows that the 19th Century Golden Dawn founders made little use of Banishings.

    So where did it come from. Farrell introduces an idea which is new to me, that it came from Israel Regardie. Regardie was certainly a critical communications link from the Golden Dawn through the neo-Golden Dawn.

    But Regardie was also a believer in psychoanalysis. He himself ended up trained as a Reichian Analyst, probably more a neo-Reichian.

    Now I have a high regard for Reich and I know much about him, but I am still opposed to psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. But Regardie wanted everyone to undergo psychoanalysis before starting their magical training. He seemed to have been voicing his displeasure with Aleister Crowley.

    Another who goes along this this Regardie idea about psychoanalysis is this Donald Michael Kraig. And Kraig emphasizes banishings, and he talks about Crowley in a negative way.

    So in his 2004 book, Farrell saturates it with talk about getting cured of 'neurosies".

    He really seems to have this fear, like a Scientology type of fear.

    Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, is rooted in this fear, fear of ones own impulses, fear of acting, and really, belief in Original Sin. I am completely opposed to this.

    So in this video Farrell does not sound like someone who still supports psychotherapy or this idea of healing. But I'm not sure now. I would like to think that Farrell has renounced his earlier views.

    Chaos Magic founder Peter J. Carroll gives very little priority to banishings, and he sees his movement as an opposition to the sickness known as psychotherapy.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^ Nick Farrell's book has both strengths and weakness's, but I'll be powering through it more quickly now. Want to absorb what it has, but also get on to some other things now.

    I the org I am building, we will have vast libraries, and even be writing our own books.

    So things will generally go easier.


    New Indian made large motorcycle:
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ Nick Farrell and his book have strengths, and serious limitations. Too much like Psychotherapy and Self Improvement.

    This was 2004, don't know if he changed in his later books. At this point I would not be hopeful of such.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Nick Farrell, Magical Pathworking, 2004.

    Book has strengths and weaknesses. No matter though, I won't be holding on to it that much longer.

    Need to record his citations. He endorses Paul Foster Case and B.O.T.A.. He endorses Chic and Tabitha Cicero, and has worked with them. Endorses Dion Fortune, Israel Regardie, and Gareth Knight.

    Some of the specifics:

    Four Worlds, obviously derived from Tree of Life. From the top

    1. Divine Level

    2. Archangelic Level

    3. Angelic Level ( Planetary Intelligence )

    4. Material Level.

    Intersections between each in this hierarchy. Between 3 and 4 is labeled "Spirits".

    Exercise using Universe Tarot Card to Journey to Moon ( Yesod )

    Gareth Knight expanded on work of Fortune during 1960's.

    Worked with William Grey ( may hold racist views ) and Marian Green and Bob Stewart.

    UK work was mirrored by non-occult groups in US, Foundation for Mind Research. Lead to book by Robert Masters and Jean Houston, 1972, "Mind Games". But Farrell emphasizes the psycholgical. The US work is totally psychological.

    Pathworking continued by W. E. Butler and his school, Servants of the Light, used Arthurian Myth.

    Further work in 1980's by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, "Shining Paths" and "Inner Landscapes on Tarot Cards"

    Discussion of Universal Mind and Akashic Records.

    Does a Plato's Cave Pathworking. People in chains in cave will not listen to the escapee who comes back to tell them the truth.

    Then about Building Your Own Inner Kingdom, and Hall Of The Hero.

    Again, I take exception to that which is only psychological.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So finishing up with Nick Farrell, Magical Pathworking, 2004

    Book is too psychological and self-improvement. Nevertheless, the book does have much which is good and much would could be drawn upon in other ways. So if one is interested in such things, this is indeed a book to have. Very much based on Golden Dawn.

    Some important references:

    R. A. Gilbert, Elements of Mysticism, Element Books 1991

    Masters, REL, Jean Houston, Mind Games, 1983

    Yates, Francis A. The ARt of Memory 1966

    Mathers, S.L.M. The Key of Solomon the King, 1888

    King, Francis R. Ritual Magic of the Golden Dawn 1997

    Ashcroft-Nowicki, Dolores, Shining Paths, 2002, plus her other books

    Nature's Finer Forces by Rama Prasad

    Ramanuja and Hegel : a comparative study (1983), should be the same author

    Here, listed as a 2015 paper back, and with the Hindu Tattvic Gates on the cover.

    And of alchemical processes, Book of the Lambspring, trans. Adam McLean

    The Book of Lambspring: Concerning the Philosophical Stone, by Nicolas Delphinas, 2001


    Stones - Anybody Seen My Baby, live

    ROLLING STONES- FAR AWAY EYES , lots of pics of dolled up lonely women.

    Hand of Fate

    Dance Little Sister
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Mike Honda Considering Run For Mayor Of San Jose!

    This guy is the greatest. Very angry that some local business interests had decided to unseat him.


    Clapton - Layla
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