Dancers - How to PISS OFF your regular!
OK so I'm at my favorite club in Phoenix around dinner time, and I've already had a few dances from some of my favorites. I'm thinking of taking off when I see one of my favorites go on stage, so I tip her and ask her to join me. She has another customer after her stage so I settle into a nearby seat and wait for her to be free. This guy must be a fan, he has her do at least 20 dances. I don't fault her, the guy is spending and waiting is often part of the PL game. Finally they finish up and he heads to the can while she saves his seat. I leaned up to her and said "don't forget me!", she smiles and says of course, she will see me soon. The guy comes back and now they head to VIP! Again, not her fault, the guy is spending serious coin. She misses a stage call while in VIP, and stays back there for at least another half dozen songs. Finally they are out sitting at the bar for a drink. I'm feeling like a totally desperate PL for waiting this long, turning down at least a dozen other dancers, but keep thinking my time is coming to caress that world-class ass of hers while she grinds me to oblivion. He leaves, she heads to dressing room, but tells me she will be right back. Fine, she needs a break and to freshen up. She gets called to the stage again, so I think, finally she will be on my lap in a few minutes. She comes off the stage and sits down with another guy just a few seats away from me! Now I'm pissed. This is a veteran dancer that I've known for a couple of years. I quickly finished the beer I had been slowly nursing for the last hour, stood up and walked out, fuming all the way to my car, and decided to post this rant. Dancers, if you have regulars patiently waiting for you, give them priority. If you have others also waiting, let us know and we will understand, but don't blow off a regular who buys multiple dances every time he sees you! OK, now I feel a little better for ranting, but not much.
last commentThen again, it's literally been years since I"ve run into this type of situation ... one of the benefits of going on slow dayshifts, showing up close to the beginning of the shift, and almost always having set up an appointment with her by text earlier in the week...
I agree with this
Then again, it's literally been years since I"ve run into this type of situation ... one of the benefits of going on slow dayshifts, showing up close to the beginning of the shift, and almost always having set up an appointment with her by text earlier in the week...
I love the slow day shifts ...on like a Monday or Tuesday
But, you should have played with some other dancers while hoping that you'd get with her later. Maybe you'd find a new regular friend, maybe you'd end up with a blow job in VIP, but whatever happened you wouldn't just be sitting there watching her play with some whale. I think sitting there watching her made it a lot worse.
Brilliant idea
I've been left waiting too, and now that I think about it I met one of my regulars while I was waiting for someone else!
"Regulars" is also not a code word for "piece of shit who doesn't needed to be treated with the slightest bit of respect." Obviously, busy night, without at least one or maybe more higher-paying regulars, and he hadn't bothered to text in advance to see if she was free, of course we all understand why should would have stuck with her whale. But you guys should not be doing backflips to try to justify her behavior from there. OP is a regular, she knew exactly what he was there for, she had multiple opportunities to dothe what any number of strippers who don't treat their regulars like shit do: "hey honey,, this guyi s is taking me all night, I'm so sorry, we'll definitey get together next time." I've had plent of girls say that to me, it's what any decent stripper -- decent person, period -- would do. I've been on the other side very often -- I always take my girls for 3-4 hours straight,so sometimes the girls ask me if they can run off and tell their other regular that she won't be seeing him today. What she did was a cunt move, and only someone who is a walking doormat would accept it.
Again, totally agree he made his own set of mistakes, starting with some dignity-preserving lap dances with a different girl. And totally agree that if she's already there with a far bigger spender,I don't blame her for sticking with him. All she needed toto do is some very minor regular management, and there's no issue.
I'm guessing that the only reason she bothered to say anything at all is that he kept pestering her for dances and I have no doubt that some hang dog looks were also sent her way when she was busy with these other dudes. Maybe she didn't want to deal with telling him "no" flat out and was hoping he'd finally get the hint?
I just don't get the views on here sometimes. The same guys who will bitch and moan about some perceived mistreatment from dancers are the ones who also bitch about dancers trying to play the ownership card. Well, you can't have it both ways. Either we are all free agents ITC or we are not. If you blow off other people because you see something better to focus on, then she should be free to do the same.
I am one of those guys who refuses to be scheduled. I go into a club on any given night not knowing how my visit is going to turn out and I like it that way. If a girl that I like is otherwise occupied, I find my entertainment elsewhere, either at that club or in another club. Simple. I just don't get all of this angst over any one girl and I have zero interest in ever waiting a long time for one.
" you can't control her - you can only control your own responses to her. "
That said, again, I don't disagree at all that at the point he started getting pissed, it was time to cut bait. He let her have way too much control over his good time. This is supposed to be a fun leisure activity, at least for most of us ... if you get pissed over it, if you find yourself waiting for hours for one, you're not doing things right.
My M.O. is almost the opposite of yours, but in the end, accomplishes the same thing: ensures I have an awesome time and scratch whatever itch I have, without ending up pissed off. In my case, I go in during slow shifts, having already made an appointment with the girl I want to see, and she knows that I'll want her to be by herself when I get there, and to stay with me until I leave 3-5 hours later.
I occasionally do what you do -- just go in with no agenda and look to have fun with whatever rolls my way, but I only do this when I don't have a CF and am on the prowl for a new one. I think the only way of SCing that I hate is to go in, dead set on seeing one particular girl, without having made her appointment, during a busy shift. That's the recipe for azdd's experience.
If she didn't sit with you, it's because she didn't *want* to. Whether that's because you're a small fry, or because you smell bad, isn't material in and of itself. If you want to see her, figure out which it is and fix it. Otherwise, get over it.
Had a regular extras girl a few years ago who got upset once when I took a different girl back to vip. She asked me "are you cheating on me?" So I asked her, "is mine the only dick you suck?"
She never bugged me about it again.
So as another poster her has posted before, try not to be intimidated by a girl in her underwear.
Sonoran Desert
9 Minutes Ago
This thread was from 2015! Seriously?"
This topic is just as relevant today as it was in 2015. It's not like it's a discussion about what girls are currently dancing at a certain club.
The Internet never forgets lol...
She didn't owe him a thing and it's not her fault that he kept waiting for her. For all she knew, her next sale could fall through. Perhaps the OP was her small dollar reliable backup plan? Or maybe she hoped that he'd wait it out until the bigger dogs were done eating? Who the heck knows. All we really do know is that management of his time and expectations were his burdens to bear, not hers.
Now cue the "customer service" comments, followed by the one off stories of strippers who "did the right thing" and were ultimately rewarded as a result, lol. I'm sure that many of you have at least one of these wonderfully instructive stories to dust off, but they are one-offs for a reason.
This is a cash and carry business and she doesn't know if she'll even see the OP ever again. Expecting her to deviate even one iota from the path that she thinks serves her immediate best interests is unrealistic. If a girl is courteous enough to go out of her way to do so, it should be considered a bonus.
There's actually some real gems from way back when. But people keep creating new chaos to mull over so I haven't taken the way back machine in a while.
I dislike zombie threads as much as anyone, but I also have to agree with Icee that this is as topical today as it ever was.
She's still dancing 7 years later and you're still seeing her? Well, I suppose this also makes sense from her perspective. After all, if she has enough customers who will tolerate treatment like that and still eagerly come back, no wonder she's still dancing. If anything, this demonstrates that she knew far more about what she was doing all those years ago than the guys who criticized her back then gave her credit for, lmao. 😁
But how is it confirmation bias to point out the obvious? Which is of course that the chick obvious knows something about what she's doing if she's made it 7+ years as a stripper. As we all know, only a very small % of girls last that long in this business.
New England is only great in the Bellichek, Brady era,
franchises need to have more than one good run to be considered great.
This is a discussion board about strip clubs and this is a topic that comes up time and again. Spare us the OT side rants just because you don't like where the thread is going.