
My first OTC!

Avatar for Dancer_

Ok, so as some of you might remember, I mentioned that I started working for escort-agency. It seems like I am about to pop my OTC-cherry, so to speak.

It will be threesome with him and his gf. We already agreed on price, location and duration(overnight).

However, I have some questions which I can't ask anyone(duh) except you guys. When you do OTC with a stripper, you pay her once she arrives, right? Do you think it will be okay if I text him to ask to put money in envelope and put it in the bathroom? Which word should I choose to replace "money" with? "Gift"? "Compensation?" Will it look too paranoid if I say something like "Excuse me for a second, I have to text/call my friend?" or something like that? Since they want overnight and ready to start on midnight, when should I leave? I mean, if we gonna have sex all night long, will they expect me to leave early in the morning or should I sleep over? What are your usual expectations?


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Avatar for shailynn
  1. Please place the gift in an envelope when I arrive in plain sight (do not have him hand it to you).

  2. When you arrive tell (them) "I have to make a phone call to check in and say everything is okay."

  3. It sounds like overnight doesn't have a time limit. Most escorts will say "overnight" is 6 hours where others will say 8 hours. To me overnight would be at least 6 hours but I doubt you'd want to get up and leave at 6am so just do what you feel comfortable with. Having a good time, sleep in with them, having a bad time, leave at 6am.

Avatar for Mate27

I wire the money. Give your routing and account #, that way u want be robbed on your way home.

Avatar for jackslash

I never pay in advance, but I can see why you would want advance payment. The "gift in an envelope" wording sounds good.

Calling the agency to check in is a good idea. Make sure you're safe.

Avatar for Dolfan

I don't like paying in advance either. I'll occasionally do it, but it guarantees there's no tip. I can't decide how much to tip before the services are rendered. As far as what to call it, I'd simply say "the envelope." If he/she doesn't understand, you can elaborate at that point.

If there's a service involved, I'd make it clear that you're checking in with the agency and not your friend. Saying its a friend sounds more like you're telling your accomplices the coast is clear to take the car or raid the section of the house you aren't in to me.

I don't really do sleepovers, so I'm not really sure how you'd want to handle that. I will say that I've usually used all-night and over-night as different terms, with all-night implying that it would be an untimed visit that ended when we finished vs over-night implying a quickie and an omelet in the morning. A few girls have used the same terminology with me. But again, I don't do the sleepover thing so I may be off base.

Avatar for Dancer_

Oh no, I think I wasn't clear enough. It won't be an appointment from agency, I already took those and know what to do. This time it's gonna be a custie from club, so I guess it will be a bit different, hence I was curious about details.:)

Avatar for JohnSmith69

95, why are you so worried about this? I thought you went through an agency. Doesn't that make a LE sting a lot less likely? And I would've thought that they paid the agency so that the agency could get its cut.

My girls never ask for money up front after our first visit once they know that they can trust me. I don't like being asked for the money up front ever, but I understand why she might be worried on our first visit. I always refuse that request, but I will agree to pay one half up front, the rest to be delivered at the end. I've never had a dancer refuse that counter proposal.

As for when you leave, that's the sort of detail you need to work our beforehand. I have strippers sleep until the next morning with me all the time, but we only do that once we get to know each other well. It would be very unusual ( and unsafe in my view) to actually go to sleep with people that you don't know.

As for the money, my legal advice is that you are waisting your time. I know guys just give escorts a "contribution" so they are not technically paying them for sex. This will not do you any good legally. If you have sex with these people, and if money changes hands, then legally it is prostitution and the way money changed hands will not save you. This is just a legal defense dreamed up by people who don't know the law. So it really doesn't matter how they give you the money. Just be sure that you get it.

I am convinced that getting OTC customers in the club is the way to go. You can meet them beforehand, and you can do things with customers to pretty much guarantee they are not LE. PM me if you want to know what these things are. But if you're going through an agency you have to trust that the agency screens out LE. Once you are in the room with these people, if they are LE, and if you are taking their money and having sex with them, there is no way to avoid a criminal charge. I'm not trying to scare you away, just telling it like it is.

You didn't ask about this but make sure that you are going to a nice hotel that would have security cameras. Be sure that a friend knows where you are, when you will be back, and carry mace or a taser. Very unlikely that anything will go wrong but better safe than sorry.

Good luck. Glad to answer any other questions.

Please let us know how it goes. Would you mind telling us what you are charging?

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I posted that before I saw you say this wasn't from an agency. Here, a LE sting is a lot less likely from a customer itc than from an agency or online booking. Not saying it can't happen but LE would arrest you beforehand if you made a sex for $ deal itc. No reason for LE to actually go to a hotel room to arrest you. So there's less risk here if you get to the hotel stage. But of course safety may be more of an issue here because you don't know as much about who these people are.

Avatar for sclvr5005

Escorts typically request their up front payments in unsealed white envelopes left where they can see it when they arrive.

Avatar for JamesSD

God bless you for the work you do.

The female will probably make it clear when it's time for you to go. Basically, when they get ready for sleep, ask if they want you to stay.

Avatar for rockstar666

Custie from a club is usually safe if you've known him a while. I've always paid up front myself and I haven't ever had an issue.

Avatar for Subraman


Okay, from what I can figure out, you're asking about escort protocols, not OTC. I never pay strippers up front for anything, including OTC... but on the other hand, I don't OTC with strippers I barely know, she's already my CF and we've built a lot of trust and rapport by the time I ask her to OTC.

Escorting is different... typically, somehow (through the agency, or your ad, or whatever) the client will have been told to put the money in an envelope and leave it out in plain sight at the beginning, and that neither of you should discuss it at all. Then when he goes to shower before the festivities, she'll count it while he's in there; or otherwise she'll grab it and excuse herself to the bathroom. I have no idea if any of these things really provide any legal protection, but that's what they all do. Although I'd say that even before all of that started, you should have asked your agency HOW they verify new clients, and make sure you're comfortable with it.

Avatar for jestrite50

I don't hire escort services and I no longer pay anyone up front for OTC. They get their money at the end of the evening and I hand it directly to them in the privacy of the hotel room. I do one or two OTC Outings a week and I never deviate from this. If they don't trust me to pay them then why should I trust them to put out. I have been ripped off 3 times in fact every time I've paid up front so I have learned to never pay until the end of the evening. If they don't agree to that then they can just keep moving.

Avatar for Dancer_

Thank you for advices, my pervs <3

@Subraman, nope, I did ask about OTC protocol, I already went through visiting clients thru agency and know what to do with them. But I wasn't sure if I can apply the same rules to meeting custie outside. And my agency does screen guys, i.e. asks for full name, number, employment verification, provider's references, social security number, recommendation letters from hisprimary school teachers, etc.

@John, I am not afraid it's LE sting though. You are right that he would bust me right there in the club if it was a case.

I asked about payment transaction details cause I don't think this dude uses escort services and he might assume that I want to get paid later or anything, I just want to avoid any awkwardness, i.e. having to remind him about money. He is not my regular or else I wouldn't be so worried though.

Speaking of price, first he wanted to do an hour or so with me, so I asked for 800$. He easily agreed. Then he wondered if I could take Saturday off to go for a whole night with them and promised to compensate me for my missed shift. I said that it will be 2k. He tried to tell me that it's too much, but had to agree to it, eventually. Lol.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Most escorts ask for payment up front. I would guess these guys who don't pay in advance, it's because the are doing OTC with a dancer who they have been a well-behaved repeat customer with. As a legal escort, you are being compensated for your companionship for a certain period of time. You should not promise, or even imply, that you will do anything sexual. But if it happens, it happens, nothing illegal about it. Escorts typically refuse to talk/text with customers who discuss sex prior to meeting and paying the fee. Strongly consider joining date-check.com and/or preferred411.com . Unfortunately, police officers are sometimes willing to lie on the stand about what you said, and they typically get away with it. Know the names of some law practices that you could call if arrested. Carry a big purse that looks like it could hold a .357 . Don't carry too many condoms, because that's often used as evidence of prostitution. I suggest having Magnum, Magnum XL, and female condoms. But be careful with the female condoms, they are often made out of materials that don't provide good protection against all STDs. (Some condom materials have small pores that sperm cannot get through but viruses can.) As an excuse to arrest legal escorts, some states haves laws requiring escorts to be licensed. I don't know if the stuff about not taking the payment in hand really helps you avoid arrest. Some escorts do that but most don't. Good luck!

Avatar for Dancer_

@subraman, I already went thru appointments with clients from escort-agency and know what to do with them. But it will be OTC with a dude I know from da club, so I wasn't sure how I should approach this stuff.

However, my agency does screen clients - I wouldn't go with it if it didn't. Guys are asked to provide their full name, number, employment verification, other providers references, social security number, recommendation letter from their middle school teachers, etc.

@John, I am not that concerned about LE sting though. As much as paranoid I get sometimes but you are right that he would bust me right there in the club if he was undercover. It's just I want to avoid any awkwardness regarding money. You know what I am saying?:)

Speaking of price, first he wanted me for an hour or two, so I asked for 800$. He easily agreed and then asked if I could take Saturday night completely off. We decided on 2k for overnight.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Damn. $2K! And you guys think I overpay for sex.

At that price Id want to make my customers very happy so maybe you do have to sleep over if they want you to.

If I were you I'd ask for the money up front since it's the first time. But if you ate comfortable with the customers and trust them then just wait til the end. They should pay you but of course remind them of you have to. There's no reason to feel awkward about it.

Avatar for Dancer_

I always assumed that your DS gets 2k from you though.:) I think, they are getting a deal, actually - 2 grands would get them 2 hours with me thru agency. And overnight with any good-looking escort will run them at least 3000. Then again, it's NYC. I have no doubt that I wouldn't get away with it in smaller town.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Dang, score one for flyover country. Glad I don't club in NYC. :)

No offense, and I'm sure you'll do your best to make your customers happy, but I was nervous as hell the first time I paid my ATF for an overnight, and she only wanted $400! I think. Of course, it was just me and her, no wife in the mix (not that I wouldn't have jumped at that if Mrs. GMD had been willing). I did get my money's worth, that's for sure.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Probably if you work on Wall St., the Fed's Quantitative Easing includes 1-1 matching funds for P4P. Investment banker blueballs presents a systemic risk.

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

D95: What do you offer for 2k? Is it pure GFE anything goes like anal or do you have some restrictions?

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Yeah; $2k for overnight in NYC is probably not outrageous.

I'd say OTC with a SC-custy is not exactly the same as an escort appt – a rule of thumb w.r.t payment (upfront or after) would be to treat it as you do ITC VIP (particularly w/ this custy).

And overnight I would assume means until they get tired of fucking/being-with you and then I'd think they'd be ok w/ you leaving.

Let us know how it goes.

[and when are you gonna post some pics of yourself – photobucket.com]

Avatar for Dancer_

@Lone_Wolf, ehhh, if he started asking me questions regarding sexual services I am gonna provide, then I would freak out that he might be a cop and cut him off. Well, I never had anal so won't do it with them. I really didn't think about it yet, tbh. I mean, I am ready for BBBJ, daty, dfk. FS will be covered only though.

@Papi, I already posted my pic in another topic but here we go again


Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Wow – very nice (even though you're not my default type).

IMO – I would not get breast-implants if I were you, but of course that is your decision – personally I can't see implants looking as nice as yours already do and probably feel.

Avatar for JamesSD

Ok, I can see why you can charge as much as you do.

Avatar for DivorcedDude

Wow, you are a 10 in my book Dancer95. If you are getting $2k, I imagine your face is equally gorgeous.

Avatar for seaboardrr

You say it's a guy and his GF you'll be doing the all night/over nighter with. I assume he's paying but you should make your decision on the length of your stay based 100% on what the GF says. Most of your energy should be focused on her. When you bring up the question of whether they want you to spend the night and the following morning you should look directly at her and ask her the question.

If you ask him he'll just look at her and she'll just say "I don't care, it's up to you". All that does is start the whole stupid "Where do you want to do eat" discussion that never ends until someone says "Fuck it, we're going here....."

Like I always joke I'm just the stunt dick who drives and carries the $$$. Mrs sea better be the one you're making happy. If she's happy then I'm unbelievably happy.

Avatar for Clubber

You need an agent. If you are in S. Florida, I am available!

Avatar for Daybreaker

Hot DAMN girl! Don't mess with that. You've got it going ON.

Avatar for chessmaster

Why can't I see it? I'm getting a blank.

Avatar for GACA

^^^Me too...

Avatar for Dancer_

Thanks everybody for advices and compliments to my boobs, lol.

Everything went fine - his gf looks exactly how I always imagined women dating rich boys(blonde, super skinny, gorgeous, basically runway model type). Shit, why he even needs strip-clubs when he has someone like that at home.

I literally copy pasted shailynn's words(regarding "gift", I mean) and sent it to him. Alias, he did everything as I asked.

I wish I had skills of JohnSmith to describe our threesome but I don't even love sex as much as you guys do so it was like whatever for me. And English is not my native tongue, anyways. Sorry for being boring.:P

We were hanging out till 5 am and then she thanked me and said it was fun. I got dressed, took a cab home and went to bed.


Avatar for JohnSmith69

Come on 95 give us something. Was the guy more into you than her? Did you cum? Did the girlfriend cum? What did you do with each of them? Our advice is free but we do accept stories.

Avatar for JamesSD

Glad everything went smoothly.

So nothing too kinky? I'm guessing this wasn't your first threesome.

Avatar for Dancer_

@James, actually, no, it was my first time. I was very nervous and had to drink a bit before leaving home.

@John, haha, fiiine!:) Well, I didn't cum(and since we brought it up, I never did during having sex). She seemed to. Although she might have faked. We chatted a little bit, he started kissing her neck while I was making out with her. Then he stepped away to watch us. We got undressed each other, I sucked on her boobs a bit and went down. I want to think that I was good at it but again, I don't know if she was fake moaning or not. Guy took off his clothes and joined us. I jerked him off and blew while he was kissing and fingering her. He ended up fucking her doggy style and she was eating me out.

After he came, we relaxed a bit and repeated. This time he was having sex with me while girl was sitting on my face.

Once we were done, me and her made out and groped each other for like 10-15 minutes. He was watching. And then I left.:)

Honestly, I don't think he was more into me. I am happy about it though - wouldn't want to piss her off,lol. And I hate admit that another woman is prettier and skinnier than me, but fuck yeah, she was!

Avatar for JamesSD

So you were basically a prop. A well compensated prop!

Avatar for PhantomGeek

D95, next time you have a threesome, maybe you should have another person on hand to tape the whole thing. Then you can send the tape to JS69 and he can write the whole thing out for us.

Avatar for seaboardrr

That's what I've been saying on here the whole time. It's not about the guy wanting another woman. It should be 100% about the couple sharing a third party together. It's a toy, prop, or whatever you want to call it. It sounds like you made sure she was the center of attention and that's the way it should be.

Avatar for shadowcat

If it's not about the guy wanting another woman, then why not get a male to be the prop?

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I would pay $2K to do this with D95 and DS I. May the strip club gods find a way to make it happen.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Scat always has such a clear and succinct way of evaluating issues.

Avatar for sclvr5005

Who fakes it in a hooker session? That makes no sense to me.

Avatar for seaboardrr

"If it's not about the guy wanting another woman, then why not get a male to be the prop?"

I'm talking about a happily married couple in a very sexually gratifying relationship sharing an experience TOGETHER. A couple enjoying another woman added to the mix is something they can both equally enjoy. All 3 people will be equally enjoying each other. If you’re a guy who likes to suck dick or fuck another guy in the ass then by all means add a guy to your threesome. More power to you. Personally, I have no desire to be in ANY sexual situation with another man. If me and mrs sea added a man as our 3rd it wouldn't be about equally sharing someone as I would have absolutely no interaction with him.

I know most people have a hard time wrapping their brain around this but my enjoyment comes from her enjoyment. She brought up going to SC's, she brought up going to swingers parties and she brought up finding us girlfriends we can play with. Am I complaining? Of course not but I also don't push it. I leave it all up to whatever she is comfortable with. Watching her suck on another woman’s titties or kiss another woman is unbelievable. The first time I saw a stripper go down on her I thought I’d LDK right then and there. Seeing the look in her eyes when there’s another woman is the most erotic thing I’ve EVER experienced in my life.

I’m not “sharing” another man and she doesn’t want another man so yeah, sharing for us is another woman since we BOTH can enjoy that together as a couple. Any questions?

Avatar for Daybreaker

@sea I get it. Watching my boyfriend get turned on and receiving pleasure from another woman who I also want to fuck is the ultimate for me.

Avatar for Daybreaker

It sounds maybe unbelievable to some, but I am the instigator and the one who pushes stuff like that. He (albeit quite happily) just goes along with it.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@seaboardrr: "I know most people have a hard time wrapping their brain around this but my enjoyment comes from her enjoyment."

I completely get this, I'm much the same way. Interestingly, it's the strippers I've been with who have the hardest time with this. My wife, and the few girlfriends I had, were much more accepting of it. The strippers are all like "what are you buttering me up for?"

When I answer, "It makes it better for me," they're all skeptical.

Many of them feel uncomfortable with it, at first. Both my ATF and the MILF were almost uptight about it when I'd want to start things out with a bit of massage and some pussy eating.

With the MILF, that lasyest exactly one session, when I ate her out for close to an hour (not non-stop), and then just laid there and stroked her until she was ready to go on. :)

Avatar for san_jose_guy

"my enjoyment comes from her enjoyment"

This is why I don't go for 'extras" or ejaculation services in strip clubs. What I want is what I get in AMPs very often, great GFE-FS.

When in San Francisco, where extras are on the table, I have turned it around by DATYing dancers. That is great fun and it has a big effect on them.

I first tried to explain this 1 1/2 years ago when I first joined TUSCL, and some very vocal people went ballistic.


Avatar for seaboardrr

^^^what I'm talking about is so lost on you.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^^^ You're talking about threesomes, but what I am talking about is a basic disposition about sex acts with women.


Avatar for seaboardrr

I'm talking about sharing something/someone intimate with someone I love. You're talking about having a GFE with a paid sex worker. Not even in the same ballpark.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^^^ Now I see you're point.

You got me. I am a pathetic looser, as I've had a long term marriage fail. I still struggle to understand this.

But not only was the marriage very destructive, it never got to the point where there could be threesomes or swinging or any sorts of the sharing you are describing.

I don't really understand why my marriage went so horribly. But I do know that the life I am now working to build will be very different.

P4P sex is not going to be my primary mode either.

But I acknowledge the validity of your criticism.


Avatar for rh48hr

+1 GMD and seaboarddr - I am the same way with my women. I get more pleasure from pleasuring them before I receive pressure. No woman I've ever been with can say I took them for granted in the bedroom. Even my one night stands received DATY and a massage.

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