
Strippers and school

I had this fuckbuddy relationship with this stripper for some months. She recently started school for her MBA, and now she's not returning my texts (probably too busy, she also has a full time job). It was fun while it lasted.

Me and a former strip club manager (or bouncer I forget) were talking and he said he's only ever known of one stripper that actually graduated college.

A lot of strippers say they're in school, but of course the vast majority are lying. If they're in school, they're maybe taking one class. I only know of three strippers that actually graduated from college.

How many strippers do you know that actually graduated from college?


  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Also, do you know any strippers that have their master degrees? I don't know of any.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    At my regular club, the Silver Bullet in Urbana, IL, I have actually known several strippers over the years who completed bachelor's degrees at the U of I, with majors ranging from English to engineering (!). A couple of them had already finished undergraduate degrees in engineering and were working on master's degrees, one an M.S. in electrical engineering and the other an MBA. These are advantages of a strip club close to a major university.

    On the other hand, as we all know, the typical student/stripper has taken a few community college classes in nursing and is now sporadically attending cosmetology school. All too often she's still working on that cosmetology license as she is closing in on 40.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    This came up the other day and there were several guys that said they knew one here and there, but I think guys don't realize how rare it is.

    I know zero that actually have a degree, but I know 100s that are "in school" or "taking a break from school" or are "going back to school soon."

  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    My mom was a stripper and she was magna cum laude from MSU while taking care of me and my sister when we were toddlers. Her stripper best friend from back in the day also went to school (idk where) and now holds a high managerial position and is an RN. They still keep in touch and are bff's.

    I work with girls at my current club who have bachelor's degrees, one just quit to work on her master's I believe. I've worked with numerous girls who already held advanced degrees but made so much money dancing they didn't have to use their degrees.

    Besides internships for experience, I don't plan on quitting dancing and using the degrees I'm going for until I'm 30. I want to enjoy my 20s and travel the world while I'm still young and NOT have a 9-5 with limited vacation time.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I worked with a pharmacist who stripped when she was in Pharmacy school.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, I knew one from the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, and who I also ran into other places, who had a masters degree and had been teaching U.S. History in Pennsylvania. She had run away from home at the age of 13. Then upon reaching 18 she became a stripper, and she also put herself through school. Then, nearing age 30 she broke off a long term relationship and came to California. She came to our no touching clubs in Santa Clara County, instead of going to San Francisco.

    I knew of another one from Sunnyvale who had I think an MBA. She was manager of accounts payable or receivable in a high tech start up. She wanted to be CFO for a start up.

    Another probably did not have a college degree, but she was Human Resources Manager for a computer gaming company. Another, black, was a bank loan officer. Another had been secretary for a Catholic church, but that did not pay very much.

    All of these girls saw me as a possible next Significant Other.

    Another one at the Pink Poodle, nude w/ no alcohol, I got to help study for her final exam in her San Jose State US History class, there in the Pink P of course.

    Another was going to UC Santa Cruz, and another to San Jose State but she would throw people off by saying it was the Jesuit Santa Clara University.

    That our local clubs are such soft core places, no touching, is probably the a big factor in this.

    About the fuckbuddy who no longer returns your texts, she probably now thinks that she is better than you. Sorry to say that, but that is how women are, and this is why the guys who frequent strip clubs are referred to as PL's.

    The organization I am building will solve all these types of problems.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I never met a dancer who graduated college, and most were lucky to get through high school.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I have known many who claimed to have college degrees but none that I knew well enough to confirm.

    Of my current regulars, all but one is a college student. Two of these girls work very hard as a student and take it very seriously. These two have ambitious goals that they are working towards, but their goals are realistic. I believe both will very likely be a success. That means unfortunately that both will stop stripping and stop playing with me when they graduate.

    Nevertheless, my distinct impression is that most strippers don't take school very seriously and many drop out or do nothing with it after they graduate. Being a single mom is one of the biggest factors that leads them to drop out and focus on stripping.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I've known a few. My favorite story is the one that worked her way through USC(Carolina) stripping at Platinum Plus in Columbia and then got tenure teaching there. Last I heard she was teaching at Clemson.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    My sister and I were actually what made my mom go to school. And because she needed to support herself and now us (she left my dad when I was 2), she stripped. She was valedictorian at her community college so she got a full ride to MSU and stripped to have extra money to send my sister and I to private school and always made sure we lived in nice communities. This was when I was younger. She had her shit together back then. I guess her example is extreme because most single moms with twins wouldn't have been able to accomplish all that. Idk if I'll even graduate magna cum laude from my undergrad university and I have NO kids lol. She was a wild child but after she had my sister and I she didn't fuck around.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Two that I know of. One thick black dancer that I used to see at Follies quit dancing after obtaining her Master's Degree. She is now in Law School and is in a committed relationship. The second dancer is the one that I mentioned in my article that I wrote a couple of months ago. She has a Bachelor's degree in business and is a certified cosmetologist. She runs her own hair business and salon but still dances part-time in various cities throughout the U.S.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Yes, my fave just graduated from SDSU, she has no tats, and her boyfriend adores her. Is this that rare?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I forgot, another one, Latina big hair big tits bombshell, was going to school to become a Marriage Family and Child Counselor.

    Again, the softer core local clubs are a factor in this.


    Muddy Waters
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I know a stripper with a masters degree, but she's the only one I know who finished college.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Most dancers I've known have graduated from the school of hard knocks

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    This is also why I have found that it is the non-White dancers who are less likely to be complete nut cases and shit heads. The non-White dancers know that life is hard and unfair, and that they have been victimized.

    Far too many of the White dancers do not understand this, they do not understand that they are survivors of abuse and unfairness, and so they adopt a tune out Alcohol / Drugs / Recovery / Born Again approach to living.


    Voodoo Child
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    When I was an undergrad myself, I knew a few classmates who were strippers. I think most of them graduated, although I wasn't close enough with all of them to keep track. In grad school, the number dwindled but was nonzero. Its a limited sample, but I think the attrition rate for strippers was lower than that of the other students who also had jobs.

    Now, as a customer, I only know of 1 that I'm positive is a real grad student and 2 more that I know are in real 4-year universities. I think a lot of them attend vocational schools or questionable for-profit universities though. Graduation rates in those joints are horrible, hiring rates for graduates are probably worse. I think a lot of them start stripping to pay for those schools and by the time they figure out they're bullshit they're in debt and have a bad perception of higher education.

    I think it really depends on the age group you're targeting. There's probably a lot more 19yr old strippers taking classes than 25yr olds. By 23 or so, I'd think they've either decided to get serious about school and their prospects after it by getting a real job or they've decided to fuck it and keep telling PL's at the club they're stripping their way through college to get better tips.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Yes!

    But also at the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger the management told me that at their club the girls tended to "not be just strippers." This was true of the majority of the girls. Bank loan officer, physical fitness teacher, store clerk and pro body builder, telephone receptionist for high tech firm who returned to dancing because company left town, bank software applications support, nursing school student. The reason for this was how soft core the club was was, bikini and no touching.

    It was a minority who to me came across as committed to earning their living via OTC.

    So it is not just the age of the girls, it is also the sort of a club it is, and these two things connect.

    In San Francisco you will find 18yo girls who are ideologically committed to sex, so they do the most that their club allows and follow that up with OTC, and they make money. But money is not their only motivation, it is just their own radical views. Sometimes these girls would end up in Sunnyvale, doing their best to promote OTC. They are a trip.

    But what I would classify as the hardest core dancers were in the underground table dancing shows in the Mexican Bars, and in George's Rock'n Robin.

    Of course it was related to what realistic employment chances the women had, and that tied strongly to college degree status. These women were earning a living. They enjoy what they do, and this is why the ones group I call Beloved Latina Escorts were so popular. But it was still economics and racism which set up the parameters of their lives. They had only limited options in conventional employment.

    At George's Rock'n Robin, the women were on stage and $1 went very far as they did not get much. They were there to set up OTC's. Otherwise they would not bother being there. Their realistic options in life were not that great. They did not have the looks anymore to dance in the advertised clubs, only in this underground.

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Dolfan- In undergrad school I was classmates with this one stripper. She had some issues and was kind of unmotivated, so it didn't surprise me to find out she was stripping.
  • DroidX
    9 years ago
    An older MILF from Follies actually attended my school when I was there. Currently, I know of one girl at Follies who is in beauty school.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ yo beauty school doesn't count.

    Strippers: "yay I'm in college and stripping making hella money, partying all night and drinking while making money." 8am class next day "oh fuck that shit I'm not going to that." End of semester "sorry you've been kicked out of school for bad grades." Stripper sez "well looks like I'm just a stripper now."

    I think that's the cycle, very hard to maintain both those lifestyles I would think.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I have a favorite dancer who is a graduate from Boston University and another who recently received her BS/RN from UMass. Both are bright, attractive, and great company. They both do well financially.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    In California community college is cheap and has extremely low requirements. So a lot of 19 to 25 year Olds who don't go to 4 year University are students of some sort. Most won't finish. This isn't specific to strippers.

    Legitimate students love to talk about how much homework and studying they have to do.

    A lot of times if they do finish a degree they quit stripping. Especially since it's hard to make money if you're over 25 and don't do extras.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "So a lot of 19 to 25 year Olds who don't go to 4 year University are students of some sort. Most won't finish. This isn't specific to strippers."


    "A lot of times if they do finish a degree they quit stripping. Especially since it's hard to make money if you're over 25 and don't do extras."


    JamesSD +5

    The ones who are ideologically committed to sex are the really radical ones. You find them in San Francisco, 18yo, doing everything they can, because they want to. Money is more just a way to regulate the demand level. These girls are a trip, but they are atypical. They are part of why San Francisco is so special.

  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Idk why it would be hard to make money dancing after 25, unless a girl ages like milk. People should look youthful throughout their 20s unless they don't take care of themselves or have really bad genetics. I don't think my earnings will drop too much after I've passed 25.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I think James's point is just that the women who stay in stripping are ones who want to go harder core. Or they feel that they have to. The age of 25 could be a bit low. But the ones who don't want to be hookers; they know that soft core stripping is just a short term thing and so they are planning their exit early on.

    We had one here about 1 1/2 years ago, in the DC and East Coast area. She was a sociology grad student and she posted an article. And she did not do 'extras'. She was just getting through school, making some money, and having an adventure too. Very unlikely she would keep stripping for very long.

    The ones I really like, I mean like the at a personal level because they are such a trip, are the ones who are ideologically committed to sex, and they do everything, because they want to, not because they have to. They started stripping as soon as they were 18, because they wanted to do all manner of sex acts. But these are a rarity unless one is really exploring the stripper scene in San Francisco.

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Women age a lot faster than men. Every women is different, but generally the prime years as far looks for women are 23-25.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    At least six. One with a master's, one working on one.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Actually 8 now that I think about it.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    How many who read Bloombergs?

  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Maybe the one MBA I knew. Lol!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't even speak to a stripper who read something like Bloombergs.

  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    There were 3 girls who I am certain got their 4 year degree in all my experience. One is the school teacher by day, stripper by night I mentioned in that one previous post. One is the lady who owned her own photography studio. There is also one at my current favorite club who had previously been a HS PE teacher, but did not like their desire to turn her into a sport coach. As if the only reason to ever be a PE teacher is to become a coach for one of the sports teams.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Ugh if I start to noticeably age at 25 I'll be miserable. I doubt that will happen. Lol. But I plan to still be hot at age 50.

    I read about a study that says black women age at a rate 10 years slower than white women. Interesting.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Aging is controlled by what goes on between the ears.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I have a date with a 28 year old tomorrow night. So I hope all this crap about 25 is wrong.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    She's a redhead.

    Redheads are timeless.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Imo a girl should still look young and attractive in her 20s.

    I'm 24 and still feel super young. My peers are kids to me and so am I.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Maybe with a 28yo, you will start to grow up. With the DS, way too young for you, you started losing it.

    28 sounds better, someone who can be more of an equal partner. For women, a few years means a huge difference in life experience.

    Enjoy. I wish it were me going out with this 28yo. And I wouldn't hold back at all with her either. Her sleep likely would get disturbed.


    Origins of DSM
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I don't know Ranukam. Women does age faster than men but I believe that their prime is around ages 21-30. Most women I know after 30 tend to fall off a bit in regards to their looks (but that doesn't mean that they're ugly or not attractive).
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    I've know several that I think legitimately finished there undergraduate degrees. Knew at least one who was working on a graduate degree (that didn't seem worth the investment IMO). Most that seemed to legitimately finish a degree move on shorty there after. Which, IMO, is consistent with finishing college. At least a couple "finished" but never seemed to move one.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    SJG: "With the DS, way too young for you, you started losing it."

    JS69 was never completely there, but, yes, is losing it at an accelerating rate it seems.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Ranukam, what sort of answers are you looking for? And how do you feel about this one going to school for her MBA? And about her no longer returning your texts?

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... I read about a study that says black women age at a rate 10 years slower than white women ...”

    In my observations folks with darker skin-tone (from olive-skinned to black) do often age much much better and often have much less wrinkles (women and men)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I think it also depends on mental state and substance habits, and these are related.

    Also, women with darker skin tone might dance in strip clubs, because they need to earn a living. But those with lighter skin tones, far too often, do so because they have been abused by being made the family blacksheep. So as they cannot face the pain of this, they live by dissociation.

    In my experience, the real screwball dancers are more often than not white. What it comes down to is just that whites are in a privileged position in this country. Whites have no protection against the mythology of upwards mobility. So it is taken out on children.

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Yeah I was mainly talking about white women with the aging thing. I'm not saying girls can't still look super hot at 26 or 27. I'm just saying that generally 23-25 is when they look their absolute best. A perfect analogy would be NBA player LeBron James. He is 30, and he is still the best player in the league, but he was a little better a few years ago. Maybe past the prime is not the best way to put it. I would say not at your absolute best is a better way to put it. Although I've seen some women who look better in their 30's than their 20's.

    @sjg- I'm happy for her, it's good to see a stripper doing something good in her life. I have a girlfriend, so I'm good on that front. The last text I sent her was a couple of months ago, so I'm over it now.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Well Ranukam if we're doing basketball analogies, we can't forget Steph Curry. Dude is just getting better and better and he's 27.

  • DivorcedDude
    9 years ago
    "Although I've seen some women who look better in their 30's than their 20's."

    Some women who take care of themselves (don't smoke, work out, eat super healthy, avoid the sun and wrinkles) look pretty freaking great, even in their 40's. I've seen some moms who look better than their daughters, because the moms are really fit and the daughters have been sitting on the couch getting fat.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Good point Nina. A girl who is smart and attractive, I love it! If I wasn't tied up with my girl, I would seriously consider visiting Detroit on vacation. You into threesomes Nina? Lol :)
  • Westcoastclubber
    9 years ago
    Dozens have claimed they are in school or were in school. I'm a cynic so I doubt most of it.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    I know five with masters for sure because I did their divorces.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Lol, left him high and dry lol
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Exactly Juice, you're nice to a stripper, and they leave you high and dry. I've learned on TUSCL to treat the strippers like shit, and then you will get the pussy! Lol
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    I know of a few. One graduated with a fashion degree from a local arts college in Columbus and worked as a fashion designer at the Limited and Victoria Secrets, and currently runs her own fashion company.

    Another danced naked at a Juice Bar in Columbus, back in the days when if the dancers were naked there were no lap dances. She got her master's degree in psychology, and now is a professional anti-environmental lobbyist.

    One is now a dental hygienist, who is likely giving patients hardons while she leans over them with her huge tits while cleaning her teeth.

    A third currently works as a Vice President of a major financial company, and her company web page lists her as having a MBA and a Doctorate in Accounting. She was one of the hottest dancers in the club, and is still smoking hot in her 40's.

    I only got one or two dances from her when she dances, since she had a very cold as ice attitude and her dances were all air. From what I heard from people who work in her division, she is a fucking bitch to work under, which means she hasn't changed much.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    I can't count. That's four I recall not 3.
  • Aaron_hip
    9 years ago
    Does hairdresser school count?
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I've known at least six. Foremost among them was a very fit, very hot dancer with degrees in both fine arts and criminal justice. She had previously worked as a police officer and I think she went back.
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    Strippers and school? What a faggot ass thread. If any of you idiots actually believe strippers go to school, then you're dumb as the idiot OP who started this thread.
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